Think Forward.

Why can't we accept other forms of science? 602

Why can't we accept other forms of science?

What is science according to the "modern definition"? It would be the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained. Long and somewhat well put definition, however, there are sciences that could fit with the aforementioned explanation yet with some twists. One great example is metaphysics. What? Metaphysics?! Yes, indeed. The great problem with this "persecuted" and old science is the part where we cannot test it. What if say we can? Some will say that we can't test in a laboratory environment with our modern instruments and, because of this, it is untestable. I beg to differ. Several scientific phenomena we can test nowadays were untestable not so long ago. Some would say that they were metaphysical, even though they were observed. That brings me to the big question: why is the so called magick deemed as metaphysics? It happens, is observed and can be tested, however, not using the current technology. Or, isn't it? First, I think we should define what magick is. I guess we could say that is the practice of influencing events or outcomes through the power of one's will. Depending on who you ask the definition will be a different but, that's the most synthetic way I could define it. Of course there are several distinct schools and traditions of magick but it could be a topic for some other day. For now I just want to talk about some ideas. The superstring theory tells us that there is a possibility of several universes (a multiverse) and I would like to use it for a much smaller scale. What if, by the power of one's will we could make little portals within our own universe open? One would say that is only theory. What if I say that is has been done (on a huge scale!) by the scientific community, and it is right in front of our eyes? I won't say directly what it is now but I will give a hint - look at Switzerland, New York and California. I know that I still sound unconventional (even crazy) but it's only the beginning...

Why can't we accept other forms of science?

What is science according to the "modern definition"? It would be the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained. Long and somewhat well put definition, however, there are sciences that could fit with the aforementioned explanation yet with some twists. One great example is metaphysics. What? Metaphysics?! Yes, indeed. The great problem with this "persecuted" and old science is the part where we cannot test it. What if say we can? some will say that we can't test in a laboratory environment with our modern instruments and, because of this, it is untestable. I beg to differ. Several scientific phenomena we can test nowadays were untestable not so long ago. Some would say that they were metaphysical, even though they were observed. That brings me to the big question: why is the so called magick deemed as metaphysics? It happens, is observed and can be tested, however, not using the current technology. Or, isn't it? First, I think we should define what magick is. I guess we could say that is the practice of influencing events or outcomes through the power of one's will. Depending on who you ask the definition will be a different but, that's the most synthetic way I could define it. Of course there are several distinct schools and traditions of magick but it could be a topic for some other day. For now I just want to talk about some ideas. The superstring theory tells us that there is a possibility of several universes (a multiverse) and I would like to use it for a much smaller scale. What if, by the power of one's will we could make little portals within our own universe open? one would say that is only theory. what if I say that is has been done (on a huge scale!) by the scientific community, and it is right in front of our eyes? I won't say directly what it is now but I will give a hint - look at Switzerland, New York and California. I know that I still sound unconventional (even crazy) but it's only the beginning...