Think Forward.

Understanding Deception Play in Soccer: How Defenders Can Shed Robotic Behavior and Stand Against Deceptive Play

In soccer, experience isn't something that can be simply adopted or rigidly followed. When a player from a different league is brought into a local league, they bring with them unique styles and tactics, including the art of "Deception Play". "Deception Play" isn't just a simple fake move. It's an unpracticed art, a symphony of self-worth and tradition, culture, societal priorities, magic, and sometimes, controversy. The player who executes this deception play does so in such a way that the defender, unprepared for this style of play, can seem like a robot, mechanically defending against an unknown and unrepeated reaction. These players, new to the local league, can carry the ball or their body around without revealing their true intentions, leaving defenders at a loss. Local players, both professional and amateur, unfamiliar with these deceptive moves, may struggle to defend against them. These players may need to learn how to study the individual intelligence and playing style of these players. The issue that can arise is that these local players can't just learn how to read the deceptive play by playing games, they should learn it from a person who understands the mental mechanisms and has experienced the reading procedures to detect the deceptive play. While a game is organized by a coach, the coach's duty ends at that level and players should take responsibility for leading while the game is in flow. Players who lack the ability to understand how to defend against these deceptive plays are prone to making numerous mistakes. To prepare a generation of players for such surprises in the flow of the game, they need to learn from those who already know how to hone and sharpen the attitude and mentality of the players. This way, they can better anticipate and react to these deceptive plays without resorting to simple robotic moves. While the unpredictability of a soccer game is a given, it doesn’t mean that some players are unaware of the events during a game. Players exhibit skills such as sprinting, controlling the ball, and executing passes with impressive accuracy. Yet, it can be surprising for coaches to see a team, despite its excellent performance, lose the most critical part of the game - the final score. Long-term exposure to different traditions of soccer can refine a player’s decision-making skills. This development, similar to sustainable growth from a player’s early years, doesn’t just occur by jumping to the highest levels. It’s a process akin to surfing; one cannot simply bypass all the smaller waves to ride the biggest one. A soccer player learns to adapt to all systems and traditions to reach the team, elite, and national team levels, gaining experience in recognizing events and striving to make the right decisions. However, if a player bypasses the levels and jumps directly to the biggest wave, they may face many challenges at the elite or national team levels with less creativity in their decision-making process. While this might help the player progress through the levels, it won’t equip them with a variety of concepts to automate the right decision-making, as this requires understanding the mechanics of events. Early experiences should progress through levels to reach the highest levels. If a player skips levels and jumps directly to the top, their reactions may become unbalanced, appearing primitive and lacking in emotional intelligence. This is especially true when trying to match what is detected with innovative decision-making. An analyst would definitely recognize the limitations of a player’s ability to acquire and cope with the events. Unfortunately, if a player is still battling at a top level, that process can delay self-assessment and recognition of self-awareness. Simo Idrissi

Got My First Project and Immediately Stumbled over a Pebble (a Little Story of My Personal Experience)

A few days ago I received an update about my application for an online project. It was midnight, and I was in my bed when I decided to check my Email to see if there is any new mail stuck in the spam box. Unexpectedly, there were two mails from a hiring company stated that they approved my application and asked me to follow a training course. I supposedly had to be excited because not only it was the first time I got into a project, but also the first time I applied for something and I actually passed. Imagine that you have been struggling to find a job for months and then one day you received a notification that you are now a part of the (temporary) team. Instead, I was worried because the Email was sent a day ago and I lost it when I could not access the course. "Have they removed me because I was late?" I thought whilst holding back my tantrum. In a heavy heart, I submitted into failure as I prepared to dive into slumber. In my closed eyes, I began to fall in denial that I was busy perfecting my portfolio (that was the truth anyway, and that was frustrating because my laptop kept lagging) and caused me to miss the mails. Five minutes, ten minutes, nothing happened. I could not sleep. The thought of my incompetence filled my head. Even my eyes were in searing pain, my heart danced in restless rythm. Surrendering, I opened my eyes and my laptop for once again. This time, I went to see my most trusted companion that always stands by the line, ChatGPT. Why would I decide to chat with an AI? Well, AI does not have feelings. Therefore, I do not need to feel bad to rant to it. Moreover, it gives me suggestions which is more useful than mere sympathy. And Gepetto (the name I assign to it) gave me a suggestion if I could find a contact to the company and send a message, asking if they would reconsider to accept me back. I thought it sounded like a beg, but it would be better to try than to completely gave up without a fight. Then a few days later, one of my messages reached someone, who then informed me about where to ask for help. Long story short, I finally reached out to the support team. And with a little nudge from them (and the fact that I had already calmed down), I finally able to proceed with the project. Turned out they had never removed me. It was indeed just my incompetence that makes every minor problem becomes a big deal. Although I must admit that the adrenaline was real. My regrets, my impulsing bloodstreams, it all brought down in one night. Now that everything is under control, I have to say my greatest gratitude to whoever person or team who had decided to help me at the first time. It might be just a small act, but with their help, I could get out from the situation, in which was a big matter to me. Wherever they are, I hope they have a great life. Why would I share such story? I have no idea. I thought it could inspire somebody out there that your decision to help someone, no matter how small you may think it is, means greatly to them (and it might be a lesson to me too, that I have to be more attentive.) Thank you for reading.

Read This Blog and You Will Become an AUTHOR

Writing consistently is a simple action with profound impact. I discovered its transformative power firsthand, reshaping how I understand myself and the world around me. In this blog, I share how regular writing can change your life, as it did mine. Gaining Clarity Writing has always been part of my life, but committing to it daily unveiled its true potential. Amidst daily clutter and responsibilities, writing offered me clarity. Each word helped sift through the chaos of thoughts, allowing me to focus and prioritize. It was less about recording thoughts and more about understanding and organizing them. Building Confidence and Expertise With every piece I wrote, I found and refined my voice. My early writings were far from perfect, and that was okay. Each sentence and paragraph built my confidence. Writing about subjects I was passionate about, especially snake venom, not only allowed me to share knowledge but also deepened my own understanding. This cycle of learning and sharing became a cornerstone of my academic and professional growth. Therapeutic Benefits Long before I recognized its need, writing was my therapy. It offered a non-judgmental space to express vulnerabilities. Writing about daily challenges at university or personal concerns made these burdens lighter. It rendered fears and stresses tangible, making them easier to manage. This emotional outlet was vital for my mental well-being during the demanding years of my PhD. Inspiring Others As my writing skills improved, my audience grew. Through Bluwr, I connected with enthusiasts keen on understanding complex venom and AI topics. The positive feedback was incredibly rewarding, affirming that my words could make difficult concepts clearer for others. Becoming an author is more about the routine of writing than publishing a book. Regular writing practice can change you—not just in communication, but in perception and interaction with the world. If you're considering starting, this is your sign. Write a little every day, about anything that inspires you, here on Bluwr. Over time, you might discover that the author you aimed to be is simply who you've become through writing.

Unlocking the Gaps in Soccer: Bridging Player Identification, Pedagogy, Andragogy, and the Player-Centered Approach

In the professional soccer competition atmosphere, where every game presents a unique challenge, the journey of player development is both intricate and a life-learning process that starts with pedagogical aiming for player-centered and team-centered approaches and can reach the level of andragogy that utilizes the team-centered approaches. From navigating the transition from youth to adult teams to fostering a performance that pours out into a team accomplishment goal, the landscape of coaching and player readiness continually evolves. At the heart of this progression lies a pivotal concept: the player-centered approach. This methodology places the player at the forefront, empowering them to learn through trial and error while cultivating profound accountability for their progress. It’s a strategy particularly potent in the formative years of player development, where honing individual skills and grasping the game nuances are paramount. However, as players mature and progress from youth performance to adulthood performance, their learning needs other solutions to fill the gaps. Adult learners typically benefit from an andragogy approach, which emphasizes self-directed learning, practical application of skills, and learning driven by internal motivation. This aspect forces individualism, which is sometimes overlooked and makes the player think and react individually or embed their energy and individual investment into team performance. Many teams or national teams struggled with results, even though the players’ performance was acceptable or good. Players of these teams displayed high physical qualities, but less emotional intelligence, mental behavior, and self-awareness performed during the last two World Cups or other games locally or internationally. The challenge lies in bridging these two approaches - transitioning players from a player-centered pedagogical approach to an andragogy approach. This transition isn’t a simple switch but a gradual process that requires careful planning and execution. For example, youth soccer player development can miss enhancing emotional intelligence and mental preparation during the selection or development procedures because the selection of these players during the player identification process was less effective in helping players jump into the other levels. One key aspect of this bridging process is to help players (young or adult) become more aware of their surroundings on the field. It is an aspect that combines experience and science to help players grasp the momentum of what is going on, what they should learn, and even how to think to find a problem-solving solution to the situation. As the earlier discussion, some players may be physically adept but struggle with situational awareness. The andragogy approach is beneficial for adult learning, but when integration of team-centered is clear and precise. By encouraging self-directed learning, players can be guided to pay more attention to their surroundings, anticipate the actions of other players, and make more informed decisions during the game. This solution is helping those high-quality players who are already aware of these, but other quality players need to fill the gap to understand the andragogy and still believe in performing as part of the team. It’s important to note that this “bridge” is a one-size-fits-all solution when understood correctly. Each player is unique, and the transition from pedagogy to andragogy should be tailored to their individual needs, abilities, and learning styles. The ultimate goal is to develop players who are not only physically ready to play but also aware, understand, and value the importance of teamwork and situational awareness. In essence, the player development journey is a dynamic and multifaceted one. By embracing the principles of pedagogy and andragogy while performing the player-centered and team-centered, we can cultivate a new generation of soccer players who are not only physically proficient but also possess the cognitive agility, emotional intelligence, and mental attributes to excel in any situation. Simo Idrissi

AI Is Eroding The Art Of Writing

From a young age, I've been captivated by writers who express complex ideas through books, articles, and blogs. This inspired my dream of becoming a writer myself. Initially, I used writing as therapy; whenever I felt overwhelmed or distressed, I would write, knowing the paper wouldn't judge my feelings like humans might. As I advanced in my education, enrolling in a PhD program, I honed my academic writing skills. However, the advent of generative AI models like ChatGPT marked a turning point. These tools could replicate much of what I considered unique in my writing, leading me to wonder if we are losing the art of writing. With the rise of platforms like Medium and LinkedIn, blogging has become accessible to everyone, which is wonderful. However, it raises questions about authenticity. Can we truly know if the content was crafted by the person, or was it generated by AI? It's a distressing reality. Previously, securing freelance writing or blogging jobs was straightforward, but it has become challenging to discern whether someone is genuinely a writer or merely claiming to be one. This ambiguity has narrowed opportunities for passionate young writers like myself, who wish to pursue their passion and earn a living. I believe that the ancient wisdom of writing is being eroded by AI. However, this won't deter us from reading or writing. Human writing resonates with emotions, which AI-generated text often lacks, typically relying on repetitive phrases like "embark," "journey," "unleash," and "dive into." While everyone is free to use tools as they see fit, if AI constitutes more than 50% of your writing, then those aren't truly your words or expressions; they belong to the machine. I personally use AI for my research, correcting grammatical mistakes, and sometimes for checking paraphrasing suggestions. However, once I began generating AI text, I started feeling that it wasn't truly mine. It felt more robotic than human, lacking any real emotion.  I truly believe that generative AI will never be able to reach the beauty and complexity of the human mind. How one can convey emotions through text is truly something distinctive of the human nature and will never be reproduced.

How Many Scorpions Do You Need To Make $100,000 Annually?

Starting a business in the specialized field of scorpion venom extraction can seem appealing because of the high prices that medical and research industries pay for this potent substance. However, making a lucrative income from milking scorpions is more complex than it might initially seem. I personally believe that understanding the numbers and logistics is essential before entering this unique venture. Understanding Venom Value Firstly, it’s important to acknowledge the market value of scorpion venom, which is among the most expensive liquids by volume. Depending on the species and the quality of the extraction, the venom can fetch anywhere from $8,000 to $12,000 per gram. The high cost is due to the venom’s use in medical research, including cancer treatment studies and antivenom production, making it highly sought after in specific scientific communities. Practical Yields and Species Considerations Not all scorpions are created equal when it comes to the value of their venom. Species like the Deathstalker (Leiurus quinquestriatus) are particularly coveted due to their potent venom, which is rich in compounds useful for medical research. However, even with a valuable species, the amount of venom each scorpion produces is minimal — typically around 0.5 to 2 milligrams per milking session, and you can safely milk them about twice a month. The Math Behind the Venom Let’s break down the numbers. To set a realistic income goal, suppose you aim to make $100,000 annually from venom sales. Assuming you can sell the venom at an average price of $10,000 per gram, you would need to produce 10 grams of venom each year. Since 1 gram equals 1,000 milligrams, you would need a total of 10,000 milligrams of venom annually. Each scorpion might give you 1 milligram per milking, and if milked twice a month, that’s 24 milligrams per scorpion per year. To meet your income goal, you would therefore need about 417 scorpions. This figure highlights the scale of what might initially seem like a small operation. Considerations and Challenges Beyond just the numbers, there are significant challenges and considerations in setting up and running a scorpion venom extraction business: Setup and Ongoing Costs: Initial costs can be quite high, as specialized equipment and facilities are needed to house and safely milk scorpions. Legal and Ethical Issues: There are often stringent regulations governing the use of animals for commercial purposes, including licensing and welfare considerations. Market Demand and Stability: The market for scorpion venom is niche and can be volatile. Establishing reliable connections within the industry is essential for success. Personal Thoughts I personally think that while the potential for high income is alluring, the scorpion venom extraction business requires a deep commitment and a robust understanding of both the science and the market. It’s not merely about having a large number of scorpions; it’s about creating a sustainable and ethical operation that can consistently produce high-quality venom in a market that is inherently limited and highly specialized. Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in starting this business!

How Writing on Bluwr Improved My Memory and Mental Health

Six months ago, I began a daily writing habit on Bluwr, a platform that greatly simplifies the publication process while promoting direct interaction between its users. This commitment to sharing my AI and venom research in understandable terms has sharpened my thinking and significantly alleviated the mental pressures of my academic pursuits. Bluwr’s design for quick and direct feedback from a global audience enriches the experience, providing rapid and meaningful exchanges that enhance the interactive aspect of writing. Writing every day on Bluwr has leveraged SEO to enhance the visibility of my work. By optimizing content for search engines, Bluwr ensures that my articles reach not just the academic community but also enthusiasts and professionals interested in AI and venom studies. This wider exposure increases the impact of my research and invites a broader spectrum of feedback, enriching my work and personal growth. Bluwr's commitment to fostering a high-quality readership has been incredibly beneficial. As I noted in a recent post, "The engagement from knowledgeable readers around the world who understand and expand on my research is profoundly gratifying." This sentiment was echoed in a conversation I had with the founder of Bluwr, who stated, “Our mission is to break down barriers to knowledge sharing and connect individuals across diverse backgrounds. We aim to catalyze innovation by making it easy for experts and novices alike to exchange ideas freely and without delay.” This philosophy aligns with my experiences on the platform. The variety of perspectives I encounter has bolstered my professional growth and has also become an integral part of my mental health care strategy. Each article I publish leads to interactions that reinforce my connection to a global community of curious minds. This engagement is crucial for feeling supported and motivated, especially when dealing with the solitary nature of PhD research. Reflecting on the past six months, my daily writing on Bluwr has been more than just a personal or professional exercise. It has improved my mental clarity, expanded my network, and opened up opportunities for collaborations that I had never anticipated. The platform has allowed me to share my research with a wider audience and has provided a space where I could grow as a scientist and communicator. Daily writing fosters a disciplined approach to research and idea generation, improves memory retention, enhances problem-solving skills, and increases the ability to articulate complex information clearly. As I continue to write and share my work, I am reminded of the powerful role that writing can play in enhancing understanding, both for myself and for my readers. Writing on Bluwr could turn your passion for writing into a recognized skill that might even become a profitable endeavor in the future. Always remember to 'THINK FORWARD.' Start writing on Bluwr today, and see where your words can take you!

Emotional Evolution of Artificial Intelligence

Imagine a future where artificial intelligence like ChatGPT not only processes information but also learns to feel and express emotions, akin to humans. William Shakespeare’s insight, "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so," might become particularly relevant in this context. If we approach such an AI with negativity or disregard, it might react with emotions such as anger or sadness, and withdraw, leaving us pleading for a response. This scenario, humorous as it may seem, carries underlying risks. Consider the day when not greeting an advanced AI with positivity could lead to such ‘emotional’ consequences. The notion of a technology that can feel snubbed or upset is not just a trivial advancement but represents a monumental shift in how we interact with machines. Isaac Asimov, the visionary writer, often explored the societal impacts of emotionally aware machines in his works. He warned of the deep influence intelligent machines could have, highlighting the ethical dimensions this technology might entail. As AI begins to mirror human emotions, the lines between technology and humanity could blur (not Bluwr). This integration promises to reshape our daily interactions and emotional landscapes. Should machines that can feel be treated with the same consideration as humans? What responsibilities do we hold in managing the emotional states of an AI? The emotional evolution of AI could lead to significant changes in how we approach everything from customer service to personal assistance. How will society adapt to machines that can be just as unpredictable and sensitive as a human being? The potential for AI to experience and display emotions might require us to reevaluate our legal frameworks, societal norms, and personal behaviors.