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America is falling apart

American is dying

Over centuries of supreme court cases, the first amendment right to free speech has been made extremely clear: you can have any political opinion you want. This is no longer strictly true, and auxiliary rights like privacy have been undermined as well. **DECLINE OF DEMOCRACY** In 1963 Presdent John F. Kennedy was assassinated. We now know from various political elites and a large body of evidence that the CIA was directly involved in this, though the documents on it are still classified. Many presidents, including Trump and Biden have promised to declassify the documents, but mysteriously, none have. In fact, a large body of classified information on topics like COVID and the war in Iraq remain gated for no apparently legitimate reason. It's part of a concerning trend of information control Since then, the FBI and CIA have developed sweeping powers to surveil citizens, and foreigners especially, as exposed by Edward Snowden. The CIA has also engaged in illegal experiments on citizens, such as the MK Ultra project. Many Americans are also afraid to voice their political opinions due to a social movement of "canceling" people for their beliefs. People have lost their jobs and had their careers destroyed for their political opinions, an issue that began in the McCarthy era when many professionals lost their jobs for being socialists. I've linked a document at the bottom from a Republican House Judiciary Committee outlining many constitutional violations and censorship of true information from the existing presidential administration. The document is almost 900 pages long, but to summarize: it's a horrible situation. **LOOMING THREAT OF CIVIL WAR** Donald Trump is the first president in American history trying to defend his innocence in court. He's also running for re-election. He lost the last election, criticized it's integrity, and mobilized his supporters to break into the US capitol, killing four people. In a recent interview he said he hasn't ruled out the possibility of political violence if he loses again. America is also facing what I consider to be the worst migrant crisis in her history. The borders are completely open, which the FBI director called a major national security threat. For 4 years the president has been complicit with an open-border policy. Also, the worst substance abuse and homelessness crisis in American history. Streets of major cities are overrun with tent encampments and drugged out "zombies," as people call them, because they roam incoherently with necrosis of their flesh from a drug called xylazine, also known as Tranq. There are widespread reports of mentally-ill homeless people attacking pedestrians in major cities. The American school system is also in crisis. Higher education too. Americans don't trust the elections. This movie was made depicting an American civil war in 2024 According to Gallup News, the approval rating for Congress is 18%. I haven't talked to a single person who's told me they think a civil war in 2024 is implausible. **CONCLUSION** There is A LOT that I haven't gone over, but America is in freefall. Astonishingly, elected leaders aren't doing much about it and nobody seems to know why. For many Americans, the 2024 election is their last hope to see the system work. If Biden wins reelection there is a serious possibility of civil war. The future of America hasn't looked so uncertain since the last civil war. The existing administration has turned to unconstitutional censorship to ease tensions.