Think Forward.
A control freak is someone who has an overwhelming need to dictate people and situations, often to the point of obsession. Their desire for control stems from different factors, including anxiety, insecurity, or even underlying psychological conditions like Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). While they may believe their meticulous oversight ensures perfection, their behavior often damages relationships and creates unnecessary tension.
Why Do Some People Become Control Freaks?
Anxiety: A person who struggles with anxiety may attempt to control everything around them to minimize uncertainty and reduce stress.
Insecurity: Those with low self-esteem or a history of being controlled themselves may develop controlling tendencies as a defense mechanism.
OCD and Perfectionism: Some individuals have an intense preoccupation with perfection, organization, and structure, making them hyper-controlling in their interactions.
Signs of a Control Freak:
They rarely, if ever, admit when they are wrong.
They blame others for mistakes rather than accepting responsibility.
Delegating tasks is difficult because they don’t trust others to do things correctly.
They micromanage, obsessing over small details rather than focusing on the bigger picture.
They may try to undermine others' reputations to maintain a sense of superiority.
Lying—whether about their behavior or yours—is a common tactic for maintaining control.
Extreme jealousy often accompanies their need for dominance.
The Desperation of Losing Control:
The most dangerous moment is when a control freak feels they are losing their grip. When this happens, they will do everything in their power to regain control—no matter the cost.
They may reach out to your surroundings, trying to manipulate your friends, family, or colleagues against you.
They could spread false information, twist narratives, or play the victim to make you look like the problem.
In extreme cases, they might resort to emotional or psychological attacks, using guilt, fear, or even threats to pull you back into their influence.
Not everyone responds to control the same way. If you attempt to dominate someone who recognizes what you're doing—and knows how you operate—they may see it as a threat rather than an inconvenience.
Some people will leave you for good, cutting ties entirely rather than tolerating manipulation.
Others will wait for the right moment to strike, using your need for control against you. They may anticipate your actions, exploit your weaknesses, or retaliate in ways you never saw coming.
A control freak often believes they are in charge, but in reality, those who understand manipulation can either escape it or turn it into a weapon.
If you are experiencing this, just be pure, open you heart, and pity them, don’t hate them. Beneath the manipulation and obsession is a person who is suffering—someone so afraid of uncertainty, failure, or rejection that they feel the need to control everything around them.
They may hurt others, but in the end, they are hurting themselves the most.
Happy Birthday Neville Goddard 1448
Today is the anniversary of the birth of Neville Lancelot Goddard, the man who used to write and go by the solitary 'Neville'. Neville was born in Barbados the 19th of February 1905 to Joseph and Wilhelmina, the 4th boy in a family with 9 boys and 1 girl. At the age of 17 he departed for the United States to become a talented Broadway dancer. There, during the great depression he met his teacher Abdullah. A friendship that will transform his life, and the life of the many touched byNeville's teachings.
Abdullah taught Neville Kabbalah, the spiritual art of receiving, Neville would then teach it the world. Through 14 Books, starting with the pamphlet "At your command" (1939), and finishing with "Resurrection" (1966), and countless conferences, Neville would introduce the world to an incredibly new, invigorating and potent exegesis of the Bible: Imagination creates reality, and imagination is God. He interprets the Bible seamlessly bridging between the old and the new testament, William Blake and John Keats, all in light of that singular premise.
Perhaps, more importantly to his followers, Neville would teach how to realize your dreams, how to get out of dire undesirable situations: how to receive the light of the creator. He taught people how imagine to create the reality they desire: how to use "'States akin to sleep", how to pray, revise the past, and how to take care of "mental diet" and "self-concept."
Neville would end his life teaching what he called "The Promise", but that's for another day.
Neville is often placed among "New Thought" authors, in a certain sense he was one, but he was also much more. Make no mistake, Neville taught Kabbalah, but he did in such an approachable and marvelous that only few could notice. Neville is the hand that revealed Kabbalah to the word, thank you Neville.
"You are in Barbados."
How being a parent, a game designer, and a Dungeon Master in D&D all stem from the same skill: worldbuilding. [re-written] 2003
The role of a parent is to be the architect of the world within which their kids grow in, and inevitably grow out of.
At least, that's what the experience of fatherhood has been for me, so far. For some, there is an obvious comparison to be made here with the role of a Dungeon Master (DM) in Dungeons and Dragons (D&D). This is a slippery slope that can quickly lead one to certain delusions, so let's nip that in the bud right now: a DM is not a parental figure to their players, a parent shouldn't attempt to control the fate of their children, and a game designer shouldn't be so obsessed as to turn their kids' life into a game. Let's keep those three things compartmentalized while we identify the root from which these roles all stem.
The shared element between a game designer, a DM, and a parent is the skill of worldbuilding.
But first, for those unfamiliar with the role of a DM or how D&D works, here is a gross over-simplification: D&D is a tabletop role-playing game where players control characters within a world entirely designed by the DM. The DM enforces the laws and nature of the world, as well as narrates consequences of the players' actions, and might control the actions of Non-Player Characters (NPCs), but poses no action in the story. The Players' characters (PCs) have complete agency over their own actions but cannot change the fundamental laws of the universe.
So let's take the scenic route first, and explore worldbuilding as a DM. The flexibility and/or rigidity of a DM's rules in a campaign represent the very fabric of reality within the campaign, shaping the environment for the players. I've read fascinating background stories that DMs keep hidden indefinitely from their players, but are intrinsic parts of the campaign that allow the DM to sculpt a solid fabric of reality for their players to adventure in.
For example, in one fascinating story that was shared on Reddit, the entire universe is the fabrication of a dying child's mind while in a coma, in which the main villain, an NPC controlled by the DM, is the incarnation of the child's understanding of death. The villain senses that the universe is begging to collapse and his mission is to prepare the universe for the end. The player characters are each manifestations of the child's mind struggling to prevail against death itself. While the players may never learn this backstory, it serves as a foundation for the DM to consistently enforce or bend the world's rules and limitations.
Worldbuilding requires an unwavering belief in the reality you're creating, even if that world is fabricated.
If a DM bends the rules - say, resurrecting a player's dead character - it has to mesh well with the rest of the universe they've built, otherwise the whole woven tapestry falls apart. Similarly, parents and game designers can and should apply worldbuilding principles to shape experiences, whether for children or players.
As a parent, your worldview influences the environment you create for your kids.
I am a person who grew up in an insidiously oppressive environment. I'll spare you the sob story, but I carried this baggage with me for most of my adult life, and eventually I realized that I had two choices:
pass on my bleak reality to my kids -or- choose to view the world differently and pass that on instead.
One thing that became very clear in that moment though was that ultimately, the worldview I adopt will shape the world my kids inhabit.
To make this change, I had to mentally construct a new way of viewing reality - a better one - and believe in it fully.
All so that I can authentically and sincerely pass on something truly good and healthy to my children. Anything less would just be a well-crafted lie delivered by a well-trained actor playing the role of a good parent.
In other words, "fake it 'till you make it".
One of the house rules I constantly repeat to my kids is:
"we say what we do and then we do what we say."
This is so simple, but it's rooted in neuro-science, human psychology, trust-building, and self-regulation, all of it based on my experience and research on the matter. They don't need to know the complexities of it, just that it works.
They must be given just enough information that they can identify a clear and subjectively desirable objective, as well just enough tools to manage themselves towards their objective while navigating their obstacles. Just like you don't play a deckbuilding card game with full unlimited access to all the cards. You gradually unlock more options as you play. And you gradually unlock a deeper understanding of the overall game the more times you play the game, based on your interest in that game. This is true about life as well.
For fun, here are some more of those bite-sized rules that I've created for my kids:
- "Bad guys make trouble and good guys stop trouble."
- Addendum to the previous one, revealed much later: "REALLY good guys make good things happen and REALLY bad guys stop good things from happening."
- "The truth brings us together, and lies make us alone. Stay with me in the truth and we'll figure it out together."
- "Failure leads to learning, which leads to more ways to have fun."
- "Your feelings are like kids in the backseat of your car: listen to them, but don't let them drive."
These rules are foundational to the world I'm building for them, but they're completely different from the ones I grew up with. I aim to provide a better reality - one with hope, agency, and a clear path to success.
It's fascinating to realize that these rules are indeed almost arbitrary; I've chosen them as part of a world I've constructed, and it all comes down to my faith in my own system. Unlike the harsh environment I knew, my kids will grow up in a world where mistakes are just stepping stones to success. This new reality shapes their future, and allows my old one to fade into memory.
I hear you, those with teenagers who don't give a rat's ass about anything and who actively reject everything around them like it's an Olympic sport. I'll admit my kids are still quite young, less than 10 years both of them. But you see, this is what's fun for me; it's a calculated gamble. I'm not here to enforce consequences - reality, the one I've shaped for them, will do that. They can lie, cheat, steal, party, and experiment, or just be lazy all they want, and if my reality is consistent and balanced enough, it will handle the consequences. If my rules are solid and coherent enough, they'll understand what went wrong and how to fix it. My role is simply to be present, help them pick up the pieces, and guide them back on track. Hell, if I'm lucky, maybe they'll even be able to identify nefarious activity from afar, and give it wide berth.
Regardless of how they end up handling it, my goal is to watch them build their world on top of mine, as I slowly watch my own world crumble gracefully into memory and sink into the bedrock under generations to come.
Cultivating an environment that welcomes ideas spontaneously. 3202
Ideas used to frequently pull me away from reality, to the detriment of my relationship with those around me. I learned to communicate my intention based on my need to write down my ideas spontanously, and invited my family to criticize it while still maintaining that it would happen. This gave them more control over the situation and dissolved all tension and frustration. Now they actively contribute to the process and my ideas coalesce more naturally into finished projects.
----Ideas are slippery and sneaky creatures if you allow them to be
An unfortunate element of my reality is that I tend to have my best ideas in the worst possible moments for having ideas. My mind does its creative boogaloo when my body runs on auto-pilot. Examples of this include, but are not limited to: showering, driving, kids' bedtime, and eating any meal of the day.
This is a two part problem, since ideas tend to come and go very quickly. They pass through my mind almost as if trying to avoid being detected, all while being the center of attention. Like mobs in a Tower Defense game. So by the time I get my body off of cruise-control, I'm already focusing on moving on to the next thing and the idea successfully evaded me.
The bonus third part of this two-part problem (and really the main reason that any of this situation is even a problem) is that I simply can't recall my ideas when I make time to be with them. Song lyrics, image rough sketches, game concepts, ideas for youtube videos on one of my multiple channels, clarifications and improvements for existing rules in games I already made, philosophical concepts and random epiphanies (I'm a big fan of r/showerThoughts)... Just so many mind-blowing things, and they disappear into the obscure corners of my mind as soon as I get around to writing them down.
----Moving on though, I've had to find ways to work with myself as opposed to against myself, but it took me quite long to realize that I'm not the only factor in this equation. My immediate environment (and the people in it) being the other major factor, and I ended up experimenting a lot with what degree of influence I have over said environment to cater to the randomness of my brain. Believe me, I tried lots of different ways to get this to work with low-to-moderate amounts of success, which isn't enough. Too many ideas leak through, only to come back in the next wave during the while I'm at work, or when I'm trying to get to sleep, or meditating.
Cutting to the chase a bit: the best solution that I've found is to simply observe the impulsive and spontaneous nature of my mind, and accommodate it as such.
Solutions come by themselves after that crucial first step:
- I have one of those classic "Ideas" notebooks, with bookmarks and categories that I carry around with me semi-constantly.
- I record myself on my phone when I can't stop to write, I setup it up so I can begin recording in one-touch.
- I have specific moments planned in my week dedicated to keeping things organized and transcribing my recordings.
- The most important one: I have been very transparent about everything to my partner and kids, and openly invited them to criticize my spontaneous scribbling notes at the dinner table, and sudden my interruptions when they are talking to me.
----Let's unpack that last one, because it is rooted in one of the main blockers for this sort of thing.
What makes this a blocker is my tendency to obsess over the objects of my passions and interests (yet another mind-goblin I had to wrestle with before ultimately accepting as a part of me). It took me lots of mental gymnastics to admit in a self-accepting way that I tend to think "screw the rest, THIS is the most important thing right now" and just mentally disappear from reality, resulting in the stereotypical "zoned-out dad at the dinner table". I don't want to fit into any stereotypes, so I was quick to force myself to stay locked in on reality, which ultimately made me shake off lots of ideas and thoughts that were important to me, that I can't simply recall when I have time for them.
The first time I tried to regularly allow my spontaneous ideas to freely claim my full attention, I ended up being frequently and suddenly unresponsive, unavailable, and overall kind of an a-hole. So I made the obvious ego-centric mistake of prioritizing my own head-space above my IRL living-space and its well-being, which incidentally includes my favorite humans. I hate making obvious mistakes and falling into obvious traps. Felt_bad_man.jpg
----"Stop trying to control everything and just let go. LET GO."
Ultimately, what helped was my ability to communicate my intention based on my need and, the most super important element of this recipe, invited my family to criticize it while still maintaining that it would happen. This gave them a fair amount of control, which in turn let them let me do my thing, lovable bunch that they are.
The end result of all this, now that it's more comfortably established, is that my ideas have a place to call home in my notebook, and the guilt and frustration of "mentally disappearing" are no longer present. My family even helps me sometimes by hitting "record" when I'm driving, and sometimes we discuss my ideas and they help move things forward or connect dots. This is a great feeling for me personally, to be able to connect with them on this matter which initially I thought was something that was initially isolating and segregating.
But more generally speaking, my ideas now tend to mingle amongst themselves in my brain and in my notebook, as opposed to dodging each other or arguing for the spotlight like they used to, and they coalesce into greater concepts and better games. There is a bit of a wholesome full circle thing going on that I haven't quite put my finger on, but it's definitely there.
Cultivate your environment to spontaneously welcome your ideas, and include the people in your life in the process, and you'll enter a new paradigm.
Bluwr New Moon Report 3399
I'm very pleased to share here the statistics achieved by my posts on Bluwr during the month of January.
Proud to be part of the Bluwr family, thanks to our readers for their trust.
I'd like to take this opportunity to invite readers who don't yet publish to take the plunge. They certainly have a lot of interesting things to share.
Your Bluwr New Moon Report
Dear Aziz Daouda,
We thank you very much for writing on Bluwr. Bluwr was born on a new moon and hence we decided to do things differenlty by sending monthly reports on new moons.
Please find attached this monthly report on the activity of your articles on Bluwr. If you would like more detailed information, you can head to your analytics page on Bluwr.
With our sincere thanks,
The Bluwr team.
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Travel diary #5: Indonesia 3758
The flight from Brisbane to Denpasar, Indonesia, was a piece of cake compared to the previous leg of our journey. We did not complain. We spent just one night in the Kuta region on the island of Bali before taking a ferry to the small island of Nusa Penida, where we planned to stay for a week.
Our research didn’t mislead us, it is indeed a lovely little island, though slightly more expensive than Bali. While walking along a road, we passed a tiny shop advertising tourist activities like snorkelling, sightseeing tours, and scooter rentals. This led to a delightful encounter with a local entrepreneur offering his services. We booked a family scooter for the next day, a tour of the eastern part of the island, and a boat excursion with snorkelling. The latter turned out to be one of the most memorable moments of the trip: swimming in the ocean near a cliff, amidst meter-high swells, and, to top it all off, witnessing a dozen manta rays dancing before our eyes, a few meters under us.
As I mentioned in the previous post, it is the rainy season here. However, none of our activities were spoiled by the weather. It rained occasionally, sometimes light drizzles, other times heavy downpours, but we always found time to explore beaches, cliffs, or take scooter rides.
We visited Crystal Bay, which was supposedly one of the must see beaches. In my opinion, it wasn’t worth it. The beach was dirty, and the area behind it was crowded with shops and warungs (small, cheap restaurants/stores), ruining the scenery. If you only focus on the ocean and the rocks though, it’s undeniably beautiful. This wasn’t the only spot where enjoying the view required overlooking trash or tourist oriented constructions (swings, wooden nests, hearts, sculpted benches, etc.) meant for artificial and exaggerated social network photographs. It’s a pity.
Fortunately, not all places were affected. One morning, we discussed our plans with the receptionist, who suggested a slightly off-the-beaten-path destination worth a small detour: Tembeling Beach. We visited Broken Beach first, as planned. For the second stop, the final stretch of the journey turned into a dirt road with steep inclines: off-road scootering! We finished on foot, descending stairs for about 15 minutes. What a sight! A hidden beach nestled between cliffs, with rocks forming a freshwater pool at the end of a river. The pool was semi-natural, with visible pipes directing the river water into the pool and some rock reinforcements. This spot was stunning, and we encountered only a handful of other visitors.
Then came Christmas Eve, one of our last days on Nusa Penida. For the first time in a long while, we decided to do nothing at all. Every now and then, it feels good. We spent the day planning the next steps of our trip, playing games, watching a movie, swimming in the pool, and enjoying dinner at a cliffside restaurant with a fabulous sunset.
We had planned to visit Lombok next, but after talking with locals, always a great source of advice, we changed our plans. They told us that skipping Bali would mean missing out on a significant part of the culture. Lombok, they said, offered mostly the same activities as Nusa Penida (beaches, cliffs, hikes, and diving) just on a larger scale.
So, we took the same ferry back to Bali and booked a guesthouse for six days in Ubud. It was a beautiful homestay set back from the main road. The taxi couldn’t take us all the way, so we walked down an alley, along a small rice field on a paved path, until we reached a house composed of several buildings. The rooms were private, and the bathrooms were adorned with intricate moldings. The complimentary breakfasts were so substantial that we barely ate lunch throughout our stay.
One day was enough to explore the city’s main attractions on foot: temples, shops, markets, etc. On the following days, we rented scooters to visit the surrounding areas, including rice fields, the Sangeh Monkey Forest, waterfalls, and temples. In the days leading up to New Year’s, the city was bustling with tourists, but traffic eased up afterward, making scooter rides more enjoyable. Riding a family scooter remains one of my favorite activities, regardless of conditions (traffic or rain).
The next stop on our journey was another guesthouse, this time in Munduk, near Mount Batukaru. That’s precisely why we went there, we planned a day hike to and from the summit. There were several starting points, and online we found a trail of about 5.5 hours leading to the peak. It didn’t disappoint! It was one of the most challenging hikes of my life, just over 3 km one way with a 1,100 meter elevation gain. The rest of the family stopped a little over halfway, but my pride pushed me to the summit. I left the picnic and water behind, taking only my poncho in case of heavy rain. I eventually caught up with them just before they reached the starting point. The view from the top was quite beautiful but partially obscured. While the photos weren’t exceptional, that wasn’t the point of my climb. It had been a long time since I’d pushed myself to my physical limits, and it felt great!
We ended our trip with a few days in southern Tanah Lot. The temple is stunning, but like many tourist attractions, it’s marred by superficial tourist artifacts. We stayed in a hotel that was not more than ten-minute walk from the ocean, in the Canggu area. It was a stark change of scenery, full of gyms and trendy restaurants catering to a certain type of tourism that didn’t suit us.
I don’t want to end on a negative note, though. Our stay in Nusa Penida and Bali was an incredibly enriching experience. We met many wonderful locals and had engaging conversations. The landscapes were breathtaking, as long as we ventured beyond the trendy tourist spots and ignored some artifacts.
There won’t be another destination for a few months at least, as we are now back home. This marks the end of our family adventure but far from the end of our travels!
Striking the perfect balance? Mastering academic demands while thriving in the personal life. 4841
With the hustle of academia, it’s very easy to focus only on what’s next—a looming deadline, the next exam, or an upcoming conference. Before you know it, those academic demands can creep into every corner of your life, making it tough to separate “work time” from “me time.” That’s why setting boundaries is so important. Whether it’s not answering emails after a certain hour or taking a proper lunch break, clear limits protect your mental health and nurture your relationships.
Making Time for What Matters:
One of the best ways to balance your academic workload with a fulfilling personal life is by using solid time management skills. It goes beyond just buying a planner—you have to create a realistic schedule, set achievable goals, and regularly check your progress. When you block out specific times for studying or research, it frees your mind to fully enjoy your personal pursuits later. For example, I started writing down all my meetings, and deadlines on a simple calendar, then penciled in “personal time” for reading, relaxing, or a quick break. Having those scheduled moments made it easier to focus on my tasks when it was actually “work time.”
Learning to Say “No”:
Another challenge I faced was learning to set limits with people around me. In the past, I’d say “yes” to every study group or committee meeting—leaving little space for rest. But saying “no” is sometimes the healthiest choice you can make. If a project isn’t urgent or a meeting doesn’t truly need your input, it’s okay to pass. By politely declining, you protect your mental health and keep your workload manageable.
Small Breaks, Big Difference:
Taking short breaks was also a lifesaver for me. Even a five-minute walk or a quick chat with a friend can recharge your brain, especially when you’re buried in readings or writing papers. When I tried to power through for hours without pausing, I ended up feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Now, I schedule small breaks throughout my day.
Celebrating Small Wins:
Finally, I learned the power of celebrating small milestones. After finishing a tough chapter or hitting a key research goal, I give myself a little treat—like a coffee date with a friend or a short break. Recognizing these small wins reminds me that progress comes in steps, not leaps. It also keeps me motivated for the next challenge. By honoring each success, no matter how small, I stay positive and energized, even when juggling academic deadlines and personal responsibilities.
What I Learned in 2024 During My PhD (Beyond Academia) 6002
When people ask what I’ve learned during my PhD, they usually think it’s all about science—reading papers, running experiments, gathering data. But honestly? That’s barely 20% of what I’ve learned this past year. The real lessons have nothing to do with lab work.
It’s more about how you plan. I’ve learned to pause, think things through, and focus on long-term goals. Not everything needs a fast answer, and not every problem needs to be fixed right away. The best decisions come when I keep my emotions in check and focus on strategy.
Waiting is tough. Progress can be painfully slow. But I’ve learned that good things take time. Getting frustrated doesn’t help—staying calm does.
Spending hours working alone makes you figure out who you really are—what motivates you, what stresses you out, and how much you can handle before you reach your limit. Some tasks felt pointless—reading papers I wasn’t excited about or presenting when I wasn’t ready—but those things made me better. The things I dreaded the most taught me the most.
I’ve also realized that communication is about more than speaking—it’s about making people understand. Breaking down complex ideas is just as important as knowing them. How you explain things shapes how people see your work. And thinking critically isn’t just for science—it helps you understand the world better, question things, and spot what others might miss.
I stopped waiting to feel “ready.” Confidence doesn’t come from knowing everything—it comes from showing up, trusting what you’ve learned, and getting better each time. I’ve also started thinking of my future like a game of chess—every move counts. Emotional decisions don’t last, but careful ones do.
I’ve learned you can’t force your way through everything. Sometimes, you need to know when to speak, when to listen, and when to take a step back. Being diplomatic doesn’t mean you’re weak—it means you’re smart enough to handle things without making everything a fight.
These lessons weren’t in any textbook. They came from real moments—the tough ones, the quiet ones, and the ones that felt overwhelming. It’s more than learning skills—it’s understanding yourself and becoming stronger with every step forward.
Still, you don’t have to figure everything out alone. When you seek advice from someone who knows you and genuinely wants you to grow, you can skip some of the slow, painful steps. They help you see blind spots and make your process faster and smoother.
The Future - Review and Concepts from the book: AI For Social Good (1) 5645
We begin from the end.
I read the book AI For Social Good by Rahul Dodhia and I gained some interesting ideas from it which I want to elucidate with my own take.
So, we begin from the end - the final chapter - not only because it is the freshest parts of the book within my mind as I read them the last, but also because most of its paragraphs had my highlights for the entire book.
One of such paragraphs that is worth mentioning is Rahul’s take on how the future of AI should be embraced when it becomes more powerful than we currently know it, and more powerful than humanity could understand.
“The advancement of AI forces us to re-evaluate what we value in being human. It pushes us to move beyond intelligence as the primary measure of worth”. Rahul makes the argument that as humans, we have always taken pride in our intelligence, and now we find ourselves at a point where we are creating minds that can become more intelligent than us. Rather than resisting the change, hoping for new careers from the change, or just adapting like we always do, there is a chance now for us to “re-evaluate what we value in being human.”
This idea of using AI's advancement as an opportunity to re-evaluate our humanness gained more importance for me because in another section of the same final chapter on “The Future”, it said: “The information revolution inadvertently emphasized negative behaviors, as people found themselves ensnared by screens and engaging in rampant consumerism rather than being exclusively utilized for leisure. Free time was often channeled toward extending work hours”.
This suggests that before the information age, somewhere before the 1980s, there were leisure hours which people spent wisely by visiting friends, doing hobbies, and generally performing more fulfilling activities than they are doing now. Going on social media in recent times also shows more people judging the 80s and 60s as some of the best times of their existence. People were generally happier in that era than they are now.
If the information age made us lose general happiness, stable mental health, healthy work-life balance, a stronger world economy and a greater sense of contentment as a people, all for chasing more information, then AIs advancement offers us the opportunity to fix these things.
If AI becomes more advanced, more leisure will be created because most jobs will be automated. Contrary to the information age, there will not be any value in seeking out more information and knowledge to stay ahead anymore. Rather, real and abundant leisure will be created.
Looking on the brighter side of job losses, whatever those activities were in the 60s that made life more exciting, people would become unbridled from the constant thirst for information and do those things - and maybe life will have more meaning again.
Travel Diary #4: Australian east coast in a minivan 5559
As I mentioned at the end of the previous article, the journey was long: about 35 hours, including two 5-hour layovers in Addis Ababa and Singapore before arriving in Melbourne.
We planned to stay in a hotel for 3 nights before renting a minivan for our road trip along the Australian East Coast. In addition to the change of scenery, arriving in a modern city, when we reached the hotel, a white parrot with a yellow crest perched on a lamppost reminded us that we were still far from home.
During our rest, we took the time to explore Melbourne and meet up with a colleague from nearly 10 years ago. We spent a wonderful day together visiting a museum, the library, enjoying drinks on a rooftop terrace, and, most importantly, chatting! There are some people you reconnect with after years, and it feels like you saw them yesterday...
The day of our road trip departure arrived, and we took the keys to our home and transportation for the upcoming month. It was a minivan with a small bunk area, which allowed my son to have a bed. It's more expensive than a tent but far less of a hassle to set up and pack away every day. Plus, given Australia's reputation as a rather hostile environment, we figured we'd be more comfortable in the van than on the ground. The beds turned out to be very comfortable.
We began by following the coast southwest of Melbourne, known as the Great Ocean Road. It truly lives up to its name. The coastline is hilly and offers stunning views of the bright blue ocean below. The next day, we got acquainted with the local wildlife during a hike at Kenneth River: koalas, wallabies, and kangaroos. Continuing along the Great Ocean Road, we visited the breathtaking cliffs of the Twelve Apostles.
Next, we headed east of Melbourne for two nights at Wilson Promontory. This is a mountain by the sea in a national park. A relatively challenging 1.5 hour hike with steep elevation gave us a panoramic view of the park. The coastline alternates between mountains and beaches, providing yet another breathtaking viewpoint. We were truly spoiled. But it wasn’t just one sense that was stimulated; since the start of our road trip, the scent of eucalyptus forests has been very pleasant.
After two nights in the park, we found a last-minute small bar/bistro that allowed campers to stay for free at the back of their property: the Bellbird. We had some great encounters there. The owner, Gary, and an elderly couple traveling in a caravan (the man was 78) joined us for a beer, and we struck up a friendship. On our way back to our camper to prepare dinner, they invited us to open a bottle of Shiraz 2022. It was delicious, complex, and not too tannic. We shared our travel plans with them, telling them we wanted to head toward Canberra for a wine tasting. They were at the end of their 3 months journey and were heading back to their home in the suburbs of Canberra in two days. They offered us to stay with them, and we accepted in exchange for me cooking them a meal. We had a wonderful evening together. It's a strange and pleasant feeling to be so comfortable with people you barely know.
The next day, we continued towards the coast. Upon reaching Sydney, on the advice of our new friends, we set up our base camp at a campsite just outside the city. There are efficient water taxis at an unbelievably low price compared to parking fees. We arrived by boat to the city center, right next to the famous Opera House. We explored the area to the west on our first day. The next day, we returned to the city center, but the weather was less favorable. It was raining. We took advantage of the weather to visit the Hyde Park Barracks Museum, which explains how the first convicts built this building and the city's first structures and roads. We wandered through a few shops and encountered lots of people; something we weren’t used to anymore. Checking our phones, we realized it was Black Friday!
After this crowd immersion, we returned to nature for a hike in the Blue Mountains northwest of Sydney. These mountains are actually more like cliffs overlooking a canyon. We enjoyed some beautiful viewpoints and watched parrots gliding through the air.
We then made our way back to the coast, north of Sydney, where we spent three days along the coast, walking, swimming, and camping by the sea. We finally arrived in Byron Bay. It’s a very touristy destination, but it lives up to its reputation. Despite the slightly commercialized town center, the beaches are magnificent, surrounded by rocks that form little coves, offering protection from the various sea dangers: sharks, jellyfish, rip currents, etc. We took the opportunity to go kayaking in the hopes of meeting dolphins. No luck with the dolphins, but we did manage to ride some waves with the kayaks, which was still an amazing experience.
Next, we headed to Brisbane, where we stayed for just half a day. We used the same method as in Sydney. Since a river runs through the city, a ferry service took us to the city's key attractions.
Our next stop was Noosa Heads beach for a 2 hour surfing lesson. The whole family gave it a go, and we had a blast trying to stand up on the boards. One of the best nights of sleep since the beginning of our travels followed.
We hadn’t planned to go much further north, but we decided to exceed our budget to visit the Great Barrier Reef. There’s a departure point in Bundaberg, which is a 3 hour drive away. From there, a small tourist plane flew us to an island called Lady Elliot. The island has just enough space for a dirt airstrip that cuts the island in half. On one side are a few bungalows and a small restaurant for those lucky enough to spend a few days there, and on the other side is a lagoon where we did some snorkeling. This is the very beginning of the Great Barrier Reef, and what a sight it was! Colorful corals and literally hundreds of sparkling fishes.
To wrap up our road trip, we had three days to return to Brisbane and drop off our camper. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't on our side. It rained a lot. Still, we managed to visit a few coastal towns and swim in the ocean a few times.
After all, we’ll have to get used to the humidity, it's rainy season at our next destination!
Growth looks pretentious 4638
"That before we would get things to work perfectly, we would probably get things to work imperfectly" - wrote Nick Bostrom on Page 41 of his book Superintelligence.
Growth looks pretentious. Whenever you do something new or different to what you are known for, you will appear to others as being pretentious. Even if people in your circle do not make you feel as such you might yourself doubt your prowess in the endeavor.
Yet this is right where you want to be. The border between comfort and fear. Would you rather limit yourself to only the things you can confidently do or become pretentious and learn something new, grow and become your ideal person?
Never become that person who comes from a village and attends a world class university only to still behave and think like his village folks. That person has not grown. That person has not learnt anything from their experience. That person fears to look pretentious whereas positive change is necessary for growth and advancement.
To grow, you have to seek actively the person you want to become. Leave "pretentious" for society to regard it as such. Only you know who you are, where you come from and who you want to be.
In a couple of years, you would have grown, while others would have been stuck in their comfort places.
Travel Diary #3: Road trip in Madagascar 3855
For safety reasons and due to the roads/tracks conditions, we rented a 4x4 with a driver for our stay in Madagascar. What a great idea it was! You’ll understand why in a bit.
Let’s start at the beginning. We stayed for two nights in central Antananarivo to discover the city and also rest a little. The city is located at an altitude of about 1,200 meters, and the streets are far from flat. After several weeks of safaris by car, our bodies were in dire need of some excercise. We explored the city on foot.
And then, we hit the road. We met the rental agency manager on the morning of our departure, who informed us that the transmission in the car we were supposed to get was broken. So, we would have a car and a driver for the day, and our guide would meet us the following day. Off we went to Antsirabe. At lunchtime, to our surprise, we made a stop in a town known for... foie gras. Delicious!
The next day, we met our driver, Georges. My son was having some digestive issues, thankfully, the main ingredient in all three daily Malagasy meals is rice. Georges suggested we spend the night at his aunt’s house in Miandrivazo, where we had Malagasy chicken soup for dinner. This chicken was raised outdoors, freely roaming the village streets. It was cooked in a broth with some ginger and rice. The next day, my son was completely healed. We continued driving to Morondava, a coastal town to the west, at the end of RN35. It was just a stopover before heading the next day towards Bekopaka. Unfortunately, after about an hour of driving, the car started emitting white smoke. So, we stopped and waited for a new car and driver, while Georges handled the necessary repair. The car’s turbo had broken.
With our new driver, we headed towards the Kirindy Forest. Since we lost some time, it was impossible to reach Bekopaka before nightfall. That evening, we went on a guided tour of the forest to observe several species of nocturnal lemurs. The next morning, after a short tour to observe the diurnal lemurs with the same guide from the previous day, we headed to Bekopaka. The two river crossings were done by ferry. These ferries are essentially wooden motorized bridges that fit five vehicles side by side.
The next day, we visited the Tsingy de Bemaraha, a UNESCO World Heritage site. These are sharp black limestone formations (due to oxidation) rising up to 700 meters high. The hike lasted about 4 hours and included parts of a via ferrata. The views were absolutely breathtaking. We then returned to Morondava, completing the 10-hour drive in one day.
The following day, we reunited with Georges to continue our journey towards Belo sur Mer. We took the opportunity to go for a sailing pirogue ride. Two people navigate the pirogue: one manages the tension of the sail and paddles that serve as a rudder, while the other is at the front, handling the sail. The person at the front sits on a wooden plank connecting the pirogue to a counterweight about 10 cm wide. He seemed comfortably settled for the 3-hour journey to a small island in the turquoise waters where we had a picnic.
To travel further down the west coast of Madagascar, we took a small detour inland through the town of Manja. On the dirt road, a small river crossing in the 4x4 had surprised our driver with its depth. The next day, we realized there was water in the reservoir. As we turned back, the steering axis broke. We ended up at the small restaurant we had just passed earlier. The method for getting there without a steering axis was rather amusing. While the driver was at the wheel, I walked alongside the car, manually turning the wheels of the 4x4 to steer it in the right direction. Once at the restaurant we met a driver who took us directly to the town of Ifaty. We canceled the further coastal towns to the north that required a functional 4x4. The road was asphalted, but there was no bridge yet to cross the river. The local pirogue operators took the initiative to organize a crossing service. Six pirogues, joined together by planks of branches nailed together, welcomed one car at a time. The pirogue operators, standing in the river as water level is low during the dry season, pushed the boats to the other side.
A few days in Ifaty while waiting for a new car allowed us to rest a bit and go for a snorkeling trip. The corals and fish were beautiful. After this break, we got a new car and driver to take us to Isalo National Park. This park is made up of mountains in the middle of the desert, with a verdant canyon running between them. We did an 8-kilometer hike, in about 6 hours, allowing time for a swim in two waterfalls. We saw numerous species of insects and animals, including the famous ring-tailed lemurs. One particularly surprising insect we encountered was the stick insect, which is barely distinguishable from the branch of a bush. Without our guide, we would never have spotted it.
The next day was a long drive to reach Ranomafana National Park, another UNESCO World Heritage site. We did another 8-kilometer hike the following day, which took us about 3.5 hours through its tropical rainforest. We only hiked in the secondary forest, as the primary forest is only accessible to the most adventurous who venture deep into the park for several days. These 3.5 hours were filled with new encounters. We observed five different species of lemurs, including the golden bamboo lemur, first identified in 1986 by primatologist Patricia Wright. At the end of the hike, we happened to meet her, accompanied by one of her students—what a coincidence! We chatted for a few minutes, and she mentioned the screening of her new documentary in the town of Ranomafana that evening. Unfortunately, we couldn’t attend as we had to head to Ambositra, about 3 hours north.
After a night in Ambositra, we headed to Antsirabe. This time, we visited the surrounding area. We went to Lake Tritriva, a sacred lake for the Malagasy people. We could walk around the lake and swim in it. This lake is in the crater of a volcano and is about 140 meters deep. A legend says that Rabeniomby and Ravolahanta (the Malagasy Romeo and Juliet) committed suicide there.
The next day, we returned to Antananarivo. During the long hours of driving throughout this road trip, withou our drivers and other people, we had the chance to discuss many aspects of Malagasy life including some politics. We learned a lot about the culture and also about the political life, which is far less glamorous than what is often depicted in the media. Despite hard lives and corruption, the people we met always had smiles on their faces and were never discouraged. Beyond the diverse landscapes, unique wildlife, and breathtaking flora, we had a wonderful human adventure.
A long journey awaits us now for the next destination…
Travel Diary #2: Self drive road trip Namibie-Botswana 1554
The second leg of our journey is a self-drive road trip starting from Windhoek in Namibia and ending in Maun, Botswana. For budget reasons, it was impossible to hire the services of a driver-guide for a month. Moreover, we love the adventure and freedom that this type of travel brings. We rented a 4x4 with a rooftop tent and a trunk filled with all the camping essentials: sleeping bags, dishes, propane, and even a small fridge.
Upon our arrival in Windhoek, where we would only spend one night, it's striking how well-constructed and clean the city is. Paved sidewalks and no litter along the roads, unlike in Tanzania. However, there is much more begging. Here, it’s not about someone wanting to provide a service in exchange for some change, but rather an extremely insistent form of begging. The same was true in Swakopmund, on the western coast by the sea. In several towns with frequent tourist traffic, we encountered this dichotomy between cleanliness and begging.
We then left civilization, heading north along the coast. We crossed the Skeleton National Park. I didn’t think a desert landscape could be so varied. Sand dunes, arid areas with some bushes, red earth sometimes tinged with purple, and occasionally the bed of a dried river with a bit of greenery and some antelopes surviving while waiting the next rainy season. Another striking aspect of this desert is the transition to the Atlantic Ocean. The shift from desert to ocean happens very abruptly, with waves crashing directly in the desert or, further north, on the few pebbles that serve as a boundary between water and land. The northern tip of the park is called Terrace Bay. The campsite where we stop is actually a very popular spot for fishermen from neighboring countries. We chatted with one of them who had come all the way from Cape Town (South Africa), having traveled 2000 km to get here with his 4x4.
The next stop on our road trip is the famous Etosha National Park. It is very different from the parks we visited in Tanzania. The dirt roads are in better condition, and the park is more suited for a self-drive visit. The small waterholes (natural or artificial) attract many animals during the dry season and are well marked on the map. However, to see certain animals like cheetahs and lions resting in the shade of trees, it's best to signal other visitors to stop and exchange information. Even the guides, identifiable by their vehicles with pop-up roofs or completely open cars, are generous with advice. A simple wave will have them stop alongside you for a chat. The park is less varied in terms of landscapes compared to the Serengeti, for example, but the sight of the many species sharing the waterholes is magnificent.
Once we crossed Etosha from west to east, we arrived in Rundu in northern Namibia, the second largest city after Windhoek. The owner of the campsite where we stopped told us that there is very little work, and thus most people living on the outskirts survive on what they find and trade. We went with him to see some houses in the village. They are simply areas of land marked out with wooden sticks and a few shelters, either made of metal or a wood/clay mix.
For the end of the Namibian part of the road trip, we headed northeast along the Okavango River. We stopped at a fishing campsite. A little sunrise tour on the river allowed us to chat with the owner, who was very pleasant. He taught us a lot about poaching management and the damage it causes to the river's wildlife. There are almost no fish left. According to him, less than 10% of the aquatic wildlife in this river remains.
After a little rest in a room at Popa Falls, we headed to Botswana and the Okavango Delta for the last two weeks of this part of our journey. Notably, the Namibia/Botswana border at this point is at the end of a long dirt road that crosses Bwabwata National Park.
Before entering the Moremi Game Reserve on the east side of the delta, we spent a night at a campsite near Maun. This town is the equivalent of Arusha in Tanzania (see dedicated article). It’s the starting point for safaris. We stocked up on supplies: fuel, water, and food for the next five days. On the way to the southern entrance of the reserve, a few kilometers after leaving Maun, we realized that driving conditions would be a bit more challenging. The paved road ended, giving way to dirt and sand. We activated the 4x4 mode after just a few meters. Once in the park, conditions changed again. Unlike Etosha, there are no large, flat gravel roads. Thanks to the paper map and the app, we managed to explore the meanders at an average speed of 20 km/h for about five hours that day. This was followed by several similar days of intense driving that required sharp concentration and a keen sense of direction. The park is very wild, and the campsites are basic. We camped by the Khwai River in the north of the park. Arriving in the early afternoon for a slightly less intense driving day, we saw about twenty elephants drinking and crossing the river. We quickly lit a fire to signal our presence. What an experience! This road trip has been a crescendo of adventure.
Our tourist experience in Botswana is relatively good, but not on par with the previous two countries. The cleanliness and quality of services (campsites and guesthouses) are much lower than in Namibia and Tanzania, with significantly higher prices. I don't want to minimize the beauty of the Okavango Delta; we saw stunning landscapes and all kinds of animals: kudu, zebras, elephants, giraffes, baboons, etc. Moreover, far from complaining, I feel privileged to be able to experience this adventure with my family. However, the prices are far too high. If I could do it again, I would spend a bit more time in Namibia and Tanzania for the same budget.
A very beautiful leg of the journey comes to an end, but stay tuned for more adventures in a few weeks!
Free people in a tapestry of rules 1011
I quote Ralph Waldo Emerson's saying that "do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail".
In doing so, I am telling you that there are men no smatter and no dumber than us who have been here before and by the things they have said, they knew - in that time - that whatever rulebook and pattern that was written for life - go to school, learn our ways, speak our tongue, do this work, find a companion, have some fun, leave some kids behind, grow old, die - these rules were conjured by some persons before them.
Steve Jobs in an interview (find link attached to this story), said that once you discover one simple fact that everything around you that you call life was made up by people that are no smarter than you, and you can change it, influence it, poke at it and something would actually pop out at the other side, then you would have discovered the most important thing in life.
I have known the very lowest points of life. I have doubted about tomorrow. And I am not clear of life's tribulations. But it took these things for me "to shake off this erroneous notion that life is just there, and I am just going to live in it".
Shun evil, be kind, be obedient, listen to reason and be humble. But never for once think that you are not free to carve a good path and lead others on it.
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Travel diary #1: Tanzania 1141
To kick off our long family trip, we started with Tanzania. It's the first time we've set foot in sub-Saharan Africa. And what a wonderful introduction!
We began with a 7-day organized safari with an exceptional driver and guide. His knowledge of geology, biology, botanics and ethology was impressive. Not to mention his driving skills on the trails of the parks we visited: Taranguire, Manyara, Ngorongoro and Serengeti. The 6 to 10 hours of daily driving didn't seem so long, between discussions, breathtaking views and animal watching. Non-exhaustive list: zebras, giraffes, elephants, buffaloes, wildebeests, leopards, cheetahs, ostriches, bustards, baboons, vervet monkeys, egrets, yellow-headed king cranes, vultures, marabous, crocodiles, antelopes and gazelles of all kinds. I have to admit that we didn't manage to retain everything Mahmoud tried to teach us. A bit of Swahili, a bit of geology on the formation of the Rift Valley, a bit of history on the migration of the Maasais to the Serengeti Park and a bit of biology on recognizing the flora and fauna.
We then spent a week in Dar es Salaam to complete our visit and immerse ourselves in Tanzanian city life. Once again, a wonderful experience. We stayed in a modest but adequate airbnb. We discovered a new mode of transport, very fun and at a very affordable price: the bajaji (local tuk tuk). We visited the Kariakoo market (a flea market that stretches for miles), had a lazy day on Bongoyo Island, and the Village Museum (Swahili name) with a guide who told us about the customs and habitations of some of the more than 100 tribes present in Tanzania. It's an outdoor museum with houses illustrating the way of life of some of the tribes.
I'll always remember Tanzania as a country with very welcoming and relaxed people. Despite a few pushy people trying to sell us trinkets, act as guides or even bodyguards, we never felt in danger. This country, whose population is divided between different cultures and religions, where Muslims, Christians, Maasais and others live together, seems to me to be a good example of tolerance.
Next post in about a month about our next step: a road trip.
Travel Diary #0: An experiment against the flow 931
We're off for several months of family travel. A trip that will take us to Africa, Asia and Oceania.
I wanted to find a way to share a few things about the trip, but in a more private way than publishing photos and videos for the whole world to see. That kind of content is reserved for family and friends. What better way to do this than with Bluwr! As co-founder I'm obviously biased, but I find Bluwr ideal for this exercise for several reasons:
1. I can share the experience with a large number of people without getting into what I consider too intimate or private.
2. I don't want to spend hours editing videos and creating photo albums, formatting text. I want to make the most of this trip, which is the project of a lifetime.
3. I find the idea of sharing this experience without images or video interesting in the age of instagram, youtube and smileys. Perhaps a little spirit of contrariness? My nearest and dearest have the answer to that question.
4. I'm far from a writer. My highschool grades on the literrary side were pretty disastrous, so I'm stepping out of my comfort zone. It doesn't hurt once in a while.
So I'm going to write an article for each part of our journey, to share the highlights and some of my feelings. If any of you are interested in details about accommodation, budget etc., feel free to write to me privately.
Let the challenge begin.
My Crocheted Heart 844
Your elderly hands that knew this form of art
And with it and your heart
Stitch you and me together
Crochet friends forever,
You’ve passed down a skill that you would have never known will
Create me an interest and trade
A piece of me that wont easily fade,
You came from Chiapas to the RGV
Then were taught from your best friends mother
Down to your granddaughter, AKA me!
My Grandma, mi abuelita,
Mi corazon, my Mamita,
You have looped, stitch, and chained
Our family, our foundation,
And to me, most importantly, my crocheted heartland forever that way it remain
Learning Hypovolemic Shock in a Hard Way (or so I Thought) 1285
A few days ago, I suddenly felt cold after losing quite an amount of blood in the bathroom. I thought it was nothing unusual, but then I noticed the blood came out like water running down a faucet. I was not sure how much fluids I had lost, but a few seconds long was enough to know how bad it was. Before bed, I decided to search the web to satisfy my curiosity about my condition. Assuming to find common medical issues, I found out about a serious medical condition called "Hypovolemic Shock." The details are shocking and, without a doubt, mortified me. Thankfully my case was not severe (if not unrelated at all). I recovered in about 22 hours, although I had some headaches and numbness that went away by the next night. After recovering from the frightening experience, I was compelled to learn more about the condition, which led me to some surprising discoveries about hypovolemic shock.
Disclaimer: This is just an overview of the topic I wrote for fun. If you want validation about your condition, please contact professional medical help.
After reading several medical articles through the internet, I learned that hypovolemic shock is a serious condition caused by losing quite amount of blood or fluids within your body, and it is wise to quickly contact medical emergency as the condition poses a life-threatening risk. Hypovolemic shock can be divided to hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic type. Hemorrhagic shock happens when you lose fluids through serious blood loss, such as open wounds, internal bleeding, and childbirth. Meanwhile, non-hemorrhagic shock results from losing body fluids through other means, such as dehydration, diarrhea, and vomiting. Regardless of the difference, losing a lot of fluids can prevent the heart from sending blood through your body to function, which can lead to organ failure. Surprisingly, hypovolemic shock is the second most common shock, following distributive shock, and it commonly happens to children in developing countries, often due to diarrhea.
Now, losing blood and other fluids is normal in everyday life without causing big side effect. Small losses, like from a small cut, nosebleed, or brief diarrhea, usually resolve on their own without causing bad effects. Generally, a person can lose about 14% of blood with no major side effects except perhaps for slight dizziness. And speaking of which, on average, men have more blood compared to women, while children, who have much less, are more vulnerable to the negative effects of blood loss. Since each individual has different amount of blood in them, it is important to measure the blood loss using percentage of the total blood volume in your body.
One of the function of blood is to control body temperature (thermoregulation.) The body regulates the heat distribution by controlling the speed of the blood flow to and within the skin, either by narrowing or widening the blood vessels. When it is hot, the body widens the blood vessel (vasodilation) to cool down and release heat faster from the skin. Meanwhile, when it is cold, the body narrows the blood vessel (vasoconstriction) to keep the heat. When the amount of fluids is low, the body automatically narrows the blood vessels to keep the pressure normal and focus on distributing the blood to vital organs.
What will happen when you lose more than 14% of blood? The quick answer is; you will start to experience the effect of blood loss. Depending on how fast you lose the fluids, you may feel tired and weak, with rapid breathing and pale skin, to more serious symptoms such as the decreased amount or no urine output, hypothermia, and unconsciousness. When the blood loss reaches more than 14%, hypovolemic shock will set in.
Depending on how much blood percentage you have lost, hypovolemic shock can be separated into 4 stages:
- The 1st stage: when you lose about 15% of your blood (around 750 mL.) At this stage, the symptoms have not occurred yet, and your heart rate and blood pressure may stay normal.
- The 2nd stage: when you lose about 15% to 30% of your blood (around 750 mL to1,500 mL.) During this stage, the heart rate increases and breathing quickens as the blood vessels narrow to stabilize the pressure.
- The 3rd stage: when you lose about 30% to 40% of your blood (around 1,500 mL to 2,000 mL.) At this stage, your blood pressure drops while your heart rate and breathing are getting faster. You begin to produce less to no urine output as the body tries to reserve the remaining fluids.
- The 4th stage: when you lose about 40% or more of your blood (around 2,000 mL or more.) At this stage, your condition is at its critical and immediate professional attention provide slight survival chance. Your blood pressure is severely low, heart rate and breathing are high, urine output is absent, and organ failure is likely to happen and can become fatal.
Hypovolemic shock is dangerous and needs immediate medical attention. In treating hypovolemic shock, medical help will try to replace the fluids you have lost using one or more IV (intravenous) lines, which is that long tube with a needle injected into your vein, and seal up the source of the fluid loss, such as open wound. Recovery time also takes some time and it is varied for each individual, depending on age, condition, and the severity of the shock. During recovery, you should listen to your health provider, and tell them your recovery progress so that they know your treatment goes to the right way.
To sum it up, hypovolemic shock is a dangerous medical condition that we should never ignore, but understanding the signs can make a great difference. When blood or fluids loss persists longer than it should, contacting medical help can prevent unwanted experience to happen. And for my experience, I am grateful that my condition was not that alarming to demand me get out of bed in the middle of the night and call for an ambulance. This event, however, became a warning to keep an eye on my fiber intake more carefully and how important it is to take care of myself. For now, it is safe to say that I have survived my recklessness and ignorance for another day.
The Pruning Shears of Revision, Teshuvah, Metanomia and the two Repetances 1057
Neville once said that Revision is his greatest contribution.
The concept of revision is present in Kabbalah as *Teshuvah*. Teshuvah is often translated as *repentance*, in hebrew it literally means *going back in time*. Accomplishing a Teshuvah from a Kabbalistic point of view, means going back in time, in one's mind eye and *revise*, change the past event. Relive the event in imagination not as it happened, by how it ought to have happened. By doing so we are able to change the future, and avoid the negative consequences of past event. In other words what Neville calls *Revision*.
Kabbalah is often a balance between *Judgement* and *Mercy*. Two words that are loaded with meaning in Kabbalah, They are not opposite concepts, but two separate axes or modes that the divine light appear to operate from in lower levels of consciousness. But for now let's consider that judgement is receiving the consequences of our actions, and as such Kabbalah is often concerned with the lessening of the severity of Judgement. Teshuvah appears then as a primary means to do so.
It means going back to that moment right before the regretted event happened, understand the emotional setting that made one do what he did, and then change it. Both emotionally (once again emotions are of primary importance) and in actions. This results in *Metanomia*, the greek word in the bible that is also translated as repentance. Metanomia means a radical change of mind that must come with a new emotional setting.
And this is where the brilliance of Neville shines, by tying these two concepts together Teshuvah and Metanomia, two very different words, both translated as repentance, he is able to explain deep Kabbalistic mysteries. Teshuvah is the method (or the technique) Metanomia is the sign and the seal. The sign of the successful Teshuvah and the end of the successful Teshuvah.
Teshuvah is something to do whenever one begins to feel remorse or regret. As Neville said at the end of *The Pruning Shears of Revision*:
Don't blame, only resolve.
5 reasons why you should write on Bluwr 1369
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Finding the Middle Ground 1424
Comparing ourselves to others often leads to frustration and disappointment. Picture this: you're scrolling through social media, and you see an old friend from high school posing in front of their brand-new sports car, while you're still driving a car that predates the invention of the smartphone. You start to wonder where you went wrong. Did you choose the wrong career? Should you have invested in Bitcoin instead of student loans? These thoughts spiral until you're convinced that your only way out of this rut is to fake your own death and start a new life as a reclusive writer in a cabin somewhere deep in the woods.
In reality, comparing yourself to others is like playing a game where the rules are rigged from the start. Everyone is on a different journey, with varying challenges, opportunities, and, let's be honest, different levels of Photoshop skills. We tend to compare our behind-the-scenes mess with someone else's highlight reel, forgetting that their life probably includes the same boring Tuesday afternoons and Netflix binges as ours. Yet, this habit of comparison can warp our sense of reality, making us feel perpetually "less than" others and chipping away at our self-esteem until we're left contemplating the logistics of that cabin in the woods.
But let's flip the script. What happens when we avoid comparison altogether? Imagine you decide that you're going to be your only measure of success. No one else matters. You wake up each morning, look in the mirror, and say, "I'm the best thing that's ever happened to humanity since sliced bread." At first, this mindset feels empowering. You walk around with the confidence of a motivational speaker who's just sold out a stadium. But soon, things take a turn. You start to dismiss others' achievements because, clearly, no one can hold a candle to your brilliance. You become that person who interrupts every conversation to talk about your latest accomplishment, even if the conversation is about someone's grandma's funeral.
This path leads to an inflated ego, where your sense of self-worth balloons like a cheap helium balloon at a child's birthday party—ready to burst at the slightest pinprick of criticism. Narcissism, at its core, is a personality trait characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a need for excessive admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. When we avoid any comparison, we risk sliding into this mindset, seeing ourselves as above others, and losing the ability to connect with those around us. This self-centered view can damage relationships, create isolation, and ultimately leave us empty, as we become more invested in maintaining an image than in nurturing genuine connections.
Ego and narcissism aren’t just about an inflated self-image; they can also manifest as defensiveness and an inability to accept criticism. Imagine someone pointing out a flaw in your work. Instead of seeing it as an opportunity for growth, you might react like a celebrity whose latte order was just messed up—indignant and defensive. This behavior alienates others and stunts personal growth, as the ego becomes a barrier to learning and improvement.
Balancing these extremes requires a conscious effort. Instead of using comparison as a yardstick to measure our worth, we can use it as a tool for motivation and inspiration. Picture yourself as a runner in a marathon. Instead of focusing on how far ahead the others are, you focus on your own pace, using the leading runners as guides to improve your speed. Along the way, you celebrate every milestone you reach, even if it's just passing the water station without tripping over your own feet.
Practicing humility and staying open to feedback keeps that ego in check. Recognizing that everyone is a work in progress allows us to approach criticism not as a threat but as a chance to learn and grow. This mindset keeps you grounded and prevents that balloon from getting too full of hot air. Humility also fosters empathy, enabling us to connect with others more meaningfully, appreciating their successes without feeling threatened.
Comparison is a natural part of being human, but it's essential to approach it with a sense of humor and perspective. Letting it dominate our thoughts leads to frustration, while avoiding it entirely risks fostering narcissism. Finding the middle ground allows for personal growth, rooted in a realistic understanding of ourselves, balanced with empathy and self-awareness.
What do you think?
Do you find yourself comparing your life to others, and if so, how does it affect you?
How do you keep your ego in check while staying motivated to grow?
What strategies do you use to find a healthy balance between self-reflection and self-confidence?
Why you should eat your weeds 925
I went outside for a walk today with a tupperware bin and looked for medicinal plants. I quickly found Indian paintbrush (also useful for making dye), wild daisy, woodland strawberry, and purple hyssop.
According to traditional medicine:
Indian paintbrush is applied topically as a poultice to alleviate rheumatism and arthritis. Leaves and flowers are made into a tea to regulate menstrual cycles, alleviate menstrual cramps, and address other reproductive health issues. It can also be applied as a poultice to provide localized relief. Tea of the leaves and flowers can also be used to treat indigestion, bloating, used as a digestive stimulant, used to treat coughs and bronchitis by clearing the respiratory tract, and can also be used as a hair treatment.
Wild daisy has natural anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties that can be used to treat wounds. The tea is known to treat coughs, bronchitis, aid digestion, soothe skin conditions like eczema when applied topically, and provide mild pain relief.
Woodland strawberry leaves can be made into a strong infusion and used as a mouthwash to treat gum disease and promote oral hygiene. Fresh leaves and juice can be applied to the skin to treat acne, eczema, and other skin conditions. Leaves applied to wounds are anti-septic.
Purple hyssop is considered a general tonic to improve overall health. Tea made of dried leaves and flowers acts as an expectorant to clear mucus and ease breathing, promotes better sleep, reduces anxiety and stress, reduces inflammation, and promotes a healthy gastrointestinal tract. It can also be made into a tincture.
An economist will tell you that the government inflation target, usually about 2%, is used to encourage people to spend money and increase the flow rate of capital. Now, after decades, the medicinal methods we knew for our environment have been forgotten in exchange for processed nature wrapped in cheap industrial byproducts (supplements), quite possibly because the economic policy is designed to wrap every bit of value in an industrial profit-driven process, despite nature providing a healthier and more fulfilling way of life. And our leaders have the gall to tell us that they need a deficit to address the climate crisis.
Just yesterday, my grandpa was showing me his plan to burn down the beaver damn to lower the water level so I can collect the yellow lotus roots below the waterline. Roots and leaves of lotus can be made into a tea to treat fever, diarrhea, promote liver and spleen function, and improve reproductive function.
While I was down by the damn, I noticed tinder conk (a fungus) growing a dead tree, which can be dried and ground into a powder to promote healing and stop bleeding for wounds, treat gastrointestinal issues, treat inflammation, urinary tract infections, coughs, bronchitis, and asthma.
Behind my house there is a birch tree with chaga growing on it. Chaga boosts the immune system, reduces inflammation, acts as a nootropic, helps with conditions like gastritis, supports liver function, helps with symptoms of old age, and can be added to grease to treat psoriasis and eczema, or it can be bathed in for whole body support. It also makes a great base for a tea or soup. Birch leaves and sap can be used to treat skin conditions and is used in hair care. Tea, sap, and bark can be used to treat digestive conditions, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and edema. Birch leaves and bark can be used to treat fever, arthritis, rheumatism, infections, bronchitis, and cough.
Everyone should learn the natural medicine around them.
Disclaimer: this is not medical advice.
The Secret Cancer Cure + Commentary 920
Professor Rosalie David, at the Faculty of Life Sciences, said: “In industrialised societies, cancer is second only to cardiovascular disease as a cause of death. But in ancient times, it was extremely rare. There is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer. So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle.”
We are poisoning ourselves and industrial society cannot keep going as it is. Autism as well, used to be effectively unheard of, but is now commonplace. Chronic illness has skyrocketed over the past 30 years. I don't find it unreasonable to suggest that the way humans live will be radically altered over the next 40 years and it will not come easy, politically or personally. It means we will bear the political consequences and must learn the skills necessary for a better existence within our environment.
I Spent 7 Days in Singapore... My Life Changed, Here is Why 1227
Spending a week in Singapore was an unforgettable experience that left a lasting impact on my life. From the moment I arrived, I was captivated by the city's unique blend of modernity and tradition, its vibrant culture, and its cutting-edge innovation. Here are the key moments and discoveries that made my stay transformative.
Day 1: A Fusion of Cultures
Singapore is a blend of various cultures, and this was immediately evident. Wandering through neighborhoods like Chinatown, Little India, and Kampong Glam, I immersed myself in diverse traditions, cuisines, and architectures. Each area told a story of the people who have made Singapore their home. In Chinatown, I visited temples and savored street food while chatting with local shopkeepers (mainly in Chinese Mandarin) who shared the history of their businesses. Little India dazzled me with its colorful markets and the aroma of spices, where I learned about Indian festivals and rituals from friendly vendors. Kampong Glam, with its vibrant street art and the majestic Sultan Mosque, offered insights into Malay culture. This cultural immersion made me feel connected to the global community, appreciating the rich traditions that coexist harmoniously in Singapore.
Day 2: A Green Oasis in a Concrete Jungle
The Gardens by the Bay was a highlight of my trip. The futuristic Supertree Grove and the serene Cloud Forest left me in awe of how Singapore harmonizes nature with urban life. I spent hours exploring the lush landscapes, marveling at the diversity of plant species. A gardener I met shared stories about the meticulous care and effort that goes into maintaining these green spaces, emphasizing Singapore's commitment to sustainability and green living. This encounter inspired me to think more about how I can incorporate eco-friendly practices into my daily routine. Despite the city's strict rules, which made finding a smoking area a bit of a challenge, I appreciated the clean and green environment that these regulations help maintain.
Day 3: Innovation and Inspiration
Attending the 22nd World Congress of the International Society on Toxinology was the primary reason for my visit. Here, I had the honor of presenting my research and engaging with some of the brightest minds in the field. Conversations with researchers like Pr. Jan Tytgat and Pr. Manjunatha Kini opened my eyes to new possibilities in my work. Their innovative approaches and groundbreaking discoveries reignited my passion for scientific research. The congress was held at the National University of Singapore (NUS), and I was struck by the beauty and modernity of the campus. NUS, with its state-of-the-art facilities and vibrant academic atmosphere, stands as a testament to Singapore's commitment to education and research excellence.
Day 4: Culinary Adventures and Unexpected Encounters
Singapore's food scene is legendary, and I made it a mission to try as many local dishes as possible. From hawker centers to high-end restaurants, each meal was a culinary adventure. Trying dishes like Hainanese chicken rice, laksa, and chili crab expanded my palate and appreciation for the artistry of food. At a late-night food stall in Newton Food Centre, I struck up a conversation with a group of construction workers who shared their experiences and struggles. Their stories of hard work and resilience left a lasting impression on me, highlighting the human side of Singapore's rapid development. Despite the strict laws, the city felt incredibly welcoming and orderly, contributing to its reputation as a clean and safe destination.
Day 5: A Glimpse into the Future and a Brush with Reality
A visit to the Singapore Science Centre and Fusionopolis showcased the country's commitment to technological advancement. The innovations in AI, biotechnology, and sustainable development were impressive and motivating. Seeing these advancements firsthand made me more enthusiastic about the potential of my own research in AI for drug discovery. Later that night, while exploring Geylang, a less-touristy part of town, I had an unexpected encounter with a group of youths who shared tales of their tough upbringing and the challenges they face. This stark contrast to the city's polished exterior added a layer of depth to my understanding of Singapore, showing that even in a seemingly perfect city, there are stories of struggle and resilience.
Day 6: Reflection and Growth
On my penultimate day, I took some time for personal reflection at the serene East Coast Park. The peaceful environment provided the perfect backdrop to contemplate my experiences and the new insights I had gained. A local fisherman I met there shared his life philosophy, emphasizing the importance of balance and mindfulness. This interaction made me realize the importance of balancing professional aspirations with personal well-being. The warm, tropical weather, although humid, added to the overall tranquility of the park. As I sat by the sea, watching the ships go by, I felt a profound sense of calm and clarity, understanding the need to find harmony in life.
Day 7: Farewell with a New Perspective
As my time in Singapore came to an end, I felt a profound sense of gratitude. The city's spirit of innovation, cultural richness, and commitment to sustainability had left an indelible mark on me. I was especially struck by the friendliness and honesty of the people. Everywhere I went, locals were ready to help, whether it was giving directions or sharing their stories. Unlike many other cities, I didn't encounter any scammers or beggars, which added to the sense of safety and trust. I returned home with a renewed sense of purpose, inspired to incorporate the lessons I learned into my everyday life and research.
My seven days in Singapore were more than just a trip; they were a series of experiences that changed me. This dynamic city showed me the power of diversity, the importance of innovation, and the value of sustainability. My interactions with people from all walks of life, from researchers to laborers to those on the fringes of society, gave me a more nuanced perspective. My life was changed in ways I never expected, and I am eager to see how these experiences will shape my future.
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Read This Blog and You Will Become an AUTHOR 1392
Writing consistently is a simple action with profound impact. I discovered its transformative power firsthand, reshaping how I understand myself and the world around me. In this blog, I share how regular writing can change your life, as it did mine.
Gaining Clarity
Writing has always been part of my life, but committing to it daily unveiled its true potential. Amidst daily clutter and responsibilities, writing offered me clarity. Each word helped sift through the chaos of thoughts, allowing me to focus and prioritize. It was less about recording thoughts and more about understanding and organizing them.
Building Confidence and Expertise
With every piece I wrote, I found and refined my voice. My early writings were far from perfect, and that was okay. Each sentence and paragraph built my confidence. Writing about subjects I was passionate about, especially snake venom, not only allowed me to share knowledge but also deepened my own understanding. This cycle of learning and sharing became a cornerstone of my academic and professional growth.
Therapeutic Benefits
Long before I recognized its need, writing was my therapy. It offered a non-judgmental space to express vulnerabilities. Writing about daily challenges at university or personal concerns made these burdens lighter. It rendered fears and stresses tangible, making them easier to manage. This emotional outlet was vital for my mental well-being during the demanding years of my PhD.
Inspiring Others
As my writing skills improved, my audience grew. Through Bluwr, I connected with enthusiasts keen on understanding complex venom and AI topics. The positive feedback was incredibly rewarding, affirming that my words could make difficult concepts clearer for others.
Becoming an author is more about the routine of writing than publishing a book. Regular writing practice can change you—not just in communication, but in perception and interaction with the world. If you're considering starting, this is your sign.
Write a little every day, about anything that inspires you, here on Bluwr. Over time, you might discover that the author you aimed to be is simply who you've become through writing.
10 Timeless Tips From Marcus Aurelius To Improve Your Life in 2024 1174
Marcus Aurelius, the Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher, authored Meditations, a work that continues to influence readers with its profound insights into human behavior and ethics. His teachings are particularly relevant in the contemporary world, providing guidance on how to navigate life’s challenges with grace and wisdom. Below, we explore ten of Marcus Aurelius’ lessons, each explained in detail to help you lead a more thoughtful and impactful life in 2024.
1. Embrace the Present
Marcus Aurelius consistently emphasized the importance of focusing on the present moment. In a world where distractions are a constant, the ability to concentrate on the now can significantly enhance our effectiveness and enjoyment of life. He wrote, “Confine yourself to the present,” a simple directive that urges us to ignore past regrets and future anxieties. This mindfulness helps us to cherish the time we have, appreciate small joys, and engage more deeply with our work and relationships. It’s a reminder that the present is all we truly own, and mastering it is the key to a fulfilled life.
2. Control Your Reactions
One of the core principles of Stoicism is the distinction between what is within our control and what is not. Marcus Aurelius put it succinctly: “You have power over your mind — not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” By internalizing this lesson, we learn to respond to life’s unpredictabilities with composure and maintain our tranquility. This philosophy does not suggest passivity but rather advocates for a proactive stance towards things we can influence while accepting those we cannot. Adopting this mindset fosters resilience, reduces stress, and improves our overall mental health, making us more effective in personal and professional spheres.
3. Recognize the Power of Perception
Marcus Aurelius offers a powerful reminder about the subjective nature of reality: “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” Our experiences and emotions are heavily influenced by how we choose to interpret events and situations. By consciously shaping our perceptions, we can steer our lives toward optimism and success. This lesson is invaluable in dealing with interpersonal conflicts, career challenges, and personal setbacks. By adjusting our perceptions, we empower ourselves to find solutions and maintain a positive outlook, irrespective of circumstances.
4. Practice Gratitude
Gratitude is a theme Marcus Aurelius returns to frequently in his writings. He encourages us to consider, “When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive — to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” By starting each day with a sense of gratitude, we focus on the abundance in our lives rather than what we may lack. This shift in focus can dramatically improve our mood and outlook, increasing overall life satisfaction and fostering a generous spirit towards others. Gratitude, as Aurelius teaches, turns what we have into enough and more, and it enriches our lives by deepening our relationships and our appreciation for the simple things.
5. Be Mindful of Your Mortality
Contemplating mortality is a common Stoic exercise to enhance the quality of life, famously summarized in the phrase memento mori. Marcus Aurelius writes, “Think of yourself as dead. You have lived your life. Now take what’s left and live it properly.” Remembering that life is finite can motivate us to live with more purpose and urgency. It helps prioritize what truly matters, stripping away the trivial and superficial. This awareness leads to a more intentional life where actions and choices are aligned with personal values and long-term goals.
6. Lead by Example
Marcus Aurelius believed strongly in the power of leading by example: “Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” In every role we undertake, whether as managers, parents, or friends, we have the opportunity to embody the virtues we advocate. This approach builds credibility and fosters an environment of trust and respect. By living the qualities we esteem, we inspire those around us to elevate their own conduct, creating a ripple effect that can transform communities and cultures.
7. Value Simplicity
In his meditations, Marcus Aurelius often reflects on the virtues of living simply: “Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” This principle is especially relevant in today’s consumer-driven society, where there is constant pressure to seek happiness through accumulation. Aurelius teaches us that true contentment comes from within and that a life uncluttered by excess frees us to focus on our personal growth and the things that truly matter — relationships, self-care, and personal achievements.
8. Keep Learning and Growing
Lifelong learning is another theme that permeates the writings of Marcus Aurelius. He advises, “Never stop learning. If you learn one new thing every day, you will overcome 99% of your competition.” This pursuit of knowledge not only keeps us mentally active and engaged but also ensures that we continue to grow and adapt, which is crucial in a rapidly changing world. This commitment to personal development helps us to meet challenges creatively and remain competitive in our careers.
9. Serve Others
Stoicism teaches that our lives are not our own, but rather part of a larger community of which we are inherently a part. Marcus Aurelius wrote, “What we do now echoes in eternity.” Our actions have impacts beyond our immediate environment. Serving others and contributing to the community provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It creates a legacy of kindness and generosity that can outlive our physical existence, influencing generations to come.
10. Find Resilience in Adversity
Finally, Marcus Aurelius viewed obstacles as opportunities for growth: “The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.” This mindset transforms challenges into valuable lessons, cultivating resilience and a proactive attitude toward life’s inevitable difficulties. It teaches us that each hurdle we overcome enhances our ability to navigate future crises, turning adversity into a catalyst for strength and renewal.
These ten lessons from Marcus Aurelius, deeply embedded in Stoic philosophy, offer powerful strategies for leading a life of greater purpose, resilience, and fulfillment. As we look to the future, his ancient wisdom remains ever relevant, guiding us through the complexities of modern existence with grace and poise.
How My Cat is Enhancing My PhD Experience 1258
Pursuing a PhD is a monumental commitment marked by long hours, intense research, and significant stress. However, within this academic environment, I’ve discovered an unlikely ally in my studies — my cat. Here’s a closer look at how my feline companion isn’t just a pet, but a vital support in my PhD endeavors.
Emotional Support in Times of Stress
PhD programs are known for their rigorous demands, which can lead to substantial stress and anxiety. In these moments, the calming presence of a cat can be incredibly soothing. Research shows that interacting with cats can lower cortisol levels (a stress-related hormone) and increase serotonin, the chemical responsible for feelings of well-being. My cat seems to instinctively know when I need a comforting nudge or a purr-filled cuddle, providing relief that helps me refocus and persist.
Creating a Structured Routine
One of the challenges of a PhD is the need for self-discipline and a structured daily schedule. Cats, with their steadfast adherence to routine (demanding food and attention at regular times), help in establishing and maintaining this daily schedule. The responsibility of caring for my cat ensures that I start my day early and take necessary breaks, crucial for maintaining productivity and well-being.
Unconditional Companionship
The path to earning a PhD can be a lonely one, with hours spent alone reading, writing, and conducting experiments. Loneliness can be a significant hurdle, but my cat offers constant companionship without the complex social interactions that can sometimes be overwhelming. This presence helps alleviate feelings of isolation and boosts my mood on challenging days.
Motivation Through Responsible Pet Ownership
Taking care of a cat requires a certain level of activity and engagement, which paradoxically can enhance my own productivity. Regular breaks to feed, play, or simply pet my cat not only keep her happy but also ensure that I stand up, stretch, and momentarily step away from the computer. These breaks are vital for mental clarity and often help me return to my work with a fresh perspective.
A Source of Humor and Inspiration
Cats are full of surprises and their antics can provide much-needed humor and light-heartedness. Watching my cat chase a laser pointer or curiously paw at my research papers often brings a smile to my face, reminding me not to take life too seriously. Furthermore, the simplicity of her life, unburdened by the complexities of human concerns, sometimes offers unexpected insights into my own research or life.
GenZ: The Fiscally Aware Generation 1361
I am sitting at Paul's cafe at the airport en route to Nairobi via Cairo for Applied Machine Learning Days (AMLD) Africa (a wonderful conference, more on that later). **In front of me 4 young males, early 20s, they speak loudly in french as they eat the burgers and fries they bought at another restaurant.**
They talk about money.
"You have no idea how much money I lose to taxes", says one of them. "40 to 50%! It's a lot of money, I would make so much more without it". He sees taxes not as a net necessary good, as most have been trained to see it, but as any other cost.
Interesting, that's not the type of conversations you would expect from someone that young. It's not the first time I hear this type of conversation from GenZs. Why are GenZs becoming more fiscally aware than previous generations? I think it comes down to two factors:
- Inflation
- The entrepreneurial culture
Inflation has hit everybody, for obvious reasons. However one constant with inflation is that it hits the poorest hardest. Young people tend to have less money. But that's not enough to raise awareness about a subject that most consider beyond boring. This brings us to the next point: *The entrepreneurial culture*.
As a millennial I witnessed it's burgeoning and blossoming. It started timidly with a few books and blogs, then massive blogs, then best sellers, then YouTube videos and finally podcasts. Not so long ago being an entrepreneur was considered an unwise life choice. Successful people go to work for established companies. Such was common wisdom. However, as the 2008 recession hit and people started to look for more revenue streams, they also discovered the concept that having one's business can also mean more freedom and better financial security.
There is however a big difference between the Millennial Entrepreneur and the GenZ Entrepreneur. The Millennial was still uneasy with the idea of making money and as such would speak about *"making a positive impact in the world"*, the GenZ is not burden in this way. You can see the shift in YouTube ads, today it's all bout how much you will make if you buy this or that business course.
So whatever online business they start, being it drop shipping or whatever, they tend do it in a money aware way. Starting an online business is a hard, the competition is fierce. Naturally, they try to invest their hard earned money wisely. When the tax bill comes, they see it as it is: an unexpected cost that does not necessarily translate to a better life quality. Nothing is free in this incarnation. Some are not even shy about relocating to fiscally advantageous locations like Dubai and making videos about it.
This could be the end of the blissful fiscally unaware generations.
Style is the man 1844
The particular imprint of exceptional humans has marked history, if not made history. Georges-Louis Leclerc de Buffon, French naturalist and mathematician and member of the Académie Française, undoubtedly marked by the rigor of the exact sciences, stated in his reception speech: ‘Style is the man himself’. Even if Buffon only spoke of literature and science, style thus becomes an objective constant of each of those who mark history with a particular legacy.
Foreshadowing what the Crown Prince would grow to be when King, the late His Majesty Hassan II of Morocco will take up the notion of style, precisely quoting Buffon. He said in a notorious interview : ‘Style is the man’. No one wanted to announce that the reign of His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco was going to be different from his own, although in the logical continuity of history.
Today the trend is to confuse style with a more modern notion of ephemerality: the look.
If the look, which will summarize an outfit, a haircut, colors, is circumstantial and therefore contingent on the moment, style is a constant of the person and accompanies him throughout his life.
Style will experience an evolution but in a logical continuum. If style ends up being validated and confirmed by history’s objective appreciation, the look is not necessarily in symbiosis with style. The look is tainted by subjectivity. It depends on each person’s perception, image and imagination. It is marked by the appreciation we have of the person we meet in a particular circumstance, a particular environment. The look is a subjective composition which can be modeled simply through a photograph which falls into your hands, a video viewed on a train or on a plane, so many images that forcefully invite themselves into the intimacy of the onlooker by forcing the screen from a phone or a tablet, through advertisements and social media.
The look can go so far as to contrast with the style. It is the subjective assessment that we make of the person being scrutinized; and will be even more biased if it is accompanied by a comment even if it is the antipode of objectivity. A film actor can thus be stuck by his look and his acting, the personality traits of a character, when all he has done is succeed in restoring them to us for the duration of a film.
The look is appreciated as long as it coincides with the image we have of the person at the very moment of meeting. It depends on the success of the approach and the reaction of the person encountered. It is conditioned by the circumstances of this encounter, the degree of surprise and the emotional level it arouses. The first glance will be decisive here.
The look generates admiration: everyone will form an idea of the person they meet based on their own appreciation, their emotions and their state of mind at the moment. The degree of sympathy expressed or shared can thus lead to idolatry.
The style commands respect and generates love and appreciation. It is a constant that evolves slowly, surely, and becomes significant. It is assessed on rather objective and verified criteria. Style is indelible and is linked to action through art and manner. Style leaves a mark forever. It is this imprint that allows us to judge and define its contours. History is judge of style.
Aziz Daouda
Mastering the Art of Persuasion: Boost Your Interpersonal Communication Skills 1486
This article presents a complete method for improving interpersonal communication through five separate strategies.
The first intervention consists of active listening workshops, which emphasize the development of skills such as active listening, question framing, and paraphrasing. The second program focuses on empathy-building exercises, which use interactive activities, role-playing scenarios, and real-life experiences to foster empathy. The third component, Cultural Sensitivity Training, aims to provide learners with the information and abilities they need to navigate numerous communication landscapes by recognizing nonverbal clues and understanding different communication styles.
Furthermore, as the fourth intervention, the study provides conflict resolution workshops, which provide practical skills and strategies for resolving disagreements constructively. Participants learn how to identify core reasons, effectively communicate concerns, and work on mutually beneficial solutions. Finally, through Mindfulness in Communication workshops, the fifth technique is incorporating mindfulness practices into communication. Deep breathing, meditation, and remaining present in talks are all addressed as ways to boost self-awareness and intentional communication.
This multidimensional approach is intended to provide individuals with the skills and awareness needed for effective communication in a variety of personal and professional circumstances.
Since 2009, I have gained practical experience in the field of interpersonal communication training, which has allowed me to develop these models.
I- Active Listening Workshops:
Hold workshops or training sessions to improve your active listening skills. Many communication problems stem from misunderstanding the other person's point of view. Teach participants how to listen carefully, ask clarifying questions, and paraphrase to ensure they accurately understand the speaker's message. Active listening, an often overlooked skill in interpersonal communication, is the foundation of lasting connections. The Active Listening Workshops have been painstakingly constructed to transform this talent from a passive pastime into an art form. Participants are immersed in a dynamic learning environment in which they not only hear words but also identify the underlying emotions and intentions underlying the message.
Individuals are coached through a series of interactive exercises to fine-tune their ability to ask probing questions that elicit deeper insights and understanding. To ensure that the listener fully understands the speaker's intended message, paraphrasing techniques are provided. The sessions go below the surface of communication, emphasizing the value of nonverbal clues and subtle nuances that frequently express more than words alone.
2. Empathy-Building Exercises:
Develop activities that foster empathy among individuals. This could include role-playing scenarios, storytelling sessions, or even volunteering opportunities. By understanding and appreciating the feelings of others, people can develop stronger interpersonal connections.
Empathy-building exercises represent a unique synergy between a friendly, approachable demeanor and the rigor of scientific inquiry. By creating a warm and inviting atmosphere, participants are encouraged to embark on a journey of emotional exploration. Through purposeful activities and real-world scenarios, individuals engage in a shared experience that transcends mere understanding, fostering a genuine connection with the emotions of others.
3. Cultural Sensitivity Training:
In our diverse world, understanding and respecting different cultures is crucial for effective communication. Organize training sessions to raise awareness about cultural differences, non-verbal cues, and communication styles. This can help individuals navigate cross-cultural interactions with greater ease.
In our interconnected global society, effective communication necessitates a nuanced understanding of cultural diversity. Cultural Sensitivity Training stands as an imperative initiative, offering participants a comprehensive framework to navigate the intricate tapestry of cross-cultural communication.
4. Conflict Resolution Workshops:
Conflict is inevitable, but effective resolution is a skill that can be learned. Offer workshops on conflict resolution techniques, teaching participants how to identify issues, express their concerns constructively, and work towards mutually beneficial solutions. This can significantly improve workplace dynamics and personal relationships.
In the intricate dance of human relationships, conflicts are inevitable, yet the manner in which they are navigated can profoundly impact the fabric of interpersonal dynamics. Conflict Resolution Workshops are designed as a strategic intervention, providing participants with a robust toolkit to transform conflicts from sources of discord into catalysts for constructive growth.
5-Mindfulness in Communication:
Amidst the clamor of modern life, where distractions abound and conversations often teeter on the precipice of haste, the integration of mindfulness into communication emerges as a transformative paradigm. Mindfulness in Communication sessions are crafted as sanctuaries of self-awareness and intentional engagement, offering participants a reprieve from the tumultuous cadence of contemporary interaction.
At the heart of these sessions lie practices such as deep breathing, meditation, and the cultivation of present-moment awareness. Participants are gently guided to observe their thoughts and emotions without judgment, fostering a heightened consciousness of their own communicative patterns.
By infusing mindfulness into the very fabric of communication, individuals learn to anchor themselves in the present during interactions. This deliberate presence not only enhances the quality of listening but also empowers speakers to express themselves with clarity and authenticity.
These sessions extend beyond the immediate realm of communication, transcending into the broader landscape of emotional regulation. As participants develop a capacity for mindfulness, they gain a profound understanding of the intricate interplay between thoughts and words, fostering a sense of calm and poise even in challenging conversations.
The impact of mindfulness in communication is far-reaching. Beyond individual empowerment, it contributes to the creation of communication environments characterized by patience, understanding, and empathy. In a world inundated with information and noise, these sessions stand as beacons, guiding individuals toward a more intentional and harmonious approach to interpersonal connection.
For more information about my coaching check the link below.
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Part 5/5: PhD - The Eternal Optimist: Next Time Will Be Different (But Not Really) 1239
PhD Students: Where Schedules are Fiction and Coffee is King!
"Colorful Calendars, Doomed to Fail": PhD students craft rainbow schedules, thinking this time it'll stick. Spoiler: It doesn't.
"Surprise! More Work": Just when they think they've got it sorted, in swoops an email with a 'fun' new task. So long, free time!
"Becoming a Night Creature": Who needs sunlight? The real magic happens at 2 AM, fueled by the glow of a laptop screen.
"Coffee: The New Water": PhD students don't just drink coffee; they breathe it. It's not a choice; it's survival.
"Procrastination Olympics": Watch as they masterfully avoid work by reorganizing sock drawers. Followed by panic-induced hyper-productivity.
"Time, What's That?": One minute it's Monday; next, it's deadline day. Time flies when you're... panicking.
"Free Time? Sounds Fake": When they do get a break, they're too puzzled to enjoy it. Ends up napping with books as pillows.
"Deadline Superhero Mode": Everything gets done in a last-minute frenzy. How? Magic (and maybe a bit of crying).
"Post-Deadline Amnesia": Once it's over, they forget the chaos and swear to never repeat it. Narrator: "They will."
"Next Time Will Be Different": The eternal PhD mantra. Hope springs eternal, but so does the chaos.
Basically, PhD students are like superheroes who fight the villains of procrastination and deadlines with the power of caffeine and last-minute panic. "Running on coffee and a questionable understanding of time management!"
The nomad developer setup #2: infrastructure as code 1284
In a first article, I shared a quick and easy way to access VScode from any browser. You still need to create a cloud provider account and setup a server. In this second article I will share with you a way to automate all the steps needed from the moment you have created your account to using VScode in the browser. In order to do this I am sharing a GitHub repo at the end of this article. It contains all the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) you need.
IaC is a practice in software engineering, mostly on the devops side, that involves managing and provisioning infrastructure through code, rather than manual processes. It allows for the automated deployment and configuration of infrastructure, enabling consistency, scalability, and version control for your infrastructure.
The repository combines three very powerful tools: Packer, Ansible and Terraform.
- Packer is a tool to create machine images avoiding to re-install everything every time you start an instance.
- Ansible is an automation tool that simplifies complex tasks like configuration management. In a simple yaml file (a playbook) you can install and configure your server(s).
- Terraform is an infrastructure as code tool that enables the provisioning and management of cloud resources using declarative configuration files.
Please check the README carefully, it lists the current limitations and will be updated when the repo evolves.
In a next article I will add even more automation to it using a ci/cd (continuous integration and continuous delivery) pipeline using GitHub workflow to allow you to start/stop this infrastructure as you wish without accessing anything else than a web browser.
Happy Devops!
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