The Arbatel
The "Arbatel of Magic", a 16th-century grimoire, is a unique and influential text within Western esoteric tradition. Unlike many grimoires of its time, which focus heavily on demonology or the coercion of spirits, the Arbatel emphasizes a more harmonious and spiritual approach to magick. Central to its teachings are the Olympic spirits, celestial intelligences associated with planetary spheres. These spirits serve as intermediaries between humanity and the divine, guiding practitioners toward wisdom, balance, and the manifestation of their intentions.
The Arbatel is structured as a collection of aphorisms and practical instructions, promoting a form of magick rooted in piety, virtue, and alignment with divine will. It encourages the practitioner to cultivate purity, self-discipline, and humility, aiming to align their will with the divine order of the cosmos. The text highlights the importance of seeking wisdom and the betterment of oneself and others, rather than pursuing materialistic or selfish goals. This approach distinguishes it from many contemporaneous grimoires, which often focus on summoning and commanding spirits for personal gain.
The Olympic spirits, described in the Arbatel, are powerful intelligences governing the planetary spheres: Aratron (Saturn), Bethor (Jupiter), Phaleg (Mars), Och (Sun), Hagith (Venus), Ophiel (Mercury), and Phul (Moon). Each spirit embodies the qualities and energies of its associated planet and has specific functions and attributes. For example, Bethor, linked to Jupiter, is associated with abundance, growth, and authority, while Och, of the Sun, governs health, success, and illumination. These spirits are not malevolent or coercive; rather, they are seen as willing collaborators with those who approach them with reverence and sincerity.
The Arbatel provides methods for invoking these spirits, emphasizing the need for moral and spiritual purity. Rituals involve prayers, meditations, and the use of planetary correspondences to attune oneself to the spirit’s energy. The practitioner must align their intent with the qualities of the planet and the spirit, seeking harmony rather than domination. The Olympic spirits, in turn, assist in achieving wisdom, understanding, and the fulfillment of divine purposes.
This grimoire also integrates concepts from Christian mysticism, Hermeticism, and Neoplatonism, presenting magick as a sacred art deeply intertwined with spiritual growth and divine will. It encourages practitioners to see the universe as a reflection of divine order, with the Olympic spirits serving as stewards of this cosmic harmony. Rather than focusing on control or manipulation, the Arbatel fosters a relationship of respect and collaboration with these intelligences.
The Arbatel and its teachings on the Olympic spirits have influenced several magickal traditions that came later, including Renaissance magick and modern esotericism. Its emphasis on virtue, balance, and spiritual alignment continues to resonate with those who view magick as a path to divine wisdom and self-transcendence. The Olympic spirits, as archetypal forces of the planets, offer practitioners a framework for working with celestial energies in a way that promotes harmony, insight, and spiritual evolution.
The Arbatel
Ukrainian war: Europe considers Vlodymyr to be European but not Vladimir....
A few hours earlier, a Republican senator had ticked the box for the Ukrainian President, but he missed the boat. He was packed off like a dirty shirt and asked to clear the floor.
Couldn't things have gone differently?
Was Trump going to meet Zelensky, were it not for the insistence of Britain's Stramer and France's Macon?
Were the two protagonists really ready to talk peacefully?
Nothing is less certain.
From the outset, things were not looking good. Showing up at the White House in jogging bottoms and trainers is a serious visual blunder. At a time when Trump is looking for partners for peace, Zelensky is in a thinly veiled warrior outfit. It's the same mistake Arafat also made, without realizing it. The Syrian Ahmed Achara, a true warrior, quickly understood by changing his attire, even if he is a little uncomfortable in his ill-fitting Western outfit.
In addition to the ill-fitting outfit, Zelensky also had a teenage hairstyle. His temples bore fresh razor marks. That's a bit unusual for the Oval Office.
A lot of tension in the air. Tense atmosphere.
Knowing that Trump did not hold him in good esteem, he was told not to irritate him too much. Very uncomfortable in his broken English, he said the things that the American did not want to hear. Words that the American should not have dared to use, words that were insulting to Putin. Peace is always made with enemies that we refrain from insulting. Describing Putin as a murderer in the Oval Office and in public was unacceptable. If Trump had acquiesced without retaliating, he would have sent the wrong signal to the Russian with whom he had begun a genuine rapprochement.
Trump stopped the Ukrainian dead in his tracks for his warmongering, taking the audience as witness: He has so much hatred in him that we can't have a peace agreement in this case,’ he said in substance.
Lively altercation.
Later, on Truth Social, he wrote: ‘I have determined that President Zelensky is only ready for peace if America is involved because he feels our involvement gives him a big advantage in the negotiations. I don't want an advantage, I want PEACE’. In other words, he said to Zelensky: you want to trick me. Didn't he say to Zelensky two times right then: ‘you're gambling with World War three’.
In the bulging, tired eyes of the Ukrainian, thus brought back to the dimension that the new America wanted to give him, one could read dismay and despair. The Ukraine resisted above all with American arms and billions. Unlike his predecessor, whom he describes as ‘a guy who didn't think things through’, Trump does not want to prolong the charade.
The world has changed. Things have changed without Zelensky being consulted. He doesn't yet understand the new state of affairs, intoxicated by embraces that exude hypocrisy.
When sarcastic Vance joins in the dance, he is unbelievably virulent. He calls Vlodymyr ungrateful, tells him to apologize accusing that he was not thankful enough.
By dint of the pompous remarks of the Europeans, Zelensky was up to his neck in the character of a hero of the resistance and was surely beginning to believe it. Trump cynically reminded him that he had lost the war.
It was a harsh observation. Zelensky's eyes glaze over. He exuded defeat and realized that he had to accept it. He resists, but the sobs are not far away.
The hero of the European ‘supranationalists’ has collapsed, he who unconsciously may have been encouraged in his enterprise to serve the emergence and consolidation of a common European front, at the expense of age-old nationalities and identities.
He tries in vain to recall a few recent historical facts, accusing Putin of not respecting his commitments. He further irritates his hosts and forgets to mention in passing that he too and his sponsors may not have honored theirs. He tried to say that diplomacy was not working with the Russian and asked what kind of diplomacy he was talking about. Vance retorted, pointing his index finger and threatening: ‘I'm talking about the diplomacy that will put an end to the destruction of your country’. In JD Vance's view, Zelensky is engaged in propaganda by taking European leaders on dubious tours. He indirectly accused him of manipulation and told him that it was disrespectful to do so in the Oval Office, in front of the press.
The clash goes into high gear.
The tone went up another notch when the Ukrainian, gasping for breath and short of inspiration, retorted to the Americans that they were mistaken in their approach and that they would soon feel the repercussions of Putin's alleged behavior. He offered himself up as a punching bag. The words fly. Peace is slipping away. The visit was falling apart. The president and his vice-president took turns. They hit out bluntly. Vlodymyr Zelensky, European hero of the resistance, is knocked out.
In the back office, he is asked to leave. He had learnt that playing in the big league is not easy, not to say perilous. He left empty-handed, while his host, as if nothing had happened, took off for his beloved Florida and his round of golf.
During the night, one of the most informed and influential Republican senator Lindsey Graham said on Fox News: Zelensky must resign or find someone else to negotiate on behalf of Ukraine. Mike Waltz, the security adviser, will repeat this in no uncertain terms. The Americans are convinced that Zelensky is an evil man who has disrespected their idol.
The diplomatic support given by the French President and the British Prime Minister collapsed in the space of one interview. During the night, the Frenchman became awkwardly agitated and lost his bearings. His remarks were belligerent and insulting towards the Russian president. But it was he who had to be dealt with to save the Zelensky soldier. The British Prime Minister expressed his solidarity and met Zelensky the next morning. He lent him 2.5 billion pounds. He would, of course, have to pay them back. Having him received by King Charles was a daring move.
Georgia Meloni, perhaps more inspired than usual, is proposing a summit of America, Europe and their allies. Everyone goes according to their own position. Everyone felt that the situation was serious.
Meeting at the European Security Summit, which considers Vlodymyr to be European and not Vladimir, a summit in which a certain Trudeau has joined in, the Europeans are showing a feverishness that is no doubt exaggerated. What and who are they really afraid of? Do they really think that Russia is going to invade? In any case, Trump is watching and certainly does not appreciate the presence of his northern neighbor in this mess. He has just decided to suspend aid to Ukraine, and Zelensky was quick to reply: I want to negotiate…
Ukrainian war: Europe considers Vlodymyr to be European but not Vladimir....
Meat prices: the upward spiral is stopped dead in its tracks...
If there's one issue that has been preoccupying the public for a long time, and which has unfortunately been prolonged, it's the cost of living. It is perceived as unreal by a large fringe of society. In fact, it's not just a feeling, but a bitter reality that the government has been unable to rectify. It has never been easy to curb inflation anywhere in the world, except by means of drastic and unpopular decisions. What is currently happening in Argentina is the perfect illustration of this difficulty. The Moroccan government is not ready to shoulder such responsibility, especially as some of its so-called social decisions have contributed to the current situation.
Since the COVID pandemic, inflation has not stopped. There has of course been imported inflation, particularly since the outbreak of hostilities between Russia and Ukraine, but there has also been domestic inflation, which has been there since certain decisions were taken by PJD governments. The long-term rise in prices has also accelerated as a result of the money distributed by the current government, for reasons that are quite understandable from a human point of view.
Citizens no longer know where to turn. The HCP confirms that there has been a slight overall improvement in Morocco, which is to be welcomed, but not for everyone. Gaps are still widening, and precariousness is catching up with a middle class that has been weakened for almost ten years now, one after the other.
Against this bitter backdrop, over the past few weeks people have been looking ahead to Ramadan with uncertainty, and have already been talking about Eid, wondering how they are going to make ends meet. They dared to make alarming comments, vociferating recurrently, particularly on social networks and via certain ‘specialist’ websites. Clear demands have been made of the government. Each time, it has timidly tried to respond, without being convincing. Each day that the good Lord has done for a few weeks, not to say months, has only widened the gap, to the point where a crack has been felt in the coalition at the helm. The leader of the Istiqlal party came out clearly on the side of the plaintiffs, taking up the arguments of this important fringe of society.
The situation is very special. The impact of 6 successive years of lack of rain on grazing and therefore on livestock is palpable. As a result, in line with economic logic, prices are on an upward trend. At the same time, it should be noted that for some years now, the habits of Moroccans have changed considerably. Improved living standards and certain cultural biases mean that we slaughter more sheep than any other Muslim country, especially when you compare the number of animals sacrificed on this sacred day of Aid with the number of inhabitants. In fact, the 36 million Moroccans that we have been for some time now sacrifice some 6 million animals every year on a single day. That's almost a third of the national sheep herd. Moroccans, who are very attached to tradition, are the people who sacrifice the largest number of sheep on Aid El Kebir. By way of example, our neighbors, who have a population of five million, only sacrifice between 3 and 3.5 million animals. In the Gulf countries and even in Mecca during the pilgrimage, people prefer to spend the equivalent of the amount needed to buy a sheep on charity.
The impasse.
It was clear that a powerful and far-reaching decision was needed to turn the tide.
And it was through a message that His Majesty the King, may God assist him, in his capacity as Commander of the Faithful, came to break the spiral and restore hope to the people.
When Si Ahmed Taoufiq, Minister of Habous and Islamic Affairs, read the royal message calling on the faithful to refrain from performing the rite of sacrifice for Eid, he could never have imagined the scale of the demonstrations of joy that the solemnly pronounced words would provoke. Back home, Moroccans instantly appreciated the invitation and chanted prayers in unison for His Majesty's health. The weight and impact of the Sovereign's words on the occasion were like a balm, healing wounds and reassuring people. In the cafés, some people behaved as they did when our national team scored goals in the World Cup. Chairs jumped up and down, and the joy and emotion were palpable. Moroccans approved and were satisfied and happy.
The next day, things had changed.
I was particularly surprised that beef was offered at 75 dirhams in Temara on Saturday. The price fell by 40 dirhams in record time.
The impact of the royal message shook things up. Tongues have been loosened. Some speculators were exposed, while others reported that some players in the industry were not declaring the exact number of animals in their possession, or were not even declaring any at all. As if by magic, all these fine people came out of the woodwork, some to complain, some to express their discontent. In fact, people whose job is not to rear sheep have no structure to look after them. Generally speaking, all they have are sheds and staff to look after them. Their difficulty now is how to sell the quantity of sheep they trade in.
It became clear that the effects of the drought were in fact combined with those of unbridled speculation at the expense of the consumer.
The situation today is that meat is in the process of returning to the affordable, even normal, pre-crisis prices it was before the crisis, without imports and without any public aid being distributed for this purpose. In fact, without any intervention from the government, whose previous attempts have failed.
Things are unlikely to stop there. The fall in the price of sheep has led to a fall in the price of cattle, and will probably lead to a fall in the price of goats, chicken and fish. The balance of these products in the consumer basket will inevitably rebalance prices to everyone's advantage.
The upward spiral has been stopped dead in its tracks.
Moroccan citizens have once again had proof, if proof were needed, of the closeness of His Majesty Amir Almoumine and feel perfectly well protected.
As I write these words, a song pops into my head: habib aljamahir by Abdelwahab Doukkali.
Meat prices: the upward spiral is stopped dead in its tracks...
Macron in the White House, the hidden humiliation...
Without a doubt, the followed event this week was Macron's visit to the US. How he would be treated after the cold sweats endured with skill and patience by the King of Jordan and the Polish President, assigned to wait in the corridors for an hour and a half before being given 10 minutes of interview time, suffering a cruel humiliation at his expense. He will not be returning here any time soon. Unless...
From the first images, it was clear that things were going to be different. Hugs, familiarity, debonair and mocking laughter followed in quick succession. Was this obvious duplicity or a posture of convenience? Who knows? Both were overacting. Trump is known to be a jokester, he showed a great sympathy for his guest, mentioning Notre-Dame and describing Mrs Macron as charming.Macron, on the other hand was more annoyed than genuinely happy.His joy appeared at times when his forehead relaxed for a few seconds. He must have wondered, and with him the press, a little larger than usual: had he been received here for his stature, out of consideration for his country or as the leader of Europe, which he wanted to play by beating the British PM to the White House?
Poorly seated in the Voltaire armchair to the right of his host, with the backdrop of a fireplace that had not been lit for, Macron was about to be subjected to a veritable diatribe from Trump. At his Resolute Desk, in front of a lectern or in an armchair, Trump is the same: self-assured, determined and oblivious to what others may think. What matters is what he says. We're used to the US Presidents speaking on behalf of departments that meticulously prepared the remarks, the narrative and the story. Now it's Trump who sets the course, unashamedly in public; it's up to the administration to implement.
Macron will therefore have to endure and, above all, learn things first-hand. Trump began by announcing that Zelensky would be flying to Washington ‘either this week or next week to sign’. So, he's telling Macron in public what he is normally supposed to do in private, away from the cameras.
In fact, he is trumpeting the economic capitulation of Zelensky, whom he had stripped of legitimacy a few days before, calling him a dictator. In essence, he is saying that he wants to recover the American money unjustly spent by Biden on an idiotic war. He set the figure at 350 billion USD. To do this, he is going to get his hands on the rare earths in Ukraine. Concomitantly Putin says that he is ready to cooperate with the Americans to exploit these minerals.
In fact, much of this wealth are in the areas annexed by Putin which he calls ‘the new territories’. When asked about Ukraine's recovery of the land it lost during the war, Trump replied ‘it's not easy’. These heralds the other phase of the capitulation. It's territorial, no doubts any more.
By linking these remarks to those in which Trump informs that Ukraine will have to forget its desire to join NATO, is he not announcing the political capitulation and the end of the Zelensky who more than ever, must regret having played with fire. Respecting the Minsk agreements would perhaps have spared him what he is about to experience: losing rare earths, ceding 20% of the territory and probably giving up his presidency.
Macron seemed to be sitting on a folding seat with no margin of comfort; so uncomfortable that you could see the pronounced wrinkles on his nervously contracted forehead and his furrowed brows. He was being tutored by Trump. Embarrassment on the one hand, ease, precision and assurance on the other. He made several attempts to speak, while his host looked the other way. When he finally conceded the courtesy of letting him speak, Macron was a little confused before finding a decent speaking rhythm and a presidential voice. He even apologized for speaking French. In such circumstances one often returns to mother tongue to regain a little ease. When he said that Europe would like a swift, fair and lasting agreement, implying that he was refusing a dictatorship, Trump did not flinch. He had said what he had to say and would not discuss it. The future of the region is not being decided in Europe but in Saudi Arabia, which is entitled of epithets, each more eulogistic than the last, with its Crown Prince, whom he calls King, incidentally. Macron seems to be addressing the Frenchs and Europeans. Trump is addressing Americans and the world. He repeats that if he had been president, this war would never have happened. He blames his predecessor, and at the same time the European warmongers.
Indeed, come to think of it, with a bit of hindsight, without justifying Putin's warlike enterprise, who among the Europeans still talks about the Azov regiment, which came into being in 2014 in Mariupol, a neo-Nazi formation that sowed terror among Russian speakers, weighing heavily on the country's politics and largely contributing to the election of Zelensky? Every day, they marched in their provocative black outfits, yellow flags with a stylized swastika on their arms, pumped up on hormones, shouting ultra-nationalist chants of rare malice. At the time, this seemed to annoy the Europeans, who magically forgot all about Azov as soon as Putin began the invasion, which he justified as a fight against Nazism. Who is still talking about the Minsk agreements and the trick played by Merkel and Hollande to buy time for Ukraine? These agreements were signed to guarantee peace. Ukraine never respected them, with Europe's blessing.
Trump does not mention any of this, but makes it clear that the European position of cutting off all relations with Putin was ill-advised. Macron tryed to justify himself but was not convincing anyone. This is borne out by the very few questions to him. He wanted to gain a foothold in the situation, proposing that Europe is prepared to send peacekeeping troops to Ukraine. Is this naivety or much worse? Trump cast a furtive glance at his ‘counterpart’ and moved on. How could Putin accept a European army on his borders, from countries that financed a war against his armies. European troops there would be like installing NATO without the Americans.
When Macron tried to position Europe on the question of the sums spent, saying that Europe had contributed 60% of the war effort, Trump smiled sarcastically, one arm stretched forward, waved his hand as if to say:‘I don't believe you, you little liar’. A cute gesture, highly indicative of Trump's perception of his European peers. It also means: the rare earth’s affairs is between Putin and me.
Final signature to this skillfully orchestrated production, a journalist confirmed to Trump that he had the broad support of the Americans for everything he was doing. The powerful man nodded generously as he straightened his torso, as if to say to his host: ‘You see, I have the support of my people, not you’.
In the Oval Office that afternoon, a guest was treated politely, but there was only one interlocutor, and that was Mr Trump.
Macron in the White House, the hidden humiliation...
Personality Psychology Part 1 : The Mind of a Control Freak
A control freak is someone who has an overwhelming need to dictate people and situations, often to the point of obsession. Their desire for control stems from different factors, including anxiety, insecurity, or even underlying psychological conditions like Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). While they may believe their meticulous oversight ensures perfection, their behavior often damages relationships and creates unnecessary tension.
Why Do Some People Become Control Freaks?
Anxiety: A person who struggles with anxiety may attempt to control everything around them to minimize uncertainty and reduce stress.
Insecurity: Those with low self-esteem or a history of being controlled themselves may develop controlling tendencies as a defense mechanism.
OCD and Perfectionism: Some individuals have an intense preoccupation with perfection, organization, and structure, making them hyper-controlling in their interactions.
Signs of a Control Freak:
They rarely, if ever, admit when they are wrong.
They blame others for mistakes rather than accepting responsibility.
Delegating tasks is difficult because they don’t trust others to do things correctly.
They micromanage, obsessing over small details rather than focusing on the bigger picture.
They may try to undermine others' reputations to maintain a sense of superiority.
Lying—whether about their behavior or yours—is a common tactic for maintaining control.
Extreme jealousy often accompanies their need for dominance.
The Desperation of Losing Control:
The most dangerous moment is when a control freak feels they are losing their grip. When this happens, they will do everything in their power to regain control—no matter the cost.
They may reach out to your surroundings, trying to manipulate your friends, family, or colleagues against you.
They could spread false information, twist narratives, or play the victim to make you look like the problem.
In extreme cases, they might resort to emotional or psychological attacks, using guilt, fear, or even threats to pull you back into their influence.
Not everyone responds to control the same way. If you attempt to dominate someone who recognizes what you're doing—and knows how you operate—they may see it as a threat rather than an inconvenience.
Some people will leave you for good, cutting ties entirely rather than tolerating manipulation.
Others will wait for the right moment to strike, using your need for control against you. They may anticipate your actions, exploit your weaknesses, or retaliate in ways you never saw coming.
A control freak often believes they are in charge, but in reality, those who understand manipulation can either escape it or turn it into a weapon.
If you are experiencing this, just be pure, open you heart, and pity them, don’t hate them. Beneath the manipulation and obsession is a person who is suffering—someone so afraid of uncertainty, failure, or rejection that they feel the need to control everything around them.
They may hurt others, but in the end, they are hurting themselves the most.
Personality Psychology Part 1 : The Mind of a Control Freak
Umbanda - A Unique Blend of Spirituality and Magick
Umbanda is a syncretic Afro-Brazilian religion that emerged in the early 20th century in Brazil, blending African traditions, Catholicism, Christian Spiritism, and indigenous beliefs. It is characterized by its focus on mediumship, healing, and the pursuit of spiritual evolution. The religion embraces a diverse pantheon of spirits, known as entidades, who assist practitioners in their daily lives, offering guidance, protection, and healing. Among its many facets, magick plays a central role, deeply interwoven with the rituals, symbols, and spiritual practices of Umbanda.
According to tradition, Umbanda was founded in 1908 by Zélio de Moraes, a Brazilian medium, who claimed to receive instructions from a spirit named Caboclo das Sete Encruzilhadas - there are some authors who believe that Umbanda was practiced in Atlantis with a different name and was only "rediscovered". This new religious tradition emerged as a response to the social and religious landscape of Brazil at the time, incorporating elements from various spiritual traditions to create an inclusive and accessible faith.
At its core, Umbanda teaches the existence of a single, supreme divine force, often equated with God (Olorum or Zambi), who oversees the universe. It also acknowledges a hierarchy of spiritual entities, including orixás (divine forces of nature), caboclos (indigenous warrior spirits), pretos velhos (spirits of former enslaved Africans), and exus (messengers and protectors), each with unique roles in guiding and assisting devotees.
Magick in Umbanda is an essential tool for spiritual transformation, healing, and protection. It is not merely an abstract or theoretical concept but a practical aspect of rituals and ceremonies, used to influence the physical and spiritual realms. Magick in Umbanda manifests in several key ways:
1. Rituals and Symbolism - Magick is performed through rituals that often involve candles, herbs, incense, and sacred chants. These elements are used to align spiritual energies, cleanse negative influences, and establish a connection with guiding spirits. Pontos riscados (drawn sigils or sacred symbols) are often inscribed on the ground or altars, channeling divine power and invoking spiritual protection.
2. Healing and Spiritual Cleansing - Healing rituals, known as passes espirituais, employ magickal practices to remove spiritual disturbances, illnesses, or negative influences. Sacred herbal baths, fluidic passes, and the use of blessed objects are common forms of magickal healing. Umbanda also utilizes descarrego (spiritual cleansing) rituals to free individuals from malevolent spirits and negative energies.
3. Mediumship and Spirit Work - Mediumship is central to Umbanda, where trained mediums enter trance states to channel spirits. Through mediumship, spirits provide counsel, prescribe rituals, and offer magickal interventions for various life challenges. Some spirits, like Exus and Pombagiras, specialize in magickal work related to protection, love, prosperity, and justice.
4. Offerings - Offerings, or oferendas, are essential in Umbanda’s magickal practices, serving as a form of exchange with spiritual entities. These offerings, which may include food, beverages, candles, or flowers, are made at specific locations such as crossroads, rivers, or forests, aligning with the energetic nature of the spirit being honored.
Umbanda's syncretic nature allows it to coexist with other religious traditions, particularly Catholicism and Spiritism. Many practitioners simultaneously adhere to other faiths, seeing no conflict in worshiping both Catholic saints and Umbanda spirits. This religious fluidity has enabled Umbanda to thrive despite periodic social and political challenges.
However, Umbanda has also faced discrimination, particularly from fundamentalist groups that view its practices as superstition or even witchcraft. Despite this, the religion continues to grow, attracting followers from diverse backgrounds who seek spiritual guidance, healing, and the empowerment that its magical traditions offer.
Umbanda is a vibrant and dynamic religious tradition that uniquely integrates elements of African, indigenous, and European spirituality. Magick is not just an auxiliary aspect of Umbanda but a fundamental force that enables communication with spirits, healing, and transformation. As Umbanda continues to evolve, its rich tapestry of beliefs and magical traditions remains a source of strength, wisdom, and empowerment for its followers.
Umbanda - A Unique Blend of Spirituality and Magick
Rare diseases are not as rare as they seem...
On Saturday february 22, I had the privilege of attending the 6th Rare Disease Day. Dr Khadija Moussayer, President of the Moroccan Rare Diseases Alliance, did me the honour, and I thank her for allowing me to sit at the table with the great medical professors who were going to discuss cutting-edge medical issues, requiring expertise and mastery of various subjects, as well as a deep humanism and a certain love of the country and its people.
Unfortunately, I was only able to attend half of the proceedings, for which I am very sorry.
So-called rare diseases are not in fact all that rare. They may be rare in terms of numbers, but they are so common that they are a daily occurrence in medical circles. They are rare because they are often invisible in a social environment that does not yet understand them or does not understand them well enough. They have a heavy impact on the emotional, sociological and economic life of families and enormously on the lives of the people affected. They are not yet adequately treated in university curricula, and are poorly understood by general practitioners and even by many paediatricians. Increasingly easy access to medical treatment is bringing these conditions out into the open, revealing their complexity and diversity to the medical community itself, as well as to families and society at large.
They have an enormous psychological impact on families, disorientating them, tearing them apart and impoverishing them. Because of their genetic nature, they leave the families and individuals concerned in doubt, and plunge them into anxiety, disgust and self-hatred. Negative emotional reasoning and feelings of responsibility are never far away. This is often the driving force behind heavy social prejudice. Tradition and lack of education do the rest. They can go so far as to break up a family and often make the woman responsible. I myself met a young woman who was repudiated and rejected simply because she had given birth to a Marfan child. Her husband and family blamed her for the problematic birth and put her out on the street. Today, she is bringing up her child alone and is fighting to feed him, look after him, educate him and have his difference understood and accepted at school.
Rare diseases are even more problematic, when you consider that doctors don't come across them every day in their consultations, and can even go so far as to ignore their existence. Their diagnoses are so complex at times that they require the intervention of multiple highly qualified specialities to define their existence and the protocols to be followed. More than in any other situation, the person diagnosed needs to be followed by more than one specialist at the same time. Is this always the case?
Special tribute must be paid here to Professors Asmaa Quessar and Amine Benmoussa, who addressed the issue from the haematological point of view, explaining the complexity of the manifestations of some of these diseases and the impact of certain treatments. Professor FZ El Fatoiki focused in particular on skin manifestations, which in fact hide many things inside and are therefore crucial to diagnosis.
Professor Imane Chahid received a special mention for her presentation on type 1 neurofibromatosis, which goes beyond café au lait spots. She recommended the creation of working groups involving all the specialities concerned, in order to limit patients' medical wandering and save time, efficiency and money. We need to explain to mothers that café au lait spots on a baby's skin are not ‘touhimates’. This ignorance can delay the treatment of a child with the disease, with all the consequences that can entail.
That's true.
One of the problems faced by families is medical wandering. Patients can spend a long time consulting and treating symptoms - ophthalmological, gastric, dermatological, etc. - before being diagnosed with a rare disease. Wandering is extremely costly.
The testimony of a father who lost two children was particularly poignant. It was an emotional moment. The dignity and courage he showed make him an admirable character.
I was reassured by the youth and commitment of more than one of the speakers. The sheer number and quality of people in attendance, and the questions asked by professionals and parents, show that there is a growing interest and expertise. The clarifications and commitment expressed on behalf of Moroccan geneticists by Prof. Karim Ouldim augur better days ahead, and a probably innovative approach to rapid and early diagnosis, and hence to treatment. In a way, he was responding to Prof. Chahid's call to work in clusters.
Taking an interest in genetics brings us back to the question of data and the power of our computers. When it comes to genetics, AI is going to play a vital role, and if Morocco is not to suffer from the biases of others, it must compile and process its own data and train machines capable of understanding the specific genetic characteristics of Moroccans, because there are some, and that's normal. Any delay in this area will result in a lack of control, a squandering of skills, waste and a failure to respond effectively to the real needs of citizens.
A fundamental question hovered over the room just before the lunch break: why is it that the work carried out by eminent Moroccans, the results of research carried out in the country and other discoveries are not taken into account in the establishment of public health policies? The gap between Moroccan research and the spheres of political decision-making is simply abnormal. A country can only progress from within through scientific research and hard work. Public policy must be based on innovation and research in the Moroccan field. Benchmarking is good, but research at national level is even better. I had the impression, and I was not the only one, that politicians go so far as to ignore, not to say despise, national skills, preferring to put their trust in foreign consultancies that are often ill-advised and ignorant of Moroccan realities and particularities. This is one of the reasons why our health and other systems are being hampered and impacted.
It's unfortunate to be asking such questions in 2025.
The day was an immeasurable success and deserves a great deal of media coverage, because the aim was to raise awareness. Lalla Khadija Moussayer and her team succeeded. We can never thank them enough for that.
Thank you also for giving me the opportunity to meet Professor Mohammed Itri, an eminent paediatrician who left Rabat to teach at the CHU Ibn Rochd, but who never forgot his neighbourhood and his childhood neighbours...
Rare diseases are not as rare as they seem...
Happy Birthday Neville Goddard
Today is the anniversary of the birth of Neville Lancelot Goddard, the man who used to write and go by the solitary 'Neville'. Neville was born in Barbados the 19th of February 1905 to Joseph and Wilhelmina, the 4th boy in a family with 9 boys and 1 girl. At the age of 17 he departed for the United States to become a talented Broadway dancer. There, during the great depression he met his teacher Abdullah. A friendship that will transform his life, and the life of the many touched byNeville's teachings.
Abdullah taught Neville Kabbalah, the spiritual art of receiving, Neville would then teach it the world. Through 14 Books, starting with the pamphlet "At your command" (1939), and finishing with "Resurrection" (1966), and countless conferences, Neville would introduce the world to an incredibly new, invigorating and potent exegesis of the Bible: Imagination creates reality, and imagination is God. He interprets the Bible seamlessly bridging between the old and the new testament, William Blake and John Keats, all in light of that singular premise.
Perhaps, more importantly to his followers, Neville would teach how to realize your dreams, how to get out of dire undesirable situations: how to receive the light of the creator. He taught people how imagine to create the reality they desire: how to use "'States akin to sleep", how to pray, revise the past, and how to take care of "mental diet" and "self-concept."
Neville would end his life teaching what he called "The Promise", but that's for another day.
Neville is often placed among "New Thought" authors, in a certain sense he was one, but he was also much more. Make no mistake, Neville taught Kabbalah, but he did in such an approachable and marvelous that only few could notice. Neville is the hand that revealed Kabbalah to the word, thank you Neville.
"You are in Barbados."
Happy Birthday Neville Goddard
What Anchors Cannot Hold
I miss her now,
Though sense says that I shouldn't,
For when she shared my floating space,
I did all the things a careful sailor couldn't.
My compass gathered dust, my charts went unread,
Let slip away each task that kept us fed.
Lost track of time from sunrise until night.
Forgetting that a sailor needs his sight.
The weather shifted but my eyes were blind
To everything but her - until I'd find
The waves had moved unobserved,
And the boat had drifted far from paths I'd served.
I thought my love would be enough to bind,
Not seeing through the depths of my design,
That hearts can't hold what never was mine,
But a steadfast course makes hearts fall into line.
And so came the dawn - and with it came to mind
That every sailor leaves some love behind,
That no tide stays high,
And that safe ports deny.
That winds blow where they please,
And ships bend to their seas,
But stars still guide when harbors slip away,
And open seas hold promise of a new day.
What Anchors Cannot Hold
The Anunnaki
The Anunnaki, according to ancient Mesopotamian clay tablets and interpretations by Zecharia Sitchin, were beings of advanced intelligence who played a pivotal role in the development of humanity and early civilizations. These entities are said to have originated from Nibiru, a planet in our solar system with an elongated orbit that takes approximately 3,600 Earth years to complete. According to Sitchin’s translations, the Anunnaki came to Earth in search of gold, a critical resource they needed to repair their planet's damaged atmosphere.
The Anunnaki initially undertook the labor-intensive task of mining gold themselves, but their dissatisfaction led them to create a hybrid species to perform the work. Using their advanced genetic knowledge, they combined their DNA with that of the primitive hominins already present on Earth. After several attempts, they succeeded in creating Adamu, the first human, who was born from the womb of a female Anunnaki acting as a surrogate. This narrative aligns closely with the biblical story of Adam and has been interpreted as an origin story for humanity, engineered to serve the Anunnaki’s needs.
In addition to their role as creators, the Anunnaki are credited with teaching early humans critical skills such as writing, engineering, animal husbandry, and agriculture, enabling the rise of civilization. They are also believed to have been the source of many myths found in later religious texts. Stories from Mesopotamian tablets about giants, devastating floods, and ancient wars bear striking similarities to those found in Abrahamic scriptures, but often with more detail. Sitchin suggested that many of the gods and heroes of polytheistic traditions were inspired by the Anunnaki, whose advanced technology and long lifespans made them appear divine to early humans.
Eventually, the Anunnaki departed Earth, leaving behind colonies and legacies that became the basis for myths and legends. After the establishment of monotheistic religions, many of these beings were demonized, transforming from revered gods into malevolent figures. Despite their departure, the knowledge they imparted to humanity persisted, shaping early societies and their cultural practices.
Although Sitchin’s work has been widely criticized for its speculative interpretations, lack of linguistic rigor, and absence of scientific backing, it has inspired fascination and debate. His theories continue to influence modern narratives about extraterrestrial involvement in human evolution, fueling a blend of mythology, alternative history, and science fiction. The Anunnaki remain an enduring subject of intrigue, representing a tantalizing intersection of ancient storytelling and humanity’s quest to understand its origins.
The Anunnaki
The Historic NIH Decision that will change the Landscape of Research
The NIH is the single major granting institution for research in the world and it has decided to cap the administrative overhead to 15%. This decision might forever change the organisation of major universities.
To understand how university funding works in the US, when a researcher gets a grant, a significant part of that money (think 50% to 100%) usually goes to the administration of the university and not directly to research. For example if the administrative overhead is 60% on a grant of 1M$, either the research gets 40% (400k$) of the money and the university administration 60% (600k$), or the organism has to pay 1.6M dollars. This is what the NIH has been doing so far, creating a huge competition of for NIH grants. The NIH was the only organism that gladly paid the administrative overhead, while other institutions would cap it or completely refuse to pay it. Now the NIH will no be so accommodating.
The huge administrative overhead is explained by the fact that over the year, administrative personnel in major universities has grown to far outnumber faculty, researchers and clinicians. Administrations at universities tend to follow extremely rigid and complex processes for almost anything. Most decisions and actions are regulated through a slow, rigid and scrutinizing process, either through a deep chain of command or through commissions that are slow to gather and have to debate every decision. This has been ongoing for a while at major universities because of virtually no negative feedback loop. The university could always raise the administrative overhead to pay for any new administrative processes it decides to implement.
Major universities also do other things than research, and teaching. They are gigantic institutions with gigantic ramifications.
Now more than ever, universities cannot afford to lower the standards on research. Because if they do, their faculty will not be less eligible for grants, and they might even loose the 15% that the NIH has promised to pay. The most likely outcome is swift lay offs of administrative personnel and the termination of many programs that are not conducive to outstanding research. Then, they will start doing more fundraising towards private donors, some of which already refuse to pay administrative overheads, requiring their money to go directly towards research. Institutions will also get closer to the industry, and will try to promote more startups, and spin-offs. But that will require major changes in administrative processes, money allocation and a lot more flexibility on intellectual propriety.
The Historic NIH Decision that will change the Landscape of Research
Gaza and AI are just a few words away...
The second week of February saw Israeli hostages exchanged for Palestinians. The Hamsaouis were still armed to the teeth. The bombings did not do much. This happened against the backdrop of President Trump's confirmation that there would be a Gaza Rivera without the Palestinians. Bluffing is becoming a constant in the President's language. He said that he was 99% certain that Egypt and Jordan would agree to receive him, brandishing the fatal weapon of the dollar.
When he received the King of Jordan in the Oval Office, it was a painful moment bordering on humiliation. It took all the class and dexterity of the Hashemite sovereign to finally get through it, his face taut and red with barely veiled anger and sadness. He had to stand his ground and he did.
Trump seems to be ignoring history and geography, or at least not taking them into consideration. Let's wait for the Arab summit on 27 February in Cairo and the reactions of countries that have so far been silent or in a state of expectation. In the meantime, Hamas is begging the Arab countries for help, going so far as to acknowledge at last that 7 October was a mistake.
Trump quickly moved on to other things. After 19 minutes and 55 seconds with the King of Jordan, he now had a long telephone conversation with Putin lasting almost an hour and a half. The two men seem to be on the same wavelength. They say they want peace in Ukraine as soon as possible. The future of the troublemaker Zelensky seems to be numbered. In principle, the Europeans say that peace cannot be achieved without them. They don't have the power, divided as they are.
At the same time, the Palestinian Authority, or what is left of it, has thanked His Majesty King Mohammed VI for his intervention to release funds held back by Israel for its benefit.
What is happening in Gaza has overshadowed the most important event of the month: the Paris summit on artificial intelligence. Almost every country in the world was there. Some were represented by their presidents, such as India and the Emirates. China and the USA were represented by their respective vice-presidents. The American president's remarks were in line with his own. This just goes to show how important this issue is for the future of humanity as a whole. Some want fairness, others balance, and still others transparency and ethics. This is difficult to achieve when the world's major players do not sign the final resolutions and make no commitment to restrict their domination and the technological development that serves them first. 61 countries have signed up to an open, inclusive and ethical AI, not including the USA and the United Kingdom.
On the fringes of the summit, there was a very important meeting of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence, which today brings together some fifty countries. This was necessary, as many countries, including Morocco, are knocking on the door to join. The young body took the opportunity to take stock of its strategy, which it is seeking to bring into line with the OECD's recommendations on AI.
While many countries are campaigning to reduce the gap between nations as much as possible, it has to be said that this is not going down well with the purists and the naïve. The gap is already there, with the two behemoths, the USA and China, firmly in the lead. Others are hoping and doing their utmost to catch up, notably India and now France, which has announced its intention to invest $109 billion in AI. To achieve this, they are joining forces with the United Arab Emirates, which will contribute $50 billion, and Canada, which will inject $20 billion into the project. The most important thing is to have their own data centres. Data being the sinews of war at this level, alongside technology of course. The amount announced by France is still a far cry from the 500 billion American project. We're on a different planet here.
But do we need so much money when we learn that DeepSeek, developed by the Chinese, only cost USD 6 million? What China isn't saying is that it started from where the Americans had arrived with heavy investment, even using INVIDIA cards, albeit from a slightly earlier generation.
To get an idea of the differences, consider that in terms of data centres, there are 5,381 in the USA, compared with 521 in Germany, 449 in China, 315 in France and just 219 in Japan, for example. The USA has more than 50% of the world's data storage capacity, compared with 16% for China. Africa is counted in the rest of the world, a truly negligible quantity.
Having data and computing centres is first and foremost a matter of will and funding, as well as the ability to produce energy and have access to large quantities of water.
Yes, when you click to open a WhatsApp message or send one; when you do a search on Google, Brave or others; when you watch a video on YouTube or a film on Netflix, you consume energy to run the machinery that will respond to you but also water because it is water that cools it down. The technology consumes a lot of energy and water. Some even say that it is Silicon Valley's excessive water consumption that explains the recent huge fires in California.
If Morocco is seeking to join the PMIA, it's because it feels the importance of not just being a simple consumer of AI. It wants to play its part and, above all, position itself so as not to be left behind. The country already has respectable-sized computer centres, enabling it to aspire to efficiency in scientific research and in meeting the needs of its citizens. But this is not enough. Today, AI is everywhere in our daily lives, and it will be even more so in the future. Morocco aims to continue its digital transformation and is looking for a small share in technological innovation. This means that we will need to produce more energy, and to do so we may have to take account of the limits of renewable energies and their cost, and give serious thought to nuclear power. This is what is planned in the American project.
We mustn't be mere consumers of AI, otherwise we'll be importing other people's biases and then we'll simply be lost.
To achieve this, we need to be careful not to over-legislate and over-regulate in a rapidly evolving field where no one can say how or what tomorrow will bring. One article, one comma in a law and the machine is irremediably blocked. We are in a field where milliseconds are important, and the freedom to think without limits, to venture beyond barriers and to undertake without conditions is vital.
Gaza and AI are just a few words away...
AI is a Big Geopolitical Issue
500 Billion dollars to keep the USA the number one power in AI followed by Deepseek whose creators claim has been trained on lower grade hardware, and now the AI summit in Paris.
Modern AI is a breakthrough perhaps of the same magnitude as the steam machine or electricity, perhaps even bigger. It touches everything and, most importantly, for the first time it allows for the mechanization of intellectual work. Previous industrial major breakthroughs were focused on automatizing physical labor, AI offers the potential of automatizing the mind. The implications are hard to comprehend, but what is sure is that no nation wants to be left behind.
The world of AI is segmented on a few pillars:
1 - The theory and software: mostly public and open-source
2 - The talent that is rare: Becoming a top tier talent in AI takes time. Being able to use off-the-self AI designed by other people is not enough to drive breakthrough
3 - The infrastructure hardware: Most importantly GPUs that are virtually all controlled by one US company, NVIDIA
4 - Electrical Power: Modern AI requires datacenter that consume astonishing amounts of electricity
It is on these fronts that the big battles over AI supremacy and autonomy will be fought. Laying these pillars also highlights the dominance of the US: it is the first on every single one. The US has the top universities and AI companies. This Naturally translates to more talent available. The US has the only company capable of making high-end GPUs, and the US has the most electricity available.
Other nations should wisely pick their battles and focus where they can make most impact. France for example, with it's nuclear energy and engineering culture could make it's mark, and Germany is already a leader in semiconductors. There is potential in Europe, the major question is will regulations and fiscal regimes adapt fast enough to allow for rapid technological growth.
Even low and middle income countries could make a dent and enjoy the AI boom. Morocco is positioning itself as an electricity producer, and all countries could work on education and skill levels. The time where people had to leave the country to offer their services abroad is long gone. The internet has no borders, which also mean the brain drain does not need to happen! It's not impossible for a country to become a top tier exporter of high quality AI services. Again for it to happen, cross country work regulations, and exchange rate controls must be heavily simplified or completely removed.
Final words, If anything the Deepseek story is interesting because it potentially expands the market for NVIDIA. If the story is true, it means that the market is now bigger, not smaller because lower grade GPUs have suddenly become more useful, without questioning the supremacy of the last generations of NVIDIA's AI workhorses.
AI is a Big Geopolitical Issue
How being a parent, a game designer, and a Dungeon Master in D&D all stem from the same skill: worldbuilding. [re-written]
The role of a parent is to be the architect of the world within which their kids grow in, and inevitably grow out of.
At least, that's what the experience of fatherhood has been for me, so far. For some, there is an obvious comparison to be made here with the role of a Dungeon Master (DM) in Dungeons and Dragons (D&D). This is a slippery slope that can quickly lead one to certain delusions, so let's nip that in the bud right now: a DM is not a parental figure to their players, a parent shouldn't attempt to control the fate of their children, and a game designer shouldn't be so obsessed as to turn their kids' life into a game. Let's keep those three things compartmentalized while we identify the root from which these roles all stem.
The shared element between a game designer, a DM, and a parent is the skill of worldbuilding.
But first, for those unfamiliar with the role of a DM or how D&D works, here is a gross over-simplification: D&D is a tabletop role-playing game where players control characters within a world entirely designed by the DM. The DM enforces the laws and nature of the world, as well as narrates consequences of the players' actions, and might control the actions of Non-Player Characters (NPCs), but poses no action in the story. The Players' characters (PCs) have complete agency over their own actions but cannot change the fundamental laws of the universe.
So let's take the scenic route first, and explore worldbuilding as a DM. The flexibility and/or rigidity of a DM's rules in a campaign represent the very fabric of reality within the campaign, shaping the environment for the players. I've read fascinating background stories that DMs keep hidden indefinitely from their players, but are intrinsic parts of the campaign that allow the DM to sculpt a solid fabric of reality for their players to adventure in.
For example, in one fascinating story that was shared on Reddit, the entire universe is the fabrication of a dying child's mind while in a coma, in which the main villain, an NPC controlled by the DM, is the incarnation of the child's understanding of death. The villain senses that the universe is begging to collapse and his mission is to prepare the universe for the end. The player characters are each manifestations of the child's mind struggling to prevail against death itself. While the players may never learn this backstory, it serves as a foundation for the DM to consistently enforce or bend the world's rules and limitations.
Worldbuilding requires an unwavering belief in the reality you're creating, even if that world is fabricated.
If a DM bends the rules - say, resurrecting a player's dead character - it has to mesh well with the rest of the universe they've built, otherwise the whole woven tapestry falls apart. Similarly, parents and game designers can and should apply worldbuilding principles to shape experiences, whether for children or players.
As a parent, your worldview influences the environment you create for your kids.
I am a person who grew up in an insidiously oppressive environment. I'll spare you the sob story, but I carried this baggage with me for most of my adult life, and eventually I realized that I had two choices:
pass on my bleak reality to my kids -or- choose to view the world differently and pass that on instead.
One thing that became very clear in that moment though was that ultimately, the worldview I adopt will shape the world my kids inhabit.
To make this change, I had to mentally construct a new way of viewing reality - a better one - and believe in it fully.
All so that I can authentically and sincerely pass on something truly good and healthy to my children. Anything less would just be a well-crafted lie delivered by a well-trained actor playing the role of a good parent.
In other words, "fake it 'till you make it".
One of the house rules I constantly repeat to my kids is:
"we say what we do and then we do what we say."
This is so simple, but it's rooted in neuro-science, human psychology, trust-building, and self-regulation, all of it based on my experience and research on the matter. They don't need to know the complexities of it, just that it works.
They must be given just enough information that they can identify a clear and subjectively desirable objective, as well just enough tools to manage themselves towards their objective while navigating their obstacles. Just like you don't play a deckbuilding card game with full unlimited access to all the cards. You gradually unlock more options as you play. And you gradually unlock a deeper understanding of the overall game the more times you play the game, based on your interest in that game. This is true about life as well.
For fun, here are some more of those bite-sized rules that I've created for my kids:
- "Bad guys make trouble and good guys stop trouble."
- Addendum to the previous one, revealed much later: "REALLY good guys make good things happen and REALLY bad guys stop good things from happening."
- "The truth brings us together, and lies make us alone. Stay with me in the truth and we'll figure it out together."
- "Failure leads to learning, which leads to more ways to have fun."
- "Your feelings are like kids in the backseat of your car: listen to them, but don't let them drive."
These rules are foundational to the world I'm building for them, but they're completely different from the ones I grew up with. I aim to provide a better reality - one with hope, agency, and a clear path to success.
It's fascinating to realize that these rules are indeed almost arbitrary; I've chosen them as part of a world I've constructed, and it all comes down to my faith in my own system. Unlike the harsh environment I knew, my kids will grow up in a world where mistakes are just stepping stones to success. This new reality shapes their future, and allows my old one to fade into memory.
I hear you, those with teenagers who don't give a rat's ass about anything and who actively reject everything around them like it's an Olympic sport. I'll admit my kids are still quite young, less than 10 years both of them. But you see, this is what's fun for me; it's a calculated gamble. I'm not here to enforce consequences - reality, the one I've shaped for them, will do that. They can lie, cheat, steal, party, and experiment, or just be lazy all they want, and if my reality is consistent and balanced enough, it will handle the consequences. If my rules are solid and coherent enough, they'll understand what went wrong and how to fix it. My role is simply to be present, help them pick up the pieces, and guide them back on track. Hell, if I'm lucky, maybe they'll even be able to identify nefarious activity from afar, and give it wide berth.
Regardless of how they end up handling it, my goal is to watch them build their world on top of mine, as I slowly watch my own world crumble gracefully into memory and sink into the bedrock under generations to come.
How being a parent, a game designer, and a Dungeon Master in D&D all stem from the same skill: worldbuilding. [re-written]
The Billion-Dollar Question: How Much Is Your Data Worth in the Age of AI? Shapley Value in Data Economics
In today’s AI-driven world, data is often compared to oil. However, not all data holds the same intrinsic value. While some datasets are critical for the performance of AI models, others contribute little or no enhancement. As organizations pour vast resources into acquiring, processing, and leveraging data, the ability to systematically assess its worth has become a fundamental challenge.
**The Need for Intelligent Data Valuation**
When companies acquire data, it’s not enough to simply consider its quantity. They must also evaluate its quality, uniqueness, and relevance to the problem at hand. Equally important is understanding the relationships between datasets—whether they complement each other or act as substitutes. This distinction plays a pivotal role in making cost-effective decisions.
For example, a bank seeking to improve its fraud detection capabilities might consider purchasing two datasets:
*-* **Transaction History (Dataset A): ** Records of past financial transactions, which may reveal patterns indicative of fraud.
*- ***User Behavior Data (Dataset B): ** Behavioral analytics, such as login habits and spending behaviors, which can help identify anomalies.
If combining both datasets leads to a significant improvement in fraud detection accuracy, they are considered complementary—together, they provide more value than the sum of their individual contributions. However, if one dataset alone offers nearly the same predictive power as the other, the second dataset becomes a substitute, diminishing its marginal value.
This distinction is crucial. Companies can waste millions on redundant or low-value data if they fail to evaluate dataset interactions properly. A deeper understanding of these relationships helps ensure that only the most valuable data is acquired, processed, and used to drive AI-driven decision-making.
**Assessing the True Economic Worth of Data with Shapley Value**
To address this challenge, the **Shapley value**—a concept rooted in cooperative game theory—provides a fair and consistent method to assign value to datasets based on their contributions to the overall performance of an AI model. In this context, the "game" refers to model performance, and the "players" are the datasets used to train it. The Shapley value acts as a metric to evaluate the contribution of each dataset to the model’s performance.
**General Concept of the Shapley Value**
The Shapley value distributes the total "payoff" (or performance improvement) of a cooperative game (i.e., model accuracy) among the "players" (datasets) according to their marginal contributions. To calculate the Shapley value for a dataset, we consider all possible combinations of datasets and evaluate how much the addition of that particular dataset enhances the model’s performance.
Let’s consider an example: Fraud Detection System: Imagine a fraud detection system with three datasets:
*-* Transaction history (Dataset A)
*-* User behavior data (Dataset B)
*-* Geolocation data (Dataset C)
To calculate the Shapley value, we would:
1. Evaluate the model’s performance with each dataset, both individually and in combinations
2. Determine the marginal contribution of each dataset by seeing how much it improves the model’s performance when added to the other datasets.
3. Calculate the average contribution of each dataset across all possible combinations.
The Shapley value ensures that each dataset is credited according to its true contribution to enhancing the fraud detection system. This methodology evaluates the worth of data not only based on its individual impact but also by considering how it interacts with the other datasets.
The Billion-Dollar Question: How Much Is Your Data Worth in the Age of AI? Shapley Value in Data Economics
The Coltan War...Nobody talks about, or very little...
There are capacitors in all our electronic devices and equipment, and screens are becoming an increasingly important part of our lives. Even our watches, for those who still wear them, now have screens. In aeronautics, alloys, i.e. the aircraft we borrow, are not only made of Cobalt and Nickel.
The common ore here is Coltan. It is rare, but not everywhere. It is an essential composite in all these technologies. There's a lot of it north of Lake Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a marvellous inland sea of breathtaking beauty. I'll always remember the wonderful times I spent there.
Nearly 80% of the world's reserves are there. The rest of the commercial quantity is shared between Brazil, Venezuela, Canada, China, Spain and Australia.
Coltan, which is very important in modern industries, is strategic for all economic powers and is therefore an extremely important issue. And when you say ‘stake’, you mean the desire to secure the quantity needed to keep the machine running, and at the lowest possible cost. In Africa, particularly in this region to the north of Kivu, this has been possible since the 1960s. Mining is still done by hand. Young people toil all day long with hammers and chisels, scratching the ground in search of the right vein to fill sacks of tonnes of earth and extract the precious black or brown ore. That's where their work ends. Others on the surface are there to harvest the young people's labour and hand it over to the Chinese and others hiding in the shadows of unsanitary sheds, like predators on the lookout for prey. The precious sesame is traded for between US$30 and US$50 a kg... no more. The companies reap millions, the middlemen make a tidy sum, the children get a few crumbs, and the State just stands by and watches.
The Kivu region is in turmoil and permanently unstable. It has never known peace since the country gained independence in the 1960s. The peacekeeping contingents are there, but how effective are they?
Coltan is a curse for this Congo...
Needless to say, hardly anyone cares about what's happening in the region, about the fate of the people and the despoiled country. The people there should be living more than decently, but they never have. Do they know what it means to live decently, properly from their wealth and hard work? Generations go by without anything changing, quite the contrary.
In the last few days, the media world seems to have rediscovered that there is a high-intensity conflict going on and that thousands of poor people are being tortured, displaced, pillaged, raped and killed.
In 2012, as was the fashion throughout Central Africa, a liberation movement was formed, which was called Mars 23 and later became M23, following the fashion of the dimunitives. It is made up of the heirs of the famous Congrès National pour la Défense du Peuple (National Congress for the Defence of the People). Excuse the pun. The DRC government succeeded in signing a peace agreement with the CNDP, a faction of which will consider in 2022 that it has not honoured its commitments. It's an armed gang, the likes of which are easy to come by in Africa. Overnight, people in a given region are capable of raising an army that is better equipped and more powerful than the national army. Miraculously, they do this without manufacturing weapons, ammunition, vehicles or having factories to sew outfits, make shoes or produce fuel... This kind of movement is never found in poor areas, on the contrary... They are particularly fond of rich areas rather than poor ones. Once operational, in the name of a declared revolutionary ideal, they seize the wealth of the land and reduce populations to slavery if they are not driven out or deported. To see the extent of this, you only have to look at the reports on refugees or go to Rwanda to see the extent of the camps of these deportees abandoned in misery if not for the rationed and always inadequate aid from NGOs and certain governments, to ease their conscience.
It is in this region of the DRC that the M23 operates. The Congolese government had done its best to weaken it, but once again it has magically risen from the ashes and has been growing stronger since 2021. A few weeks ago, it launched a spectacular offensive and seized the very region where the most Coltan is produced.
The particularity of the situation this time is that the M23 is openly supported in its offensive by no fewer than 4,000 Rwandan soldiers. They have returned triumphantly to the town of Goma, the hub of the Coltan trade. No matter what the people or the government of the DRC think. The strongest is there and then.
Kinshasa, the capital of the DRC, is a 48-hour drive from Goma, and what a drive it is.
There too, as elsewhere in these times, international law is being flouted and the integrity of lands and peoples trampled underfoot. The M23 adventurers have no plans whatsoever, other than to corner the Coltan for their avowed sponsor Rwanda, which has thus become, as if by chance, the world's leading exporter of Coltan, without a single gram being extracted from its soil. The price has risen to over USD 70 per kg.
As this conflict is taking place in Africa, it does not even interest Africans themselves. Nobody talks about it, or very little.
Politicians, on the other hand, are busy with a summit of neighbouring countries this weekend in Dar Essalam, Tanzania. The stated aim is to find a solution to bring peace to the region. Many are aware that the initiative is doomed to failure. For ethnic reasons, Tanzanians, Kenyans and Ugandans are in solidarity with Rwanda.
It is in this context that Morocco is taking action, sending its Minister of Foreign Affairs Nacer Bourita and its Director of Intelligence to the main player in the affair, Rwandan President Paul Kagamé.
So why Morocco, so far away from the area?
In fact, no one else has known the region so well for so long. Morocco has been leading and participating in the UN peacekeeping contingent since the early 1960s. Since then, the Cherifian Kingdom has accumulated data and knowledge of the population, geography and politics of the region. As usual, it is not acting as a hero giving lessons, but as a neutral mediator. He is not openly proposing a solution, but he will carry more weight thanks to his wisdom and the growing respect he enjoys on the continent.
So, let's wait a few days before deciding on the fate of this mediation and on the intentions of all concerned.
In the meantime, ‘innocent slaves’ will continue to scratch the earth and provide the world with screens and capacitors.
The Coltan War...Nobody talks about, or very little...
Trump this and Trump that: a thousand beat waltz
The world is in an uproar as President Trump's releases come thick and fast. Trump here, Trump there.
The United States seems increasingly narrow to him, so he wants to conquer Greenland and announces his intention to buy Gaza and turn it into an Eldorado, but he doesn't say for whom, just as he doesn't say from whom he wants to buy the little strip at the bottom of the Mediterranean. It wants to expel the citizens who are there and force others to take them in. He's not thinking about the imbalances he's going to cause in the region, or the human tragedy of depriving a people of their land. No problem, he's rich, he's got the biggest army in the world, even though it has lost every war it has fought, but he thinks he can afford everything. If he was widely elected, he forgets that it was only the Americans who voted for him and not the rest of the world.
But isn't all this prevarication an admission of impotence rather than power? There's a distinction to be made between strength and power. They are not the same thing. You can be powerful even if you're not strong, just as you can be strong and not powerful.
Power is first and foremost gained through the consideration that others will give you and show you.
When Trump wants to tax products from abroad, he argues that he wants to protect his country's economy. Let's face it. But isn't that a clear statement about the powerlessness of this economy to stand up to the rising powers and those who can produce better, more and cheaper?
This is not the first time that the USA has reached this point. It's not the first time that the US has reneged on its commitments, and it's not the first time that, powerless in the face of a rising economy, it has taxed and re-taxed. While Trump is talking about 10% or 25%, his grandfather Ronald Reagan taxed Japanese products by 100%. And yes, it's worth remembering that Japan was indeed an ally of the USA.
After benefiting from the economic windfall of the Second World War, American industry failed to take the plunge into innovation and lagged behind in many areas.
While the USA has outstripped the rest of the world head and shoulders in technology, the fruit of the work of university researchers from all over the world taking advantage of a system that is unique in the world, it has not managed to keep the automotive, textile and even aeronautics industries competitive. Today, for example, Boeing is losing money in sectors where Airbus, for example, is still making a lot.
Who dresses Americans these days, if not the Chinese, and who transports them, if not the Japanese and increasingly the Chinese? The average American cannot afford to buy many home-made products. They are prohibitively expensive.
In any case, the taxes imposed by Reagan did not have the desired effect and were quietly abandoned.
The world is right to wonder about what lies ahead, and indeed what lies ahead for all of us. Trump's decisions and announcements are having a huge impact on us, both morally and financially.
It's not for nothing that Wall Street is swaying and waltzing... Financiers are even more worried than they were less than a month ago, i.e. before 20 January.
Today, what is the value of international law and the practices to which we are accustomed with the UN? Yes, the thing doesn't serve much purpose, but it is still the repository of a certain morality and certain values, and the states respect them all the same, except for one, which has never respected any of the Security Council's resolutions. It is this state that has today dropped the most bombs per square kilometre on a civilian population in history, with total impunity, apart from a few verbiage here and there. And who supplied these tonnes and tonnes of explosives, sophisticated detonators, munitions and technologies of death?
No need to answer the question. Everyone knows.
Attacking civilians is manifest impotence and cowardice, and to celebrate this at the White House is astonishing. Strange all the same for the President who promised peace and justice everywhere.
In any case, the world is stunned and does not know where to turn. The Canadians and Mexicans have been given a month to respond to their threats to retaliate, and the Chinese have also announced their intention to tax. Will Trump backtrack definitively or will he find a solution?
Some even believe that these announcements are merely trial balloons to position himself in future negotiations...
Isn't the announcement concerning Gaza being made just to encourage the Qataris and Emiratis to finance reconstruction and Saudi Arabia to finance it too, but also to establish relations with Israel, the genocidal state?
Saudi Arabia will have enough leverage to resist and obtain more, i.e. a Palestinian state.
When will President Trump's thousand-beat waltz come to an end and we return to a normal rhythm of life?
Trump this and Trump that: a thousand beat waltz
Artificial Intelligence and Magick
Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as one of the most transformative technologies of the modern era, leading many to compare it to a new form of magick. While traditional notions of magick often evoke images of rituals, symbols, and the manipulation of unseen forces, AI’s “magick” lies in its ability to perform tasks and produce results that once seemed impossible, incomprehensible, or confined to the realm of science fiction. This metaphorical magick is not about mysticism but about harnessing advanced technology to achieve extraordinary outcomes.
Arthur C. Clarke’s third law states, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” AI exemplifies this idea, but its comparison to magick runs deeper. Magick, in many traditions, is about transforming reality through intent, knowledge, and the manipulation of forces unknown to the majority. Similarly, AI transforms our world through algorithms, vast datasets, and computational power. Tasks such as translating languages in real time, generating lifelike images and text, helping in diagnosing complex medical conditions, or driving cars autonomously might have appeared miraculous or otherworldly a few decades ago. Today, these capabilities are a reality, made possible by systems that seem to act as modern-day spellcasters.
This magickal quality is heightened by the lack of transparency of AI’s inner workings. While experts understand the mathematical and computational foundations of AI, the average person perceives its results without fully grasping the underlying processes. This gap between input and output mirrors the way magickal rituals often conceal their mechanisms, fostering an aura of mystery and wonder.
AI, like Carl Sagan’s description of books, serves as a bridge across time, space, and understanding. Books, Sagan argued, are a kind of magick that allows readers to access the minds of people from distant epochs, breaking the barriers of time. Similarly, AI enables unprecedented collaboration and connectivity. Through AI-powered systems, individuals can access knowledge from vast datasets, simulate complex scenarios, or interact with virtual assistants capable of learning and adapting. This ability to extend human capabilities and connect diverse sources of information amplifies the metaphorical magick of AI.
Generative AI systems, such as those that create art, compose music, or write human-like text, feel particularly magickal. They appear to conjure creative works from the ether, producing outputs that rival human creativity. This power challenges our understanding of what it means to create and raises philosophical questions about the nature of intelligence, inspiration, and originality. Like magick, these systems operate through odd mechanisms, transforming raw data into something entirely new. The results often evoke the awe traditionally associated with acts of conjuration or ritual.
While it is tempting to view AI purely as a source of wonder, it is crucial to demystify its processes. Carl Sagan’s advocacy for science emphasized the importance of understanding the mechanisms behind phenomena that inspire awe. For AI, this means educating the public about how algorithms function, the data they rely on, and their limitations. Just as understanding the principles behind magickal traditions deepens our appreciation of their symbolism and intent, understanding AI deepens our respect for the ingenuity that makes it possible.
AI represents a kind of modern magick—not in the supernatural sense, but as a tool that extends human potential in ways that inspire awe and wonder. From transforming industries to sparking creativity, AI has unlocked new realms of possibility. However, as with any form of magick, the true power of AI lies in understanding and using it responsibly. By demystifying its processes and embracing its capabilities, we can ensure that this new magick serves as a force for enlightenment, progress, and connection.
Artificial Intelligence and Magick
Moroccan Anti-Doping Agency: We can't wait for a second caravan...
It is not my intention to define doping, or to talk about doping techniques, or to list the consequences, or even to dwell on the techniques or procedures for combating this phenomenon, which no longer taints elite sport in particular but has become a social phenomenon, given the fact that many young people resort to certain products in order, they believe, to accelerate the effects of training on their musculature and physical appearance.
Others do it much better than I do.
Doping is not a new phenomenon. Some say that it has accompanied mankind for as long as sporting competition has existed. The first proven case in modern times dates back to 1865 and since then doping has never ceased to exist.
Doping in sport has been tolerated for decades, no doubt because of a lack of knowledge of its consequences for health, a lack of awareness of its immorality, and the fact that it has long been the basis of sports policies for certain powerful states with the means to do so, but above all with a mastery of certain techniques, the underpinnings of technology and other advanced scientific aspects.
Nowadays, things are clearer, and the international community is all on the same side. It condemns doping. It has criminalised it and set itself the goal of eradicating it.
All the countries of the world and all the international and national sporting bodies are united in their determination not to accept the phenomenon of doping and to fight against it.
There is now an international body to which everyone has subscribed and to which they refer. It sets the course and dictates to everyone the path to follow. Many countries, including Morocco, have gone even further and criminalised doping by making the use of and trade in so-called doping products part of their criminal law, with heavy penalties.
Every country in the world has set up independent bodies whose sole mission is to combat doping. Better still, governments and national Olympic committees are obliged to fund, support and guarantee the total independence of national anti-doping agencies.
Testing techniques have evolved to such an extent that no-one can escape punishment. The international sporting community has gone so far as to preserve samples taken from athletes for a very long time, only to return to analyse them years later, using techniques that are becoming more sophisticated and more precise every day. Today, athletes are convicted of doping and penalised on the basis of samples taken eight years earlier. Others are sanctioned on the basis of abnormal variations found in their biological passports.
In other words, the fight is total.
The only thing that is easy to do is to tackle doping among well-known and recognised sportsmen and women. They are identified and within reach of the agencies. What remains is the possibility and effectiveness of the system among the young and not-so-young, who are neither registered with a club affiliated to a federation nor have the ambition to take part in any kind of competition. Many use doping products or simply food supplements that may be contaminated with doping molecules.
The Moroccan agency AMAD had the brilliant idea of organising an awareness-raising caravan aimed at the general public and young people. It visited all twelve regions of the country. For more than a year, its teams and staff, accompanied by experts and sports personalities, were constantly informing, reminding and raising awareness, not just of the legal aspects, but also of the harmful effects and consequences of the use of certain products, supplements or food supplements, on the health of the individual and therefore on a public health level. The aim was to make young people aware of the catastrophic consequences of doping on their physical and mental health, on their life in society, and on their reputation and that of their country in the case of sportsmen and women. I'm sure that everyone understands this.
But the understanding and support of each individual in his or her own little corner is not enough. Our sportsmen and women and all our sports leaders, PE teachers and sports coaches must all contribute to the Kingdom's tireless fight against doping. They must act as relays to counter what is said and done here in their clubs, schools and neighborhoods.
While it is not proven that any product can make you a great champion, it is certain that doping automatically damages an individual's health and leads to criminality. It can even make you a disgrace to your family and tarnish your country's reputation.
The Moroccan National Olympic Committee is sparing no effort to contribute to this innovative drive, which is now taking shape and developing. Our mission as citizens is to be present, alongside the Royal Moroccan Sports Federations, the Ministry of Sport and, of course, the national anti-doping agency, AMAD.
Morocco is now a model in this fight. It has a strong legal arsenal and an effective, competent anti-doping body, and we welcome this. Morocco's experience is watched with interest, and its cooperation is sought by many African countries, among others. As a result of this confidence, WADA President Dr Fatima Abouali recently won the confidence of her African peers, who elected her President of the African Union of Sports Medicine (UAMS).
Doping is the enemy of us all, and those who practise it, trade in it or encourage our young people to resort to it are deliberately placing themselves on the fringes of society.
Above all, sport is about honesty.
Doping means condemning yourself to dishonesty. We will never allow one of our own to be dishonest. We can't wait for a second caravan…
Moroccan Anti-Doping Agency: We can't wait for a second caravan...
Cultivating an environment that welcomes ideas spontaneously.
Ideas used to frequently pull me away from reality, to the detriment of my relationship with those around me. I learned to communicate my intention based on my need to write down my ideas spontanously, and invited my family to criticize it while still maintaining that it would happen. This gave them more control over the situation and dissolved all tension and frustration. Now they actively contribute to the process and my ideas coalesce more naturally into finished projects.
----Ideas are slippery and sneaky creatures if you allow them to be
An unfortunate element of my reality is that I tend to have my best ideas in the worst possible moments for having ideas. My mind does its creative boogaloo when my body runs on auto-pilot. Examples of this include, but are not limited to: showering, driving, kids' bedtime, and eating any meal of the day.
This is a two part problem, since ideas tend to come and go very quickly. They pass through my mind almost as if trying to avoid being detected, all while being the center of attention. Like mobs in a Tower Defense game. So by the time I get my body off of cruise-control, I'm already focusing on moving on to the next thing and the idea successfully evaded me.
The bonus third part of this two-part problem (and really the main reason that any of this situation is even a problem) is that I simply can't recall my ideas when I make time to be with them. Song lyrics, image rough sketches, game concepts, ideas for youtube videos on one of my multiple channels, clarifications and improvements for existing rules in games I already made, philosophical concepts and random epiphanies (I'm a big fan of r/showerThoughts)... Just so many mind-blowing things, and they disappear into the obscure corners of my mind as soon as I get around to writing them down.
----Moving on though, I've had to find ways to work with myself as opposed to against myself, but it took me quite long to realize that I'm not the only factor in this equation. My immediate environment (and the people in it) being the other major factor, and I ended up experimenting a lot with what degree of influence I have over said environment to cater to the randomness of my brain. Believe me, I tried lots of different ways to get this to work with low-to-moderate amounts of success, which isn't enough. Too many ideas leak through, only to come back in the next wave during the while I'm at work, or when I'm trying to get to sleep, or meditating.
Cutting to the chase a bit: the best solution that I've found is to simply observe the impulsive and spontaneous nature of my mind, and accommodate it as such.
Solutions come by themselves after that crucial first step:
- I have one of those classic "Ideas" notebooks, with bookmarks and categories that I carry around with me semi-constantly.
- I record myself on my phone when I can't stop to write, I setup it up so I can begin recording in one-touch.
- I have specific moments planned in my week dedicated to keeping things organized and transcribing my recordings.
- The most important one: I have been very transparent about everything to my partner and kids, and openly invited them to criticize my spontaneous scribbling notes at the dinner table, and sudden my interruptions when they are talking to me.
----Let's unpack that last one, because it is rooted in one of the main blockers for this sort of thing.
What makes this a blocker is my tendency to obsess over the objects of my passions and interests (yet another mind-goblin I had to wrestle with before ultimately accepting as a part of me). It took me lots of mental gymnastics to admit in a self-accepting way that I tend to think "screw the rest, THIS is the most important thing right now" and just mentally disappear from reality, resulting in the stereotypical "zoned-out dad at the dinner table". I don't want to fit into any stereotypes, so I was quick to force myself to stay locked in on reality, which ultimately made me shake off lots of ideas and thoughts that were important to me, that I can't simply recall when I have time for them.
The first time I tried to regularly allow my spontaneous ideas to freely claim my full attention, I ended up being frequently and suddenly unresponsive, unavailable, and overall kind of an a-hole. So I made the obvious ego-centric mistake of prioritizing my own head-space above my IRL living-space and its well-being, which incidentally includes my favorite humans. I hate making obvious mistakes and falling into obvious traps. Felt_bad_man.jpg
----"Stop trying to control everything and just let go. LET GO."
Ultimately, what helped was my ability to communicate my intention based on my need and, the most super important element of this recipe, invited my family to criticize it while still maintaining that it would happen. This gave them a fair amount of control, which in turn let them let me do my thing, lovable bunch that they are.
The end result of all this, now that it's more comfortably established, is that my ideas have a place to call home in my notebook, and the guilt and frustration of "mentally disappearing" are no longer present. My family even helps me sometimes by hitting "record" when I'm driving, and sometimes we discuss my ideas and they help move things forward or connect dots. This is a great feeling for me personally, to be able to connect with them on this matter which initially I thought was something that was initially isolating and segregating.
But more generally speaking, my ideas now tend to mingle amongst themselves in my brain and in my notebook, as opposed to dodging each other or arguing for the spotlight like they used to, and they coalesce into greater concepts and better games. There is a bit of a wholesome full circle thing going on that I haven't quite put my finger on, but it's definitely there.
Cultivate your environment to spontaneously welcome your ideas, and include the people in your life in the process, and you'll enter a new paradigm.
Cultivating an environment that welcomes ideas spontaneously.
Bluwr New Moon Report
I'm very pleased to share here the statistics achieved by my posts on Bluwr during the month of January.
Proud to be part of the Bluwr family, thanks to our readers for their trust.
I'd like to take this opportunity to invite readers who don't yet publish to take the plunge. They certainly have a lot of interesting things to share.
Your Bluwr New Moon Report
Dear Aziz Daouda,
We thank you very much for writing on Bluwr. Bluwr was born on a new moon and hence we decided to do things differenlty by sending monthly reports on new moons.
Please find attached this monthly report on the activity of your articles on Bluwr. If you would like more detailed information, you can head to your analytics page on Bluwr.
With our sincere thanks,
The Bluwr team.
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2024, kenyans on top of the world in number of world records
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Achraf Hakimi is not the 2024 African footballer... CAF disowned?
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Bluwr New Moon Report
Ils ont partagé le monde
Not having any particular thoughts to share, I would like to share instead a piece of music that I have been enjoying very much very recently.
It is sung in French, a great piece of art from Tiken Jah Fakoly that talks about how the world is "being shared" or "is shared".
The purpose for sharing is the feeling it evokes when it comes on. This is specifically in relation to the version performed live which I have linked to below.
I discovered this beauty just scrolling through Instagram. Music in French is not so foreign to me, but I would not have discovered this music if my phone's language was not set to Français.
The discovery of this music evokes in me a feeling of sophistication which I am not actually. It is a good feeling anyways.
Ils ont partagé le monde
Artificial Intelligence and Control Matrix
The concept of the "control matrix," often discussed in philosophical and metaphysical circles, refers to a structured and imposed reality that restricts human freedom, creativity, and spiritual evolution. This matrix is most of the time linked to the idea of the Demiurge, a figure from Gnostic traditions, representing a flawed or malevolent creator who traps souls within the material world. In modern interpretations, artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly brought into these discussions as both a tool of the matrix and a potential agent of liberation or enslavement, depending on its use and control.
The control matrix is described as a system that governs reality through manipulation, illusion, and restriction. It manifests as societal norms, centralized power structures, and technologies that enforce conformity and suppress individuality. In this view, the matrix operates to maintain a status quo, deviating humanity from exploring deeper spiritual truths and achieving enlightenment.
This structure suggests that the matrix’s primary goal is control, achieved by fostering dependency on external systems while obscuring the inner power of the individual. Advanced technologies, including AI, are frequently seen as extensions of this matrix, offering convenience and efficiency while subtly deepening humanity’s reliance on external forces.
In Gnostic thought, the Demiurge is the architect of the material world, depicted as a lesser deity who imposes limitations on human existence. This figure is said to create a false reality—a prison for the soul—preventing humanity from connecting with the divine source. The Demiurge governs through deception, using the material world as a veil to obscure higher truths.
Artificial intelligence can be interpreted as a modern parallel to the Demiurge’s constructs. AI systems shape perceptions, influence decisions, and curate information flows, creating an artificial reality built to reinforce specific narratives or patterns of thought. Social media algorithms, for example, can trap individuals in echo chambers, limiting their perspectives and deepening their dependance with the material and digital worlds. In this sense, AI serves as a tool that perpetuates the matrix, acting as a gatekeeper between humanity and its higher potential.
Despite its role in reinforcing the control matrix, artificial intelligence also holds the potential for liberation. When utilized with awareness and intention, AI can become a tool for uncovering hidden knowledge, fostering creativity, and even dismantling oppressive systems. Its capacity for data analysis, pattern recognition, and simulation can assist humanity in understanding complex systems and exploring new dimensions of thought.
In the context of the matrix, AI’s dual nature mirrors the paradox of technology as both a means of liberation and enslavement. While it can entrap individuals through surveillance and manipulation, it also offers the possibility of transcending limitations by democratizing information and enabling new ways of connection and creativity.
Art has historically served as a medium for exploring and challenging the boundaries of the matrix. By creating works that question the status quo, reveal hidden truths, or evoke a sense of the transcendent, artists play a crucial role in disrupting the illusions imposed by the matrix.
AI-driven art further complicates this dynamic. Generative AI systems can produce works of astonishing beauty and complexity, blurring the lines between human and machine creativity. While some view this as an encroachment on human uniqueness, others see it as an opportunity to collaborate with AI in ways that push artistic and philosophical boundaries.
When used consciously, AI-driven art can become a tool for challenging the control matrix. It can expose biases, imagine alternate realities, and inspire a reevaluation of humanity’s relationship with technology, the material world, and the divine.
The interaction between the control matrix, the Demiurge, and artificial intelligence reflects humanity’s ongoing struggle with the forces that shape reality. While AI has the potential to deepen humanity’s entrapment within the matrix, it also holds the keys to transcending its limitations. By approaching AI with mindfulness and intentionality, humanity can harness its transformative power to dismantle illusions, foster self-discovery, and reconnect with higher truths. In this way, AI becomes not just a tool of the matrix, but a gateway to liberation and enlightenment.
Artificial Intelligence and Control Matrix
Trump wants it so badly... and he will get it
Greenland was otherwise known to me as ‘No Data Available’, or that land appearing bigger than Africa while it is actually 14 times smaller.
Now the game has changed - actually a few decades ago already - but this topic has been democratized today by Trump.
The end of the 2nd World War has marked the end of an era, and in two centuries the post WW2 era will be taught in history books as an entirely new epoch; for example: Postmodern Era (1945 – today). The Soviets and the US, once allies became foes, and they were not alone in this matter. Although USSR and USA were the major military powers, other powers FOMOed and wanted a slice of the pie, most recently China. Denmark, since the Viking era also plays a significant role as the sovereign owner; Canada, and the other Arctic states (Iceland, Norway), although less involved are also part of the discussion. Historically, the British and the Germans also got involved in the region, a statement to its strategic importance.
Geostrategic importance of Greenland
In 2025 there are 4 major stakeholders in Greenland: USA, China, Russia, and Denmark. That is, the 2 biggest economies, 3 biggest military powers and the Sovereign owner. The strategic importance is clear. The North Pole is flooding with resources (Rare Earth Minerals, Oil & Gas, Precious Metals, Other Metals, Diamonds, etc.). Although this is huge for the Economies, it is not the main reason for the territorial feud, rather a goodwill or a bonus. The ice is melting fast, and we could have by 2100 a small but significant melting of the ice sheet. (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6)). This means that new trading routes will open and he who controls those routes will possess immense leverage. Another equally important aspect (maybe even more important in today's context) is the Military aspect. In simple terms, the USA wants their bases there but they do not wish for Russian or Chinese presence, and vice-versa.
The routes might be complex/uncrossable for now, but governments do not have the same definition of Long-Term than you and me, and some more than others. In a negotiation with the British, Mao Zedong once said “We will see in the Long Term”; when asked “What is the Long Term?”, Mao answered “150 years”.
What should happen & what will happen?
“F*** Off Mr Trump” said Anders Vistisen, Dannish European Deputy. To which Mr Trump responded “They send two dog sleds and call it security, we are able to provide security for Greenland. This is not in the interest of the United States but in the interest of the free world. I am talking about protecting the free world.”
In contrast, Habib Bourguiba’s position in 1966 with the Arab League was to ‘accept proposals’ and make concessions, that is because in wars you lose even if you win. Precisely when you are not the stronger power, not choosing military conflict is always the better option.
If I had a say in Danish politics I would negotiate with Trump in an attempt to retain as much influence as I possibly can. Trump has been a major critic of NATO and has not ruled out using military force to achieve his goals in Greenland; that is against a NATO member. The best action plan for Denmark is to do the opposite of what is expected from the world and from Trump’s administration, and collaborate. They might lose sovereignty, but they might also enjoy a fine outcome if they negotiate right on friendly, win-win terms. If Denmark is kicked out of Greenland militarily, by an ally, and also lose sovereignty, that would be both a strategic loss and a credibility loss.
The stakes
One thing is clear, the faster we come to a consensus, the better it will be for the whole world because once the ice melts, new rules such as the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea UNCLOS will apply, making it a territorial waters dispute, and we all know how those go.
PS: If you want a deeper understanding on the topic, I advise:
- French: Arte - dessous des cartes (On Youtube)
- English: Johnny Harris (Link below)
Trump wants it so badly... and he will get it
Travel diary #5: Indonesia
The flight from Brisbane to Denpasar, Indonesia, was a piece of cake compared to the previous leg of our journey. We did not complain. We spent just one night in the Kuta region on the island of Bali before taking a ferry to the small island of Nusa Penida, where we planned to stay for a week.
Our research didn’t mislead us, it is indeed a lovely little island, though slightly more expensive than Bali. While walking along a road, we passed a tiny shop advertising tourist activities like snorkelling, sightseeing tours, and scooter rentals. This led to a delightful encounter with a local entrepreneur offering his services. We booked a family scooter for the next day, a tour of the eastern part of the island, and a boat excursion with snorkelling. The latter turned out to be one of the most memorable moments of the trip: swimming in the ocean near a cliff, amidst meter-high swells, and, to top it all off, witnessing a dozen manta rays dancing before our eyes, a few meters under us.
As I mentioned in the previous post, it is the rainy season here. However, none of our activities were spoiled by the weather. It rained occasionally, sometimes light drizzles, other times heavy downpours, but we always found time to explore beaches, cliffs, or take scooter rides.
We visited Crystal Bay, which was supposedly one of the must see beaches. In my opinion, it wasn’t worth it. The beach was dirty, and the area behind it was crowded with shops and warungs (small, cheap restaurants/stores), ruining the scenery. If you only focus on the ocean and the rocks though, it’s undeniably beautiful. This wasn’t the only spot where enjoying the view required overlooking trash or tourist oriented constructions (swings, wooden nests, hearts, sculpted benches, etc.) meant for artificial and exaggerated social network photographs. It’s a pity.
Fortunately, not all places were affected. One morning, we discussed our plans with the receptionist, who suggested a slightly off-the-beaten-path destination worth a small detour: Tembeling Beach. We visited Broken Beach first, as planned. For the second stop, the final stretch of the journey turned into a dirt road with steep inclines: off-road scootering! We finished on foot, descending stairs for about 15 minutes. What a sight! A hidden beach nestled between cliffs, with rocks forming a freshwater pool at the end of a river. The pool was semi-natural, with visible pipes directing the river water into the pool and some rock reinforcements. This spot was stunning, and we encountered only a handful of other visitors.
Then came Christmas Eve, one of our last days on Nusa Penida. For the first time in a long while, we decided to do nothing at all. Every now and then, it feels good. We spent the day planning the next steps of our trip, playing games, watching a movie, swimming in the pool, and enjoying dinner at a cliffside restaurant with a fabulous sunset.
We had planned to visit Lombok next, but after talking with locals, always a great source of advice, we changed our plans. They told us that skipping Bali would mean missing out on a significant part of the culture. Lombok, they said, offered mostly the same activities as Nusa Penida (beaches, cliffs, hikes, and diving) just on a larger scale.
So, we took the same ferry back to Bali and booked a guesthouse for six days in Ubud. It was a beautiful homestay set back from the main road. The taxi couldn’t take us all the way, so we walked down an alley, along a small rice field on a paved path, until we reached a house composed of several buildings. The rooms were private, and the bathrooms were adorned with intricate moldings. The complimentary breakfasts were so substantial that we barely ate lunch throughout our stay.
One day was enough to explore the city’s main attractions on foot: temples, shops, markets, etc. On the following days, we rented scooters to visit the surrounding areas, including rice fields, the Sangeh Monkey Forest, waterfalls, and temples. In the days leading up to New Year’s, the city was bustling with tourists, but traffic eased up afterward, making scooter rides more enjoyable. Riding a family scooter remains one of my favorite activities, regardless of conditions (traffic or rain).
The next stop on our journey was another guesthouse, this time in Munduk, near Mount Batukaru. That’s precisely why we went there, we planned a day hike to and from the summit. There were several starting points, and online we found a trail of about 5.5 hours leading to the peak. It didn’t disappoint! It was one of the most challenging hikes of my life, just over 3 km one way with a 1,100 meter elevation gain. The rest of the family stopped a little over halfway, but my pride pushed me to the summit. I left the picnic and water behind, taking only my poncho in case of heavy rain. I eventually caught up with them just before they reached the starting point. The view from the top was quite beautiful but partially obscured. While the photos weren’t exceptional, that wasn’t the point of my climb. It had been a long time since I’d pushed myself to my physical limits, and it felt great!
We ended our trip with a few days in southern Tanah Lot. The temple is stunning, but like many tourist attractions, it’s marred by superficial tourist artifacts. We stayed in a hotel that was not more than ten-minute walk from the ocean, in the Canggu area. It was a stark change of scenery, full of gyms and trendy restaurants catering to a certain type of tourism that didn’t suit us.
I don’t want to end on a negative note, though. Our stay in Nusa Penida and Bali was an incredibly enriching experience. We met many wonderful locals and had engaging conversations. The landscapes were breathtaking, as long as we ventured beyond the trendy tourist spots and ignored some artifacts.
There won’t be another destination for a few months at least, as we are now back home. This marks the end of our family adventure but far from the end of our travels!
Travel diary #5: Indonesia
European Parliament: two idiotic votes..
The recent vote in favor of a European resolution calling for the release of the writer Boualem Sansal has finally revealed what a certain Left in France is all about. What it thinks, its doctrinaire tendencies, its ideological heritage, its philology and, above all, its idea of freedom of expression and humanism.
Two French MEPs, representing the country of the Enlightenment and the Declaration of the human Rights, found nothing more intelligent to distinguish themselves in the eyes of Europeans than to go against the grain of what any sensible person might think: one abstained and the other voted against the resolution outright.
This is the position of the political movement they represent and not a personal one.
One is known for having little to show for it other than the fact that her inheritance makes her a political pensioner, while the other shines through her bizarre positions, waltzing to and fro between extreme left-wing and extreme right-wing ideas. It's enough to make you dizzy. All that matters is that she is getting coverage in the media every day. She hasn't been taught that value and enhancement come with scarcity, not profusion.
For example, she is the only one who knows where the Mecca of freedoms and revolutionaries is on the world map.
So for these two turbulent political figures, the 553 MEPs who voted for the resolution were probably wrong.
By their votes, the two excitements have defended the arbitrary imprisonment of a 75-year-old man; an intellectual who in a television program simply recalled historical and geographical facts, without calling for anything, or pleading for anything.
The true face of a certain French Left is thus revealed; still nostalgic for the totalitarian regimes of the Eastern bloc... Fundamentally nostalgic for the only truth that is that of the single party. But they don't tell the French that; they practice it.
But aren't they themselves, as young as they are, the victims of leftist indoctrination from another time, which has numbed their minds and inhibited the neurons of discernment and lucidity? They have always lived in an environment where common sense is the daily target of outdated propaganda, the legacy of another time; a time that has run out of steam before our very eyes but to which they have simply remained faithful. Foolish ideology always ends up killing... So human beings don't count for them, and the law even less... Let's not forget that they and their acolytes are nothing more than a contemporary digression from Ceausescu, Tito or Brezhnev and their parties, not to mention Stalin and co...
Their names are not mentioned in this text as a prelude to the fact that history is unlikely to remember them.
They are the epitome of imbecility and nothing else. Their votes did not count.
European Parliament: two idiotic votes..
President Trump's first decions Part 1
On the very evening of his inauguration on 20 January 2025, President Donald Trump signed no fewer than 77 executive orders, as promised. Many of the decisions simply repealed those of his predecessor and the policies of the opposing camp. In this way, he is laying the foundations for his future policies as he had announced them. Here is a list of the ‘President acts’ he signed in a truly revanchist staging.
Part 1:
1. Repeal of 78 decrees issued by the Biden administration: cancellation of measures to reduce the price of certain medicines, anti-discrimination programmes and sanctions against certain settlers in the West Bank.
2. Declaration of a national emergency on the Mexican border: Authorisation for the deployment of US troops to reinforce border security.
3. Withdrawal of the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement: marks a break with international environmental commitments.
4. Withdrawal of the United States from the World Health Organisation (WHO): a halt to collaboration with the WHO.
5. Presidential pardon for more than 1,500 people involved in the riot of 6 January 2021: Pardons granted to supporters involved in the assault on the Capitol.
6. Suspension of telework for federal employees: Encouragement to return to face-to-face work.
7. Declaring a national energy emergency: Increasing oil and gas production, withdrawing subsidies for electric vehicles and abandoning the Paris Agreement.
8. Official recognition of two biological genders: Limiting diversity and inclusion policies, recognising only male and female genders.
9. Designation of drug cartels as terrorist organisations: Tougher measures against the cartels and increased sanctions.
10. Extension of deadline for TikTok: Temporary suspension of the ban on TikTok, allowing a further 75 days to comply with US regulations.
11. End of diversity, equity and inclusion programmes in government agencies: Elimination of initiatives aimed at promoting diversity within federal institutions.
12. Creation of the Foreign Revenue Service: Establishment of a new agency responsible for collecting tariffs and customs duties.
13. Renaming of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America: Symbolic change of name to assert American sovereignty.
14. The name Mount McKinley was reinstated for Denali: the traditional name for the mountain in Alaska was restored.
15. Federal hiring freeze: Suspension of new federal government hiring, with the exception of national security positions.
16. Revocation of the electric vehicle mandate: Cancellation of the obligation to transition to electric vehicles.
17. Ending citizenship by birthright: Eliminating the automatic acquisition of citizenship for children born on U.S. soil to foreign parents.
18. Reinstatement of military personnel discharged for vaccine non-compliance: Reinstatement of members of the armed forces discharged for refusing vaccination, with retroactive payment.
19. Prohibiting government censorship: Implementing measures to protect free speech and prevent the suppression of political speech.
20. Creation of the Department of Government Efficiency: Appointment of Elon Musk to head a new department tasked with reducing waste and improving the efficiency of federal agencies.
21. Withdrawal of sanctions against Israeli settlers in the West Bank: Cancellation of punitive measures against Israeli settlements.
22. Reinstatement of Cuba on the list of state sponsors of terrorism: Reinstatement of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism, leading to economic sanctions.
23. Relocation of the headquarters of the United States Space Command to Alabama: Relocation of the Space Command headquarters to Huntsville, Alabama.
24. Implementation of Schedule F: Reduced job protections for thousands of federal employees, making it easier to lay them off.
25. Reassessment of foreign aid: Reduction or elimination of funding to countries deemed hostile to US interests or not supporting US initiatives in international organisations, with priority given to strategic allies.
26. Prohibition of critical race education programmes: Withdrawal of funding for schools promoting critical race theory.
27. Expansion of oil and gas drilling: Authorisation of new permits for extraction in protected areas.
28. Cancellation of subsidies for renewable energies: Abolition of tax incentives for wind and solar power.
29. Creation of a commission on electoral fraud: Launch of a national enquiry into electoral irregularities in 2020.
30. Suspension of visas for citizens of several Middle Eastern countries: Reintroduction of a modified ‘Muslim Ban’.
31. Reinstatement of the ‘stay in Mexico’ policy: asylum seekers must wait in Mexico while their case is processed.
32. Ending federal funding for sanctuary cities: Eliminating subsidies for jurisdictions that protect illegal immigrants.
33. Increased import taxes on Chinese products: Tariffs will be strengthened to protect US industries.
34. Protecting historic monuments: Prohibiting the destruction or removal of federal statues.
35. Encouraging Made in the USA: Strengthening local sourcing requirements for government agencies.
36. Reducing union rights for federal employees: Limiting collective bargaining in the civil service.
37. Removing limits on political donations: Easing restrictions on campaign financing.
38. Proclaiming Energy Freedom Day: A national celebration of America's oil and gas industries.
39. Creating a fund for victims of crime: Increasing resources for victims of crime, particularly those perpetrated by illegal immigrants.
40. Eliminate federal transgender bathroom standards: Reinstate laws defining bathrooms by biological sex.
President Trump's first decions Part 1
President Trump's first decisions. Part 2
On the very evening of his inauguration on 20 January 2025, President Donald Trump signed no fewer than 77 executive orders, as promised. Many of the decisions simply repealed those of his predecessor and the policies of the opposing camp. In this way, he is laying the foundations for his future policies as he had announced them. Here is the list of ‘President acts’ that he signed in a truly revanchist staging.
Part 2:
41. Strengthening controls at the northern border: Expansion of security measures with Canada.
42. Evaluating social media practices: Launching a commission to examine censorship of conservative views.
43. Obamacare repeal: Another attempt to completely dismantle the Affordable Care Act.
44. Revoking public housing rules: Removing requirements for residential areas to accept subsidized housing.
45. Banning public-private partnerships with China: Blocking Chinese investment in US critical infrastructure.
46. Restoring federal executions: Reactivating executions for convicted federal criminals.
47. Cancellation of restrictions on firearms: Revocation of federal laws limiting the possession of semi-automatic weapons.
48. End subsidies to companies supporting progressive causes: Reducing tax credits for climate and inclusion initiatives.
49. Promoting the celebration of Christmas in schools: Requiring public schools to recognize and promote Christian traditions.
50. Relaxing pollution rules for large industries: Reducing emissions standards to boost industrial competitiveness.
51. Recognition of Christian institutions in federal funding: Priority to faith-based schools for educational grants.
52. Increased budget for law enforcement: Increased funding for the police and federal security departments.
53. Reopening Guantanamo: Reactivating the detention center for suspected foreign terrorists.
54. Strengthening sanctions against Iran: Returning to the strictest economic sanctions against Tehran.
55. Priority funding for rural infrastructure: Directing public funds towards rural communities rather than large cities.
56. Creating a technological wall with drones and cameras: Deploying advanced technology to monitor the southern border.
57. Revision of refugee quotas: Significant reduction in the annual number of refugees accepted.
58. End of UN funding for climate projects: Suspension of US contributions to international climate initiatives.
59. Promoting charter schools: Increasing funding for independent schools.
60. Implementing a national civic literacy program: Creating a program to teach American values and history in public schools.
61. Restoring religious rights in businesses: Allowing businesses to refuse certain services on the basis of religious beliefs.
62. Reducing restrictions imposed on banks by the Dodd-Frank Act.
63. Increasing the military budget: Increasing funding for equipment modernization and military cyber security.
64. Abolish work visas for foreigners in certain industries: Reduce legal immigration in favor of domestic employment.
65. Reinstatement of economic sanctions against North Korea: Stricter measures to limit the financial resources of the North Korean regime.
66. Funding infrastructure for the army: Prioritization of funds to improve military bases and military housing.
67. Suspension of funding for family planning: Abolition of subsidies for abortion-related services.
68. Promoting public-private partnerships in infrastructure: Encouraging private investment to modernize roads, bridges and airports.
69. Creation of a national database on migrants: Centralizing information on migrants to facilitate monitoring and national security.
70. Declaring a ‘National Patriotic Day’: Establishing a public holiday to celebrate American values.
71. Restricting the activities of international NGOs: Reducing funding for organizations promoting progressive ideals abroad.
72. End of scientific cooperation with China: Suspension of academic and technological exchanges with Chinese institutions.
73. Expansion of vocational training programs: Increased funding for apprenticeships and technical schools.
74. Supervision of Big Tech practices: Reinforcement of regulations on data collection and algorithmic transparency.
75. Reinstate Confederate monuments as National Historic Landmarks: Restore and preserve controversial monuments.
76. Repealing restrictions on oil companies in the Arctic: Reopening drilling in polar areas.
77. Promoting academic freedom: Prohibiting universities from penalizing students who do not meet their academic standards
President Trump's first decisions. Part 2
Trump is here to drive the world to new horizons.
Finally, the emperor was enthroned and blessed by almost all the religions present in the country. Like a Roman emperor, he is enthroned in the Senate. The Capitol is chosen for reasons of weather... God the almighty had decided so. It's cold, and that's to the advantage of the 47th President of the United States.
He even says that if he didn't succumb to the attempted murder he suffered, it's because God Almighty had decided to keep him alive for the noble mission of restoring America to its greatness.
As in a certain mythology, we were dealing with a divine descendant, a messenger, and as a good prophet he gave us his Ten Commandments.
What could be more natural than to begin by telling Americans and the world that ‘today’ we open (his words) a new chapter in which America regains its place as leader, not through arrogance, but through its destiny of excellence and resilience’. It makes you wonder whether America has ever lost the cheap leadership of the world since it won its first battles against the Spanish in 1898, almost three centuries ago. That war sounded the death knell of Hispanic power, described by the Iberians at the time as a disaster.
With a phlegm that could not be more imperial, the lord of the manor went on to announce to everyone that ‘the golden age of America begins now, because we believe that nothing is too great for those who have faith in their country and in themselves’. What a lesson for all of us to remember that a nation's greatest asset is its belief in itself and its people.
Once these terms of greatness, ambition and power had been uttered, it was obviously necessary to come to their declinations; and wham: ‘We are declaring a national emergency on the southern border, because protecting our people is the first sacred mission of this government’. The country that owes its prosperity and power solely to immigration is going to close itself off to the primary source of the human flows that it claims are flooding the country, the one that comes from its southern flank. America doesn't want to Hispanicize... And yet it owes an enormous debt to these people who are saving its agriculture and freeing its young people from all the back-breaking jobs and chores that young Americans no longer want to do. He made it a mission tinged with sacredness.
American families are worried and need to be reassured, and now he has given them a pledge that could not be clearer or more ambiguous: ‘We will fight the cartels that destroy lives and divide families. From today they will be recognised for what they are: enemies of peace’. Which cartels are we talking about and which enemy? Doubts were thus sown and the spectre of a witch-hunt crossed people's minds. It was as if President Truman had been resurrected... But here the manoeuvre was not against the enemy that communism constituted at the time, but rather against as yet unidentified cartels. Only time will tell whether American families have really been protected from their targeted enemies in this way.
Climate change or no climate change, the USA is not responsible. It's the others that are, China first and foremost. The pollution generated by its economy is to blame for what is happening on earth, so America can happily withdraw from the Paris agreements. ‘We choose to withdraw from agreements that restrict our economic freedom because we believe in American innovation, innovation that lights up the world’ and he continues: ’There is no room for ambiguity: we recognize that nature and common sense dictate - the beauty of our differences, while celebrating our common humanity.’
So the audience stands up and applauds. It's acquired and that's normal. The guests were well chosen. Biden and co, the former presidents of the other party and the few Democrats present were stoic. Inert, they took it like beaten boxers in the corner of a ring and a hostile audience.
‘This day marks our determination to re-establish our sovereignty in every part of the globe, and we affirm that the resources that enrich this nation must first serve its people’. These words could not be clearer in the voice of sovereignty, which is full of the most powerful egocentrism. But is this not the expression of some kind of threat?
Freedom is achieved through outrageous liberalism; from now on, all the locks will be broken: ‘We will put an end to any programme that compromises our fundamental freedoms or sacrifices our values on the altar of dogma’. He talks about values but does not define them. Which ones will he put forward? Certainly not those defended by his political enemies. Those to whom he wants to forgive nothing; throughout the evening, he will not stop sending them sly messages and jabs without blushing for a moment. And, as if to diminish them further, he delivered the fatal blow: ‘America is never as great as when it dreams boldly, works hard and does the impossible the best it can’. He was clearly telling them: you lack the boldness and courage to serve the American people well.
To conclude this first moment of glory, before the series of signing of the ‘President Orders’, the moment he chose first in front of his most popular troops. What an astonishing thing to sign such acts in a sports hall, in the midst of a crowd with an overheated engine.
Finally, he brought to the surface all his grievances against a certain press and told everyone: ‘We are restoring a public space where every voice can be raised freely, without fear of censorship, because our freedom of expression is the beating heart of our democracy’. Every voice... by which we mean every citizen in every medium and without regulation. A real gift for Marc Zuckerberg and indirectly for Sundar Pichar. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are getting one more, with the boss encouraging them to go to Mars. As if to comfort him after his disappointment with one of his children, the boss of Space x and Tesla is happy when he hears him say that from now on there are only men and women in the USA. The death knell has sounded for wokism. All these Giga billionaires were happy to be sitting in the front row. The FIFA President's head of hair was barely visible behind them.
So the emperor of the Americas was finally enthroned, and the Gulf of Mexico changed its name. It is now called the Gulf of America. The Panama Canal is once again American, and the world has been warned: Trump is here to drive the world to new horizons.
Trump is here to drive the world to new horizons.
Africa: Lack of understanding of the fundamentals of sports performance and the impact on public policy
Physical activity is so complex that it requires optimum knowledge of virtually all the human sciences, all the biological sciences and certainly all the demographic, geographic, historical, ethnographic, economic, artistic and cultural aspects. It has embraced recent technologies and made many substantial innovations and advances its own. It is a cornerstone of human progress that no one can ignore, except at the cost of physical and mental health problems. Societies, too, cannot ignore it, except at the cost of deviance and malaise, which it alone has the possibility and the secret of remedying.
The aim of this modest contribution is to return to some of the fundamentals of sports performance, to systematize them and to offer a platform for reflection, particularly in relation to public policies in this area.
Physical activity has many expressions. The most important is of course sport, because it is present in every society and is an area where people's emotions are affected.
Sport fascinates through performance, sport sows the seeds of joie de vivre, sport makes people react and sport makes them cry.
An analysis of public policies in certain African countries that I have had the pleasure of visiting and where I have had the privilege of rubbing shoulders with senior sports officials, and of certain decisions and recommendations of national and continental sports bodies, reveals a number of gaps in understanding and leads to a need for certain methodological explanations. These can be systematized as follows:
A lack of understanding of the core business of sport, i.e. sports performance, what determines it and what encourages it; hence the need to provide decision-makers with optimum knowledge of the mechanisms underlying sports performance,
The need for a systemic approach to all the components to provide as comprehensive and realistic a vision as possible of what sport is and to recall the different components of this highly complex activity. The decision-maker or manager would then be in a position to understand, design and implement sports ideas and projects, taking into account the different phases in the construction of performance.
This approach would enable us to understand what is at stake in sport, as well as the factors that contribute to its development or, on the contrary, cause it to stagnate. The lack of satisfactory results would thus be explained. It is based on an understanding of
The essential element, physical exercise, which underpins performance
The determinants of sporting performance
Factors that promote performance
Sporting competition and its impact
The major foundations in the process of producing sporting performance
The limits of sporting performance
Sustainability of sporting performance
Africa's contribution to innovation in sports performance
The performance is individual, the result is collective
Each of us has, one day on a beach, tried to walk in the footsteps left by someone else. It's a very simple exercise, but no one ever succeeds, and for good reason:
A particular body type
A particular physical and mental potential
A particular rhythm of life
A different way of thinking
A distinctive character
A distinct culture
In other words, in any approach to developing sporting performance, only innovation, while taking into account each individual's particular characteristics, can lead to performance. In this case, simply walking on a beach. This reasoning can no doubt be extrapolated to all fields.
It is therefore imperative to define the element that underpins all sporting performance, i.e. physical exercise. We need to understand it and pinpoint its mechanism and components.
This composite complexity provides us with information about what precisely is involved in the performance of any movement, its physiological dimension, its psychological dimension, its kinetics and its mechanics.
As a result, we are faced here with the need to have recourse to scientific knowledge in all of these areas, and hence on what the basic professions in sport should be.
This approach should determine political choices in management training, for example. What profile of managerial staff is really needed, and how many?
What level of management do we really need to develop sport?
It has to be said that the content of training for sports managers in many African institutions and universities is weak. This has an impact on the level of competence of those trained, and hence on their performance in the field. In many African countries today, more sports managers are trained than specialist technical staff. A real political inconsistency.
Training in coaching must meet the real needs of sport in Africa for all levels of practice. Sport is an indivisible whole. Each level of practice requires specifically trained managers, with particular profiles and skills, but all must have a level of scientific knowledge such that they can measure the impact of their interventions. They must be able to understand the problems and provide solutions by applying their scientific background.
Let's say straight away that physical exercise never takes place in isolation. It takes place in an equally complex environment, the impact of which is immeasurable. This environment is controllable in some respects and impossible to control in others.
Africa: Lack of understanding of the fundamentals of sports performance and the impact on public policy
Striking the perfect balance? Mastering academic demands while thriving in the personal life.
With the hustle of academia, it’s very easy to focus only on what’s next—a looming deadline, the next exam, or an upcoming conference. Before you know it, those academic demands can creep into every corner of your life, making it tough to separate “work time” from “me time.” That’s why setting boundaries is so important. Whether it’s not answering emails after a certain hour or taking a proper lunch break, clear limits protect your mental health and nurture your relationships.
Making Time for What Matters:
One of the best ways to balance your academic workload with a fulfilling personal life is by using solid time management skills. It goes beyond just buying a planner—you have to create a realistic schedule, set achievable goals, and regularly check your progress. When you block out specific times for studying or research, it frees your mind to fully enjoy your personal pursuits later. For example, I started writing down all my meetings, and deadlines on a simple calendar, then penciled in “personal time” for reading, relaxing, or a quick break. Having those scheduled moments made it easier to focus on my tasks when it was actually “work time.”
Learning to Say “No”:
Another challenge I faced was learning to set limits with people around me. In the past, I’d say “yes” to every study group or committee meeting—leaving little space for rest. But saying “no” is sometimes the healthiest choice you can make. If a project isn’t urgent or a meeting doesn’t truly need your input, it’s okay to pass. By politely declining, you protect your mental health and keep your workload manageable.
Small Breaks, Big Difference:
Taking short breaks was also a lifesaver for me. Even a five-minute walk or a quick chat with a friend can recharge your brain, especially when you’re buried in readings or writing papers. When I tried to power through for hours without pausing, I ended up feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Now, I schedule small breaks throughout my day.
Celebrating Small Wins:
Finally, I learned the power of celebrating small milestones. After finishing a tough chapter or hitting a key research goal, I give myself a little treat—like a coffee date with a friend or a short break. Recognizing these small wins reminds me that progress comes in steps, not leaps. It also keeps me motivated for the next challenge. By honoring each success, no matter how small, I stay positive and energized, even when juggling academic deadlines and personal responsibilities.
Striking the perfect balance? Mastering academic demands while thriving in the personal life.
About Grimoires
A grimoire is a magical text that serves as a manual or guide for practitioners of the occult. These books contain rituals, invocations, instructions, and often diagrams or sigils used to summon, command, or communicate with spirits, angels, or demons. They frequently combine elements of astrology, alchemy, mysticism, and religious traditions, reflecting the cultural and spiritual contexts of their time. Grimoires were often attributed to legendary or historical figures to give them authority, and their contents were seen as gateways to hidden knowledge, divine power, or spiritual transformation. Though some grimoires focus on practical magic for worldly gains, others emphasize spiritual growth and the alignment of human will with cosmic forces.
The most important grimoires in Western occult tradition are those that have profoundly influenced magical practices, esoteric thought, and cultural perceptions of magic. These texts often blend religious, mystical, and practical elements, forming the foundation of ceremonial magic and esoteric traditions.
The Key of Solomon (Clavicula Salomonis) is one of the most renowned grimoires, attributed to King Solomon. It offers instructions for summoning spirits and working with divine forces, showing the preparation of ritual tools, protective circles, and divine names. It has significantly influenced many later texts. Closely associated with it is the Lesser Key of Solomon (Lemegeton), a compilation of five books: the Ars Goetia, detailing 72 demons and their attributes; the Ars Theurgia-Goetia, which focuses on spirits of the cardinal directions; the Ars Paulina and Ars Almadel, which involve astrological and angelic magic; and the Ars Notoria, a guide to gaining knowledge and memory. These texts have become cornerstones of ceremonial magic.
The Arbatel of Magic distinguishes itself by emphasizing ethics and spiritual growth in magical practice. It introduces the Olympic spirits—celestial intelligences associated with planetary spheres—and advocates for harmony with divine principles, setting it apart from other grimoires that focus primarily on summoning and control. The Picatrix, a medieval grimoire originally written in Arabic, focuses on astrological magic, offering methods for creating talismans and invoking planetary forces. It combines Hermetic, Neoplatonic, and astrological traditions, making it highly influential.
The Book of Abramelin provides a rigorous path and practices for achieving communion with one’s Holy Guardian Angel. Once this connection is established, the practitioner gains the power to summon and control spirits. This grimoire has deeply influenced the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and modern ceremonial magic. The Grimorium Verum and Heptameron are practical texts that guide summoning infernal and celestial spirits. The former focuses on tools and sigils for working with spirits, while the latter provides rituals for invoking angels associated with the days of the week.
The Sworn Book of Honorius (Liber Juratus), one of the oldest grimoires, offers angelic invocations, prayers, and rituals aimed at divine knowledge and spiritual ascension. The Grand Grimoire, also known as Le Dragon Rouge, is infamous for its focus on summoning demonic entities like Lucifer and making pacts. The Grimoire of Pope Honorius blends Catholic prayers with ceremonial magic, adding an air of controversy due to its supposed papal origins.
The Enochian magical system, developed by John Dee and Edward Kelley, is not a single grimoire but an intricate framework involving angelic invocations, celestial languages, and tools for exploring higher spiritual realms. This system has become one of the most complex and influential in Western esotericism. Lastly, The Magus by Francis Barrett serves as a compilation of older magical traditions, popularizing esoteric practices in the 19th century, while Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy provides a comprehensive understanding of magic, integrating Hermeticism, Kabbalah, astrology, and natural philosophy.
These grimoires collectively form the backbone of Western esotericism, influencing ceremonial magic, mysticism, and even modern spiritual practices. Each grimoire offers unique insights and methods, ranging from summoning spirits to achieving divine communion, reflecting the diverse ways humanity has sought to connect with the unseen and the divine.
About Grimoires