Think Forward.

Anas Bedraoui

- Ghostwriter, Blogger - Scope (Science, Biology, AI, Languages, Philosophy, Engineering, Robotics...) - Feel free to Contact me (Freelance). - Current research area: Snake Venom, Deep Learning, Neurotoxins. - Early Career Advisory Group (ECAG) at eLife. - Awards: National University of Singapore Travel Award, ICBAIR 1st Prize Award.


Is daily posting on LinkedIn a waste of time? What should you do instead?

Focusing on quality over quantity is crucial when posting on LinkedIn. Rather than adhering to a daily posting regimen, aim to create high-quality content that resonates with your audience, providing them value and fostering engagement. Understanding your audience is essential; tailor your posts to their interests and needs. Diversifying your content types, such as articles, videos, and infographics, keeps your profile dynamic and engaging. Engaging with others by commenting on, sharing, and reacting to their content, as well as including calls to action in your own posts, can significantly enhance visibility and build relationships within your network. Use a content calendar for planning and consistency, and optimize your posting times based on when your audience is most active. Networking strategically on LinkedIn, beyond just posting content, can open up numerous opportunities. Connect with individuals in your industry, potential mentors, and companies of interest. Showcasing your expertise through insightful posts positions you as a thought leader. Pay attention to analytics to understand what content performs best and adjust your strategy accordingly. Remember, success on LinkedIn is about making an impact and providing value, not just the frequency of your posts.

Strategic Shift from Daily LinkedIn Posts to Thoughtful Writing on Bluwr

Shifting from daily postings on LinkedIn without a deliberate plan can lead to a cycle of exhaustion and reduced engagement, diminishing the effectiveness of your online presence. Turning your attention to writing on Bluwr emerges as a strategic move. Bluwr presents a platform with an audience keen on meaningful content, offering writers the chance to establish a niche through well-considered, comprehensive articles. The platform prioritizes the quality of content over its frequency, enabling a deeper exploration of subjects and fostering a genuine connection with readers. Choosing to write on Bluwr allows for cultivating a substantial, engaged audience by providing valuable insights, not merely seeking visibility through frequent updates. This strategic shift enhances personal brand and professional prospects through demonstrating expertise and thought leadership. Additionally, Bluwr's strong focus on SEO ensures content is easily discoverable in search results, further amplifying visibility. The platform's absence of bots and the requirement for approval prior to login create a community dedicated to authentic engagement, tailored for individuals committed to meaningful discourse.

Human Writing VS AI Writing

Generative AI is killing the writing market nowadays. Is there still a purpose to writing articles or books as a passion, considering writing is a means of self-expression? The value of writing seems to be diminishing drastically, with many people misusing AI by copying content from tools like ChatGPT and pasting it without even reading it. When someone writes from their heart and mind, expressing genuine human emotions, their work often goes unnoticed, dismissed as AI-generated. Personally, I believe writing has become exceedingly competitive. It's becoming challenging to achieve bestseller status if you haven't published before the rise of AI, unless you're already well-known in your field. This is precisely how ChatGPT and similar technologies are disrupting the market for new writers. Note: This text was not generated by AI.

Rethinking Productivity in PhD Studies for Better Results

In the world of PhD studies, there's a common belief that spending long hours in the office means you're doing well. However, this isn't always the best approach. Being in the office is important for working together with your team, sharing ideas, and learning from each other. But, it shouldn't become a routine where you're just sitting at your desk without really being productive. It's better to focus on what you actually achieve rather than how many hours you're seen at your workspace. Some students find they work best in quiet, solo environments where they can really focus. Recognizing this, students and their advisors should talk about finding the right balance. It's okay to work from different places if that helps you do your best work. Here are some tips for students and academic departments to consider: - Find the right mix of office time and working alone: It's good to be in the office for team work and discussions, but also find time and places where you can concentrate deeply on your own work. - Set clear goals: Focus on what you want to achieve with your research, rather than how long you spend working on it. This helps you stay on track and makes your work more meaningful. - Talk about your work style: Be open with your team and supervisor about how and where you work best. This can lead to a more supportive environment where everyone's working habits are respected. - Keep a balanced routine: Make sure to take breaks, get some exercise, and enjoy hobbies outside of your studies. A balanced life supports your mental health and can make you more productive. - Use technology to stay connected: Even when you're not in the office, you can keep in touch with your team through email, discord, video calls, and other online tools. This helps you stay part of the team without needing to be physically present all the time. Academic cultures should encourage students to work in ways that best suit them, focusing on achievements rather than just time spent in the office. This approach can lead to happier, more productive students and better research outcomes. Remember, it's about finding what works for you and making the most of it.

PhD Balance Achieving Expertise and Broad Perspectives

A PhD, or Doctor of Philosophy, isn't just about becoming a master in a specific field; it's essentially about learning to think deeply and critically about complex problems. Traditionally, getting a PhD meant more than just becoming an expert in a narrow area. It was about developing a keen ability to question the status quo and to see the connections between diverse areas of knowledge. However, today's PhD programs often lean heavily towards specialization, encouraging students to focus intensely on very specific topics and methods. While there's undeniable value in becoming an expert, this approach can sometimes overshadow the importance of the bigger picture. It's vital for PhD students to not only have a deep understanding of their specific area but also to have the capacity to think broadly about how their work fits into a wider context. Encouraging PhD students to think both critically and broadly doesn’t detract from their specialization. Rather, it enriches their educational experience, making them not just specialists but also versatile thinkers who can approach problems from various angles. This mindset allows them to look beyond their immediate projects and data, considering the larger implications of their work. By finding the right balance between deep, specialized knowledge and a broad, critical mindset, PhD programs can better prepare students for a range of careers, both in and out of academia. This isn't about choosing between being an expert or a broad thinker; it's about being both.

What Led to More Specialists Than Philosophers in Academia? A PhD Student’s Perspective

A PhD, or Doctor of Philosophy, goes beyond just mastering a field — it’s about learning how to think deeply about complex issues. Traditionally, earning a PhD wasn’t only about becoming an expert in a narrow area. It was also about developing a strong ability to think critically, question the status quo, and understand how different areas of knowledge connect. However, many PhD programs today focus heavily on specialization, pushing students to concentrate on very specific topics and techniques. While being an expert is certainly important, this approach can sometimes overshadow the bigger picture. It’s essential for PhD students not just to know a lot about a little but also to be able to think broadly about how their work fits into the world. Encouraging students to think critically and broadly doesn’t mean we’re asking them to know less about their specialty. Instead, it’s about enriching their experience, making them not only specialists but also thinkers who can approach problems from various angles. This approach helps them see beyond their experiments and data, to the larger impact of their work. By finding a balance between deep, specialized knowledge and a broad, critical mindset, PhD programs can prepare students not just for academic careers but for roles in solving some of the world’s biggest challenges. This isn’t about choosing between being an expert or a thinker; it’s about being both. This way, PhD graduates are ready to make meaningful contributions, whether they stay in academia or step into other fields.

Mistakes People Make When Bitten by Snakes & Correct Actions to Take

When bitten by a snake, people often react instinctively, which can lead to actions that are more harmful than helpful. Here are some common mistakes to avoid: - Trying to Suck Out the Venom: This method is ineffective and can introduce bacteria to the wound or further harm the victim. - Applying a Tourniquet: This can restrict blood flow entirely, potentially leading to tissue damage or necrosis. - Using Ice or Cold Compresses: Applying ice can cause tissue damage and doesn't prevent venom spread. - Cutting the Bite Area: Cutting into the bite site can increase the risk of infection and cause more damage. - Attempting to Capture or Kill the Snake: This could lead to additional bites or delay medical treatment. A description or photo from a safe distance is sufficient for identification. - Drinking Alcohol or Caffeine: These substances can accelerate the heart rate, spreading the venom more quickly through the body. - Eating or Drinking: If there's a risk of swelling in the throat or shock, consuming food or beverages could complicate the situation. If bitten by a snake, the best immediate actions are to remain as calm as possible to keep your heart rate down, which slows the spread of venom. Ensure that the affected area is kept still and positioned lower than the heart to reduce venom movement through the bloodstream. Remove any jewelry or tight clothing around the bite area before swelling starts. Call for emergency medical help right away or have someone else do so. While waiting for help, stay as immobile and calm as possible to minimize venom spread. Do not attempt to capture the snake but try to remember its color and shape to help medical professionals provide the appropriate treatment. Importantly, do not apply ice, cut the wound, try to suck out the venom, or use a tourniquet, as these actions can cause more harm.

What is the most expensive liquid on Earth?

Imagine a liquid so precious that just a small droplet could be worth more than a diamond. This isn’t a scene from a science fiction story; it’s reality, and the liquid is scorpion venom. Scorpion venom is potentially the most expensive liquid on Earth, with prices soaring to millions of dollars for just one gallon. But what makes it so incredibly valuable? Scorpions, those small, often feared creatures, carry in their tails a venom used for defense and hunting. Extracting this venom is a meticulous and often hazardous task. Specialists must carefully ‘milk’ the scorpions, a process that involves stimulating the scorpions to release their venom, which is then collected drop by drop. This labor-intensive method, combined with the venom’s scarcity, drives its high cost. But the price tag is not just due to the danger and difficulty of extraction. The real treasure of scorpion venom lies in its composition and potential to revolutionize medicine. Scorpion venom is a cocktail of numerous compounds, including peptides and proteins, each with specific effects. For instance, chlorotoxin, found in the venom of the deathstalker scorpion (Leiurus quinquestriatus), shows promise in targeting cancer cells, making it a beacon of hope for new cancer treatments. Another component, called scorpine, has been studied for its antimicrobial properties and its potential to combat malaria. Researchers are intrigued by how these compounds can lead to breakthroughs in drug development. Imagine a new kind of painkiller derived from scorpion venom that could offer relief without the side effects of current medications, or innovative treatments capable of combating autoimmune diseases and even halting the spread of cancer. These are not just hopeful speculations but real possibilities being explored in labs around the world. The process of transforming venom into medicine is complex and involves identifying and isolating the active components, understanding their mechanisms of action, and then synthesizing them in forms suitable for medical use. Despite the challenges, the potential health benefits drive scientists and pharmaceutical companies to invest in this research. This intricate dance of danger, rarity, and medical promise makes scorpion venom more than just an expensive liquid; it’s a symbol of the incredible potential hidden in nature, awaiting discovery. In a world where answers to some of our biggest health challenges might be found in the most unexpected places, scorpion venom stands as a testament to the wonders of the natural world and human ingenuity’s boundless curiosity.