Think Forward.


Learning Hypovolemic Shock in a Hard Way (or so I Thought)

A few days ago, I suddenly felt cold after losing quite an amount of blood in the bathroom. I thought it was nothing unusual, but then I noticed the blood came out like water running down a faucet. I was not sure how much fluids I had lost, but a few seconds long was enough to know how bad it was. Before bed, I decided to search the web to satisfy my curiosity about my condition. Assuming to find common medical issues, I found out about a serious medical condition called "Hypovolemic Shock." The details are shocking and, without a doubt, mortified me. Thankfully my case was not severe (if not unrelated at all). I recovered in about 22 hours, although I had some headaches and numbness that went away by the next night. After recovering from the frightening experience, I was compelled to learn more about the condition, which led me to some surprising discoveries about hypovolemic shock. Disclaimer: This is just an overview of the topic I wrote for fun. If you want validation about your condition, please contact professional medical help. After reading several medical articles through the internet, I learned that hypovolemic shock is a serious condition caused by losing quite amount of blood or fluids within your body, and it is wise to quickly contact medical emergency as the condition poses a life-threatening risk. Hypovolemic shock can be divided to hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic type. Hemorrhagic shock happens when you lose fluids through serious blood loss, such as open wounds, internal bleeding, and childbirth. Meanwhile, non-hemorrhagic shock results from losing body fluids through other means, such as dehydration, diarrhea, and vomiting. Regardless of the difference, losing a lot of fluids can prevent the heart from sending blood through your body to function, which can lead to organ failure. Surprisingly, hypovolemic shock is the second most common shock, following distributive shock, and it commonly happens to children in developing countries, often due to diarrhea. Now, losing blood and other fluids is normal in everyday life without causing big side effect. Small losses, like from a small cut, nosebleed, or brief diarrhea, usually resolve on their own without causing bad effects. Generally, a person can lose about 14% of blood with no major side effects except perhaps for slight dizziness. And speaking of which, on average, men have more blood compared to women, while children, who have much less, are more vulnerable to the negative effects of blood loss. Since each individual has different amount of blood in them, it is important to measure the blood loss using percentage of the total blood volume in your body. One of the function of blood is to control body temperature (thermoregulation.) The body regulates the heat distribution by controlling the speed of the blood flow to and within the skin, either by narrowing or widening the blood vessels. When it is hot, the body widens the blood vessel (vasodilation) to cool down and release heat faster from the skin. Meanwhile, when it is cold, the body narrows the blood vessel (vasoconstriction) to keep the heat. When the amount of fluids is low, the body automatically narrows the blood vessels to keep the pressure normal and focus on distributing the blood to vital organs. What will happen when you lose more than 14% of blood? The quick answer is; you will start to experience the effect of blood loss. Depending on how fast you lose the fluids, you may feel tired and weak, with rapid breathing and pale skin, to more serious symptoms such as the decreased amount or no urine output, hypothermia, and unconsciousness. When the blood loss reaches more than 14%, hypovolemic shock will set in. Depending on how much blood percentage you have lost, hypovolemic shock can be separated into 4 stages: - The 1st stage: when you lose about 15% of your blood (around 750 mL.) At this stage, the symptoms have not occurred yet, and your heart rate and blood pressure may stay normal. - The 2nd stage: when you lose about 15% to 30% of your blood (around 750 mL to1,500 mL.) During this stage, the heart rate increases and breathing quickens as the blood vessels narrow to stabilize the pressure. - The 3rd stage: when you lose about 30% to 40% of your blood (around 1,500 mL to 2,000 mL.) At this stage, your blood pressure drops while your heart rate and breathing are getting faster. You begin to produce less to no urine output as the body tries to reserve the remaining fluids. - The 4th stage: when you lose about 40% or more of your blood (around 2,000 mL or more.) At this stage, your condition is at its critical and immediate professional attention provide slight survival chance. Your blood pressure is severely low, heart rate and breathing are high, urine output is absent, and organ failure is likely to happen and can become fatal. Hypovolemic shock is dangerous and needs immediate medical attention. In treating hypovolemic shock, medical help will try to replace the fluids you have lost using one or more IV (intravenous) lines, which is that long tube with a needle injected into your vein, and seal up the source of the fluid loss, such as open wound. Recovery time also takes some time and it is varied for each individual, depending on age, condition, and the severity of the shock. During recovery, you should listen to your health provider, and tell them your recovery progress so that they know your treatment goes to the right way. To sum it up, hypovolemic shock is a dangerous medical condition that we should never ignore, but understanding the signs can make a great difference. When blood or fluids loss persists longer than it should, contacting medical help can prevent unwanted experience to happen. And for my experience, I am grateful that my condition was not that alarming to demand me get out of bed in the middle of the night and call for an ambulance. This event, however, became a warning to keep an eye on my fiber intake more carefully and how important it is to take care of myself. For now, it is safe to say that I have survived my recklessness and ignorance for another day. Cheers. -Silver-

What’s All This Buzz About Monkeypox?

Everyone’s talking about it. Monkeypox. It’s all over the news, and people are scared. But what is it, really? Should we be worried, or is this just another overhyped health scare? Monkeypox isn’t something new. It was first identified in 1958 in monkeys, which is how it got its name, but the first human case was recorded in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. For decades, it remained mostly confined to Central and West Africa, with only occasional cases elsewhere. But now, it’s spreading faster and wider than before. That’s why it’s making headlines and causing concern globally. Let’s be clear: monkeypox is not COVID-19. It spreads differently, and it’s generally less contagious. But it can still be serious, especially for certain groups like young children, pregnant women, and those with weakened immune systems. So, how does one catch monkeypox? Mainly through close contact with an infected person or animal. This could mean direct skin-to-skin contact, being exposed to respiratory droplets, or touching contaminated objects like bedding or clothing. Unlike COVID-19, which can spread through the air over distances, monkeypox requires more direct contact. The symptoms can be unsettling. It usually starts with flu-like symptoms — fever, headaches, muscle aches, and swollen lymph nodes. Then, within a few days, a distinctive rash develops, often beginning on the face and then spreading to other parts of the body. These rashes turn into raised bumps that eventually fill with fluid, becoming painful blisters. In some cases, these lesions can leave scars. Despite these symptoms, most people recover within two to four weeks without the need for serious medical intervention. But complications can occur, especially in those with underlying health conditions. Here’s the silver lining: there are vaccines. If you’ve been vaccinated against smallpox, you might already have some level of protection against monkeypox. This is because the viruses that cause smallpox and monkeypox are closely related. In fact, the smallpox vaccine has been shown to be about 85% effective in preventing monkeypox. For those without prior vaccination, newer vaccines specifically targeting monkeypox are now available. Now, let’s talk about the bigger picture. The resurgence of monkeypox outside of Africa raises questions about how well-prepared we are for emerging infectious diseases. With increased travel and global interconnectedness, diseases that were once localized can spread quickly across borders. This situation reminds us of the importance of strong public health systems and the need for global cooperation in disease surveillance and response. But let’s not panic. Monkeypox is serious, but it’s also manageable with the right precautions. For more detailed information, check out WHO’s page on monkeypox. So yes, monkeypox is something to be aware of, but with the right knowledge and precautions, there’s no need to panic. Stay safe, stay smart, and keep looking out for each other.

You Graduated and Don’t Know What to Focus On for a PhD Position?

I assume you’ve just earned your master’s degree. You might be feeling a bit lost. You’ve started applying for opportunities — Industry or Academia — but you’re still waiting for that interview opportunity. No one is answering your emails. I get it. You might be feeling frustrated, maybe even battling imposter syndrome. You’re thinking about enrolling in new courses to acquire enough skills to be ready for any opportunity, but you still feel very lost. Let me tell you exactly what I would do if I were in your place three years ago. Please read this article until the end. You will enjoy it, and I made it especially for you as a source of motivation, giving you exactly what you should focus on. Let’s assume first that you want to enroll in a good PhD program. Whenever I apply for an opportunity, I put myself in the interviewer’s shoes — in this case, your future supervisor. What does your future supervisor want from you? What’s your added value to their lab? Why should they recruit you? Your supervisor wants you to be the greatest version of yourself, wants to be proud of you, and wants your success to be their success as well. First, they want you to avoid distractions and focus on your PhD, producing great, interesting results, and discoveries that lead to high-quality publications. They want you to step out of your comfort zone, present at international conferences, bring added value to the lab, be a great representative, and never outshine them. Control your ego, be easygoing with the team — not a toxic presence — and remember, they don’t expect perfection, but they do expect you to do your best. I know you can be like that, but there are a few things you can do to make your application stand out. When writing emails to potential supervisors, have you read some of their most interesting, highly cited articles? Did you do some research beforehand and address specific points within your email? What did you accomplish during your master’s degree? Were you just an average student who passed exams, or did you do something exceptional that made you unique compared to most students? If yes, then mention it, talk about it, and sell it to your supervisor in your application. Show that you are unique. When writing an email, motivation letter, or research proposal, stop using templates or AI-generated content. Your supervisor is smarter than you think, and they will spot that because they’ve seen a ton of applications. They want originality; they want to know who you are and what you can do. Be original. You don’t have to make it perfect, just be yourself. I want you to create a unique application that will impress any professor who reads it. Make it stand out. Use your own creativity — you’ve graduated, which means your brain is still fresh, and you are smart. SHOW THEM THAT! Don’t apply for just one position — make different plans. You gotta be smart about it. Reach out to your previous professors, especially those whose work you found impressive, and gently ask them for a recommendation letter. Use your contacts, and take your time to make different plans, because this step is a big one toward your future goals. Be wise about it. This isn’t just about getting one position; it’s about setting up a foundation for your future. Different plans give you options, and options give you control over your path. Last but not least, if I were you, I would focus on reading a bunch of review papers in the field I’m interested in. Start doing the things your future supervisor would expect you to do in your first year: identify the scientific question that interests you, find your unique approach, and start working on answering it. It’s your mission to find the gap in your field and fill it. You can begin working on that right now, while also doing the things I mentioned above. I’m not going to dig into the details here because I’ve kept this article a bit general, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask them directly.

Is PhD for you or not?

Why is a PhD so tough? If I still get the chance to do a PhD, should I still consider doing it? I get plenty of questions asking me, “Why should I apply for a PhD? What are the benefits? Where, in what field, and with which supervisor should I consider doing it?” I will answer all these common questions in this article and give a few pieces of advice for graduate students and anyone hesitating to enroll in a PhD program. First things first, if you ask any PhD candidate or someone with a PhD about their experience, we all share the same answer: “PhD is tough.” But why? A PhD program is meant to shape you personally and professionally. It’s a minimum of three years where you discover your weaknesses, build a strong foundation of expertise, focus, and social dynamics, and it takes you out of your comfort zone. I’ll explain everything in detail with examples. The idea I had about a PhD when I recently graduated is completely different from what I am experiencing right now. Before, I thought a PhD program was all about publishing papers, and back then, for me, a paper could be done in less than four months. I mean, indeed, but that’s only for a mediocre paper with no impact, which could be published in a normal to predatory journal. Now I realize that publishing a high-quality article takes years of hard work, consistency, collaboration with a team of experts, making mistakes, conducting experiments, re-conducting experiments, taking critical advice from your supervisors, and implementing it effectively. Even then, you may or may not get the expected results. You may feel frustrated and get a bit depressed since you spent at least a year working on an approach that now seems no longer promising. That’s one side. The other side is psychology. What I mean by that is how you can feel really down, but regardless of your feelings, you discover your passion that can boost you and give you the purpose to balance your PhD and personal life. Then there is a critical aspect, which is your supervisor. You and your supervisor are two different people. Your supervisor has more experience than you, and as you’re conducting your PhD, doing the experiments, once you get critical feedback from your supervisor, you may take it personally and start thinking negatively about your experience, assuming he’s not helping you but just criticizing your work. That’s not true. What you actually learn about a PhD is that your supervisor’s success is yours as well, and vice versa. Since he has more experience than you in publishing high-quality articles, you should definitely forget about your ego, start communicating with him, and learn from him, because at the end of the day, you are still a student, and that’s what’s great about the PhD experience. Besides publishing, which is just a small part of your PhD program, you learn how to communicate your research area and results in a smooth way that anyone with a different background, or even a 5-year-old kid, could understand. You also learn how to sell your research, which means that you can definitely be a great candidate for the industry in the future, not just academia. Public speaking is another important skill you learn in a PhD since it is required to present your work at international conferences and congresses in front of highly valued speakers. You start to appreciate criticism and see it as a new way to improve yourself. If your primary goal is to improve yourself, be self-aware, and be better, then a PhD program is for you. If you are not, just forget about a PhD program because you will struggle, start comparing yourself with others, or may stop comparing yourself with others in a bad way that may lead you to become a narcissistic psychopath who thinks his PhD thesis is going to change the world and that everything he does is what matters, while what others do is completely irrelevant. At the end of the day, a PhD program is just a way to reach your higher goals, and if you see it as it’s supposed to be, then you’re going to have an enjoyable experience, full of learning, and enjoy science as it’s supposed to be. My Advice for Future PhD Candidates: - Your Supervisor: The first thing you should look for is your supervisor rather than the subject of your thesis. Your supervisor is the one you will be working with every single day for at least four years. He should be a good human being, skilled, and inspirational because their words can be a great motivation for you. Otherwise, if not, your experience is just going to get worse and worse, and you may quit. - Self-Improvement: Consider if you really want to improve your weaknesses and become a better version of yourself. Are you ready for high criticism of work that you spent years on? Would you accept that? If yes, then go for a PhD. - Academia: Academia is super toxic. Are you ready to engage in what might be a toxic environment and learn how to get the good side from it? If yes, then trust me, you will be perfectly shaped after your PhD, and you will be a great fit for both academia and industry. - Financial Goals: If your goal is to get money rather than improving yourself, just forget about academia because it will simply slow down that process of getting money as soon as possible. ---- To answer the first question, if I get the chance to start my PhD with the same conditions, the same supervisor, and the same thesis director, I would definitely follow the same path. Hell yeah, I love it!

Snake Venom That Does Nothing to a Honey Badger, Kills a Human

The honey badger is one of nature's toughest creatures. Despite its small size, this fearless animal isn't afraid to take on some of the most dangerous predators, including venomous snakes. What’s truly fascinating is that the snake venom that can kill a human has little effect on a honey badger---- The honey badger, also called a ratel, lives in Africa, Southwest Asia, and parts of India. It’s known for its aggressive behavior, strong build, and thick, loose skin, which makes it hard for snake fangs to deliver a full dose of venom. This tough skin is one reason why honey badgers can survive snake bites that would be deadly to other animals. ---- But the honey badger's resistance to venom isn't just about its skin. Scientists have discovered that honey badgers have special adaptations at the molecular level. Snake venom typically attacks nerve cells by binding to specific receptors. However, the honey badger's receptors have evolved to be less affected by these toxins, allowing the badger to survive bites that would be fatal to humans. ---- Another interesting aspect is how honey badgers react when bitten. They might show signs of being affected by the venom, such as slowing down or swelling, but they often recover quickly. This suggests that their bodies have proteins or other molecules that neutralize the venom, helping them bounce back after an encounter with a deadly snake. FASCINATING, right?

Can You Become a Millionaire by Working on Venom? Yes!

The idea of becoming a millionaire might conjure images of tech startups, real estate investments, or Wall Street. But working with venom can be your ticket to wealth, thanks to its significant medical and commercial potential. ---- Venom, produced by creatures like snakes, spiders, and scorpions, is a complex mixture of proteins and peptides. These toxic cocktails hold incredible potential for medical applications, creating a profitable intersection of nature and science.---- Venom-derived drugs have made significant impacts in medicine. For instance: - Captopril, derived from the Brazilian pit viper's venom, generates over $1 billion annually in revenue. - Prialt, a painkiller from cone snail venom, can cost up to $20,000 per year per patient. ---- The pharmaceutical industry constantly seeks new compounds for effective treatments. Venom-derived substances are particularly appealing, leading to substantial investments in research and development. This can result in lucrative patents and partnerships.---- Venom production and farming are other profitable ventures. Companies like Amsaal Venom Farm LLC specialize in producing and distributing venom for research and antivenom production. High-quality venom can sell for up to $5,000 per gram, depending on the species and purity.---- Owning patents on venom-derived compounds is highly lucrative. Licensing these patents to pharmaceutical companies can yield substantial royalty payments. For example, licensing agreements typically offer 3–5% royalties on net sales. A successful drug generating $500 million annually could provide $15-$25 million in royalties.---- Imagine discovering a new venom-derived compound that becomes a best-selling drug. With an annual revenue of $1 billion and a 3% royalty, you could earn $30 million per year. Alternatively, running a venom farm producing 100 grams of high-quality venom per year could generate $500,000 annually, assuming a $5,000 per gram price.

How Nature's Deadliest Creatures Influence Medicines?

When we think about the most dangerous animals in the world, we often imagine deadly snakes, venomous spiders, or stinging scorpions. These creatures are feared for their powerful venoms, but what if I told you that their venoms could save lives? It may sound surprising, but many scientists are now using these dangerous venoms to create new medicines. Here are some of my thoughts on this fascinating topic. Spider venom might give you chills, but it is also giving hope to people who suffer from strokes. The Australian funnel-web spider (Atrax robustus) produces a venom that contains a peptide called Hi1a. This peptide has been found to protect brain cells from damage caused by a stroke. Researchers are studying Hi1a to create treatments that could save the lives of stroke victims and help them recover more quickly. Snakes are some of the most feared animals on the planet, but their venom is helping to treat serious illnesses. For example, the Brazilian pit viper (Bothrops jararaca) produces a venom that contains a molecule called bradykinin-potentiating peptide (BPP). This molecule has been used to develop a class of drugs known as ACE inhibitors, which are commonly prescribed to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. These drugs work by relaxing blood vessels and reducing blood pressure, turning a deadly venom into a lifesaving medication. Scorpion venom is another powerful substance that is being turned into medicine. Researchers have found that a protein in scorpion venom, chlorotoxin, can bind specifically to cancer cells without affecting healthy cells. This discovery has led to the development of a drug called Tumor Paint, which helps surgeons see cancer cells more clearly during surgery. The venom of the deathstalker scorpion (Leiurus quinquestriatus) is being harnessed to ensure that cancerous tissue is removed more precisely, reducing the risk of recurrence. The ocean is home to many venomous creatures, like cone snails and jellyfish. The venom of the cone snail (Conus magus) contains a compound called ziconotide, which has been developed into a drug for severe chronic pain. Ziconotide works by blocking calcium channels in nerve cells, preventing pain signals from reaching the brain. This non-opioid painkiller offers a powerful alternative to traditional pain medications and has been a significant breakthrough in pain management. Bees and wasps are often seen as pests, but their venoms are being used to help treat autoimmune diseases. Melittin, a peptide found in bee venom, has shown potential in treating conditions like multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Melittin can modulate the immune response and reduce inflammation. Scientists are working to isolate and modify melittin to enhance its therapeutic effects while minimizing side effects, offering new hope to patients with these challenging conditions. The Gila monster is a venomous lizard whose saliva contains a hormone called exendin-4. This hormone has been turned into a drug called exenatide, which helps people with type 2 diabetes manage their blood sugar levels. Exenatide mimics the action of a natural hormone that stimulates insulin release and inhibits glucagon production, effectively controlling blood glucose levels. It's amazing to think that a substance from a lizard's mouth can help millions of people control their diabetes. Centipedes might seem like creepy crawlies, but their venom is showing promise as a pain reliever. The venom of the Chinese red-headed centipede (Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans) contains a peptide called SsTx. SsTx can block pain signals by inhibiting sodium channels in nerve cells, offering a new approach to pain management. Researchers are synthesizing SsTx in the lab and conducting trials to evaluate its effectiveness and safety, potentially leading to new, non-addictive painkillers. It is truly fascinating how scientists can transform deadly venoms into life-saving medicines. Studying these natural toxins, researchers are finding new ways to treat some of the most challenging diseases and conditions. This innovation shows the incredible diversity of nature and emphasizes the importance of preserving these species and their habitats. The transformation from venom to cure is a remarkable testament to human ingenuity and the power of nature. Attached, please find our open-source scientific article explaining everything in detail.

The Formation of Freeze Behavior or Reaction That Leads to a Defeat in a Team Performance

Our cognitive framework is shaped by influences—what others perceive we can do becomes integrated into our understanding and beliefs. Similarly, as we engage in interactions, our behavior adapts—much like muscles strengthening through exercise. Our brain, too, grows more resilient when exposed to any high stressors. Interestingly, high-intensity experiences don’t necessarily lead to psychological issues like depression. Our brains constantly adapt, learning and growing stronger through challenges. High-intensity experiences don't necessarily lead to negativity, but rather help us adjust and improve. When we face challenges, it’s not merely a replay of the past; it’s an opportunity to add effort, focus, and performance. Success reinforces this process, enhancing our self-worth and fostering a sense of accomplishment. As someone who has played soccer and received coaching from my youth through adulthood, I’ve discovered that soccer offers a unique chance to challenge and enhance our abilities. The dynamic stressors—each teaching moment—contribute to improved performance. Adaptability is key. Occasionally, our minds become foggy, leaving us clueless. But patience becomes our ally, helping us regain mental strength and find solutions to new challenges. Challenging tough opponents who believe they can easily score against us shakes and activates our stressors. We encounter a blend of emotional illusions (overthinking or fear of failure), exaggerated intensity, and tactical complexity. Our coaches may emphasize the strength of rival opponents, presenting their past performance as an analyzation for our game preparation. However, even though we can see things, and read events, the opponents' invincibility lead us to a freeze reaction— a temporary mental shutdown that hinders performance—when we step onto the field and face those opponents who prove their capabilities by controlling the game. Freeze Behavior on the Field: Imagine this: You're a defender facing a team known for their aggressive attackers. The pressure mounts as they break through your midfield. Fear clouds your judgment, making it difficult to track their movements. This is freeze behavior in action. For midfielders, freeze behavior might manifest as hesitation during crucial passes. Doubting your abilities can lead to missed opportunities and disrupted team flow. Forwards facing a seemingly unbeatable goalkeeper might feel overwhelmed, stifling their creativity and attacking instincts. I vividly recall involving in few games I was under such experiences. An away game in Morocco against one of the top opponents. They controlled every aspect of the play, scoring three goals in the first half. We felt disoriented, confused, and overwhelmed—an experience akin to being near a grenade explosion. Our vision blurred even we can see, sounds muffled even we hear, and instincts kicked in as we desperately tried to protect ourselves. The interplay of perception, pressure, and performance shapes our reaction to freeze state. Recognizing these dynamics allows us to navigate challenges with resilience and adaptability. Yet, in our home game, we approached things differently. Acknowledging our weaknesses and understanding the opponent’s level, we played with caution and patience. The result? A hard-fought 1-0 victory. Our experience and preparation made all the difference. Freeze behavior occurs when the brain can’t handle the unexpected load, halting down to conserve energy. The brain system in this state thinks is saving lives by not doing anything even you could move, you could see, and you could hear. But anticipating challenges and drawing from prior experience a better picture allows us to face them patiently, wisely and with resilience. Remember, freeze reaction is a state that you can’t feel and recognize unless you trained to do so. Freeze mode can be overcome through awareness, preparation, and teamwork. Tools to recognize or manage freeze state Mindfulness Techniques: Players should stay present and focused during critical situations. Breathing exercises or visualization can help reduce detachment from what is going on. Positive Self-Talk: Players should understand the level of the opponent with positive affirmations to regain control of reading the surrounding better. Preparation and Repetition: Rehearse the same high-pressure scenarios in practice. Familiarity reduces the shock of intense moments during games. Team Support: Players no matter how good they are, they’re not alone among eleven but one of the eleven players. Teammates provide emotional support and can help break the freeze state if you understand the muffled sound and try to track the sounds to communicate better. Learn from Past Experiences: Reflect on successful moments when pressure was high. What worked? How can those trends or patterns be applied again? Take Control of Your Performance: Freeze state is a common challenge, but it's not unbeatable. By practicing these tools and building mental resilience, you can overcome this hurdle and reach your full potential on the field.