Pensez le Futur.

Function of the American Political Body

Function of the American Political Body

The American Federal Government has been weaponized against dissent, media is increasingly censored and controlled, foreign interests have an unprecedented influence on political power, and many politicians are extorting money from their policy influence. **Media Censorship/Bias** There used to be a law called the Fairness Doctrine that required media sources to report the news without political bias, but it was eliminated in 1987. There has been a rise in partisan news coverage since, resulting in isolated groups and a brewing resentment and distrust between them, manifested in congressional activity. It used to be there were two parties and they worked to balance each other, but now they act like single-party interests warring against each other. Traditional news sources not only compete on narrative, but try to discredit each other along party lines. On the other hand, there is the new world of social media, so party interests have turned to censoring certain narratives, on which the House Committee on The Weaponization of The Federal Government wrote an 880 page report called *THE CENSORSHIP-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX: HOW TOP BIDEN WHITE HOUSE OFFICIALS COERCED BIG TECH TO CENSOR AMERICANS, TRUE INFORMATION, AND CRITICS OF THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION*, which says it all. **Foreign Interests** In 1970, a Soviet journalist named Yuri Bezmenov defected to the United States. He claimed the Soviet Union was executing a long-term plan to subvert American society. Currently, there are several foreign entities with their mits in American pockets. Russia has been accused of election interference several times. China has also been accused of large-scale espionage and interference. TikTok was recently banned in America over concerns of it being an extension of Chinese Communist Party and a mechanism of social subversion. Reading the law that banned it, it also extends FISA, the governments surveillance program for foreign and domestic citizens, but nobody reports that. From the House Committee on Oversight: “We found 170 major bank violations. These were from six major banks, and they alleged that the Bidens were, among other things, money laundering, and receiving suspicious wires from state-owned entities. […] The bank is alleging that the Bidens took a suspicious wire from the Chinese government, and then laundered it through these shell companies. Many laws were broken there.” Personal investments by legislators tend to significantly out-perform investors on Wall Street. It's believed that they're insider-trading and no longer represent the needs of the people. They can still get elected because there's a one-party mentality created by the isolated news sources. Everyone thinks the other side is shit, but in reality, both are shit. **Wokeism And Useful Idiots** Wokeism is a nuanced cultural movement with good intentions and awful consequences. Google's Gemini explains Wokeism: "Wokeism is the promotion of liberal progressive ideology and policy as a way to express sensitivity to systemic injustices and prejudices. It's also defined as a set of theories that revolve around "identity, gender, and race". The core principle of wokeism is to "reveal and condemn concealed forms of domination"." Disaster comes wherever people start identifying as Woke. In San Francisco and Seattle, where Wokeism first took root, the homeless population and crime rate have skyrocketed. Wokeism attempts to address systemic issues and prejudice: disproportionate incarceration rate for black males, income inequality between men and women, but disrupts meritocracy to do so. In attempt to reduce the black population in prisons, they stop enforcing laws, because black people do commit significantly more criminal activity on a per-capita basis. When the laws stop being enforced dangerous people are empowered and kept out of prison. They sell drugs, they steal, and communities fall apart. Substance abuse becomes prevalent, homelessness, prostitution, etc. In Seattle, someone can defecate in the middle of road and not get arrested. You can shoot a gun at someone and walk out of prison that night with no bail. You can shoot up heroine in public and the cops will watch you do it. You can set up homeless tents outside schools. The laws go unenforced. When the Mayor of Seattle was asked in 2019 about the devastating crime rate, he said he's a firm believer we can't arrest our way out of this problem. After police brutality gained widespread public attention due to the George Floyd murder, even though an autopsy revealed he had a clinically lethal dose of fentanyl in his blood, Woke protesters championed "defund the police" as the crime rate was rising. In justice, police brutality is a problem and needs to be addressed as well. The axiomatic flaw of Wokeism is that meritocracy is seen as a concealed form of domination. The incentive is not to do better, but to appear more disadvantaged, so people act crazy. Insanity is mislabeled as virtue and compassion. Because it doesn't make any sense, Wokeism is often antagonistic to free speech as well. I call Woke people useful idiots because they're loud about their ideology and easily taken advantage of by ideas against their own interests. **Why you should care** Since WW2, America has basically acted as world ocean police, ensuring the security of international free-trade. America has one of the largest collections of nuclear weapons. America is the greatest force in NATO. America is always on the cutting-edge of science and technology. The NSA is probably spying on you. These problems will make it to Europe as American import.

Function of the American Political Body

The American Federal Government has been weaponized against dissent, media is increasingly censored and controlled, foreign interests have an unprecedented influence on political power, and many politicians are extorting money from their policy influence. **Media Censorship/Bias** There used to be a law called the Fairness Doctrine that required media sources to report the news without political bias, but it was eliminated in 1987. There has been a rise in partisan news coverage since, resulting in isolated groups and a brewing resentment and distrust between them, manifested in congressional activity. It used to be there were two parties and they worked to balance each other, but now they act like single-party interests warring against each other. Traditional news sources not only compete on narrative, but try to discredit each other along party lines. On the other hand there is the new world of social media, so party interests have turned to censoring certain narratives, on which the House Committee on The Weaponization of The Federal Government wrote an 880 page report called *THE CENSORSHIP-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX: HOW TOP BIDEN WHITE HOUSE OFFICIALS COERCED BIG TECH TO CENSOR AMERICANS, TRUE INFORMATION, AND CRITICS OF THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION*, which says it all. **Foreign Interests** In 1970, a Soviet journalist named Yuri Bezmenov defected to the United States. He claimed the Soviet Union was executing a long-term plan to subvert American society. Currently, there are several foreign entities with their mits in American pockets. Russia has been accused of election interference several times. China has also been accused of large-scale espionage and interference. TikTok was recently banned in America over concerns of it being an extension of Chinese Communist Party and a mechanism of social subversion. Reading the law that banned it, it also extends FISA, the governments surveillance program for foreign and domestic citizens, but nobody reports that. From the House Committee on Oversight: “We found 170 major bank violations. These were from six major banks, and they alleged that the Bidens were, among other things, money laundering, and receiving suspicious wires from state-owned entities. […] The bank is alleging that the Bidens took a suspicious wire from the Chinese government, and then laundered it through these shell companies. Many laws were broken there.” Personal investments by legislators tend to significantly out-perform investors on Wall Street. It's believed that they're insider-trading and no longer represent the needs of the people. They can still get elected because there's a one-party mentality created by the isolated news sources. Everyone thinks the other side is shit, but in reality, both are shit. **Wokeism And Useful Idiots** Wokeism is a nuanced cultural movement with good intentions and awful consequences. Google's Gemini explains Wokeism: "Wokeism is the promotion of liberal progressive ideology and policy as a way to express sensitivity to systemic injustices and prejudices. It's also defined as a set of theories that revolve around "identity, gender, and race". The core principle of wokeism is to "reveal and condemn concealed forms of domination"." Disaster comes wherever people start identifying as Woke. In San Francisco and Seattle, where Wokeism first took root, the homeless population and crime rate have skyrocketed. Wokeism attempts to address systemic issues and prejudice: disproportionate incarceration rate for black males, income inequality between men and women, but disrupts meritocracy to do so. In attempt to reduce the black population in prisons, they stop enforcing laws, because black people do commit significantly more criminal activity on a per-capita basis. When the laws stop being enforced dangerous people are empowered and kept out of prison. They sell drugs, they steal, and communities fall apart. Substance abuse becomes prevalent, homelessness, prostitution, etc. In Seattle, someone can defecate in the middle of road and not get arrested. You can shoot a gun at someone and walk out of prison that night with no bail. You can shoot up heroine in public and the cops will watch you do it. You can set up homeless tents outside schools. The laws go unenforced. When the Mayor of Seattle was asked in 2019 about the devastating crime rate, he said he's a firm believer we can't arrest our way out of this problem. After police brutality gained widespread public attention due to the George Floyd murder, even though an autopsy revealed he had a clinically lethal dose of fentanyl in his blood, Woke protesters championed "defund the police" as the crime rate was rising. In justice, police brutality is a problem and needs to be addressed as well. The axiomatic flaw of Wokeism is that meritocracy is seen as a concealed form of domination. The incentive is not to do better, but to appear more disadvantaged, so people act crazy. Insanity is mislabeled as virtue and compassion. Because it doesn't make any sense, Wokeism is often antagonistic to free speech as well. I call Woke people useful idiots because they're loud about their ideology and easily taken advantage of by ideas against their own interests. **Why you should care** Since WW2, America has basically acted as world ocean police, ensuring the security of international free-trade. America has one of the largest collections of nuclear weapons. America is the greatest force in NATO. America is always on the cutting-edge of science and technology. The NSA is probably spying on you. These problems will make it to Europe as American import.