Pensez le Futur.

Bluwr | Contact

This is the official account of Bluwr on Bluwr. Follow us to get the latest new about Bluwr, and DM us if you want to get in touch. Ceci est le compte officiel de Bluwr sur Bluwr. Suivez-nous pour obtenir les dernières nouvelles sur Bluwr envoyez nous un message si vous voulez nous contacter. Think Forward / Penser l'avenir.

5 reasons why you should write on Bluwr

**1- Exposure:** Bluwr is designed to give you the maximum exposure through Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO is the most important thing for Blogs, allowing your works to be referenced by search engines such as *Google*. Most online publishing platforms either offer very low exposure or let you do most of the SEO. Bluwr is different, Bluwr works for you so you can concentrate on doing what you love. **2- Ease of use:** Bluwr is the easiest platform for writing and publishing fast. Thanks to the minimalist interface and automatic formating, you can go from idea to article in minutes. **3- Speed:** Not only you can write and publish fast on Bluwr. Bluwr is also extremely optimized to deliver in the most challenging internet situations. If part of your audience is located in places where internet speed is low, Bluwr is your best choice to deliver your messages. **4- A truly dedicated community:** Bluwr is invitation only. A platform for people like you, who truly love writing. It is a community of writers dedicated to high quality content. This is way beyond industry standards. By joining Bluwr, you will join a community passionate about writing. **5- No distractions:** No distraction for your audience. No ads, no pop-ups, no images, no videos. This means that your readers can devote their entire attention to your words. **-Bonus: Detailed analytics-** Bluwr offers you free detailed analytics about your articles. Know when your readers are connected, what performs best, and get information about where your readers are coming from.

Une nouvelle version avec de petits changements

Bonjour à tous ! La semaine dernière, nous avons publié une nouvelle version de Bluwr. Le site a l'air identique, mais nous avons : - Simplifié la page de connexion en supprimant la photo (provoquant des erreurs d'affichage sur certains téléphones). - Rendu le bouton "Suivre" plus clair, vous voyez maintenant plus facilement si vous suivez quelqu'un ou non. - Corrigé une erreur qui empêchait le nombre de Bluws de s'afficher dans le tableau des statistiques. - Corrigé quelques fautes de frappe dans la version française. Nous nous efforçons d'améliorer Bluwr chaque jour. Merci d'être là ! L'équipe de Bluwr

A new version with minor updates.

Hello everyone! Last week we released a new version of Bluwr. The website looks almost the same, but we have: - Simplified the login page by removing the photo (it caused some display errors on some phone) - Made the **Follow buttons** clearer, to make it easier to know if you are following someone - Fixed an error that caused the number of Bluws to not appear in the analytics table - Fixed some typos on the french website Everyday we strive to make Bluwr better. Thank you for being here! The Bluwr Team

Bienvenus sur Bluwr.

Nous vous avions promis que Bluwr verrait le jour le 13 novembre 2023, et nous avons tenu notre promesse. Bluwr est une création unique, une source d'inspiration puisée dans des époques bien antérieures à l'avènement d'Internet. Il représente un pont entre passé et futur, un canal propice à la réflexion et à l'inspiration. Nous l'avons construit avec maturité et vision prospective, aspirant à la beauté et à la perfection. Une plateforme textuelle pour les temps à venir, où passé et futur fusionnent harmonieusement pour former quelque chose de plus grand. *Penser le futur.* - Bluwr.

Welcome to Bluwr.

We are glad to see you here, we promised that Bluwr would be released on the 13th of November 2023 and we delivered. Bluwr is unique, we took inspiration from times far before the internet. Bluwr is a bridge between the past and the future, a conduit for thoughtfulness and inspiration. We built it with maturity and foresight, striving for beauty and perfection. A text-based platform for times to come, the past and the future seamlessly merging into something greater. "" Think Forward. "" - Bluwr.