To be a good Father ! 739
To be a good Father! That's the biggest achievement, that I'll ever achieve in life. I dream of that moment of holding my child to my chest and starting to recite the Adhan. in his or her little soft ear. Whispering as if exporting a part of my soul into it. But to be a good father is difficult. I see it as going through stages to achieve a well-respected position, you should start by being a good servant to Allah. then you start to learn how to be a good son, After that if you are blessed enough you'll learn to be a good brother and a good relative that was an easy one for me.
Passing to be a good part of the population, a good man. For some, this one had no mercy and they got trampled by it. I know a lot who couldn't survive this stage. What an agony to see yourself helping in this destruction whether you meant it or not. I always feel sorry for those whom I made life harder. Yet it's better than feeling sorry about myself. this stage gets you ready to be a good husband. You make all the effort. that you had learned to put in everyone and devote it to one person. whether he or she deserves it or not but there's no way for you to know, Until you know. perhaps you would never know. these thoughts as much as they delight me, they whisper a diving fear. in my soul, fear of Allah ... the prayers that I missed the lies that. I've told, seeking pleasure. the natural pleasure always makes me laugh. Its relation with pain makes me acknowledge why some of the most pleasurable things in life are classified as Haram ...