Think Forward.

Month's Best Writers.

Rank User Biography Scores
1 Tupan I have several interests (too many to list here) and I would like to write about some experiences I've had and ideas about them. 1300
2 Antoine I am the CTO and co-founder of Bluwr. I love designing and writing scalable code and infrastructure. 500
3 Exodia04 I, the forbidden one, bring destruction only to reconstruct a realm where unpredictability reigns supreme. Beware, for I harbor ambitions to conquer the world, and my grand plan involves enticing everyone to play survival horror games. Face your fears, or die a coward. 100
3 Reogine In these random impressions, and with no desire to be other than random, I indifferently narrate my factless autobiography, my lifeless history. These are my Confessions, and if in them I say nothing, it’s because I have nothing to say... 100