Think Forward.


«QUAND ON AVANCE EN ÂGE, MIEUX VIVRE C’EST MIEUX SE NOURIR» L’équilibre nutritionnel de la personne âgée (PA) est plus précaire car tributaire de modifications physiologiques et de l’émergence de pathologies. Les personnes âgées ont tendance par ailleurs à diminuer leur apport alimentaire sans que leurs besoins énergétiques ne soient réduits : leurs réserves étant amoindries, tout incident rompt un équilibre déjà précaire et la dénutrition fait son apparition. L'IMPACT DU VIELLISSEMENT PHYSIOLOGIQUE SUR LA NUTRITION Avec l’âge, l’altération des perceptions des odeurs et du goût stimule moins l’appétit : la capacité discriminative s’affaiblit d’où une difficulté à identifier les aliments ; le seuil de détection des 4 saveurs de base augmente (multiplié par 11,6 pour le salé, 7 pour l’amer, 4,3 pour l’acide et 2,7 pour le sucré). Près de 400 médications (anti-inflammatoires, antidiabétiques oraux, inhibiteurs de l’enzyme de conversion…), des carences en zinc ou en vitamine B3, la cirrhose du foie ou la déshydratation perturbent le goût. La malnutrition aggrave ces déficiences, ralentissant ainsi le renouvellement cellulaire indispensable à la régénération des acteurs sensoriels. La perte d’appétit découle aussi d’une sénescence des glandes salivaire. Les aliments n’étant plus correctement imbibés, les molécules porteuses de saveurs appétissantes sont moins actives. De plus, la dégradation dentaire et la prédilection pour des aliments plus liquides diminuent les mouvements masticatoires ce qui va encore réduire cette sécrétion. La sécheresse buccale (xérostomie) est alors fréquente, exacerbée par de nombreux médicaments (diurétiques, benzodiazépines, antihistaminiques…), elle va favoriser les caries dentaires, les mycoses buccales et œsophagiennes, occasionnant des brûlures lors de l’ingestion et, in fine, gênant l’élocution et la déglutition. La muqueuse gastrique, en s’atrophiant, sécrète moins d’acide chlorhydrique, d’où une pullulation bactérienne consommatrice de nutriments (folates) et un retard à l’évacuation gastrique de 2 à 3 fois plus long, qui prolonge la phase d’anorexie post-prandiale. L’accélération plus importante chez la PA du transfert du chyme de la partie supérieure de l’estomac (le fundus) à la partie inférieure (l’antre) avec une distension précoce de cette dernière joue par ailleurs un rôle prépondérant dans le sentiment précoce de satiété. Un peptide, le CCK sérique (cholecystokime -pancreozymine), produit par le duodénum au cours du repas, stimule la sécrétion par le pancréas de la trypsine qui inhibe en retour la sécrétion de CCK. L’insuffisance pancréatique exocrine, liée à l’âge ou aggravée par une dénutrition, lève ce rétrocontrôle, d’où une production accrue de CCK à l’origine elle aussi d’une satiété précoce. La survenue plus fréquente chez la PA d’ulcères et de gastrites chroniques, en liaison avec une incidence plus élevée d’infection par Hélicobacter pylori, renforce encore le risque anorexique. Le vieillissement musculaire et la diminution du capital musculaire (sarcopénie) est un phénomène presque inéluctable qui commence à 40 ans pour l’homme contre 50 ans pour la femme. La perte -de 3 à 8 % tous les dix ans- s’accélère après 60 ans et réduit la musculature à 17% du poids du corps à 70 ans contre 30% à 30 ans. La composition en fibres du muscle se modifie : les fibres de type II, ou fibres blanches, à contraction rapide, mais peu résistantes à la fatigue, s’atrophient ; les fibres de type I ou fibres rouges, à contraction lente, générant peu de force, mais une forte endurance, sont moins affectées et leur densité serait même plus importante. Outre cette réduction de la force musculaire malgré une certaine préservation de l’endurance, le système nerveux contrôle moins bien ces contractions. Plusieurs facteurs génétiques, médicamenteux, nutritionnels ainsi que l’augmentation des cytokines (état inflammatoire provenant de l’accroissement de la masse grasse) conditionnent l’apparition de cette sarcopénie. Les hormones sexuelles joueraient aussi un rôle dans le contrôle de l’appétit au cours du vieillissement. La diminution des taux circulants de testostérone observée au moment de l’andropause induirait la perte d’appétit chez l’homme âgé et précipiterait le développement de la sarcopénie. À l’inverse, la réduction de sécrétion des œstrogènes à la ménopause protégerait les femmes de cette perte. Les répercussions de la sarcopénie sont considérables : risques infectieux par baisse des réserves protéiques nécessaires aux défenses immunitaires, chutes et fractures éventuelles compromettant l’autonomie de la PA… Un moindre volume musculaire expose aussi la PA aux troubles de la thermorégulation, la baisse de l’intensité du frissonnement qui en découle rendant la PA plus démunie face à l’exposition au froid. Dr MOUSSAYER KHADIJA الدكتورة خديجة موسيار Spécialiste en médecine interne et en Gériatrie en libéral à Casablanca. Présidente de l’Alliance Maladies Rares Maroc (AMRM) et de l’association marocaine des maladies auto-immunes et systémiques (AMMAIS), Vice-présidente du Groupe de l’Auto-Immunité Marocain (GEAIM) - REFERENCE MOUSSAYER KHADIJA Doctinews N° 25 Août/Septembre 2010, ACTUALISATION JUIN 2024 - POUR EN SAVOIR PLUS : La plupart des personnes âgees souffrent de maladies chronique le plus souvent d'origine auto-immune Les maladies auto-immunes résultent d’un dysfonctionnement du système immunitaire, censé nous protéger des agressions extérieures, qui va le conduire à s’attaquer à notre propre organisme. Elles constituent un important problème de santé publique du fait de leur poids économique et humain : 3ème cause de morbidité dans le monde après les maladies cardiovasculaires et les cancers, elles touchent en effet près de 10 % de la population mondiale et occupent le deuxième ou le troisième poste du budget de la santé dans beaucoup de pays. Enfin, dernier point méconnu mais pas le moindre, ces maladies concernent les femmes dans plus de 75 % des cas : une femme sur six en est atteinte au cours de sa vie ! Passons donc en revue ce que sont ces pathologies et les actions de l’associations AMMAIS UN PROCESSUS D'AUTODESTRUCTION DE L'ORGANISME Notre système immunitaire est composé notamment de cellules spécialisées comme les lymphocytes et de substances (les anticorps) chargées normalement de nous défendre contre toute attaque extérieure provenant de différents virus, bactéries, champignons et autres produits délétères. Lors d’une maladie auto-immune (MAI) ou à manifestations auto-immunes, des éléments de ce système se trompent d’ennemi et s’en prennent à nos tissus et cellules. Certains anticorps devenus nos adversaires s’appellent alors « auto-anticorps ». Au total, il existe près d’une centaine de ces troubles.
Dr Moussayer khadija

Dr Moussayer khadija

Dr MOUSSAYER KHADIJA الدكتورة خديجة موسيار Spécialiste en médecine interne et en Gériatrie en libéral à Casablanca. Présidente de l’Alliance Maladies Rares Maroc (AMRM) et de l’association marocaine des maladies auto-immunes et systémiques (AMMAIS), Vice-présidente du Groupe de l’Auto-Immunité Marocain (GEAIM)




There are things which are within our power, and there are things which are beyond our power. Within our power are opinion, aim, desire, aversion, and, in one word, whatever affairs are our own. Beyond our power are body, property, reputation, office, and, in one word, whatever are not properly our own affairs. Now the things within our power are by nature free, unrestricted, unhindered; but those beyond our power are weak, dependent, restricted, alien. Remember, then, that if you attribute freedom to things by nature dependent and take what belongs to others for your own, you will be hindered, you will lament, you will be disturbed, you will find fault both with gods and men. But if you take for your own only that which is your own and view what belongs to others just as it really is, then no one will ever compel you, no one will restrict you; you will find fault with no one, you will accuse no one, you will do nothing against your will; no one will hurt you, you will not have an enemy, nor will you suffer any harm. Aiming, therefore, at such great things, remember that you must not allow yourself any inclination, however slight, toward the attainment of the others; but that you must entirely quit some of them, and for the present postpone the rest. But if you would have these, and possess power and wealth likewise, you may miss the latter in seeking the former; and you will certainly fail of that by which alone happiness and freedom are procured. Seek at once, therefore, to be able to say to every unpleasing semblance, “You are but a semblance and by no means the real thing.” And then examine it by those rules which you have; and first and chiefly by this: whether it concerns the things which are within our own power or those which are not; and if it concerns anything beyond our power, be prepared to say that it is nothing to you.


Most of the adventures recorded in this book really occurred; one or two were experiences of my own, the rest those of boys who were schoolmates of mine. Huck Finn is drawn from life; Tom Sawyer also, but not from an individual—he is a combination of the characteristics of three boys whom I knew, and therefore belongs to the composite order of architecture. The odd superstitions touched upon were all prevalent among children and slaves in the West at the period of this story—that is to say, thirty or forty years ago. Although my book is intended mainly for the entertainment of boys and girls, I hope it will not be shunned by men and women on that account, for part of my plan has been to try to pleasantly remind adults of what they once were themselves, and of how they felt and thought and talked, and what queer enterprises they sometimes engaged in. THE AUTHOR. HARTFORD, 1876.

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1. I learned from my grandfather, Verus, to use good manners, and to put restraint on anger. 2. In the famous memory of my father I had a pattern of modesty and manliness. 3. Of my mother I learned to be pious and generous; to keep myself not only from evil deeds, but even from evil thoughts; and to live with a simplicity which is far from customary among the rich. 4. I owe it to my great-grandfather that I did not attend public lectures and discussions, but had good and able teachers at home; and I owe him also the knowledge that for things of this nature a man should count no expense too great. 5. My tutor taught me not to favour either green or blue at the chariot races, nor, in the contests of gladiators, to be a supporter either of light or heavy armed. He taught me also to endure labour; not to need many things; to serve myself without troubling others; not to intermeddle in the affairs of others, and not easily to listen to slanders against them. 6. Of Diognetus I had the lesson not to busy myself about vain things; not to credit the great professions of such as pretend to work wonders, or of sorcerers about their charms, and their expelling of Demons and the like; not to keep quails (for fighting or divination), nor to run after such things; to suffer freedom of speech in others, and to apply myself heartily to philosophy. Him also I must thank for my hearing first Bacchius, then Tandasis and Marcianus; that I wrote dialogues in my youth, and took a liking to the philosopher’s pallet and skins, and to the other things which, by the Grecian discipline, belong to that profession. 7. To Rusticus I owe my first apprehensions that my nature needed reform and cure; and that I did not fall into the ambition of the common Sophists, either by composing speculative writings or by declaiming harangues of exhortation in public; further, that I never strove to be admired by ostentation of great patience in an ascetic life, or by display of activity and application; that I gave over the study of rhetoric, poetry, and the graces of language; and that I did not pace my house in my senatorial robes, or practise any similar affectation. I observed also the simplicity of style in his letters, particularly in that which he wrote to my mother from Sinuessa. I learned from him to be easily appeased, and to be readily reconciled with those who had displeased me or given cause of offence, so soon as they inclined to make their peace; to read with care; not to rest satisfied with a slight and superficial knowledge; nor quickly to assent to great talkers. I have him to thank that I met with the discourses of Epictetus, which he furnished me from his own library. 8. From Apollonius I learned true liberty, and tenacity of purpose; to regard nothing else, even in the smallest degree, but reason always; and always to remain unaltered in the agonies of pain, in the losses of children, or in long diseases. He afforded me a living example of how the same man can, upon occasion, be most yielding and most inflexible. He was patient in exposition; and, as might well be seen, esteemed his fine skill and ability in teaching others the principles of philosophy as the least of his endowments. It was from him that I learned how to receive from friends what are thought favours without seeming humbled by the giver or insensible to the gift. 9. Sextus was my pattern of a benign temper, and his family the model of a household governed by true paternal affection, and a steadfast purpose of living according to nature. Here I could learn to be grave without affectation, to observe sagaciously the several dispositions and inclinations of my friends, to tolerate the ignorant and those who follow current opinions without examination. His conversation showed how a man may accommodate himself to all men and to all companies; for though companionship with him was sweeter and more pleasing than any sort of flattery, yet he was at the same time highly respected and reverenced. No man was ever more happy than he in comprehending, finding out, and arranging in exact order the great maxims necessary for the conduct of life. His example taught me to suppress even the least appearance of anger or any other passion; but still, with all this perfect tranquillity, to possess the tenderest and most affectionate heart; to be apt to approve others yet without noise; to have much learning and little ostentation. 10. I learned from Alexander the Grammarian to avoid censuring others, to refrain from flouting them for a barbarism, solecism, or any false pronunciation. Rather was I dexterously to pronounce the words rightly in my answer, confining approval or objection to the matter itself, and avoiding discussion of the expression, or to use some other form of courteous suggestion. 11. Fronto made me sensible how much of envy, deceit and hypocrisy surrounds princes; and that generally those whom we account nobly born have somehow less natural affection. 12. I learned from Alexander the Platonist not often nor without great necessity to say, or write to any man in a letter, that I am not at leisure; nor thus, under pretext of urgent affairs, to make a practice of excusing myself from the duties which, according to our various ties, we owe to those with whom we live. 13. Of Catulus I learned not to condemn any friend’s expostulation even though it were unjust, but to try to recall him to his former disposition; to stint no praise in speaking of my masters, as is recounted of Domitius and Athenodorus; and to love my children with true affection. 14. Of Severus, my brother, I learned to love my kinsmen, to love truth, to love justice. Through him I came to know Thrasea, Helvidius, Cato, Dion, and Brutus. He gave me my first conception of a Commonwealth founded upon equitable laws and administered with equality of right; and of a Monarchy whose chief concern is the freedom of its subjects. Of him I learned likewise a constant and harmonious devotion to Philosophy; to be ready to do good, to be generous with all my heart. He taught me to be of good hope and trustful of the affection of my friends. I observed in him candour in declaring what he condemned in the conduct of others; and so frank and open was his behaviour, that his friends might easily see without the trouble of conjecture what he liked or disliked.