Think Forward.


«QUAND ON AVANCE EN ÂGE, MIEUX VIVRE C’EST MIEUX SE NOURIR» L’équilibre nutritionnel de la personne âgée (PA) est plus précaire car tributaire de modifications physiologiques et de l’émergence de pathologies. Les personnes âgées ont tendance par ailleurs à diminuer leur apport alimentaire sans que leurs besoins énergétiques ne soient réduits : leurs réserves étant amoindries, tout incident rompt un équilibre déjà précaire et la dénutrition fait son apparition. L'IMPACT DU VIELLISSEMENT PHYSIOLOGIQUE SUR LA NUTRITION Avec l’âge, l’altération des perceptions des odeurs et du goût stimule moins l’appétit : la capacité discriminative s’affaiblit d’où une difficulté à identifier les aliments ; le seuil de détection des 4 saveurs de base augmente (multiplié par 11,6 pour le salé, 7 pour l’amer, 4,3 pour l’acide et 2,7 pour le sucré). Près de 400 médications (anti-inflammatoires, antidiabétiques oraux, inhibiteurs de l’enzyme de conversion…), des carences en zinc ou en vitamine B3, la cirrhose du foie ou la déshydratation perturbent le goût. La malnutrition aggrave ces déficiences, ralentissant ainsi le renouvellement cellulaire indispensable à la régénération des acteurs sensoriels. La perte d’appétit découle aussi d’une sénescence des glandes salivaire. Les aliments n’étant plus correctement imbibés, les molécules porteuses de saveurs appétissantes sont moins actives. De plus, la dégradation dentaire et la prédilection pour des aliments plus liquides diminuent les mouvements masticatoires ce qui va encore réduire cette sécrétion. La sécheresse buccale (xérostomie) est alors fréquente, exacerbée par de nombreux médicaments (diurétiques, benzodiazépines, antihistaminiques…), elle va favoriser les caries dentaires, les mycoses buccales et œsophagiennes, occasionnant des brûlures lors de l’ingestion et, in fine, gênant l’élocution et la déglutition. La muqueuse gastrique, en s’atrophiant, sécrète moins d’acide chlorhydrique, d’où une pullulation bactérienne consommatrice de nutriments (folates) et un retard à l’évacuation gastrique de 2 à 3 fois plus long, qui prolonge la phase d’anorexie post-prandiale. L’accélération plus importante chez la PA du transfert du chyme de la partie supérieure de l’estomac (le fundus) à la partie inférieure (l’antre) avec une distension précoce de cette dernière joue par ailleurs un rôle prépondérant dans le sentiment précoce de satiété. Un peptide, le CCK sérique (cholecystokime -pancreozymine), produit par le duodénum au cours du repas, stimule la sécrétion par le pancréas de la trypsine qui inhibe en retour la sécrétion de CCK. L’insuffisance pancréatique exocrine, liée à l’âge ou aggravée par une dénutrition, lève ce rétrocontrôle, d’où une production accrue de CCK à l’origine elle aussi d’une satiété précoce. La survenue plus fréquente chez la PA d’ulcères et de gastrites chroniques, en liaison avec une incidence plus élevée d’infection par Hélicobacter pylori, renforce encore le risque anorexique. Le vieillissement musculaire et la diminution du capital musculaire (sarcopénie) est un phénomène presque inéluctable qui commence à 40 ans pour l’homme contre 50 ans pour la femme. La perte -de 3 à 8 % tous les dix ans- s’accélère après 60 ans et réduit la musculature à 17% du poids du corps à 70 ans contre 30% à 30 ans. La composition en fibres du muscle se modifie : les fibres de type II, ou fibres blanches, à contraction rapide, mais peu résistantes à la fatigue, s’atrophient ; les fibres de type I ou fibres rouges, à contraction lente, générant peu de force, mais une forte endurance, sont moins affectées et leur densité serait même plus importante. Outre cette réduction de la force musculaire malgré une certaine préservation de l’endurance, le système nerveux contrôle moins bien ces contractions. Plusieurs facteurs génétiques, médicamenteux, nutritionnels ainsi que l’augmentation des cytokines (état inflammatoire provenant de l’accroissement de la masse grasse) conditionnent l’apparition de cette sarcopénie. Les hormones sexuelles joueraient aussi un rôle dans le contrôle de l’appétit au cours du vieillissement. La diminution des taux circulants de testostérone observée au moment de l’andropause induirait la perte d’appétit chez l’homme âgé et précipiterait le développement de la sarcopénie. À l’inverse, la réduction de sécrétion des œstrogènes à la ménopause protégerait les femmes de cette perte. Les répercussions de la sarcopénie sont considérables : risques infectieux par baisse des réserves protéiques nécessaires aux défenses immunitaires, chutes et fractures éventuelles compromettant l’autonomie de la PA… Un moindre volume musculaire expose aussi la PA aux troubles de la thermorégulation, la baisse de l’intensité du frissonnement qui en découle rendant la PA plus démunie face à l’exposition au froid. Dr MOUSSAYER KHADIJA الدكتورة خديجة موسيار Spécialiste en médecine interne et en Gériatrie en libéral à Casablanca. Présidente de l’Alliance Maladies Rares Maroc (AMRM) et de l’association marocaine des maladies auto-immunes et systémiques (AMMAIS), Vice-présidente du Groupe de l’Auto-Immunité Marocain (GEAIM) - REFERENCE MOUSSAYER KHADIJA Doctinews N° 25 Août/Septembre 2010, ACTUALISATION JUIN 2024 - POUR EN SAVOIR PLUS : La plupart des personnes âgees souffrent de maladies chronique le plus souvent d'origine auto-immune Les maladies auto-immunes résultent d’un dysfonctionnement du système immunitaire, censé nous protéger des agressions extérieures, qui va le conduire à s’attaquer à notre propre organisme. Elles constituent un important problème de santé publique du fait de leur poids économique et humain : 3ème cause de morbidité dans le monde après les maladies cardiovasculaires et les cancers, elles touchent en effet près de 10 % de la population mondiale et occupent le deuxième ou le troisième poste du budget de la santé dans beaucoup de pays. Enfin, dernier point méconnu mais pas le moindre, ces maladies concernent les femmes dans plus de 75 % des cas : une femme sur six en est atteinte au cours de sa vie ! Passons donc en revue ce que sont ces pathologies et les actions de l’associations AMMAIS UN PROCESSUS D'AUTODESTRUCTION DE L'ORGANISME Notre système immunitaire est composé notamment de cellules spécialisées comme les lymphocytes et de substances (les anticorps) chargées normalement de nous défendre contre toute attaque extérieure provenant de différents virus, bactéries, champignons et autres produits délétères. Lors d’une maladie auto-immune (MAI) ou à manifestations auto-immunes, des éléments de ce système se trompent d’ennemi et s’en prennent à nos tissus et cellules. Certains anticorps devenus nos adversaires s’appellent alors « auto-anticorps ». Au total, il existe près d’une centaine de ces troubles.
Dr Moussayer khadija

Dr Moussayer khadija

Dr MOUSSAYER KHADIJA الدكتورة خديجة موسيار Spécialiste en médecine interne et en Gériatrie en libéral à Casablanca. Présidente de l’Alliance Maladies Rares Maroc (AMRM) et de l’association marocaine des maladies auto-immunes et systémiques (AMMAIS), Vice-présidente du Groupe de l’Auto-Immunité Marocain (GEAIM)



Quantum Physics and our thoughts

Quantum physics, one the most innovative fields of knowledge of modern science, tells us about a phenomenon known as the observer effect. It states that particles, in their potential state, do not have defined characteristics -such as movement or position- until they are observed. What implications does this have for our daily lives? Our conscious attention shapes the reality around us. When we focus on something, we align our thoughts and emotions with specific energies, influencing what we manifest into our lives. I guess a good analogy would be when are tuning into a radio station that is playing our favorite song. The problem is that it works when we have either positive or negative thoughts. The more we concentrate on something, the more the neural pathways associated with that thought become reinforced. Similarly, another intriguing concept found in quantum physics is the quantum entanglement, where two or more particles become linked in such a way that the state of one influence the state of another, independently of how far apart they are. With that information in mind, let's examine our thoughts. They are the result of several biochemical processes in our brains, which brings us to a question - Could it be that our thoughts or emotions impact the world around us? If so, is it possible we can influence reality simply through our thoughts? If the answer to both questions is yes, then could it be so far-fetched to think that we could use our will to change the environment for the better? I firmly believe we can! This phenomenon, known by many names - such as magnetism, mental power, faith or magick- invites us to recognize its existence. Quantum physics may provide, in my opinion, really good insights into its mechanisms. As an eccentric Englishman said once, "do what thou wilt...".

Why can't we accept other forms of science?

What is science according to the "modern definition"? It would be the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained. Long and somewhat well put definition, however, there are sciences that could fit with the aforementioned explanation yet with some twists. One great example is metaphysics. What? Metaphysics?! Yes, indeed. The great problem with this "persecuted" and old science is the part where we cannot test it. What if say we can? Some will say that we can't test in a laboratory environment with our modern instruments and, because of this, it is untestable. I beg to differ. Several scientific phenomena we can test nowadays were untestable not so long ago. Some would say that they were metaphysical, even though they were observed. That brings me to the big question: why is the so called magick deemed as metaphysics? It happens, is observed and can be tested, however, not using the current technology. Or, isn't it? First, I think we should define what magick is. I guess we could say that is the practice of influencing events or outcomes through the power of one's will. Depending on who you ask the definition will be a different but, that's the most synthetic way I could define it. Of course there are several distinct schools and traditions of magick but it could be a topic for some other day. For now I just want to talk about some ideas. The superstring theory tells us that there is a possibility of several universes (a multiverse) and I would like to use it for a much smaller scale. What if, by the power of one's will we could make little portals within our own universe open? One would say that is only theory. What if I say that is has been done (on a huge scale!) by the scientific community, and it is right in front of our eyes? I won't say directly what it is now but I will give a hint - look at Switzerland, New York and California. I know that I still sound unconventional (even crazy) but it's only the beginning...

To be a good Father !

To be a good Father! That's the biggest achievement, that I'll ever achieve in life. I dream of that moment of holding my child to my chest and starting to recite the Adhan. in his or her little soft ear. Whispering as if exporting a part of my soul into it. But to be a good father is difficult. I see it as going through stages to achieve a well-respected position, you should start by being a good servant to Allah. then you start to learn how to be a good son, After that if you are blessed enough you'll learn to be a good brother and a good relative that was an easy one for me. Passing to be a good part of the population, a good man. For some, this one had no mercy and they got trampled by it. I know a lot who couldn't survive this stage. What an agony to see yourself helping in this destruction whether you meant it or not. I always feel sorry for those whom I made life harder. Yet it's better than feeling sorry about myself. this stage gets you ready to be a good husband. You make all the effort. that you had learned to put in everyone and devote it to one person. whether he or she deserves it or not but there's no way for you to know, Until you know. perhaps you would never know. these thoughts as much as they delight me, they whisper a diving fear. in my soul, fear of Allah ... the prayers that I missed the lies that. I've told, seeking pleasure. the natural pleasure always makes me laugh. Its relation with pain makes me acknowledge why some of the most pleasurable things in life are classified as Haram ...

Summer's On Your (WIP)

Writing spoken words/lyrics to "A Moment Apart" By Odesza. -Spoken word- "In the beginning, we fought to be worthy of life day after day, we strived to survive. We didn't know what it meant to be alive. Now we've grown, and now we know with God on our side and the Lords sacrifice, we are clean and we are free. So lets use it to be good, to be the best we can be. Cause baby, you can run the farthest and fastest that you've ever seen..." -Lyrics- In my head you still exist, My mind made of love and bliss Thoughts fly by and butterflies in my chest. When my heart felt only defeat, you came running with blisters on your feet _ All that we've worked for All that we've loved was now redeemed for all to come _ From Alpha to Omega Beginning to The End Keep on running cause it's not over yet _ May, June, July, Summers on your side Live and love is why I stride "It's see ya later", never "goodbye" Cause we are here to love and not to die.

Look Up

Look up at the sky and what do you see? Think about the present and let your mind be free... WHO are you? What do you think of me? When do you want to start living? And where do you want to be? Why were you put on this Earth? What can you do with what you have? to change the game, to make a new path Accept the new fate Accept the rebirth You're the champion of your life now -From the Universe

A Masterpiece Called You

My life began 300 thousands years ago And through history I live forever more, Because I lived and will live *I always exist * My handprint not only continues, But contributes To the collage we call the history of man *WALK WITH PRIDE* Your structure shows the evolution of our motion Your features represents your genealogy Your fashion represents the you in the NOW *YOU ARE A WALKING IMAGE OF HISTORY* And footprint of how it came to be And a step toward how it will end *THE PAST. THE PRESENT. THE FUTURE* Meets here, with you and me We walked from the ocean to the moon, Your destiny was foretold, weaved, long before your body lived, Walk cautiously my dear…. Everything you do creates, Continues, And writes the history OF YOU And leaves marks somewhere where it counts *For all is written in stone* But mistakes make things okay! Prophets were not perfect, People are not perfect, History is not perfect, But it is a masterpiece <3

Lauren P. ( A Poem About Me)

Hi! My name is Lauren And this poem is about me I was born in little Harlingen, Tx Of Armando and Julie ~~~~~~~~ I’m born of the Earth, I live a simple life, What more can I ask, Then the chance to brightly shine? ~~~~~~~~ I believe we are people of gold, And I’m a Christian at heart, I live to do my best, And to do my part~ ~~~~~~~~ I fall short, I’m a sleepy bum, I hear random voices, But I still want to run~ ~~~~~~~~ Run with the big, The legends, the free, Those who made a name And foundation for you and me ~~~~~~~~ I am as little as a grain on the golden beach, Where you can hear God’s voice roar as the sea, I live to change the world, But for now, I am just me

My Crocheted Heart

Your elderly hands that knew this form of art And with it and your heart Stitch you and me together Crochet friends forever, You’ve passed down a skill that you would have never known will Create me an interest and trade A piece of me that wont easily fade, You came from Chiapas to the RGV Then were taught from your best friends mother Down to your granddaughter, AKA me! My Grandma, mi abuelita, Mi corazon, my Mamita, You have looped, stitch, and chained Our family, our foundation, And to me, most importantly, my crocheted heartland forever that way it remain