Think Forward.

A Solemn Recognition of The World

The entire world is one industrial-social complex. Let's face it, we're slaves. A slave is someone who must serve another for an adulterated form of life, liberty, and property. Every single person who lives in modern society is by some extension in service of another for their needs. Tracing back the development of our condition is a history of mass servitude to a ruling class. In preindustrial civilization, a large portion of the population was categorized as a classical slave. Moving up the class hierarchy, people were given a greater degree of independence to influence the world around them and their social standing, but to that measure served the same institution as the slave. In the postindustrial world, the most productive economies consist of an educated and independent populace. Eventually, it became feasible to envision civilization controlled by the people, legitimate only by social contract. It was believed that such a civilization would be resistant to the contamination of slavery. But, to be afforded even the most basic dignities of life, we must still be in service to the needs of the enslaving apparatus. If you own land, you must pay property taxes to the government you serve to further encroach upon you. If you do not own land, you must work to make money to pay for a place to live and pay the government again. If you do not, you are homeless, which is illegal. If you break the law, you are put in prison, which is an even more hellish form of classical slavery. The only difference is that the modern enslaving apparatus benefits more from an educated and economically mobile population than it does from a form of classical slavery. You're free to be mobile, but the enslaving apparatus quickly colonized the entire planet so you can't leave. We've confused classical slavery as the only kind of slavery. If you feel free as you are, it is only by coincidence, and if you try to exit the enslaving apparatus, your only is choice is to hide from it in the most remote stretches of the planet. We no longer have the right to total self-reliance, which was once taken for granted. **TRAJECTORY OF THE MODEST SOUL** Consider the trajectory of the modest soul. The modest soul will listen to their parents, their teachers, and all those adults who have their true interests at heart. They will pursue higher-education, perhaps the study of STEM or Liberal Arts. It is here we find unexpected tragedy. The modest soul will find themselves in debt, indoctrinated by a ridiculous education system that's destroying an entire generation, and become a productive member of a society that poisons it's population, censors ideas, and is fundamentally evil and subjugating in a host of ways. It wasn't always like this, and perhaps was acceptable, that is until recently. What's next? The modest soul gets married, that is if they can in a dating pool full of disappointment and the sheltered expectations of a bygone era. They have children, but most marriages end in less than a decade. They've reached their 30s, are divorced, and their body is fading because they were taught that an average and unhealthy lifestyle is acceptable, as well as due to unnatural difficulty determining which food actually is healthy. They put their kids who already don't respect them into the education system where they'll be taught the most ridiculous ideas about how to behave and be a decent person. Maybe their kids will dye their hair, or dress ridiculously, or self-harm, all because of psychological phenomena caused by a corrosive civilization. At this point the modest soul will be in a dire situation that they were never equipped to handle. By the time they're in their 40s, they'll have accepted they're expired well past their physical prime and their life has been a history of disappointment and failure, with the occasional modest and inconsequential victory. For their masters, they will have generated millions of dollars, for which they still find themselves financially dependent, pay-check to pay-check. Will they ever retire? Maybe, but modestly at best. They will lack the respect of their family, they will look back on their life without confidence, and live for trivialities. Due to their poor health standards, they live a life with chronic illness and struggle to afford the medication they need, which also comes with negative side-effects. When they die, their family will be burdened by the obligation of a funeral. Lives such lived are a hallmark of our civilization. The inability for the average person to attain even a moderate well-being has a devastating impact on the society we call ours. Yet, it isn't ours, it's *their's*, because we have built a system in which we are slaves to each other. In places once free, people were healthy and served only their community. Their contribution was solely voluntary. People attained a natural level of satisfaction far greater than is commonplace today. While their trials were greater, they were prepared to succeed and found a greater respect for themselves and love amongst their kin. Today, communities are fractured and hierarchically organized to exploit each other in an industrial-social complex, encouraging disintegrity through lateral relationships. **INDUSTRIAL-SOCIAL COMPLEX** After the COVID vaccines first came out, I asked my Biology teacher if they were safe. She told me they're the safest vaccines ever made because of the mRNA platform. According to the CDC's *COVID-19 Vaccination and Non–COVID-19 Mortality Risk*, "this report describes lower non-COVID-19 death rates among COVID-19 vaccinated people." They say the vaccines make you healthier. They say everyone over 12 years old should get vaccinated. But, the CDC says the vaccines are entirely safe? They aren't, it's propaganda. We've been mislead, censored, and poisoned, a consequence of the industrial social complex. According to a military study I can't find anymore, pulmonary embolisms are up as much as 900% in the vaccinated population. In certain age groups, all-cause mortality is up as high as 40%. How do you make money in pharmaceuticals? Increase the rate of chronic illness, which has been happening rapidly since the late 80s. Leaked emails show Fauci conspiring with top officials to avoid their conversations being accessible through the freedom of information act. They poisoned us. When I was in student government we were working on a vaccine rally to get people vaccinated. I'd read reports about heart issues caused by the vaccine and raised the issue that we should at least inform people of the potential side-effects. In a vote that was 57-3, they voted to deliberately mislead the public and say the vaccine was entirely safe. I'm running out of space here, but my point is that these things don't make sense unless people have hidden agendas they aren't accountable for.

White Sheet

He gave her a white sheet. She asked him, "What do you want me to do with it?" He replied, "Start by making your first drawing." She told him, "I don't know how." He asked her to choose from the color pens. She picked one that she liked very much and started to make the first line on the white sheet, then the second line, and the third line. She asked him for more colors. He gave her two more colors, and she was very happy because her white sheet was turning into a beautiful drawing. She asked him for even more colors. He told her, "You might not be able to manage all these colors, and it could end up ruining your beautiful drawing." She reassured him, "Don't worry, it will be a very beautiful drawing." He gave her more colors, and she started to add one color after another. The white sheet became filled with many colors. Eventually, the white sheet became chaotic with all the colors. She paused, looking at her drawing, and felt that it had lost its meaning with so many colors. She felt like she had made a mistake on her white sheet. She asked him for another white sheet. He told her, "You can't have another white sheet; only one is given to you. But I can give you this brush to erase some of the colors from your drawing." She started to erase some of the colors, but they didn't come off completely and left traces on the white sheet. He told her, "When you move forward, it is usually hard to go back. You should move forward and find the white in your sheet again.

In the age of AI Engineering; the frantic craze to replace Software Engineers

4 years have passed, and I have been engineering software for machine learning models. I have seen models for pest disease identification, chest conditions localization and detection, food classification and identification and now predominantly chatbots for generally anything. Somehow, the goal now is to automate the work of software engineers by developing models that are able to build end-to-end software. Is this goal profound? I think it is, and I say, "bring it on, let's go crazy with it". There has been uncertainty and fear associated with the future prospects of Artificial Intelligence, especially with the replacement of software developers. Despite this uncertainty and fear, a future where it is possible to build applications by just saying the word seems intriguing. In that future, there would be no application solely owned by "big tech" companies anymore because everyone can literally build one. The flexibility and ease of application development would push popular social media companies like Snapchat, Instagram etc. to make their APIs public (if not already public), portable and free in order to maintain their user base. This results in absolute privacy and freedom for users and thus makes it a desired future. As a rule of thumb, automation of any kind is good. It improves processes and speeds up productivity and delivery. However, one could argue that whenever there is a speed up, there is a time and human resource surplus. Because in the history of humanity, we automated food production by way of mechanized farming and created enough time and manpower surplus which we used to create abstractions around our lives in forms of finance, and industry, etc. So, in the race to automate engineering, what do we intend to use the time and manpower surplus for? But this question is only a different coining to the very important question: "what are the engineers whose jobs would be automated going to be doing?". And the answer is that when we think of the situation as a surplus of manpower, we can view it as an opportunity to create something new rather than an unemployment problem. For example: As a software engineer, if Devin (the new AI software development tool that was touted as being able to build end-to-end software applications) was successfully launched and offered at a fee, I would gladly pay for it and let it do all my tasks while I supervise. I would then spend the rest of my time on other activities pleasing to me. What these other activities would constitute is the question left unanswered. Would they be profitable, or would they be recreational? Regardless, the benefits we stand to gain from automating software engineering are immeasurable. It makes absolute sense to do it. On the other hand, though, we also stand to lose one enormous thing as a human species: our knowledge and brilliance. Drawing again from history, we see that today any lay person could engineer software easily. This was not possible in the early days of Dennis Ritchie, Ken Thompson, Linus Torvalds etc. More and more as engineering becomes easier to do, we lose the hard-core knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of systems. For example, today, there is a lot of demand for COBOL engineers because a lot of financial trading applications which were built in the 90's needs to be updated or ported to more modern languages. The only problem is that no one knows how to write COBOL anymore. It is not that the COBOL language is too old. In my opinion, it is rather that all the engineers who could have learnt to write COBOL decided to go for what was easier and simpler, leaving a debt for COBOL knowledge. So, one big question to answer is whether there would be any engineers knowledgeable enough to recover, resurrect or revive the supporting systems to automated AI systems in scenarios of failure just like in the case of COBOL? When we make things easier for everybody, we somehow make everybody a bit dumber. AI Assisted Engineering: Having discussed the benefits of autonomous software engineering tools and also demonstrated that full automation could cause a decline in basic software engineering knowledge, what then is the best means by which automation due to machine learning could be applied to software engineering? Assistive engineering. This conclusion is based on studies of pull-requests from engineers who use copilot and those who do not. Let us present some examples: `console.log` is a debugging tool which many JavaScript engineers use to debug their code. It prints out variable values wherever it is placed during code execution. Some engineers fail to remove `console.logs` in their code before committing. Pull requests from engineers who use Github's copilot usually do not have any missed `console.log` entries while those from engineers who do not use copilot, do. Clearly, the assistive AI tool prompts engineers who use them about unnecessary `console.logs` before they commit their code. Another example is the level of convolution in code written by AI assistants. With copilot specifically, it was observed that engineers grew to be able to write complicated code. This was expected due to the level and depth of knowledge possessed by the AI tool. Sometimes though, this level of convolution and complication seemed unnecessary for the tasks involved. Amongst all the applications of ML to industry, it is observed that full autonomous agents are not possible yet and might ultimately not be possible in the future. Really, if humans are to trust and use any systems as autonomous agents without any form of human intervention or supervision, it is likely not going to be possible with ML. The reasons being the probabilistic nature of these systems and the inhumanity of ML. The only systems achievable using ML that humans would accept as autonomous agents are superintelligent systems. Some call it artificial general intelligence or super AI systems. Such systems would know, and reason more than humans could even comprehend. The definition of how much more intelligent they would be than humans is not finite. Due to this, an argument is made that if the degree of intelligence of such superintelligent systems is not comprehensible by humans, then by induction, it would never exist. In other words, we can only build what we can define. That which we cannot define, we cannot build. In the grand scheme of things, every workforce whose work can be AI automated, is eventually going to be "somewhat" replaced by Artificial Intelligence. But the humans in the loop cannot be "totally" replaced. In essence, in a company of 5 software engineers, only 2 software engineers might be replaced by AI. This is because in the end, humans know how to use tools and whatever we build with AI, remain as tools, and cannot be fully trusted as domain experts. We will always require a human to use these tools trustfully and responsibly.

Technological Singularities of The 21st Century

A technological singularity is a technological advance that would radically transform society in ways that cannot be predicted. For example, **AGI**, the idea being that sufficiently powerful AI can make itself more capable and continue the trend at an unpredictable rate. As the machine becomes more capable, it is more able to make itself increasingly capable. Another technological singularity that can be expected in the 21st century is due to the rapid advancement of **quantum computing**. Unlike classical computing units, called transistors, which scale in performance linearly, quantum computing units, called qubits, scale 2^n, where n is the number of qubits. For every qubit you add to the system, the performance doubles. Quantum computers are currently limited in size due to *noise*, interference in the computation, but they're improving rapidly. IBM unveiled the largest quantum computer with 1,121 qubits, with plans to build a 100,000 qubit system by 2033 ( A 100,000 qubit system will be able to solve problems not possible on any existing computers. While Quantum computers aren't faster for all problems, there stands a substantial problem set with a potential for quantum speed up. A quantum computer of this size would spark a revolution in chemistry and physics simulation so profound that it would be a technological singularity. Another technological singularity we can anticipate is the point at which **virtual reality becomes indistinguishable from physical reality**. Remember, don't go into the matrix. Imagine a world in which people are abducted and placed into a simulation. They wouldn't even know. They could then be used for reproductive farming. There is also **rapid advancement in anti-aging**, to the point in which the first person who will never die has probably already been born. The dynamics of a society with people who have spanned an unnatural number of generations is unknown. There is also the possibility of a **breakthrough in physics** that would lead to capabilities we currently don't know are possible, similar to the quantum revolution of the 20th century, which enabled the atomic bomb and a host of other revolutionary technologies. We can also anticipate a biological singularity, in which science allows the development of deadly pathogens that can target certain groups. The future of war may not be firepower, but combat will highly deadly pathogens. Why blow up a country when you can kill it's population and leave it intact? **CONCLUSION** In his famous work *INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY AND IT'S FUTURE*, the Unabomber argued that industrial society will eventually collapse, causing never-before-seen devastation on a civilizational scale. Luddites and Amish are examples of people who are skeptical of technology as a means to improve society. I won't go into the arguments here, but perhaps technological society will collapse, leading to a religious civilization that is highly skeptical of technology. Also, worth pointing out is the possibility of an ecological singularity. A solar flair of sufficient intensity could destroy every electrical system on the planet, an event that cannot be predicted. The agricultural economy would collapse, causing mass starvation on a global scale, leading to a civilization skeptical of technology. It would also be naive to leave out the possibility of nuclear warfare. My goal is not to terrify you but to point to out that we live in a civilization highly exposed to risk. Recall the myth of Pandora's box. God gives Pandora a box and tells her to never open it. Curiosity gets the best of her and she opens it, letting out all the evils of world, and at the bottom of the box she finds hope. We're quickly opening boxes that we don't know the contents of. It seems likely to me that the 21st century will be the most consequential in the history of civilization. We live in truly special times.

Third Paradoxist Manifesto by Florentin Smarandache

Therefore, don't enforce any literary rules on me! Or, if you do, I'll certainly encroach upon them. I'm not a poet, that's why I write poetry. I'm an anti-poet or non-poet. I thus came to America to re-build the Statue of Liberty of the Verse, delivered from the tyranny of the classic and its dogma. I allowed any boldness: - anti-literature and its literature; - flexible forms fixed, or the alive face of the death! - style of the non-style; - poems without verse (because poems don't mean words)- dumb poems with loud voice; - poems without poems (because the notion of "poem" doesn't match any definition found in dictionaries or encyclopedias) - poems which exist by their absence; - after-war literature: pages and pages bombed by filthiness, triteness, and non-poeticality; - paralinguistic verse (only!): graphics, lyrical portraits, drawings, drafts... - non-words and non-sentence poems; - very upset free verse and trivial hermetic verse; - intelligible unintelligible language; - unsolved and open problems of mathematics like very nice poems of the spirit - we must scientificize the art in this technical century; - impersonal texts personalized; - electrical shock; - translation from the impossible into the possible, or transformation of the abnormal to the normal; - pro Non-Art Art; - make literature from everything, make literature from nothing! The poet is not a prince of ducks! The notion of "poetry" and its derivatives have become old-fashioned in this century, and people laugh at them in disregard. I'm ashamed to affirm that I create lyrical texts, I hide them. People neither read nor listen to lyrical texts anymore, but they will read this volume because it's nothing to read! However, the Paradoxist Movement is neither nihilism, nor disparity. The book of the non-poems is a protest against art's marketing. Do you writers sell your feelings? Do you create only for money?? Only books about crimes, sex, horror are published. Where is the true Art? In begging... . You may find in this book of uncollected poems everything you don't need and don't like: poems not to be read, not to be heard, not to be written at all! Enjoy them. Only after nuisance you really know what pleasure means. They provide a mirror of everybody's infinite soul. Art, generally speaking, is pushed up to its last possible frontiers toward non-art, and even more... Better a book of blanc pages, than one which says nothing. A very abstract and symbolic language is further used, but very concrete at the same time: non-restrictive verse from any form or content. It takes advantage of cliche against itself. EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE, THEREFORE: THE IMPOSSIBLE TOO! Hence don't wonder about this anti-book! If you don't understand it, that means you understand all. That is the goal of the manifesto. Because Art is not for the mind, but for feelings. Because Art is also for the mind. Try to interpret the un-interpretable! Your imagination may flourish as a cactus in a desert. But, The American Manifesto of the PARADOXISM is especially a revolt of the emigrant to the United States who doesn't speak English, against the language - an anti-language book written in more than a broken English (the American speech of Tomorrow?)... [From the book: NonPoems, by Florentin Smarandache, Xiquan Publishing House, Phoenix, Chicago, 1991, 1992, 1993; the volume contains very experimental so called , such as: - poems without verse; - poems without poems; - poem-drafts; - drawn-poems; - poems in Pirissanorench (language spoken in the South-West of the United States by a single person); - super-poems; - graphic poems; - upset-poems.]

Function of the American Political Body

The American Federal Government has been weaponized against dissent, media is increasingly censored and controlled, foreign interests have an unprecedented influence on political power, and many politicians are extorting money from their policy influence. **Media Censorship/Bias** There used to be a law called the Fairness Doctrine that required media sources to report the news without political bias, but it was eliminated in 1987. There has been a rise in partisan news coverage since, resulting in isolated groups and a brewing resentment and distrust between them, manifested in congressional activity. It used to be there were two parties and they worked to balance each other, but now they act like single-party interests warring against each other. Traditional news sources not only compete on narrative, but try to discredit each other along party lines. On the other hand, there is the new world of social media, so party interests have turned to censoring certain narratives, on which the House Committee on The Weaponization of The Federal Government wrote an 880 page report called *THE CENSORSHIP-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX: HOW TOP BIDEN WHITE HOUSE OFFICIALS COERCED BIG TECH TO CENSOR AMERICANS, TRUE INFORMATION, AND CRITICS OF THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION*, which says it all. **Foreign Interests** In 1970, a Soviet journalist named Yuri Bezmenov defected to the United States. He claimed the Soviet Union was executing a long-term plan to subvert American society. Currently, there are several foreign entities with their mits in American pockets. Russia has been accused of election interference several times. China has also been accused of large-scale espionage and interference. TikTok was recently banned in America over concerns of it being an extension of Chinese Communist Party and a mechanism of social subversion. Reading the law that banned it, it also extends FISA, the governments surveillance program for foreign and domestic citizens, but nobody reports that. From the House Committee on Oversight: “We found 170 major bank violations. These were from six major banks, and they alleged that the Bidens were, among other things, money laundering, and receiving suspicious wires from state-owned entities. […] The bank is alleging that the Bidens took a suspicious wire from the Chinese government, and then laundered it through these shell companies. Many laws were broken there.” Personal investments by legislators tend to significantly out-perform investors on Wall Street. It's believed that they're insider-trading and no longer represent the needs of the people. They can still get elected because there's a one-party mentality created by the isolated news sources. Everyone thinks the other side is shit, but in reality, both are shit. **Wokeism And Useful Idiots** Wokeism is a nuanced cultural movement with good intentions and awful consequences. Google's Gemini explains Wokeism: "Wokeism is the promotion of liberal progressive ideology and policy as a way to express sensitivity to systemic injustices and prejudices. It's also defined as a set of theories that revolve around "identity, gender, and race". The core principle of wokeism is to "reveal and condemn concealed forms of domination"." Disaster comes wherever people start identifying as Woke. In San Francisco and Seattle, where Wokeism first took root, the homeless population and crime rate have skyrocketed. Wokeism attempts to address systemic issues and prejudice: disproportionate incarceration rate for black males, income inequality between men and women, but disrupts meritocracy to do so. In attempt to reduce the black population in prisons, they stop enforcing laws, because black people do commit significantly more criminal activity on a per-capita basis. When the laws stop being enforced dangerous people are empowered and kept out of prison. They sell drugs, they steal, and communities fall apart. Substance abuse becomes prevalent, homelessness, prostitution, etc. In Seattle, someone can defecate in the middle of road and not get arrested. You can shoot a gun at someone and walk out of prison that night with no bail. You can shoot up heroine in public and the cops will watch you do it. You can set up homeless tents outside schools. The laws go unenforced. When the Mayor of Seattle was asked in 2019 about the devastating crime rate, he said he's a firm believer we can't arrest our way out of this problem. After police brutality gained widespread public attention due to the George Floyd murder, even though an autopsy revealed he had a clinically lethal dose of fentanyl in his blood, Woke protesters championed "defund the police" as the crime rate was rising. In justice, police brutality is a problem and needs to be addressed as well. The axiomatic flaw of Wokeism is that meritocracy is seen as a concealed form of domination. The incentive is not to do better, but to appear more disadvantaged, so people act crazy. Insanity is mislabeled as virtue and compassion. Because it doesn't make any sense, Wokeism is often antagonistic to free speech as well. I call Woke people useful idiots because they're loud about their ideology and easily taken advantage of by ideas against their own interests. **Why you should care** Since WW2, America has basically acted as world ocean police, ensuring the security of international free-trade. America has one of the largest collections of nuclear weapons. America is the greatest force in NATO. America is always on the cutting-edge of science and technology. The NSA is probably spying on you. These problems will make it to Europe as American import.


I see her in every part of my life. I can't forget her; she accompanies me in every step. I remember her bright eyes and her big smile. I recall her small dreams and the hopes she said every night before falling asleep. I remember how she looked; the world resembled her greatly. I remember her small friends and their names. I remember the first time she felt scared and shed her first naive tears. I remember her failures and her joy for her first success. I remember the first time she said no and moved forward without looking back. Every year, as I read her letters, I see her hope to remain within me for all my life. She was the most beautiful part of my life for a quarter of a century, and she will remain so forever.

America is falling apart

Over the past two decades, America has transformed from a functional republic to a klepocratic republic fueled by information censorship and deep-state interests. The level of political polarization is at an intensity only paralleled by the civil-war era of the 1860s. It is so bad, if I were unfamiliar with the situation, I wouldn't believe me. 8 years ago it was completely different. I understand there are other nations under far greater distress, but America is in a unique kind of decline, not seen anywhere else, serving as a warning to other liberal democracies in the 21st century. In Seattle, Washington, the streets are littered with homeless drug abusers with tents propped up in EVERY park and EVERY street. The democracy is dysfunctional. Take a look at this video of a city meeting in Seattle: Citizen 1 to council members: "Will you manage these camps? Will you enforce the law?" Council Member: "If property damage or violence is committed you need to call 911." Citizen 2 to council members: "You've lost all credibility when you say ... you said two words, you said call 911. Do you understand that the police have told us to vote you all out so they can do their jobs, and you're telling us to call 911. You're smiling! You think this is funny, you think it's funny the way we're living?" People cheer with their signs that say "**LISTEN TO US**." It's been 5 years and the problem has only worsened. Policy decisions seem conspiratorially designed to destroy the nation. Petty crimes are almost entirely unenforced. Political violence has been normalized. The Department of Justice has become weaponized for political purposes. Substance abuse has never been worse. National security is in crisis. The majority of Americans don't trust the elections. The school systems are failing. "Our K-12 public education system is not designed to be effective in student learning, educator performance, or the effective utilization of money. Devoid of accountability, it will never effectively educate our children. It would be more accurate to describe our public education system as our country’s largest adult employment program." - Donald Nielsen, Senior Fellow and Chairman, American Center for Transforming Education The scope and speed of America's unraveling is unprecedented and difficult to emphasize enough. If I wanted to destroy the country I would do everything that politicians are doing. I've linked a document at the bottom from a Republican House Judiciary Committee outlining constitutional violations and censorship of true information from the existing presidential administration. The document is almost 900 pages long, but to summarize: it's a horrible situation. **LOOMING THREAT OF CIVIL WAR** Donald Trump is the first president in American history trying to defend his innocence in court. He's also running for re-election. He lost the last election, criticized it's integrity, and mobilized his supporters to break into the US capitol, killing four people. In a recent interview he said he hasn't ruled out the possibility of political violence if he loses again ( America is also facing what I consider to be the worst migrant crisis in her history. The borders are completely open, which the FBI director called a major national security threat. For 4 years the president has been complicit with an open-border policy, repeating the lie that he doesn't have the presidential authority to fix the problem. It's not that I'm advocating an anti-immigration stance, but it's believed that tens of thousands of foreign military nationals have crossed the border, in what some have labeled a "planned invasion." Also, the worst substance abuse and homelessness crisis in American history. Streets of major cities are overrun with tent encampments and drugged out "zombies," as people call them, because they roam incoherently with necrosis of their flesh from a drug called xylazine, also known as Tranq. There are widespread reports of mentally-ill homeless people attacking pedestrians in major cities. This movie was made depicting an American civil war in 2024 According to Gallup News, the approval rating for Congress is 18%. I haven't talked to a single person who's told me they think a civil war in 2024 is implausible. **CONCLUSION** There is A LOT that I haven't gone over, but America is in freefall. The system has been hijacked by a kleptocracy and cultural subversion. For many Americans, the 2024 election is their last hope to see the system work. Most people plan to vote not for their preference, but against who they're afraid of being in power. I don't know how to explain to it to myself, it seems surreal.