She held on her the life struggle with grace
Time to time and over, breaks made haste
Tears wet ran down her face
But she prevailed and found her way
Loving herself and letting her dark thoughts stay
In the moments the task at hand, she has nothing to worry and believes she can
In the end after time has passed
She will look back and have a laugh and remember the times tough and true
We are not our thoughts ----------- we are what we do
"Perfect Mistakes"
You cannot make mistakes
They are perfect moments to the art of your life
You cannot have perfection
Because it's the flaws that make you the most beautiful
"Perfect Mistakes"
"The Ones"
We crave “the ones” that need salvation
We crave “the ones” that face starvation
Not for saving or comforting our souls
The wall “the ones” they climb, brings them to us
We are the rope, the strong rope they need.
Tattered, frayed and a little torn but able to hold giants
"The Ones"
"Violently in Love"
It was written on her, the poetry of beauty, prose holding struggle and experience
Buried in night, wrapped in warm arms
Empty space gone and air escapes two sunken bodies
An embrace lost in time, I am yours and you are mine
The warmth of your skin burns, turns me to ash
The sight of you makes my thoughts bleed
Your hands dissolve me slowly
The taste of you poisons my senses.
You have made me bare-boned and raw, I am endless
Your existence creates standing water that runs deep in my soul
Will you come to me? I will wait. How soon is now?
With you is a place where time does not exist.
"Violently in Love"
"Just Be"
Lovers love the faint blue sea, bluer than blue, like the aftermath of a bended knee
Readers read the words that paint you through my eyes, the words they whisper, all of them lies
Doers do, the deeds that have proper morals and wronged righteousness, the priest and politicians, never are missed
Kissers kiss the lips of lovers and poets, creating fire in ones own heart, the more you kiss the hotter it starts
Killers kill the authenticity of life and art with their normalized judgments for what they cannot do
So, please remember to love, read, do, and kiss as your life will be almost through
"Just Be"
"The hard truth of loving"
I am this love to you
I’ll pick you up all the times you are blue
I’ll shelter you from the rain, wipe you tears and absorb your pain— never waiving in front of you- conquering, ambitious, risky, poetic, passionate, sexy and raw, I’ll ask you to enter but then you crawl
But I say for these ideals and truths of us to last, what is your love to me when you take off that mask?
What is your love, you offer to me? For the days and nights to set me free.
What is your love that takes me from this place?
What is your love that opens up me?
What is it you have to offer, average love will not due because we are not the love common for two
I ask you again, what is your love that is my end?
What is your love that cannot bend?
"The hard truth of loving"
Angry, lost, and afraid- in world I never made
Raging, sadness, and rotten- I, in a world, time has forgotten
Until her
She gave peace, mind, and strength
She holds me tight and gives my darkness the kindest light- to be happy with such happiness
You are the good that goodness gets to be
"Dancing in the Rain"
She reminded him of no one
He was trapped in a dream he wanted
He had demons that danced with perfect vulgar in her night that never ended
Je suis es noir- he is the black
Je suis es blanc- she is the white
She needed him like she needs the light
She hides from him in the shadows, but he owns the night
He was all she never wanted, emotionally complex, and couldn’t understand
He was barbed wire on a bloody heart
She was all he never wanted, complex emotionally, and understands couldn't
She was an anvil made of glass
It wasn’t anything but everything, like beautiful demolition
The life that breaths life
The good that makes bad feel good
These words that could not be said, only seen in stares with my eyes
Dancing in perfect laughter until we see the sun rise
"Dancing in the Rain"