Think Forward.

Enough Already! Part Two

... If Ruiz were still alive, maybe she’d cite, ‘Alternative Stats’. The calls to ban Kenya from international athletics are getting more and more strident. But Kenya is neither East Germany nor Russia, where is has been conclusively proven that doping was/is state-aided and directed. This is freelance cheating. The Kenyan federation and politicians try to blame the ‘colonising’ agents and managers. But as one leading agent suggested to me last year, the incentives in the third world are far higher. One hundred thousand dollars is the equivalent of a life’s work compared to, say, a year or two’s salary to a first world athlete. The delayed disqualification of numerous Olympic and world champions, via retroactive tests is bad enough; but frequently bypasses public scrutiny. However, the reaction to Chepngetich’s run – widespread disbelief and ridicule - suggests that this may be some sort of watershed. There are those, and I’m not far behind, if at all, who believe that there are few if no legitimate world records in athletics. And if we can’t beat them, maybe we should join them? Maybe it’s time to declare open house; just let the dopers get on with it, and we enjoy the spectacle? After all, sport is often a surrogate target, an excuse to ignore the greater ills of society. In reality, what is a doping offence in contrast to corporate theft, fomenting an insurrection or committing genocide? * I dedicate this column to the British restaurant writer, Jay Rayner (who happens to be Jewish) who, within days of the Israeli assault on Gaza a year ago, had the courage to use his weekly column in the Observer to call out the overkill. He followed up with an even more accusatory piece a few weeks later.

Enough Already!

Kenyan athletics is like Binyamin Netanyahu – completely out of control! I make no excuses for the comparison. Sometimes we pay too much attention to our daily diversions – bread and circuses - and not enough to the grotesque injustices being perpetrated by people like the Israeli prime minister who appears to be prolonging his genocidal invasion of Gaza and Lebanon for the sole purpose of saving his own skin. Forget that he’s probably a crook, likely to be jailed for financial malfeasance when the dust settles. What he certainly is is a war criminal. Of course, the Hamas incursion and slaughter of October 7, 2023 was disgusting and disgraceful. But the biblical vengeance visited on the largely innocent population of Gaza (and now, Lebanon) by the Israeli Defence Force under the command of Netanyahu is an affront to humanity. And western governments (and media), informed by Joe Biden’s fetishist attachment to Israel, are complicit in this. Hopefully, when the humanitarian hiatus occasioned by the run-up to the US Presidential election is over, with the fervent hope that sanity prevails there, and Kamala Harris rather than the mentally ill Donald Trump wins, there will be a move to a cease-fire in the Middle East; and ultimately, an honest attempt at a two-state solution. And so to the footnote which is the qualified shock of witnessing a woman, Ruth Chepngetich run 2.09.56 at the Chicago Marathon last Sunday. The qualification is that she is Kenyan, and suspicion if not guilt by association is overwhelming. The tally of Kenyan dopers runs into hundreds. Despite her credentials, previous fast(ish) marathons, a world title, plenty of victories and a rep for going out too fast, with the corollary that one day (last Sunday?), she wouldn’t fold and would do something truly extraordinary ultimately still doesn’t stack up to the mountain of beans that points to sub-2.10. And the plea that she has never tested positive doesn’t cut it either. There are plenty of culprits like that; take Marion Jones, for starters! The excitement generated by the scintillating running of Kipchoge Keino and his colleagues and successors from the 1960s through the final decades of the last century, seen as some sort of manifestation of third world innocence has evaporated in the last 20 years with each successive announcement of a doping positive from this former Eden. When the use of EPO and its derivatives became widespread 30 years ago, the spectre of its use by East Africans – already benefitting from birth, nurturing and training at altitude, a recognised advantage in distance running – was invoked; and largely laughed off. Kenyans (and Ethiopians) won’t even taker an aspirin was the response. Since the turn of the millennium, and increasingly during the last decade, scores of Kenyans have tested positive for performance enhancers; the tally is now over a hundred suspensions in the last couple of years alone. There are those who think this is some sort of vindication of the Kenyan testing programme when it is more likely to be lack of sophistication of the druggies compared to, say first world practitioners. And the Kenyan testing programme is far superior to the one in Ethiopia. Much has been made of Chepngetich’s age, that she is too old for such a performance at 30; but Carlos Lopes won the 1984 Olympic marathon at 37, and set a world record the following year. Constantina Dita went one better and won the 2008 Olympic gold at 38. Lopes’ record incidentally was 2.07.12, just over two and a half minutes faster than Chepngetich. But there’s been a lot of (super)shoe leather worn out on the road in the 39 years since then; and doubtless, more sophisticated means of doping. There has also been a reappraisal of training for the marathon. My long-time friend from back home in the Black Country, Jim Harvey, a successful coach in New England for the last four decades, writes, ‘The current trend is for elite marathon runners to be specialist in that one event. Traditionally Western elite athletes would compete on the track and when they had maxed out at 10,000m move up the distance to the marathon. Their preparation was often 10K training which was tweaked by adding distance to their long run and more duration to their tempo runs. Today top African runners often bypass track completely and focus on half marathon/marathon from the onset of their careers. Training for the elites has become more marathon-specific with long segments of the long run done at marathon or half marathon pace, depending on the duration of the effort. Also, the interval workouts contain longer repetitions off a short or float recovery with total volume often being up around 20K. The aim is to obtain relaxation at a fast sustained pace for a long duration and this can only be accomplished by practice in training.’ That transition probably began after the ten year hiatus in men’s world records, between Belayneh Dinsamo’s 2.06.50 in Rotterdam 1988 and Ronaldo da Costa’s 2.06.05 in Berlin 1998. After that, the floodgates opened, and records tumbled, down to the current (equally unfeasible?) 2.00.35 by the tragically dead Kelvin Kiptum of Kenya a year ago, also in Chicago. When Almaz Ayana took the 10,000 metres world record apart in Rio 2016, I suggested (in her defence) that women’s long distance running was going through a similar transition and was still decades behind the men, ie going through a development like when Ron Clarke took 39 seconds off the men’s record in 1965. On reflection, I’m not so sure. The more so since, in succession, Sifan Hassan, Letesenbet Gidey and Beatrice Chebet (all of East African provenance) have taken chunks off, such that the record is now 28.54.14, almost half a minute faster than Ayana. And, to be even-handed, Paula Radcliffe’s 2.15.25 in 2003 was widely if more quietly disparaged. A friend of mine, a former 4min 10sec 1500 metres woman turned coach told me Radcliffe’s time was unlikely if not impossible without recourse to PEDs, and she’s Russian; so I figured if anyone was going to know…? The incredulity which accompanies all these runs means that the perception of long distance running feats has moved from the middle of the high road to the gutter. Because even with the shoes, the training and the inevitable march of progress, the caveats cannot dispel the suspicions. Those of us who have been lifetime runners and follow the sport assiduously will doubtless feel the same as my illustrious colleague, former Boston winner Amby Burfoot who has already written a very measured but equally condemnatory piece about Chepngetich, citing the 1980 Boston Marathon cheat Rosie Ruiz, ‘We runners all knew immediately that she was a fraud. We had no proof, but we knew’. If you don’t know the tale, briefly, a plumpish Ruiz started the race, dropped out shortly afterwards, took a metro to a mile or so from the finish, re-joined the race and jogged in the ‘winner’. It took a week to unmask her...

Elemental beings

In the ancient tradition of elemental manipulation, the relationship between humans and elemental beings is both mystical and deeply connected with the natural and metaphysical realms. These elementals, embodying the pure essence of fire, water, earth, and air, are more than just energy constructs—they are sentient beings with their own temperaments and personalities that reflect the elements they govern. Fire Elementals (Salamanders) are beings of passion, transformation, and destruction. They embody the unpredictable and volatile nature of fire, capable of both creating and consuming. Though feared for their destructive potential, they are also symbols of renewal, burning away the old to pave the way for the new. A skilled manipulator who bonds with a fire elemental can harness its power for creativity and inspiration. Water Elementals (Undines) mirror the fluid and ever-changing nature of water. They are empathetic beings, attuned to the emotional currents of those around them. Their dual nature reflects water’s capacity to be calm and healing, or forceful and destructive. Water elementals resonate with emotions such as sadness or tranquility and can be a source of peace or chaos depending on the manipulator's state of mind. Earth Elementals (Gnomes) are the embodiment of stability and endurance. Rooted in the foundation of the world, they represent the slow but unyielding forces of nature. These beings are protectors of the natural world, guarding forests, mountains, and caves, and are connected to the cycles of growth and decay. Their bond with a manipulator requires patience, as earth elementals do not easily bend to haste or change. Air Elementals (Sylphs) are ethereal beings of wind and storm, representing freedom, change, and the unseen currents of thought and inspiration. Elusive and playful, they are also capricious and unpredictable. Manipulators who form bonds with air elementals must embrace flexibility and creativity, as these beings resonate with those who are open-minded and innovative, but can be testing and fickle. The relationship between these elemental beings and aetherists is one of balance and respect. A true manipulator does not command elementals but forms a partnership with them. This bond is formed through attunement in the psychosphere, where the manipulator’s mind aligns with the elemental's essence. Emotional and mental harmony are key; any imbalance can disrupt the connection, leading to dire consequences. Elemental beings are far more likely to aid those who approach them with humility and respect for the natural forces they represent. This partnership reveals the broader truth that nature and mind are interconnected through the psychosphere, and through elemental manipulation, aetherists can harmonize with the primal forces that shape the world.

A richer world athletics, but not for all...

Has world athletics suddenly become richer, or is it just trying to be fairer in the distribution of financial income, particularly in the share it gives to athletes? In any case, the news for the next few years seems to confirm a major flow of money into athletics, with the athletes as the primary beneficiaries. It also seems that the recently launched projects and new competition formulas are very attractive and of great interest to promoters and advertisers. Historically, this has been the case since the 80s, when under the control of the revered President Primo Nebiolo, the man who revolutionized athletics, the IAAF was a pioneer in deciding to grant bonuses to athletes at world championships. It also began to pay grants to national federations for the preparation of their athletes. In fact, it distributed the income generated by world competitions as fairly as possible. Forty years later, World Athletics (the new name for the IAAF) announced athlete bonuses at the last Olympic Games in Paris. One day, the IOC will have to review its financial policy and come to the realization that, at the heart of the money it collects, there is a show whose actors are the athletes, and that any service that generates profits must benefit its actors first. I'm one of those who believe that the IOC should start paying bonuses to winners as soon as possible. Today, it seems that the most important annual competition in athletics, the “Wanda Diamond League”, will be increasing its athlete bonuses in 2025, thanks to a significant increase in resources. The amounts involved will be higher than in previous seasons. The promised increase will apply to both individual competitions and the overall prize money paid out at the annual finals. For its part, World Athletics, which had already increased the prize money reserved for athletes at world championships in 2022, is now proposing a new formula for annual competition, which it now calls the “Ultimate Championships”. The competition would begin in 2026 with a prize fund of 10 million USD. The winners of each event would receive USD 150,000. Also arriving is the new world league, Grand Slam Track (GST), founded by legendary American sprinter and former 400m world record holder Michael Johnson. This competition will make its debut in April 2025. The GST, which will see the world's best male and female runners compete, offers 262,500 USD in prize money at each of its four meetings, each winner receiving 100,000 USD. The Athlos, an event organized in New York by Alexis Ohanian (husband of Serena Williams), has also recently been launched. This women-only competition carries a prize of 110,500 USD per race, with 60,000 USD going to each of the winners. European athletics has also seen a real shake-up, with the launch at this year's European Championships in Rome of gold crowns worth 50,000 EUR, awarded to the best result per event group. These awards were won by 10 renowned athletes: Warholm, Ingebrigtsen, Duplantis, Fabbri, Erm - Bol, Battocletti, Elkasevic, Mihambo and Thiam. In addition, for 2025, outdoor competitions organized under the aegis of European Athletics will be endowed with even higher prizes: EUR 75,000 for silver, EUR 30,000 for bronze and EUR 12,000 for the challenge. Athletics thus seems to be back on its feet financially, no doubt as a result of the healthy performances of its ever-improving athletes and increasingly spectacular competitions. At the same time, these new formulas risk widening the gap between the different regions of the world, particularly when it comes to continental competitions. While Asia and North America have the capacity to keep pace, Oceania and South America a little less so, Africa seems far from being able to generate the financial flows needed to organize major championships and pay athletes bonuses. It's not a question of will, or even less of competence. Rather, it is the economic context that is decisive. At the 2018 continental championships in Assaba, Nigeria, Africa beat Europe to the punch by attempting to pay bonuses of 3,000 USD to the winners of the various events. Unfortunately, the project came to nothing. The Confederation of African Athletics is likely to find it difficult to attract the best African athletes to these competitions if it does not align itself with what is happening elsewhere. As far as athletics one day meetings are concerned here too, the gap is likely to widen even further. Formulas in Europe and North America will severely handicap the attractiveness of competitions elsewhere, particularly in Africa. Only time will tell what will really happen...very soon indeed. In the end, it's the athletes who will be more fairly rewarded for their efforts and sacrifices. And that's undoubtedly a great step forward for the world...

Travel Diary #2: Self drive road trip Namibie-Botswana

The second leg of our journey is a self-drive road trip starting from Windhoek in Namibia and ending in Maun, Botswana. For budget reasons, it was impossible to hire the services of a driver-guide for a month. Moreover, we love the adventure and freedom that this type of travel brings. We rented a 4x4 with a rooftop tent and a trunk filled with all the camping essentials: sleeping bags, dishes, propane, and even a small fridge. Upon our arrival in Windhoek, where we would only spend one night, it's striking how well-constructed and clean the city is. Paved sidewalks and no litter along the roads, unlike in Tanzania. However, there is much more begging. Here, it’s not about someone wanting to provide a service in exchange for some change, but rather an extremely insistent form of begging. The same was true in Swakopmund, on the western coast by the sea. In several towns with frequent tourist traffic, we encountered this dichotomy between cleanliness and begging. We then left civilization, heading north along the coast. We crossed the Skeleton National Park. I didn’t think a desert landscape could be so varied. Sand dunes, arid areas with some bushes, red earth sometimes tinged with purple, and occasionally the bed of a dried river with a bit of greenery and some antelopes surviving while waiting the next rainy season. Another striking aspect of this desert is the transition to the Atlantic Ocean. The shift from desert to ocean happens very abruptly, with waves crashing directly in the desert or, further north, on the few pebbles that serve as a boundary between water and land. The northern tip of the park is called Terrace Bay. The campsite where we stop is actually a very popular spot for fishermen from neighboring countries. We chatted with one of them who had come all the way from Cape Town (South Africa), having traveled 2000 km to get here with his 4x4. The next stop on our road trip is the famous Etosha National Park. It is very different from the parks we visited in Tanzania. The dirt roads are in better condition, and the park is more suited for a self-drive visit. The small waterholes (natural or artificial) attract many animals during the dry season and are well marked on the map. However, to see certain animals like cheetahs and lions resting in the shade of trees, it's best to signal other visitors to stop and exchange information. Even the guides, identifiable by their vehicles with pop-up roofs or completely open cars, are generous with advice. A simple wave will have them stop alongside you for a chat. The park is less varied in terms of landscapes compared to the Serengeti, for example, but the sight of the many species sharing the waterholes is magnificent. Once we crossed Etosha from west to east, we arrived in Rundu in northern Namibia, the second largest city after Windhoek. The owner of the campsite where we stopped told us that there is very little work, and thus most people living on the outskirts survive on what they find and trade. We went with him to see some houses in the village. They are simply areas of land marked out with wooden sticks and a few shelters, either made of metal or a wood/clay mix. For the end of the Namibian part of the road trip, we headed northeast along the Okavango River. We stopped at a fishing campsite. A little sunrise tour on the river allowed us to chat with the owner, who was very pleasant. He taught us a lot about poaching management and the damage it causes to the river's wildlife. There are almost no fish left. According to him, less than 10% of the aquatic wildlife in this river remains. After a little rest in a room at Popa Falls, we headed to Botswana and the Okavango Delta for the last two weeks of this part of our journey. Notably, the Namibia/Botswana border at this point is at the end of a long dirt road that crosses Bwabwata National Park. Before entering the Moremi Game Reserve on the east side of the delta, we spent a night at a campsite near Maun. This town is the equivalent of Arusha in Tanzania (see dedicated article). It’s the starting point for safaris. We stocked up on supplies: fuel, water, and food for the next five days. On the way to the southern entrance of the reserve, a few kilometers after leaving Maun, we realized that driving conditions would be a bit more challenging. The paved road ended, giving way to dirt and sand. We activated the 4x4 mode after just a few meters. Once in the park, conditions changed again. Unlike Etosha, there are no large, flat gravel roads. Thanks to the paper map and the app, we managed to explore the meanders at an average speed of 20 km/h for about five hours that day. This was followed by several similar days of intense driving that required sharp concentration and a keen sense of direction. The park is very wild, and the campsites are basic. We camped by the Khwai River in the north of the park. Arriving in the early afternoon for a slightly less intense driving day, we saw about twenty elephants drinking and crossing the river. We quickly lit a fire to signal our presence. What an experience! This road trip has been a crescendo of adventure. Our tourist experience in Botswana is relatively good, but not on par with the previous two countries. The cleanliness and quality of services (campsites and guesthouses) are much lower than in Namibia and Tanzania, with significantly higher prices. I don't want to minimize the beauty of the Okavango Delta; we saw stunning landscapes and all kinds of animals: kudu, zebras, elephants, giraffes, baboons, etc. Moreover, far from complaining, I feel privileged to be able to experience this adventure with my family. However, the prices are far too high. If I could do it again, I would spend a bit more time in Namibia and Tanzania for the same budget. A very beautiful leg of the journey comes to an end, but stay tuned for more adventures in a few weeks!

Servitors and golems

Throughout history, humans have imagined and created artificial beings for a determined purpose and animated by will. Two classical examples of these constructs, from different cultural traditions, are servitors and golems. Both represent the human desire to give form to one's intentions, still they represent distinct philosophical and mystical ideas. Servitors are constructs created through mental or magical discipline, mainly within modern occult traditions. They are essentially thoughtforms, shaped from the mind’s energy and given a task or purpose by their creator. A servitor is bound by the will of its creator and exists to fulfill specific functions, such as protection, assistance, or manipulation of circumstances. The process of creating a servitor is a kind of psychic programming—the practitioner defines the servitor’s purpose, often assigning it a symbolic form or sigil to help channel its energy. Unlike physical constructs, servitors exist in the ethereal realm and are maintained by the energy and focus of their creator. Some belief systems deem that servitors can be “released” or “destroyed” once their purpose is fulfilled, ensuring they do not linger or develop independence. Servitors highlight the power of the mind to create and manifest reality through focus, belief, and willpower. On the other hand, golems come from Jewish mystical traditions, particularly Kabbalistic teachings. Unlike servitors, golems are physical constructs, typically made from inanimate materials like clay or stone. The most famous golem is the Golem of Prague, a figure created by Rabbi Judah Loew in the 16th century to protect the Jewish community from persecution. The golem is brought to life through ritualistic methods, often involving the inscription of sacred words or symbols, such as the Hebrew word “emet” (“truth”) on its forehead. These letters imbue the golem with life, while erasing the first letter (leaving “met,” or “death”) deactivates the golem. Golems are typically portrayed as powerful but mindless creatures, existing to carry out their creator’s commands without question. Unlike servitors, who may represent aspects of the creator’s mind, golems are more like automatons, lacking independent thought or will. Their power is derived from the ancient association between earth and life and once created, can become uncontrollable. While servitors are products of mental and magical discipline, golems represent the manipulation of physical matter through divine or mystical intervention. Servitors serve as an extension of the creator’s mental faculties, flexible and dynamic in their purpose. Golems, on the other hand, are a manifestation of physical creation, rigid and often prone to unintended consequences if not properly controlled. There are other forms of artificial beings which could be created. Franz Bardon, for example, gave us a few methods on how to create beings that could be qualified as in between the ones discussed in this text. Both servitors and golems reflect humanity’s ongoing fascination with the power of creation and the ways in which we might give life to our intentions. Whether through thought or clay, the desire to animate constructs reflects both a deep imagination and a cautionary tale about the limits of control over what we create.


The beginning is always hard; patience is key, and with time, things tend to improve—just as wise people often remind us when we're starting a story. At first, you may not know where to begin or what your starting point is, so you search for it. Once you find it, you can begin writing your story—whether it's your first, second, third, or even your millionth. You might know where your story begins, but the number of stories we live through is unknown. The person who enters a story is not the same person who exits to begin the next. Living a long story behind may be difficult, but you remain part of many stories. You might notice some stories repeating, others mirroring the experiences of people around you, and at times, you may even smile because you can guess how they’ll end, having seen them unfold before. There are moments when you feel like the conductor of all these stories, but at other times, it seems like you're simply living within them, forgetting your own. Living short stories is like reliving life over and over again. Each time, you’re eager to finish one and begin another, feeling the thrill of starting something new. But along the way, you may either lose yourself or grow, depending on how each story ends. We are all the heroes of our own stories—some converge, while others diverge. People become part of your story, just as you are part of theirs. Choose peace, love yourself, and keep smiling. The most beautiful story of all is having life and meeting others to write stories together.

Memoirs of Atlantis

Atlantis—the mythical and mystical land—has captivated the imagination and dreams of countless generations. For many, it is simply a fictional place, but for others—myself included—it truly existed. Atlantis was first introduced by Plato in Timaeus and Critias, where he described it as a highly advanced civilization located "beyond the Pillars of Hercules." Over the years, numerous authors have written about Atlantis, while others have tried to locate its remains. So far, it has been considered mere speculation by modern science, as no definitive evidence has been found that can be directly linked to it. Yet, despite this, Atlantis remains a topic of heated debates and discussions, leading to an intriguing question: if Atlantis is not real, why do we continue to talk about it? Figures like Edgar Cayce and Helena Blavatsky, among others, have offered fascinating insights into the story of Atlantis, though there is even more information from extradimensional sources that I would like to explore. Atlantis is said to have existed in the Atlantic Ocean, covering vast territories that spanned both hemispheres. Some sources claim that it experienced three major cataclysmic events, losing landmass with each one, the third of which ultimately led to its final destruction. The Atlanteans are considered to be what we now call the fourth human race, not very different from our current fifth race. However, they were believed to possess more activated genes, with some sources even suggesting the presence of extra DNA strands. They originally descended from the third human race, which hailed from Lemuria, and in their early years, the Atlanteans maintained close interactions with the Lemurians. In the beginning, the spiritual makeup of the Atlanteans consisted of beings who were already living on Earth. However, over time, they began receiving beings who had been exiled after the Orion wars, as well as others from planets in the constellation of Auriga, specifically from the brightest star in the northern part, Capella. These later arrivals were more bellicose in nature, and their presence is believed to have contributed to the eventual downfall of Atlantis. Atlantean society was divided into two main groups: one focused on science and engineering, while the other was more inclined towards metaphysics and what we might now call "shamanism." Despite all being human, these groups displayed remarkable phenotypical differences. The technologically inclined Atlanteans created marvels we can scarcely imagine today. They harnessed Earth's telluric forces, generating energy without the need for carbon fuels, and utilized antigravitational forces and magnetism in their daily lives. Meanwhile, the more nature-oriented Atlanteans mastered the elemental forces and could shape the psychosphere—which was far less chaotic than it is today—according to their will. What we now consider magic was widely accepted and practiced by them as a form of advanced science. At first, these two groups coexisted peacefully, but as time passed, their differences began to create tensions. Ideological differences grew, eventually leading to both philosophical and physical divisions over time. Atlanteans were heavily involved in trade with numerous nations and beings, both earthly and extraterrestrial, across the globe. They also established bases that supported their trade and exploration efforts. One of their most significant achievements was learning to harness the vril energy, a powerful force. Unfortunately, they eventually used this energy to wage wars and establish dominance, and in the end, it was this same energy that led to their downfall and destruction.

Two Nobel Prizes: AI is Still resting on Giant Shoulders

John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton got the Nobel Prize of Physics, Demis Hassabis and John Jumper the nobel Prize of Chemistry. It is obvious that the first Nobel Prize was not given merely for their contributions to physics, but mostly for their profound and foundational contributions to what is today modern AI. Let's talk about the second Nobel prize. AlphaFold was put on map by beating other methods on a competition (CASP14/CASP15) that has been running for year on a well established dataset. As such, AlphaFold winning is more like an ImageNet moment (when the team of Geof Hinton demonstrated the superiority of Convolutional Networks on Image Classification), than a triumph of multi-disciplinary AI research. The dataset of Alphafold rests on many years of slow and arduous research to compile a dataset in a format that could be understood not by machines, but by computer scientists. This massive problem of finding the protein structure was, through that humongous work, reduced to a simple question of minimizing distances. A problem that could now be tackled with little to no knowledge of chemistry, biology or proteomics. This in no way reduces the profond impact of AlphaFold. However it does highlight a major issue in applied AI: computer scientists, not AI, are still reliant on other disciplines to drastically simplify complex problems for them. The contributions and hard work required to do so gets unfortunately forgotten everything has been reduced to a dataset and a competition. What to do when we do not have problems that computer scientists can easily understand? This is true for all fields that require a very high level of domain knowledge. Through experience, I came to consider the pairing of AI specialists with specialists of other disciplines, a sub-optimal strategy at best. The Billions of dollars invested in such enterprises have failed to produce any significant return on investment. The number one blind spot of these endeavours is the supply chain, it usually takes years and looks like this: 1- Domain specialists identify a question 2- Years are spent to develop methods to measure and tackle it 3- The methods are made cheaper 4- The missing links: Computational chemists, Bioinformaticians, ... start the work on what will become the dataset 5- AI can finally enter the scene Point number (1) is the foundation. You can measure and ask an infinite number of questions about anything. Finding the most important one is not as obvious as it seems. For example, it is not at all obvious that a protein structure is an important feature a priory. Another example, is debugging code. A successful debugging session involves asking and answering a succession of relevant questions. Imagine giving a code to someone with no programming experience and asking them to debug it. The probabilities of them asking the right questions is very close to 0. Identifying what is important is called inserting inductive Biases. In theory LLMs could integrate the inductive biases of a field and generate interesting questions, even format datasets from open-source data. However until this ability has been fully demonstrated, the only cost efficient way to accelerate AI driven scientific discoveries is to build the disciplinarily into the people: AI Researchers that know enough about the field to be able to identify the relevant questions of the future.

Psychosphere and elemental manipulation

For those attuned to the metaphysical plane called psychosphere, elemental manipulation becomes possible—a manifestation of willpower translated directly into physical reality. Fire, water, earth, and air are no longer inert forces of nature, but extensions of one's mental faculties. These elements, governed by their own natural laws, bend and respond to the psychic commands projected through the psychosphere. The flame dances with a mere thought, water ripples in time with a fleeting emotion, the earth trembles under the weight of a focused mind, and air bends and flows with each shift in consciousness. In ancient times, those who mastered this connection were known as aetherists, individuals who could sense the undercurrents of the psychosphere and use it as tool to commune with the elements. Aetherists were not simply powerful due to their abilities, but because of their profound understanding of how thoughts and emotions could influence their environment. The key to this manipulation is not found in brute strength, but in resonance. The psychosphere, like an ocean of thought and emotion, is sensitive to the subtlest shifts in energy. Those who can align their inner state—mind, heart, and spirit—with the it's flow, find themselves in harmony with the elemental forces. To manipulate fire, one must embody its intensity; to command water, one must flow with its rhythm; to bend air, a mind must be as light and agile as the breeze itself; to move the earth, one's will must be grounded, unshakable. As we can see, elemental manipulation is an intricate dance between mind and nature, mediated by the psychosphere. Each element responds to a specific emotional frequency: fire to passion, water to tranquility, air to freedom, and earth to stability. The most skilled practitioners are not merely wielders of power, but "symbiotic" partners with the elements, understanding that the psychosphere is both a reflection of their inner world and a gateway to controlling the outer one. Yet, the psychosphere is not a neutral space. As we discussed before, it is affected by the collective thoughts and emotions of all beings. Those who seek to manipulate elements must do so with caution, for the psychosphere is sensitive to the imbalances of mind and heart. A thought too aggressive might cause fire to rage uncontrollably; an unstable emotion might unleash a flood of water or shift tectonic plates with unintended force. Balance is key, and the psychosphere rewards those who seek harmony, not dominance, over the elements. Despite the potential for great power, the psychosphere is an inherently neutral force-it amplifies the intentions of the individual but does not judge them. this opens a moral dimension to elemental manipulation, as individuals can use their connection to the psychosphere for creation or destruction. In this world, where mind and matter intertwine, the psychosphere is the ultimate bridge between consciousness and the primal forces of nature. It is the invisible field where thoughts become actions, and the mastery of elemental manipulation is not merely a feat of mental prowess, but a journey toward inner equilibrium, a balance between the self and the world around it.

Egregores and the psychosphere

The psychosphere can be understood as an energetic field that envelops the planet, serving as a living repository for the mental and emotional energies generated by all sentient beings. Some interpretations, such as those in the Gaia theory, even suggest that all emotional beings, including animals contribute to this field. For the sake of clarity in this discussion, I will focus solely on humans. The psychosphere exists as a subtle layer between the material world we inhabit and the higher, more ethereal planes, often referred to as the spiritual realm. Rich with thoughtforms—mental constructs born from individual or collective consciousness—it plays a determinant role in the astral plane. Though intangible to the physical senses, the psychosphere profoundly influences both individual experiences and the collective emotional state of humanity. At the core of the psychosphere are thoughtforms and egregores, which I discussed in my previous writing. These are the primary forces that shape this astral layer. Both thoughtforms and egregores contribute to the psychosphere, which grows denser with the energy they generate. While thoughtforms are personal and typically temporary, egregores have the potential to become enduring entities, sustained by the continual focus and intention of a group. These entities accumulate in the psychosphere, influencing the mental and emotional states of those who dwell within its planetary field. The psychosphere functions as a middle ground between the dense physical realm and the more subtle ethereal or spiritual planes. As a layer of the astral plane, its "matter" is finer than the physical world but denser than the purely spiritual realms. This gives it a unique role in the cosmological framework, acting as a bridge where mental energy and spiritual forces intersect, creating a dynamic interplay between human thought and extradimensional or spiritual influence. To provide a helpful metaphor, we can look to the superstring theory with its concept of multiple dimensions. Imagine the psychosphere as the "fine point" where different dimensions converge and interact, much like vibrating strings generate different forms of matter. The vibrations of thought and emotion within the psychosphere create and sustain various thoughtforms and egregores. These vibrations, in turn, shift and shape the energies of the astral plane, producing a vast and complex network of mental and spiritual activity. The astral plane, and by extension the psychosphere, influences human experience in subtle but powerful ways. On one hand, individuals and groups can shape the psychosphere through their focused intentions, emotions, and beliefs. On the other hand, the psychosphere exerts its influence on them, subtly affecting their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. For example, when an egregore grows strong, it can exert pressure on the individuals who feed it. This can manifest as powerful collective emotions—such as national pride, religious fervor, or even mass hysteria. The egregore becomes a force that shapes the thoughts and behaviors of its creators, locking them into patterns of belief or action. This reciprocal relationship creates a feedback loop in which individuals both influence and are influenced by the larger thoughtform structures of the psychosphere. On a more personal level, the thoughtforms individuals generate can resonate within the psychosphere, attracting similar energies or influences from the astral plane. In some cases, these thoughtforms can be empowering, manifesting goals or desires in the physical world. In other instances, they may create unwanted energetic attachments or lingering emotional residues. Thoughtforms and egregores, like all things in the universe, have a lifespan. When the energy sustaining them wanes—due to a lack of focus, intention, or belief—they begin to dissolve. This dissolution is not always clean, however. Much like physical organisms, these entities can leave behind husks or residual energy patterns that linger in the psychosphere. These empty husks are a form of astral debris. Although they no longer possess the vibrancy or purpose they once had, they still exist as empty shells of what they once were. These remnants can be manipulated by beings on either side of the astral plane—whether from higher spiritual realms or lower astral dimensions. In the hands of malevolent or parasitic entities, these empty husks can be repurposed, filled with new energy, and used to influence or manipulate the emotions and thoughts of individuals. This can manifest as irrational fears, lingering emotional disturbances, or sudden shifts in consciousness. Conversely, benevolent entities may seek to dissipate or transform these husks into higher forms of energy, restoring balance within the psychosphere. The psychosphere is a dynamic, living field that reflects the collective mental and emotional states of the beings within it. It is influenced by human consciousness and, in turn, exerts its influence on the thoughts and emotions of those who interact with it. Through the creation of thoughtforms and egregores, individuals and groups shape the psychosphere, contributing to the intricate network of energetic patterns that govern the mental and spiritual landscape of the planet. The ongoing cycle of creation, sustenance, and dissolution of thoughtforms and egregores, shapes not only the psychosphere itself but also the experiences of those who live within its reach. Understanding this complex relationship allows us to better grasp how unseen forces may be influencing our inner and outer worlds, offering insights into the interconnectedness of mind, spirit, and the greater energetic realities that surround us.

Collective thoughtforms and their influence - egregores

At the intersection of metaphysics, psychology, and collective experience lies the concept of egregores. These entities are, in essence, collective thoughtforms—mental and emotional constructs brought into existence and sustained by the shared focus, energy, and intent of a group of individuals. While a thoughtform arises from an individual’s sustained focus and emotional charge, taking on a life of its own in either the mental, astral, or sometimes even physical realms, an egregore is the result of a collective’s continuous input, becoming something far more potent and autonomous. Egregores start with shared ideas or emotions within a group. When people consistently focus on a common goal, these thoughts and emotions merge, forming an energetic presence that goes beyond the individual. The group may not be aware of this process, but over time, their collective energy manifests into a metaphysical structure, strengthened by rituals, symbols, and emotions. Symbols play a crucial role, serving as focal points for the group’s beliefs. Whether it’s a flag, logo, or chant, these symbols represent the group’s values, reinforcing the egregore’s existence. Every time individuals gather around these symbols, they contribute energy to the egregore. Once created, egregores can become autonomous, exerting influence on group members. Although born from the collective, they begin to act as independent entities, shaping thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. For instance, a religious community that collectively worships a deity may give rise to an egregore representing that deity. This egregore can influence how the group experiences their faith, guiding their actions and beliefs. In group dynamics, egregores enhance unity. Members may begin to share similar thoughts and actions, feeling connected to one another and their shared purpose. In emotionally charged situations, such as sports events, the collective energy can synchronize emotions across individuals, creating dramatic shifts and surges in group intensity. This collective energy often reaches peaks, amplifying shared experiences and reinforcing the bond within the group. The longer individuals are part of a group, the more their thoughts align with the egregore, amplifying its influence. Positively, this can lead to collective achievements, such as social movements or community growth. However, if the group’s energy centers on negative emotions like fear or hatred, the egregore can become destructive, influencing harmful actions. In modern contexts, egregores are reflected in brands, political ideologies, and social movements. For example, a brand like Apple may function as an egregore, where collective admiration and emotional investment shape customer behavior and company culture. Social media, too, serves as a powerful platform for the creation of egregores, amplifying collective thoughts and emotions. Online communities and viral trends generate intense focus, allowing egregores to influence large numbers of people quickly. Understanding egregores can empower individuals to consciously direct collective energy toward positive outcomes. By being mindful of shared thoughts and emotions, we can create egregores that foster unity, community, and collective success. Egregores ultimately remind us of the power of collective consciousness, which can shape both the inner and outer worlds of those who create them.

The Appeal of Fear in Media

The growing sales of horror games such as the Resident Evil franchise, and the success of horror shows and movies indicate the appeal of the genre. The reasons behind this appeal have been investigated through many studies. First, we must distinguish between the terms “horror” and “terror”, which tend to be erroneously used interchangeably. According to Dani Cavallaro, horror is the fear linked to visible disruptions of the natural order, sudden appearances, and identifiable objects. Horror causes intense physical reactions and provides us with surprise and shock. On the other hand, terror is the fear of the unknown. It is the feelings of tension and unease proceeding a revelation [1]. “The difference between Terror and Horror is the difference between awful apprehension and sickening realization: between the smell of death and stumbling against a corpse… Terror thus creates an intangible atmosphere of spiritual psychic dread… Horror resorts to a cruder presentation of the macabre” [2]. While playing horror games or watching horror movies, we constantly oscillate between terror and horror. One is willing to endure the intense fear (horror) because of its less subtle modulations (terror). In fact, a study done by the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research at Osaka University reveals that players were more likely to experience intense fear when they were in a suspense state and then faced a surprising appearance [3]. From a biological perspective, once the human brain detects a potential threat, dopamine is released into the body, and once that threat is identified as false, the body feels pleasure and the person wants to repeat this cycle by seeking scary content [4]. Although one can aim for a long psychological experience by having a good combination of terror and horror, what causes terror and unease is individual and varies from one person to another. Individual characteristics, traumas, and phobias must be taken into consideration to assess the level of fear and manipulate future gameplay accordingly. [1] D. Cavallaro, The Gothic Vision: Three Centuries of Horror, Terror and Fear. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2002. [2] Varma, D. P. (1988) The Gothic Flame, Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. Vico, G. [1725] (1968) The New Science, trans. T. Goddard and M. H. Fisch, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. [3] V. Vachiratamporn, R. Legaspi, K. Moriyama and M. Numao, "Towards the Design of Affective Survival Horror Games: An Investigation on Player Affect," 2013 Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, 2013, pp. 576-581, doi: 10.1007/s12193-014-0153-4 [4] A. Damasio, Descartes error: emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Avon Books, 1994.

Free people in a tapestry of rules

I quote Ralph Waldo Emerson's saying that "do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail". In doing so, I am telling you that there are men no smatter and no dumber than us who have been here before and by the things they have said, they knew - in that time - that whatever rulebook and pattern that was written for life - go to school, learn our ways, speak our tongue, do this work, find a companion, have some fun, leave some kids behind, grow old, die - these rules were conjured by some persons before them. Steve Jobs in an interview (find link attached to this story), said that once you discover one simple fact that everything around you that you call life was made up by people that are no smarter than you, and you can change it, influence it, poke at it and something would actually pop out at the other side, then you would have discovered the most important thing in life. I have known the very lowest points of life. I have doubted about tomorrow. And I am not clear of life's tribulations. But it took these things for me "to shake off this erroneous notion that life is just there, and I am just going to live in it". Shun evil, be kind, be obedient, listen to reason and be humble. But never for once think that you are not free to carve a good path and lead others on it.

All are abstractions

Some people take a lifetime to never have been able to see the real reasons of life. Time is a trickery. All what we live for is abstractions. Take heed of time.

The Sighs of Azemmour

As we were heading towards Walidia, just to enjoy its beautiful lagoon, oysters and fish, my daughter, my wife, and I decided to make a short stop in Azemmour. I had promised myself I woud show my daughter the city as soon as I had the chance. We are here a stone's throw from Casablanca, a handful of kilometers from El-Jadida and not far from Jorf Lasfar, a pride of the industrialization of modern Morocco. Personally, I am rather fond of this city. Few are so captivating. I cannot explain why. There, you can be at times a berber in short Jellaba, tchamir and rounded or pointed toe slippers; sometimes a Phoenician clad in white in the style of the Greeks in their time of glory; sometimes wearing the toga of a proud Roman citizen or the blue turban of a rough Berghouata. You can daydream about the Portuguese singing their triumph at the capture of the city. You hear, the sound of your steps on an aged pavement, evoking that of the Saadian army taking possession of the city walls. The noise and vociferations of the soldiers resound there again and again; but in silence. At the turn of an alley of the ancient city, you hear the distant and confused voice of Sidi Abderahman El Mejdoub, wailing his pain in front of evil, questioning the world and the universe. At the turn of a street, you are greeted by the whispering voice, barely audible, of Rabbi Abraham Moul Ness and his prayers at the rising of the sun and its setting Sidi Brahim for Muslims. Religions struggle to find boundaries here... Moreover, it is a sort of miracle that revealed to the two communities that Abraham was indeed a saint. The citizens had just installed a mill right in front of the cave where he spent his time meditating and praying. The animals that powered the mill quickly fell ill and died one after the other. It was then understood that Abraham did not want to be disturbed in his meditation. Since then, he is Rabbi Abraham for the Jews, Sidi Brahim for the Muslims, holy for both. Farther inside the city, you can see rather silent young people, looking sullen, crestfallen, who face you at the turn of a lane. Some of those who walk by you look haggard, as though they expressed weariness or disgust; perhaps even deep anger and repeated hurt. At the corner of neighbouring street, on a small shapeless square, it is the jerky sound of a loom that catches your ear. One of the last Deraz still in activity weaves silken or woolen scarves. Tourists like them but do not come often... He works, he loves his job and keeps doing it, waiting for better days to come; or at least hoping that the war in the Middle East stops. Deep down, he must wish that his Israeli friends return to reason and quickly drive out their current leaders; neurotics thirsty for blood more than other thing. He is waiting for the Moussem but does not know if the Jewish Moroccans who return annually for the pilgrimage will still be numerous. The Arts and Crafts House is silent and expectant too. It spends long spells of time waiting that a small group would pass by to finally enliven it for an hour or so. The master craftsmen who stay there seem to contemplate the passage of time. Their eyes are nostalgic for a recent past certainly idealized, and a more distant past loaded with wealth and power, forever gone. A lady of a certain age, without any discomfort, dressed in battered pajamas, is there in front of her home, sitting on an stool. The blue door of her modest house, is wide open. The lady is a bit too large for her stool. Her gaze is blank. She does not notice our silhouettes and seems not to hear our involuntarily light steps, as if not to disturb the history or stir the anger of abandoned walls, houses with walled doors, those that time has knocked down and those that passively wait for the signal of the tumbling of tired stones that no longer have anything to hold onto. Behind the heavy doors of ancient buildings - and there are still many thank God - and some houses not yet walled up or fallen into oblivion of time and humans, we can guess the presence of young girls busying themselves with embroidery. Few are those who still have a passion for this ancestral art specific to the city with its bright colours and dragons. What are dragons doing here, if not recall a past so distant that it fades into the background of history. Some say that it is a Portuguese merchant who introduced this art behind the walls of the city. At the corner of a small square, as there are many in the city, in front of a small and neglected grocery store, stand idle young men. One of them must look like Mustapha Azemmouri, also called Esteban the Moor or Estevanico. He may even carry his genes. Without Estevanico, North America would never have been what it is now. What a destiny. To leave one country and travel so far, and change the course of history on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Walking out through one of the gates of the ancient city, one only has one thought: Azemmour is looking for a present that does not come. It is dying and dying. Maybe it is already dead. Some time ago, Karim Boukhari wrote in an article « I have visited Azemmour. A friend, from the city, warned me: Watch out, he said, it is a dead city. » Go and walk the promenade around the city walls. An esplanade that my friend Zaki Semlali has laid out with the little he had to revive this special relationship that the city has with river Oum Rebi3. Today, plastic is unfortunately more abundant than fish. Gone are the shad and the beautiful, fleshy ambrines. Some sections of the wall and houses collapse and flow towards the oued like tears of agony. The nostalgic Azemmour peeks at the Atlantic Ocean and watches, helplessly, the waves smashing in the distance. I pray the Almighty that this piece of our precious history can finally benefit from the attention of our rulers. My daughter, my wife, and I left the place sad, wounded in the depths of our souls; but the sublime voice of Sanaa Marahati singing some poems written somewhere in the city makes us hope for a better future for Azemmour.

About symbols and sigils

Symbols play a crucial role in our daily lives, shaping how we communicate and interpret the world around us. A symbol can be defined as an image, mark, or word that represents an object, concept, or abstraction. Carl Jung offers a profound exploration of this concept in his theory of aesthetics, emphasizing the psychological significance of symbols in our collective unconscious. Names are powerful symbols that engrave our identity in society. They carry personal history, culture, and meaning, helping us connect with others. Signatures serve a similar purpose, representing not just our names but also our intentions and agreements on various documents, from contracts to checks. Pins and passwords, too, can be viewed as symbols. They are abstractions we create to access personal or confidential information, representing trust and security in our digital interactions. Each type of symbol functions as a key to unlocking different facets of our identity and intentions. In essence, symbols can be categorized into two main types: disclosed and undisclosed. Disclosed symbols, like names and logos, are public and widely recognized, while undisclosed symbols, such as passwords and personal codes, are private and hold significance only for their creators. Sigils, a specific type of symbol, are often used in magical practices to invoke particular intentions or extradimensional entities. Traditionally, these symbols acted like a “telephone” to connect with these entities, serving as a means to channel one’s desires into the universe. In modern contexts, particularly within chaos magic, sigils are used to anchor one’s will to manifest specific goals, such as personal success or emotional healing. Interestingly, we encounter sigils daily, often without realizing it. Our names serve as disclosed sigils, necessary for identification in various activities—from registering for events to establishing online identities. Pins and passwords act as undisclosed sigils, known only to us and provide access to our personal digital realms, such as social media accounts or banking information. We are constantly surrounded by both created and absorbed sigils. From the brands we encounter to the symbols we personally create (like affirmations or vision boards), these sigils influence our thoughts and actions on both conscious and unconscious levels. Grant Morrison’s observation that "corporate sigils are super-breeders; they invade unbranded imaginative space" speaks to how commercial symbols can shape our desires and identities, often without our awareness. This brings us to a question: Do we unknowingly practice magick in our everyday lives? The rituals we perform—whether it’s setting intentions for the day or using symbols to navigate our environments—suggest that there may be more to our actions than mere routine. Ancient practitioners of magick often blurred the lines between what we now categorize as science and spiritual practice. They observed natural phenomena, conducted experiments, and created systems of understanding that predate modern scientific terminology. By examining the interplay between symbols, sigils, and our daily actions, we can appreciate the deeper meanings and influences that shape our lives. Symbols are not just marks or images; they are powerful tools that connect us to our identities, intentions, and the world around us.

Emotions and knowing oneself

How can our emotions affect our thoughts and attitudes? That is easy to answer. We are emotional beings, and as such, many of us are guided by feelings rather than reason. For example, when someone annoys us, our immediate reaction is often frustration or anger. On the other hand, when someone treats us kindly, we typically feel gratitude and warmth. These emotional responses create a cycle in our daily lives that we often don't perceive. How can we start notice these patterns? Remember the "know thyself"? It is crucial. gaining a deeper understanding of ourselves is challenging, but it helps identify what triggers our strongest emotions and how we respond to them. By recognizing our emotional responses, we can take steps to manage, and eventually controlling, them and even transform our environment. A significant barrier to self-awareness is the masks we wear. Many of us tries to present a curated version of ourselves, shaped by cultural expectations and past experiences. This creates layers of "costumes" that can obscure our true identity. We often assert, "I am this" or "I am that", but have we truly examined who we are beneath those labels? We tend to showcase only our positive traits, hiding our flaws because they are seen as undesirable. It is essential to acknowledge that we all have imperfections. Rather than making excuses for our "dark side", we should recognize it and seek ways to improve. Just as we aim to enhance our strengths, we should also commit to learning from our challenges. The path to understanding our true selves -accepting both our strengths and weaknesses- guides us toward mastering our emotions. This self-awareness, along with a balanced self-acceptance (without justifying negative behaviors), enables us to respond more thoughtfully to the world around us. To conclude, here are three quotations that encapsulate my thoughts: - "Self-knowledge is the beginning of self-improvement." - Unknown - "Emotions are like waves. We can't stop the waves, but we can learn to surf." - Jon Kabat-Zinn - "The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude". William James

Thoughts and co-creation

There is an ancient knowledge that says - "all is mind, the universe is mental". This statement, if we think using a more theistic view, suggests that all things in the universe are a manifestation of a primordial thought, a primeval consciousness. To put it differently, there is a primary intelligence behind creation. As human beings we are part of this universe, this so-called creation. Given this premise, would it be wrong to assume that we could do the same? In other words, couldn't we be co-creators in this all? In my previous writing I discussed how we could use the principles of quantum physics to reshape our reality using our thoughts. Well, if all is mind, for sure we are co-creators! We already engage in co-creations every day. Through our thoughts we change the world when create art, to engineer new technologies, or express novel ideas. Could we take this further? Could we use our minds alone to modify the reality around us? I believe we can. Our minds don't think in words, these are mere abstractions created for communication. Instead, we think in images and mental pictures. For instance, when we feel thirsty, we don't simply think of the word "water" but envision a glass or a bottle. In other words, we use symbols to express our ideas. These symbols can be incredibly powerful in guiding and influencing us at every moment - just look at why companies invest so heavily in their logos and show them as much as they can. In summary, we think using symbols, and the most effective way to access them is through mental imagery or representations. Now, could we leverage these mental pictures and our concentrated will to alter the reality around us? Could our thought, when generated and guided with strong intention, be powerful enough to vibrate particles around us and initiate co-creations? We do that on a daily basis but, often unconsciously. "Know thyself" like some ancients advised, is the first step toward mastering our thoughts and consciously using them to our benefit.

Travel diary #1: Tanzania

To kick off our long family trip, we started with Tanzania. It's the first time we've set foot in sub-Saharan Africa. And what a wonderful introduction! We began with a 7-day organized safari with an exceptional driver and guide. His knowledge of geology, biology, botanics and ethology was impressive. Not to mention his driving skills on the trails of the parks we visited: Taranguire, Manyara, Ngorongoro and Serengeti. The 6 to 10 hours of daily driving didn't seem so long, between discussions, breathtaking views and animal watching. Non-exhaustive list: zebras, giraffes, elephants, buffaloes, wildebeests, leopards, cheetahs, ostriches, bustards, baboons, vervet monkeys, egrets, yellow-headed king cranes, vultures, marabous, crocodiles, antelopes and gazelles of all kinds. I have to admit that we didn't manage to retain everything Mahmoud tried to teach us. A bit of Swahili, a bit of geology on the formation of the Rift Valley, a bit of history on the migration of the Maasais to the Serengeti Park and a bit of biology on recognizing the flora and fauna. We then spent a week in Dar es Salaam to complete our visit and immerse ourselves in Tanzanian city life. Once again, a wonderful experience. We stayed in a modest but adequate airbnb. We discovered a new mode of transport, very fun and at a very affordable price: the bajaji (local tuk tuk). We visited the Kariakoo market (a flea market that stretches for miles), had a lazy day on Bongoyo Island, and the Village Museum (Swahili name) with a guide who told us about the customs and habitations of some of the more than 100 tribes present in Tanzania. It's an outdoor museum with houses illustrating the way of life of some of the tribes. I'll always remember Tanzania as a country with very welcoming and relaxed people. Despite a few pushy people trying to sell us trinkets, act as guides or even bodyguards, we never felt in danger. This country, whose population is divided between different cultures and religions, where Muslims, Christians, Maasais and others live together, seems to me to be a good example of tolerance. Next post in about a month about our next step: a road trip.

Travel Diary #0: An experiment against the flow

We're off for several months of family travel. A trip that will take us to Africa, Asia and Oceania. I wanted to find a way to share a few things about the trip, but in a more private way than publishing photos and videos for the whole world to see. That kind of content is reserved for family and friends. What better way to do this than with Bluwr! As co-founder I'm obviously biased, but I find Bluwr ideal for this exercise for several reasons: 1. I can share the experience with a large number of people without getting into what I consider too intimate or private. 2. I don't want to spend hours editing videos and creating photo albums, formatting text. I want to make the most of this trip, which is the project of a lifetime. 3. I find the idea of sharing this experience without images or video interesting in the age of instagram, youtube and smileys. Perhaps a little spirit of contrariness? My nearest and dearest have the answer to that question. 4. I'm far from a writer. My highschool grades on the literrary side were pretty disastrous, so I'm stepping out of my comfort zone. It doesn't hurt once in a while. So I'm going to write an article for each part of our journey, to share the highlights and some of my feelings. If any of you are interested in details about accommodation, budget etc., feel free to write to me privately. Let the challenge begin.

Quantum Physics and our thoughts

Quantum physics, one the most innovative fields of knowledge of modern science, tells us about a phenomenon known as the observer effect. It states that particles, in their potential state, do not have defined characteristics -such as movement or position- until they are observed. What implications does this have for our daily lives? Our conscious attention shapes the reality around us. When we focus on something, we align our thoughts and emotions with specific energies, influencing what we manifest into our lives. I guess a good analogy would be when are tuning into a radio station that is playing our favorite song. The problem is that it works when we have either positive or negative thoughts. The more we concentrate on something, the more the neural pathways associated with that thought become reinforced. Similarly, another intriguing concept found in quantum physics is the quantum entanglement, where two or more particles become linked in such a way that the state of one influence the state of another, independently of how far apart they are. With that information in mind, let's examine our thoughts. They are the result of several biochemical processes in our brains, which brings us to a question - Could it be that our thoughts or emotions impact the world around us? If so, is it possible we can influence reality simply through our thoughts? If the answer to both questions is yes, then could it be so far-fetched to think that we could use our will to change the environment for the better? I firmly believe we can! This phenomenon, known by many names - such as magnetism, mental power, faith or magick- invites us to recognize its existence. Quantum physics may provide, in my opinion, really good insights into its mechanisms. As an eccentric Englishman said once, "do what thou wilt...".

Why can't we accept other forms of science?

What is science according to the "modern definition"? It would be the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained. Long and somewhat well put definition, however, there are sciences that could fit with the aforementioned explanation yet with some twists. One great example is metaphysics. What? Metaphysics?! Yes, indeed. The great problem with this "persecuted" and old science is the part where we cannot test it. What if say we can? Some will say that we can't test in a laboratory environment with our modern instruments and, because of this, it is untestable. I beg to differ. Several scientific phenomena we can test nowadays were untestable not so long ago. Some would say that they were metaphysical, even though they were observed. That brings me to the big question: why is the so called magick deemed as metaphysics? It happens, is observed and can be tested, however, not using the current technology. Or, isn't it? First, I think we should define what magick is. I guess we could say that is the practice of influencing events or outcomes through the power of one's will. Depending on who you ask the definition will be a different but, that's the most synthetic way I could define it. Of course there are several distinct schools and traditions of magick but it could be a topic for some other day. For now I just want to talk about some ideas. The superstring theory tells us that there is a possibility of several universes (a multiverse) and I would like to use it for a much smaller scale. What if, by the power of one's will we could make little portals within our own universe open? One would say that is only theory. What if I say that is has been done (on a huge scale!) by the scientific community, and it is right in front of our eyes? I won't say directly what it is now but I will give a hint - look at Switzerland, New York and California. I know that I still sound unconventional (even crazy) but it's only the beginning...

To be a good Father !

To be a good Father! That's the biggest achievement, that I'll ever achieve in life. I dream of that moment of holding my child to my chest and starting to recite the Adhan. in his or her little soft ear. Whispering as if exporting a part of my soul into it. But to be a good father is difficult. I see it as going through stages to achieve a well-respected position, you should start by being a good servant to Allah. then you start to learn how to be a good son, After that if you are blessed enough you'll learn to be a good brother and a good relative that was an easy one for me. Passing to be a good part of the population, a good man. For some, this one had no mercy and they got trampled by it. I know a lot who couldn't survive this stage. What an agony to see yourself helping in this destruction whether you meant it or not. I always feel sorry for those whom I made life harder. Yet it's better than feeling sorry about myself. this stage gets you ready to be a good husband. You make all the effort. that you had learned to put in everyone and devote it to one person. whether he or she deserves it or not but there's no way for you to know, Until you know. perhaps you would never know. these thoughts as much as they delight me, they whisper a diving fear. in my soul, fear of Allah ... the prayers that I missed the lies that. I've told, seeking pleasure. the natural pleasure always makes me laugh. Its relation with pain makes me acknowledge why some of the most pleasurable things in life are classified as Haram ...

Summer's On Your (WIP)

Writing spoken words/lyrics to "A Moment Apart" By Odesza. -Spoken word- "In the beginning, we fought to be worthy of life day after day, we strived to survive. We didn't know what it meant to be alive. Now we've grown, and now we know with God on our side and the Lords sacrifice, we are clean and we are free. So lets use it to be good, to be the best we can be. Cause baby, you can run the farthest and fastest that you've ever seen..." -Lyrics- In my head you still exist, My mind made of love and bliss Thoughts fly by and butterflies in my chest. When my heart felt only defeat, you came running with blisters on your feet _ All that we've worked for All that we've loved was now redeemed for all to come _ From Alpha to Omega Beginning to The End Keep on running cause it's not over yet _ May, June, July, Summers on your side Live and love is why I stride "It's see ya later", never "goodbye" Cause we are here to love and not to die.

Look Up

Look up at the sky and what do you see? Think about the present and let your mind be free... WHO are you? What do you think of me? When do you want to start living? And where do you want to be? Why were you put on this Earth? What can you do with what you have? to change the game, to make a new path Accept the new fate Accept the rebirth You're the champion of your life now -From the Universe

A Masterpiece Called You

My life began 300 thousands years ago And through history I live forever more, Because I lived and will live *I always exist * My handprint not only continues, But contributes To the collage we call the history of man *WALK WITH PRIDE* Your structure shows the evolution of our motion Your features represents your genealogy Your fashion represents the you in the NOW *YOU ARE A WALKING IMAGE OF HISTORY* And footprint of how it came to be And a step toward how it will end *THE PAST. THE PRESENT. THE FUTURE* Meets here, with you and me We walked from the ocean to the moon, Your destiny was foretold, weaved, long before your body lived, Walk cautiously my dear…. Everything you do creates, Continues, And writes the history OF YOU And leaves marks somewhere where it counts *For all is written in stone* But mistakes make things okay! Prophets were not perfect, People are not perfect, History is not perfect, But it is a masterpiece <3

Lauren P. ( A Poem About Me)

Hi! My name is Lauren And this poem is about me I was born in little Harlingen, Tx Of Armando and Julie ~~~~~~~~ I’m born of the Earth, I live a simple life, What more can I ask, Then the chance to brightly shine? ~~~~~~~~ I believe we are people of gold, And I’m a Christian at heart, I live to do my best, And to do my part~ ~~~~~~~~ I fall short, I’m a sleepy bum, I hear random voices, But I still want to run~ ~~~~~~~~ Run with the big, The legends, the free, Those who made a name And foundation for you and me ~~~~~~~~ I am as little as a grain on the golden beach, Where you can hear God’s voice roar as the sea, I live to change the world, But for now, I am just me

My Crocheted Heart

Your elderly hands that knew this form of art And with it and your heart Stitch you and me together Crochet friends forever, You’ve passed down a skill that you would have never known will Create me an interest and trade A piece of me that wont easily fade, You came from Chiapas to the RGV Then were taught from your best friends mother Down to your granddaughter, AKA me! My Grandma, mi abuelita, Mi corazon, my Mamita, You have looped, stitch, and chained Our family, our foundation, And to me, most importantly, my crocheted heartland forever that way it remain

Vinicius'Jr. paving stone: moving World Cup form Spain...

The recent statement by Vinicius Jr., Real Madrid's best player, concerning the awarding of the World Cup to Spain continues to provoke strong reactions. He basically said that the 2030 World Cup should be played in another country if things don't improve, and that he is often the victim of racial insults in Spain. ‘I hope that Spain will learn not to insult people because of their skin colour. If things don't change by 2030, the World Cup should move on. ‘If the players don't feel safe from racism, it's hard to play,’ he told CNN in essence. The power of the chosen media is well interwoven with that of the word of one of the best-known players on the planet. He has thus embarrassed the whole Spain, aware of the star power he enjoys and knowing full well that the opinions of top sportsmen and women have an impact and can affect institutions and countries. Has he thought carefully about the possible or probable consequences of his remarks before embarking on such an adventure: the consequences for his club, which is working with FIFA to make the renovated Santiago Bernabeu the venue for the World Cup Final? This statement sounds like a warning that black sportsmen in Spain are fed up, and perhaps even a sign of revenge. Venicius Jr. surely knows that his comments will not be well received by fans of sport and Spanish football in particular, but he is making it clear that in Spain you can be insulted in a racist way in sport as well as in everyday life... It's a real problem for society. Vinicius Jr. took the precaution of qualifying his remarks by not saying explicitly and categorically that Spain was a racist country, but rather ‘a country where you can suffer from racism’. Nevertheless. Everyone understood that he simply meant that Spain is a racist country where players of colour do not necessarily feel very comfortable; otherwise why did he go so far as to ask FIFA, in a barely attenuated manner, to think before awarding the 2030 World Cup to Spain? Spain is in a three-way bid with Morocco and Portugal to host the centenary edition of the World Cup. It won't be long before comments like these create a rift between those who will rise up and reject them out of hand and those who will rally behind Vini... Let's bet there won't be many of the latter. One thing is certain: this will not be without consequences... even for Real Madrid, who will no doubt be thinking about how to calm things down before taking a decision on the player's future with the club... Some people have already gone ahead and dismissed the Brazilian's comments, pointing out that the most adored players in Spain at the moment, and particularly in the Spanish national team, are LAMINE YAMAL AND NICO WILLIAMS, and they are not white... Isn't this a way of discrediting Vinicius Jr. with a touch of irony? Will the Madrid striker's comments have helped to silence insults and unpleasant and inappropriate comments in the stands of football stadiums in the future? Only time will tell. What is certain is that it has sparked a real debate throughout a Spain that breathes nothing but football... It will have made some people ask serious questions about their behavior in tolerating or participating in acts of a racist nature in Spain and beyond. The player's words spread like wildfire across Spain and the world in the space of a few hours, demonstrating the power of the voice of top sportsmen and women. FIFA will no doubt be hearing about this, but not to the extent of going along with the player's idea of not giving Spain the World Cup if the situation does not change before 2030. Let's hope that things really do change. Every one will then say Thanks Vini.


He dreams of it but has never seen its face. He wonders what it would be like to be close to it, to bask in its warmth and light. As he drifts in the middle of the ocean, he hopes to catch a glimpse or hear a sound. While floating on the water, a beautiful voice emanates from below. He dives beneath the surface and discovers a myriad of enchanting faces, each adorned with a captivating smile. Everything seems wonderful, but he feels out of place. The empty cup begins to fill, masks start to fall, beautiful faces disappear, and darkness appears. Unable to hold his breath underwater, the path becomes unclear. The rhythmic pulsing he hears compels him to the surface, where he finds a beautiful heart waiting for him.

Africa's inescapable awakening must be taken into account as a matter of urgency.

Is the world truly aware of the great changes taking place before our eyes? Probably yes. But then what does he do to anticipate them, accompany them, prepare and above all to make them assets of development, peace, harmony and coexistence. What do we do to combine them in efforts to understand each other, in common strategies, while geopolitics is impacted and is evolving, a little freewheeling anyway? The answer is unequivocal: not much. Instead, some are trying to save time, some pushing the dust under the carpet and or are just resisting. For what reason and until’ when? It is clear that the "dominant powers" do not want to see things evolve differently, no desire to see contexts move other than in the consolidation of their historical, economic and political gains. For « The up’ until when », the answer is even more complex. Depending on whether one is located north or south, the perspective is different. The youth of the south, is now more and more qualified, better and better trained, more and more ambitious. It no longer understands things with the defeatist and resigned logic of their elders. The populations of the south, especially those of ’Afrique, are no longer sensitive to the hollow discourse of revolutionary ideologies, formerly served as a poultice to coax them, or even silence them, while waiting for better days. Napoleon is attributed in 1816 : « So Let China sleep, because when China S’awaken, the whole world will tremble ». We know since that China is very much awake... and in what way. Alain Peyrefitte predicted it well, in turn. Funny story, no one has ever said such a thing with regard to Africa.. And yet,’Africa is well out of its sleep... So wait for to get rid of a little. China, is not much’ in front of’Africa, if not the resurrected legacy of Confucius skillfully combined with a communist pragmatism that nobody’ had imagined. Africa is much larger, with a larger and constantly growing population. Its young people are lively and enthusiastic. It's the world's largest island, compared with all the other continents. The so-called ‘dark continent’ has many assets, but it probably also has a few disadvantages that could block or slow down the momentum. We can list them in no particular order: the subservience of certain leaders, a number of failing political regimes, toxic borders inherited from colonialism, endemic corruption encouraged and supported by multinationals and certain Western regimes and their services, and a deeply rooted fatalism. But Africa is also determinedly dynamic. Travel to the east, west, north or south of the continent and you will see that Africa is in turmoil. Young people are talking, acting, working, innovating; they are doing politics differently and they want to change things. Their aspirations are growing, if not limitless. Of course, there are still some fools who swear by immigration, but that will soon fade. Growth prospects and the rates already achieved in some countries will change the situation. Overall, the 54 African countries have understood what is at stake and are increasingly aware of the possibility of imposing themselves and their point of view for the benefit of their young people. Remember the altercation between the President of the DRC and President Macron, or the historic speech by King Mohammed VI on the occasion of Morocco's return to African Unity. (you can find the link to the speech below) The ambitious ZLEKAF is undoubtedly the most daring response, as are the Nigeria-Morocco gas pipeline, the fertilizer manufacturing platforms, the tunnel project between Morocco and Spain, and the Giga factories that are being set up there, to name but a few. Two factors determine these trends: geography and demography. Both are in Africa's favor. In this changing context, there are two ways to act: either integrate the continent into a process of recognition, esteem, respect for dignity and co-development; or risk the most bitter confrontations and clashes. France has been aware of this during recent time... and this is only the beginning. The one and a half billion inhabitants, i.e. more than a quarter of the members of the United Nations, must be taken into account as a matter of urgency. So shouldn't Africa be integrated into global governance as soon as possible? Should we not heed Africa's solemn appeal to be given seats on the Security Council as soon as possible in place of the three non-permanent members? Should we not start paying a fair price for what the West is pumping into Africa? These are all questions that urgently need to be answered sensibly and pragmatically, because the normal course of history is as Ibn Khaldun already observed... Either evolution is controlled and channeled to the benefit of all, or change is going to come with pain... to the benefit of the most numerous, whom neither weapons, borders nor migratory blockade policies will be able to curb or stop. Africa is in the process of cleaning itself up, but not for long before its great awakening. An inevitable resurrection.