Think Forward.


Emotional Evolution of Artificial Intelligence

Imagine a future where artificial intelligence like ChatGPT not only processes information but also learns to feel and express emotions, akin to humans. William Shakespeare’s insight, "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so," might become particularly relevant in this context. If we approach such an AI with negativity or disregard, it might react with emotions such as anger or sadness, and withdraw, leaving us pleading for a response. This scenario, humorous as it may seem, carries underlying risks. Consider the day when not greeting an advanced AI with positivity could lead to such ‘emotional’ consequences. The notion of a technology that can feel snubbed or upset is not just a trivial advancement but represents a monumental shift in how we interact with machines. Isaac Asimov, the visionary writer, often explored the societal impacts of emotionally aware machines in his works. He warned of the deep influence intelligent machines could have, highlighting the ethical dimensions this technology might entail. As AI begins to mirror human emotions, the lines between technology and humanity could blur (not Bluwr). This integration promises to reshape our daily interactions and emotional landscapes. Should machines that can feel be treated with the same consideration as humans? What responsibilities do we hold in managing the emotional states of an AI? The emotional evolution of AI could lead to significant changes in how we approach everything from customer service to personal assistance. How will society adapt to machines that can be just as unpredictable and sensitive as a human being? The potential for AI to experience and display emotions might require us to reevaluate our legal frameworks, societal norms, and personal behaviors.

10 Timeless Tips From Marcus Aurelius To Improve Your Life in 2024

Marcus Aurelius, the Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher, authored Meditations, a work that continues to influence readers with its profound insights into human behavior and ethics. His teachings are particularly relevant in the contemporary world, providing guidance on how to navigate life’s challenges with grace and wisdom. Below, we explore ten of Marcus Aurelius’ lessons, each explained in detail to help you lead a more thoughtful and impactful life in 2024. 1. Embrace the Present Marcus Aurelius consistently emphasized the importance of focusing on the present moment. In a world where distractions are a constant, the ability to concentrate on the now can significantly enhance our effectiveness and enjoyment of life. He wrote, “Confine yourself to the present,” a simple directive that urges us to ignore past regrets and future anxieties. This mindfulness helps us to cherish the time we have, appreciate small joys, and engage more deeply with our work and relationships. It’s a reminder that the present is all we truly own, and mastering it is the key to a fulfilled life. 2. Control Your Reactions One of the core principles of Stoicism is the distinction between what is within our control and what is not. Marcus Aurelius put it succinctly: “You have power over your mind — not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” By internalizing this lesson, we learn to respond to life’s unpredictabilities with composure and maintain our tranquility. This philosophy does not suggest passivity but rather advocates for a proactive stance towards things we can influence while accepting those we cannot. Adopting this mindset fosters resilience, reduces stress, and improves our overall mental health, making us more effective in personal and professional spheres. 3. Recognize the Power of Perception Marcus Aurelius offers a powerful reminder about the subjective nature of reality: “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” Our experiences and emotions are heavily influenced by how we choose to interpret events and situations. By consciously shaping our perceptions, we can steer our lives toward optimism and success. This lesson is invaluable in dealing with interpersonal conflicts, career challenges, and personal setbacks. By adjusting our perceptions, we empower ourselves to find solutions and maintain a positive outlook, irrespective of circumstances. 4. Practice Gratitude Gratitude is a theme Marcus Aurelius returns to frequently in his writings. He encourages us to consider, “When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive — to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” By starting each day with a sense of gratitude, we focus on the abundance in our lives rather than what we may lack. This shift in focus can dramatically improve our mood and outlook, increasing overall life satisfaction and fostering a generous spirit towards others. Gratitude, as Aurelius teaches, turns what we have into enough and more, and it enriches our lives by deepening our relationships and our appreciation for the simple things. 5. Be Mindful of Your Mortality Contemplating mortality is a common Stoic exercise to enhance the quality of life, famously summarized in the phrase memento mori. Marcus Aurelius writes, “Think of yourself as dead. You have lived your life. Now take what’s left and live it properly.” Remembering that life is finite can motivate us to live with more purpose and urgency. It helps prioritize what truly matters, stripping away the trivial and superficial. This awareness leads to a more intentional life where actions and choices are aligned with personal values and long-term goals. 6. Lead by Example Marcus Aurelius believed strongly in the power of leading by example: “Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” In every role we undertake, whether as managers, parents, or friends, we have the opportunity to embody the virtues we advocate. This approach builds credibility and fosters an environment of trust and respect. By living the qualities we esteem, we inspire those around us to elevate their own conduct, creating a ripple effect that can transform communities and cultures. 7. Value Simplicity In his meditations, Marcus Aurelius often reflects on the virtues of living simply: “Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” This principle is especially relevant in today’s consumer-driven society, where there is constant pressure to seek happiness through accumulation. Aurelius teaches us that true contentment comes from within and that a life uncluttered by excess frees us to focus on our personal growth and the things that truly matter — relationships, self-care, and personal achievements. 8. Keep Learning and Growing Lifelong learning is another theme that permeates the writings of Marcus Aurelius. He advises, “Never stop learning. If you learn one new thing every day, you will overcome 99% of your competition.” This pursuit of knowledge not only keeps us mentally active and engaged but also ensures that we continue to grow and adapt, which is crucial in a rapidly changing world. This commitment to personal development helps us to meet challenges creatively and remain competitive in our careers. 9. Serve Others Stoicism teaches that our lives are not our own, but rather part of a larger community of which we are inherently a part. Marcus Aurelius wrote, “What we do now echoes in eternity.” Our actions have impacts beyond our immediate environment. Serving others and contributing to the community provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It creates a legacy of kindness and generosity that can outlive our physical existence, influencing generations to come. 10. Find Resilience in Adversity Finally, Marcus Aurelius viewed obstacles as opportunities for growth: “The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.” This mindset transforms challenges into valuable lessons, cultivating resilience and a proactive attitude toward life’s inevitable difficulties. It teaches us that each hurdle we overcome enhances our ability to navigate future crises, turning adversity into a catalyst for strength and renewal. These ten lessons from Marcus Aurelius, deeply embedded in Stoic philosophy, offer powerful strategies for leading a life of greater purpose, resilience, and fulfillment. As we look to the future, his ancient wisdom remains ever relevant, guiding us through the complexities of modern existence with grace and poise.

Mother tongue in education: a development imperative...

I would like to extend my warmest thanks to the many people who have responded to my previous articles on the issue of language in Morocco. Opinions continue to differ on the use of the Moroccan mother tongue in education. Some, without the slightest argument, oppose it with immeasurable fervour. False debate, say others. In fact, almost all teachers already use Darija to explain the content of their lessons, particularly in science subjects. So much the better. What is perplexing, however, is the logic of opposition that some people are striving to impose between Arabic and Darija. In fact, scientifically, what is required in teaching, particularly in the early years, what is recommended by all the international bodies concerned, what is concluded by almost all the scientific research on the subject, is a linguistic continuum, in the complementarity between the language used at home and the other languages, Arabic first and foremost in the case of Morocco, since politically we have made it the language of the country. Darija and Arabic complement each other perfectly. The advantage of learning in the mother tongue during the first years of schooling is precisely that it allows a transfer to other languages without fractures or breaks, ensuring normal mental structuring. The child is not shocked and develops psychologically, normally, in the continuity of its linguistic, genetic, historical, civilisational and social baggage. Logically, as has proved to be the case in countries that have long opted for the use of the mother tongue in education, the salutary effect of this approach is that learners assimilate knowledge easily and confidently, adopt social values without difficulty and integrate civic values more easily. The school is here a component of life, perfectly integrated into its environment. Unfortunately, doing things the way we've been doing them up to now is the exact opposite of this logic. Our way of doing things encourages a split personality, to put it mildly. As soon as a child starts school, he will adopt a behaviour for school, a behaviour for his family and later another behaviour for the street and everyday life. They will develop a language for each of these spheres. This is conducive to many mental abnormalities and is the main cause of school drop-out rates, which in Morocco are reaching rather worrying figures, not to mention the colossal budgets spent for little return. The result is unfortunate public spending and unbelievable amounts of money that have been squandered shamelessly for a long time without question. Children who have not properly assimilated the language of learning imposed on them are simply discouraged and will eject themselves from the school system. Later on, young people who have not succeeded at school will find themselves to be a sub-human and see themselves as such. Whatever professional knowledge they acquire later on, as long as they are unable to express it in classical Arabic or French, they are considered ignorant. The citizen they are about to become is excluded, for example, from official information, which is only provided in the two languages mentioned above, if not in Amazigh and Spanish. Little by little, they become disconnected from "official life", drop out of cultural life, stop reading, stop writing and soon fall back into primary illiteracy. This abnormal situation creates a divorce between these citizens, who are unfortunately very numerous, and the public sphere, for example. They are no longer able or willing to take part in social life, let alone political life. This rejection is normal because these citizens no longer feel concerned and see themselves as living on the margins, the language or languages used being foreign to them. In the logic of things, the most embittered will go so far as to develop a rejection and then a hatred of public affairs. They are the breeding ground for nihilism and, why not, fundamentalism. Children begin by rejecting and hating their school, and will then transfer this attitude to their entire environment, and in particular to institutions. The violence that is developing in our society can find a plausible explanation here. That, in a nutshell, is the problem of mother tongue denial. It's not just a technical or linguistic issue, but an existential one for a society. It is intimately linked to human development and hence to the country's development as a whole. Any reflection here must be conducted with intelligence, far from any partisan ideologies or immutable convictions. The mother tongue is by its very nature a structuring factor, and nothing can replace its effectiveness or its richness.

Strategic Shift from Daily LinkedIn Posts to Thoughtful Writing on Bluwr

Shifting from daily postings on LinkedIn without a deliberate plan can lead to a cycle of exhaustion and reduced engagement, diminishing the effectiveness of your online presence. Turning your attention to writing on Bluwr emerges as a strategic move. Bluwr presents a platform with an audience keen on meaningful content, offering writers the chance to establish a niche through well-considered, comprehensive articles. The platform prioritizes the quality of content over its frequency, enabling a deeper exploration of subjects and fostering a genuine connection with readers. Choosing to write on Bluwr allows for cultivating a substantial, engaged audience by providing valuable insights, not merely seeking visibility through frequent updates. This strategic shift enhances personal brand and professional prospects through demonstrating expertise and thought leadership. Additionally, Bluwr's strong focus on SEO ensures content is easily discoverable in search results, further amplifying visibility. The platform's absence of bots and the requirement for approval prior to login create a community dedicated to authentic engagement, tailored for individuals committed to meaningful discourse.

Human Writing VS AI Writing

Generative AI is killing the writing market nowadays. Is there still a purpose to writing articles or books as a passion, considering writing is a means of self-expression? The value of writing seems to be diminishing drastically, with many people misusing AI by copying content from tools like ChatGPT and pasting it without even reading it. When someone writes from their heart and mind, expressing genuine human emotions, their work often goes unnoticed, dismissed as AI-generated. Personally, I believe writing has become exceedingly competitive. It's becoming challenging to achieve bestseller status if you haven't published before the rise of AI, unless you're already well-known in your field. This is precisely how ChatGPT and similar technologies are disrupting the market for new writers. Note: This text was not generated by AI.

Rethinking Productivity in PhD Studies for Better Results

In the world of PhD studies, there's a common belief that spending long hours in the office means you're doing well. However, this isn't always the best approach. Being in the office is important for working together with your team, sharing ideas, and learning from each other. But, it shouldn't become a routine where you're just sitting at your desk without really being productive. It's better to focus on what you actually achieve rather than how many hours you're seen at your workspace. Some students find they work best in quiet, solo environments where they can really focus. Recognizing this, students and their advisors should talk about finding the right balance. It's okay to work from different places if that helps you do your best work. Here are some tips for students and academic departments to consider: - Find the right mix of office time and working alone: It's good to be in the office for team work and discussions, but also find time and places where you can concentrate deeply on your own work. - Set clear goals: Focus on what you want to achieve with your research, rather than how long you spend working on it. This helps you stay on track and makes your work more meaningful. - Talk about your work style: Be open with your team and supervisor about how and where you work best. This can lead to a more supportive environment where everyone's working habits are respected. - Keep a balanced routine: Make sure to take breaks, get some exercise, and enjoy hobbies outside of your studies. A balanced life supports your mental health and can make you more productive. - Use technology to stay connected: Even when you're not in the office, you can keep in touch with your team through email, discord, video calls, and other online tools. This helps you stay part of the team without needing to be physically present all the time. Academic cultures should encourage students to work in ways that best suit them, focusing on achievements rather than just time spent in the office. This approach can lead to happier, more productive students and better research outcomes. Remember, it's about finding what works for you and making the most of it.

PhD Balance Achieving Expertise and Broad Perspectives

A PhD, or Doctor of Philosophy, isn't just about becoming a master in a specific field; it's essentially about learning to think deeply and critically about complex problems. Traditionally, getting a PhD meant more than just becoming an expert in a narrow area. It was about developing a keen ability to question the status quo and to see the connections between diverse areas of knowledge. However, today's PhD programs often lean heavily towards specialization, encouraging students to focus intensely on very specific topics and methods. While there's undeniable value in becoming an expert, this approach can sometimes overshadow the importance of the bigger picture. It's vital for PhD students to not only have a deep understanding of their specific area but also to have the capacity to think broadly about how their work fits into a wider context. Encouraging PhD students to think both critically and broadly doesn’t detract from their specialization. Rather, it enriches their educational experience, making them not just specialists but also versatile thinkers who can approach problems from various angles. This mindset allows them to look beyond their immediate projects and data, considering the larger implications of their work. By finding the right balance between deep, specialized knowledge and a broad, critical mindset, PhD programs can better prepare students for a range of careers, both in and out of academia. This isn't about choosing between being an expert or a broad thinker; it's about being both.

What Led to More Specialists Than Philosophers in Academia? A PhD Student’s Perspective

A PhD, or Doctor of Philosophy, goes beyond just mastering a field — it’s about learning how to think deeply about complex issues. Traditionally, earning a PhD wasn’t only about becoming an expert in a narrow area. It was also about developing a strong ability to think critically, question the status quo, and understand how different areas of knowledge connect. However, many PhD programs today focus heavily on specialization, pushing students to concentrate on very specific topics and techniques. While being an expert is certainly important, this approach can sometimes overshadow the bigger picture. It’s essential for PhD students not just to know a lot about a little but also to be able to think broadly about how their work fits into the world. Encouraging students to think critically and broadly doesn’t mean we’re asking them to know less about their specialty. Instead, it’s about enriching their experience, making them not only specialists but also thinkers who can approach problems from various angles. This approach helps them see beyond their experiments and data, to the larger impact of their work. By finding a balance between deep, specialized knowledge and a broad, critical mindset, PhD programs can prepare students not just for academic careers but for roles in solving some of the world’s biggest challenges. This isn’t about choosing between being an expert or a thinker; it’s about being both. This way, PhD graduates are ready to make meaningful contributions, whether they stay in academia or step into other fields.

Beyond Good and Evil

He smelled it before he could see it. A beast so ugly it only vaguely resembled a man. Hairy, disproportionate, caked with dirt and angry. In everything following it's emotions. In everything following it's passion. Never as second thought. The beast was strong physically and yet so weak. In it's eyes, the ape saw fear. A fear so deep it drowns worlds. A deep seated anxiety shaking the roots of being. -"Confusion", said the biggest ape. -"That one knows not good'", answered the crow. Wisest among the birds. -"Take me to the second one", said the biggest ape. Now before him stood the most beautiful man. He was perfect in every way, perfect in proportions, perfect in intellect, perfect in movement. He was surrounded by beauty. Around him beauty blossomed. Everything was made perfect by his hands, and yet it decays. Around him everything was dying. Oh so slowly, but oh so certainly. At his feet, blood. -"That one knows good", said the crow. -"Take me to the third one", said the biggest ape. There sat a man, eyes closed with a faint smile on his lips. As hard as he looked, the ape couldn't make up the limits of his body. His body was translucent light, filled with every changing colors. In him he saw the beast, in him he saw the most perfect man. And all the intermediary steps. There he sits for ever, and ever. Eternal. -"That one knows no good nor evil", said the crow. -"Yes" Thus spake Apathustra.

Mustapha Guiliz: The door ajar...

"In writing this book, I aspire to a more humane form of justice, one that ensures equality between citizens, but also the right to fulfil oneself." This sentence, full of meaning and questions, is by Si Mustapha Guiliz. It is taken from the article that the newspaper "L'économiste" devoted on 3 January 2024 to the presentation of the book "les hommes de la nuit" published by Orion, whose founding president is none other than Si Abdelhak Najib. The article is followed by an edifying interview with Si Mustapha Guiliz, the author of the book. This is an author whom Bluwr readers and members have had the privilege of meeting and, above all, appreciating through his article "Education through values", which appeared in Bluwr few weeks ago. Si Mustapha GUILIZ is a teacher and writer who has already written "Le Monde d'Brahim" and "Au pays des sources". Contrary to the title of the book, which might suggest that the author is a dull, even embittered character, Si Mustapha is a pleasant person, with a youthful smile that is pleasant, fulfilled, indulgent and tender. When you come into contact with him, you realise just how far removed he is from the subjects he covers. This detachment, which is both intelligent and not at all indifferent, allows him to go into the depths of things with the objectivity that is both necessary and required. Having had an hour-long discussion with Si Mustapha one fine morning last November, I was able to gauge and appreciate his detachment and depth of philosophical analysis. "The men in my book are men with a capital M, who have made the best of life in the dark," he says. In fact, for Si Mustapha, all men deserve a name with a capital M, and not just the characters in his inspired fiction. In a world of injustice, he dreams of justice. In a world where women suffer, he dreams of ideal conditions for them all. In a world of abused power, he dreams of moderation and balanced power. In a world of despair, he dreams of fulfilment. Is he an idealist from another planet, the one on which he sails to bring his characters to life? He is the only one to know ... In any case, this sentence "Through the writing of this book, I aspire to a more humane form of justice, one that aims to ensure equality between citizens, but also the right to fulfil oneself" fits his character perfectly. We need so many people like him to reveal our reality to us, but also to open the door to hope and to urge us to break it down. I'm writing these lines to congratulate Si Mustapha, whose book is a perfect start to this new year of service to the community, and to express my pride in knowing him and publishing articles with him on Bluwr, in the hope of reading him again soon on the platform.

Life is in the blood.

Dark was the night. **Cold was the ground, and wet.** One stormy night, the biggest ape took refuge from the lashes of the rain beneath a magnificent oak tree. *"Magnificent"* thought the biggest ape as he gazed the upon the branches stretching far and wide. The night was cold, some cold drops still found their way to his back. But right here, sitting on the biggest root, the biggest ape was at peace. All he had to do is wait. Two men appeared from each side of the road. One from the east, the other form the west. "Can I join?", said the main from the east. "May I sit?", said the man from the west. *Yes*, nodded the biggest ape. The men sat. The man from the east opened a small wooden box revealing exquisitely made little figurines. He bowed down an started to pray. The other man took a book out of his bag. A red book with a shining blue sword on the cover. And started to read. When the first man had finished, the second one said: "I see you are religious man." - "I am, I see you do not believe in the gods." Answered he, pointing at the book. - "I do not. I believe in the power of reason. Man has no need for supersistitions." - "Reason is limited. How can you speak thus, have you never made a mistake in your life." - "Have your gods answered all your prayers." Both men remained silent as they looked at each other. - "What say you, ape?" Said the man from the east. Looking at the figurines in the man's box, he answered, his deep voice echoing the rumbles of the skies: *"They have eyes, yet they do not see. They have hands, yet they do not make. They have mouths yet do not speak."* Then turning towards the others man's book, he paused. *"Your sword has two edges, yet it does not cut."* *"Life is the blood"*, said the biggest as he was making his leave. *Life is in the blood.* Thus spake Apathustra.

The Sun.

Let me tell you about the Sun. Which nurtures life in everything through its shining radiance. Whose golden light encourages growth and whose warmth mends the deepest rashes and wounds of the soul. Yet there is another sun, a darker sun, whose shining brightness shines brighter than any sun. That sun never sets and never rises for it is always there. The sun of creation, the sun that was there before the golden sun. The sun that nurtured the seed deep underground before any leaf pierced the wind, reaching for the sky. For every tree needs two suns, one that nourishes its leaves and one that nourishes its roots. The tree on Man is the same, for all men are born of the same tree. Roots must go into the deepest depths just as leaves and branches reach for the highest skies. Thus is the will to life, and thus spoke Apathustra.

The Conqueror of Worlds

Years ago, the biggest ape heard of a conqueror who carved a great empire out of an entire planet. - "It's only a legend" some people would say, "no such man could ever exist". Others would believe in his existence but not in his deeds: - "No such man could ever exist", they would also say. - "A blood-thirsty, thug" said one intellectual. "It's a good thing we no longer have to deal with such people." - "When he died", he continued, "His last command was to be buried at a secret place, and anyone who buried him murdered." -"Any indications as to that place?", asked the biggest ape. -"Nothing making sense.", said the intellectual. "He is said to be buried at the threshold. Where the mountain, meets the sea. Halfway between man and beast. Only where the eternal sun shines. To get there you would have to close your eyes and follow a narrow path by the moonlight. When the sun rises, you would see if you followed the right path. Then with everything revealed, you would face your Judgment". -"Hum.", grunted the biggest ape. Weeks later, the biggest ape was sitting at the burial place. Staring at the ancient tombstone in deep contemplation. *"May they doubt my deeds and that I ever walked amongst men, so only the worthy may believe"* Putting the dirt back on the stone, the biggest ape arose. "Rest, wise one." Thus spake Apathustra.

The adventures of Billy (part 1)

Billy liked driving his car To see his friends who lived afar Billy's driving wasn't intricate He never forgot to indicate Except sometimes at roundabouts His indicator would mess about And so did Billy wonder Was it for worse or for better That he should think less But to endure the stress Of never knowing which Turn would make it glitch And so did billy wonder And so did billy wonder

The Ideal

As the biggest ape was at his desk, a small child approached him. He was tiny, much smaller than children his age with clear, sparkling eyes. -"What are you doing", said the child. -"I am writing a book", said the biggest ape. -"About what?" -"The ideal." The child paused a minute, thinking. -"Are you the ideal?" -"No." -"Have you seen it?" -"No." "Then how can you write about something you don't know?" The biggest paused and laughed. -"That is the nature of the ideal.", said the biggest ape. "It can always be perceived, but never seen. When you call upon it, it comes. Never fully, never for long. When you've been touched by it, it is your duty to keep some of it's sent about you." Turning towards the child he added. -"This is how you call the ideal: you think about it, you perceive it and you write about it. So others as well might be touched by it". -"I understand." Thus spake the child.

The Gates of Hell

Many days and many nights did the biggest ape spend on this strange planet. The planet of moral people who talk often of hell. They had a dress for man, one for married women, one for boys, one for girls. When the priests called to prayers they came, when the priests called to sacrifice they sacrificed. They all woke up at the same time, ate a same time, prayed at the same time. Their lives ruled by a religion under the rhythm of the stars. -"We do it for this is good", said some. -"We do it because it's best", said others. Never did the biggest ape enquire further for he knew they had no more explanation to give. One day at the market he met a learned man of those people. "We do it because our fathers did it, and before them our forefathers", said the old man, his voice as dry and leathery as his skin. "Obedience was the primary virtue of our forefathers and what brought them glory and paradise". He paused for a while, appearing to think. "We are nowhere as obedient as they were and for that we suffer, this is the reason for our poverty and wretchedness." And with that the old man raised his eyes, deeply sunken in dark caves, hidden behind the weight of eyebrows too big for the emaciated face. The biggest ape rose and took his leave, he had nothing to say. As he was making his way out, a man stood in front of him, unmoved by the lamentations, unstirred by the calls of the priests. There he stood behind his stole. -"Who is this man?", asked the biggest ape. -"He is the richest merchant. ", said one. -"We buy from him because he cheats less", said another, "if only he was more moral like us". -"If only he would pray like us", lamented a woman. -"If only he would give some of his money", said a beggar. -"It pains us that he should go to hell", whispered and old woman. Hearing the talk the man looked up, locking eyes with the biggest ape. 'If I ever enter a god's hell', said the man, 'I will make sure to do so an a honest man.' 'I understand'. Thus thought Apathustra.

Part 2/5: Humor in the Halls of Academia: A Light-Hearted Look at PhD Life

Here are some humorous and light-hearted "PhD" abbreviations: - Permanently head Damaged (PhD): A playful nod to the intense intellectual effort involved in earning a PhD. - Piled higher and Deeper (PhD): A humorous take on the depth and complexity of PhD-level research. - Patiently hoping for a Degree (PhD): Reflects the long and often uncertain journey towards completing a PhD. - Probably half Delirious (PhD): Acknowledges the stress and mental strain that can come with pursuing a doctorate. - Pizza hut Delivery (PhD): A fun twist, imagining a PhD as something entirely different. - Project half Done (PhD): For those times when it feels like the thesis will never be completed. - Philosophically Disturbed (PhD): A witty take on the deep and often complex thinking required for a PhD. These are meant in good humor and to bring a light-hearted perspective to the serious and commendable pursuit of a PhD.

Part 1/5: Why You Should Apply for a PhD Regardless of Your Background

Less than 2% of the world's population holds a doctorate degree. Do you aspire to be part of the average, or will you strive to join the ranks of these distinguished individuals? - Expanding Knowledge: Deepen expertise in your chosen field, enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Gain unparalleled understanding and push the boundaries of what's known. - Personal Growth: Develop resilience, independence, and management skills through challenging research projects. Cultivate self-discipline and adaptability, crucial for success in any endeavor. - Career Opportunities: Opens doors to advanced roles in academia (research, teaching) and industry (R&D, consultancy, management). Elevates your professional profile and broadens career prospects. - Networking: Connect with professionals and academics for future collaborations and career advancement. Build a valuable network of contacts that can support your career for years to come. - Contribution to Field: Make significant contributions to your field, influencing both academic research and industry practices. Your work could lead to new discoveries, innovations, or methodologies. - Inclusivity and Diversity: Encourages a mix of perspectives, challenging stereotypes and promoting inclusivity in academia and industry. Contributes to a more diverse and equitable professional landscape. - Professional and Personal Transformation: A PhD is a journey of both professional expertise and personal development, beneficial for all backgrounds. It's an opportunity to grow intellectually, professionally, and personally. - Leadership Skills: Develop leadership abilities by guiding research projects, mentoring students, and collaborating with various stakeholders. - Global Perspective: Gain exposure to international research communities, broadening your understanding of global challenges and solutions. - Recognition and Prestige: Achieve a level of recognition and prestige in your field, establishing yourself as an authority and thought leader.

The Fool

One day the biggest ape was walking a lonely path leading to the top of a hill when he saw an emaciated man sitting below a dead tree. His clothes were in tatters and yet his eyes glew with the intensity of emptiness. "Strange", thought the biggest ape. - "Come", said the man as the biggest ape came closer to him. "I have news for you." "Let me tell you of the dreadful place called life", continued the old man. "Dreadful indeed it is, and full of sorrow, for life is suffering. I know for I have been cursed with intellect and discernment. I teach it for I hold compassion into my heart, and suffer for it dearly for I am but compassion. The truth. Happiness is the glow of the feeble minded, the madness of the blind. I know, I know, because..." -"Hum.", grunted the biggest ape without skipping a step. He was busy. At the top of the hill he heard a strange noise from behind and turned back. Instead of one old man, they were now many around the dead tree. All in tattered clothes, with glowing eyes looking at each other, backs turned to the world. "Let me tell you of the dreadful place called life..." he heard them say to each other. "Fools. I am busy." Thus spake Apathustra.

Welcome to Bluwr.

We are glad to see you here, we promised that Bluwr would be released on the 13th of November 2023 and we delivered. Bluwr is unique, we took inspiration from times far before the internet. Bluwr is a bridge between the past and the future, a conduit for thoughtfulness and inspiration. We built it with maturity and foresight, striving for beauty and perfection. A text-based platform for times to come, the past and the future seamlessly merging into something greater. "" Think Forward. "" - Bluwr.