Think Forward.

The Pruning Shears of Revision, Teshuvah, Metanomia and the two Repetances

Neville once said that Revision is his greatest contribution. The concept of revision is present in Kabbalah as *Teshuvah*. Teshuvah is often translated as *repentance*, in hebrew it literally means *going back in time*. Accomplishing a Teshuvah from a Kabbalistic point of view, means going back in time, in one's mind eye and *revise*, change the past event. Relive the event in imagination not as it happened, by how it ought to have happened. By doing so we are able to change the future, and avoid the negative consequences of past event. In other words what Neville calls *Revision*. Kabbalah is often a balance between *Judgement* and *Mercy*. Two words that are loaded with meaning in Kabbalah, They are not opposite concepts, but two separate axes or modes that the divine light appear to operate from in lower levels of consciousness. But for now let's consider that judgement is receiving the consequences of our actions, and as such Kabbalah is often concerned with the lessening of the severity of Judgement. Teshuvah appears then as a primary means to do so. It means going back to that moment right before the regretted event happened, understand the emotional setting that made one do what he did, and then change it. Both emotionally (once again emotions are of primary importance) and in actions. This results in *Metanomia*, the greek word in the bible that is also translated as repentance. Metanomia means a radical change of mind that must come with a new emotional setting. And this is where the brilliance of Neville shines, by tying these two concepts together Teshuvah and Metanomia, two very different words, both translated as repentance, he is able to explain deep Kabbalistic mysteries. Teshuvah is the method (or the technique) Metanomia is the sign and the seal. The sign of the successful Teshuvah and the end of the successful Teshuvah. Teshuvah is something to do whenever one begins to feel remorse or regret. As Neville said at the end of *The Pruning Shears of Revision*: == Don't blame, only resolve. ==

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Jamal Berraoui has gone... to his resting place and the earth trembled.

Si Jamal Berraoui, you are no longer with us in this world, and country that you loved so much and for which you fought all your life. You fought for justice, progress, fairness, dignity and so many other values to which you gave your own meaning. Sometimes a philosopher, sometimes a philanthropist, you navigated between common sense and loyalty to an ideology that seized you at a young age but which you managed to tame in your own way. Your loyalty to your party did not blind you, and your selflessness gave you freedom of tone and time. You managed to tame time. Sometimes a writer, sometimes a columnist, sometimes a journalist, but never silent. Disappointment, discouragement and nihilism never got the better of you. Life was hard for you, but you loved it with tenderness. You were a renowned journalist and an outstanding political analyst. Your significant contributions to Moroccan journalism and your incisive analyses of the country's political, economic, social and sporting issues made you an influential voice on behalf of the silent majority. Your critical and informed perspective on current events has been passed on to everyone in an ‘Ach Waqe3’ that you have shaped in your own way. In this way, you brought politics back to its rightful place, within everyone's reach. In your own darija, you gave many people a taste for debate, a willingness to think and a desire to participate in politics. On your own, you did more than all the parties put together, more than all the media, more than all of us. Your weekly appearances on the Décryptage programme, every Sunday morning in the studios, from your hospital bed or simply from your home by telephone, were key moments, sublime moments of intelligence and humanism. I'll confide in you, my dear: even though I won't be seeing you again because God has decided it's best, How proud I was each time you quoted my name, one of my words or one of my positions! Sidi Jamal, how many journalists have you educated and trained? How many citizens have you made happy with your words? In your own safiote way, you have contributed to the evolution of the Moroccan media landscape. Your public appearances have always been closely followed, tackling complex subjects with simplicity, clarity and rigor. The large audience that Moroccans have reserved for you speaks volumes is telling more about the great respect they have for you among your peers. They saw themselves in you. You have always defended press freedom and your desire to see independent and rigorous journalism develop. You made a major contribution to ‘tamaghrabiyt’ in your own way, subtly referring to your hometown, your neighborhood in Casablanca, your neighbors, music, history, , the Raja, everything that links us to our rich culture, our largely ignored or despoiled history, our roots, our continent and the world. Rest in peace, my friend, after so many years of winning battles, of self-sacrifice and courage. You have finally beaten the disease. Your doctors, your family, your friends, your readers and listeners know it very well. It wasn't the disease that finally got you, it was you who decided to put an end to the disease and to your mission. I know you let out a long sigh and a charming little smile as you left us, because it's in your nature to always smile. In the end you decided to rest. We miss you already, Sidi Jamal. Si Abdelaziz Erromani will never again have to ask at the start of a show ‘Qi Bqat Shiha Si Jamal? No more of the ‘ana matafeqch m3a si Hadad’ that punctuated your contributions to Décryptage from time to time. Mission accomplished! You were a real treasure. And what a coincidence, even the earth shook that day... (On this sad occasion, let's listen to the song linked below, which I'm sure will please Si Jamal)


The biggest ape has blessed us with a new audio release. INNERSCAPE takes the listener into a profond journey inward, beyond the veil of mundane consciousness: far into deep transcendental mysteries. This one is best appreciated with headphone and eyes closed. You will laugh, you will cry. And you will be grateful. == CHOKHMA - BINAH - GEBURAH - CHESED == Thus Spake Apathustra.

What’s All This Buzz About Monkeypox?

Everyone’s talking about it. Monkeypox. It’s all over the news, and people are scared. But what is it, really? Should we be worried, or is this just another overhyped health scare? Monkeypox isn’t something new. It was first identified in 1958 in monkeys, which is how it got its name, but the first human case was recorded in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. For decades, it remained mostly confined to Central and West Africa, with only occasional cases elsewhere. But now, it’s spreading faster and wider than before. That’s why it’s making headlines and causing concern globally. Let’s be clear: monkeypox is not COVID-19. It spreads differently, and it’s generally less contagious. But it can still be serious, especially for certain groups like young children, pregnant women, and those with weakened immune systems. So, how does one catch monkeypox? Mainly through close contact with an infected person or animal. This could mean direct skin-to-skin contact, being exposed to respiratory droplets, or touching contaminated objects like bedding or clothing. Unlike COVID-19, which can spread through the air over distances, monkeypox requires more direct contact. The symptoms can be unsettling. It usually starts with flu-like symptoms — fever, headaches, muscle aches, and swollen lymph nodes. Then, within a few days, a distinctive rash develops, often beginning on the face and then spreading to other parts of the body. These rashes turn into raised bumps that eventually fill with fluid, becoming painful blisters. In some cases, these lesions can leave scars. Despite these symptoms, most people recover within two to four weeks without the need for serious medical intervention. But complications can occur, especially in those with underlying health conditions. Here’s the silver lining: there are vaccines. If you’ve been vaccinated against smallpox, you might already have some level of protection against monkeypox. This is because the viruses that cause smallpox and monkeypox are closely related. In fact, the smallpox vaccine has been shown to be about 85% effective in preventing monkeypox. For those without prior vaccination, newer vaccines specifically targeting monkeypox are now available. Now, let’s talk about the bigger picture. The resurgence of monkeypox outside of Africa raises questions about how well-prepared we are for emerging infectious diseases. With increased travel and global interconnectedness, diseases that were once localized can spread quickly across borders. This situation reminds us of the importance of strong public health systems and the need for global cooperation in disease surveillance and response. But let’s not panic. Monkeypox is serious, but it’s also manageable with the right precautions. For more detailed information, check out WHO’s page on monkeypox. So yes, monkeypox is something to be aware of, but with the right knowledge and precautions, there’s no need to panic. Stay safe, stay smart, and keep looking out for each other.

25 years of His Majesty Mohammed VI's reign, as far as sport is concerned...

It should be remembered that the reign of His Majesty Mohammed VI, may God glorify him, began with the greatest feat ever achieved by Moroccan athletics: placing 5th in the world championships held at the time in Seville, Spain. The country brought home an excellent haul of medals. The athletes felt it was the best present they could have given His Majesty on the occasion of his enthronement. In return, Her Majesty responded in the most beautiful way, with a royal solicitude that will remain with each and every one of us forever. From the outset, His Majesty gave a number of signals to make everyone understand the importance of sport in sustainable socio-economic development, the fulfilment of Moroccan citizens and, of course, the consolidation of the country's brand image. Having probably noticed a certain slowness in the fulfilment and implementation of the Royal vision, in 2008, on 24 October to be precise, His Majesty sent a historic letter to the various stakeholders in sporting life, who were brought together for a national conference. After leaving no doubt as to the King's lack of satisfaction, this letter mapped out the path and indicated the axes for the hoped-for development. The letter even went so far as to spell out how this could be achieved according to the enlightened vision of the august sovereign. This letter is still relevant today, and no one involved in sport can afford the luxury of ignoring its contents. To show the way and point the way, His Majesty personally inaugurated the Mohammed VI Football Academy and the Mohammed VI National Centre for the Disabled, where sport was seen as a cornerstone in the integration of people with special needs. In 2011, following the Royal initiative to revise the country's Constitution, the Moroccan people voted overwhelmingly in favour of the project, which for the first time in the country's history included sport and physical activity as a right for Moroccan citizens. There are few constitutions in the world that enshrine sport so explicitly and so clearly. This is how His Majesty's vision is being put into practice today, and this explains the major investment in sport, the qualitative change in infrastructure and the level of results achieved in certain sporting activities. Unfortunately, other disciplines are still slow to seize the opportunities offered to them to reach the desired level, no doubt due to a lack of foresight or skill. The royal vision has also proved to be very clear and ambitious for the country in terms of Morocco's place in the concert of countries capable of organising major sporting events. The country has organised numerous African championships in various sports. The Kingdom will make this vision a reality by hosting the All-Africa Games for the first time in its history. These are the biggest sporting event on the continent. All 54 African countries took part. At the instigation of His Majesty, may God assist him, Morocco did not give up when it came to defending its right to host the Football World Cup. The country has presented its bid six times without ever losing heart. With each bid, the country assured the FIFA authorities that its determination was strong and legitimate, and whatever happened, the bid was a real guarantee for the country and the projects included in it were going to be carried out in any case. On each occasion, Morocco has kept its word. It has always seen the Football World Cup as a catalyst for development, not as a one-off event. We must also remember the occasion and circumstances of the last presentation of the Moroccan bid. The African Football Congress was held in Kigali, Rwanda. Morocco was represented there, of course, by the Royal Moroccan Football Federation, but also, at official level, by the Minister of National Education, Preschool and Sport, Chakib Benmoussa. He was officially present to receive the Prize for Excellence awarded by CAF to the Moroccan sovereign and President Kagame. The minister then read the message that His Majesty had kindly addressed to the audience. In this message, His Majesty announced to Moroccans, Africans and citizens of the world, the news of the bid to organise the Football World Cup. This time, the bid is being made jointly with Spain and Portugal. The formula announced by the Sovereign is historically new: to organise the competitions on the two shores of the Western Mediterranean: a strong civilisational signal to FIFA and to the world. The primacy given to His Majesty in making this important announcement speaks volumes about the esteem in which the Sovereign is held in the region. Indeed, His Majesty made the announcement not only on behalf of the three countries, but also on behalf of the entire continent. On this occasion, the Football World Cup will be celebrating its 100th anniversary. In his message on the occasion of the presentation in Kigali of the CAF Excellence Award for 2022, just before the announcement of the tripartite bid for the World Cup, the Sovereign had said, ‘I remain faithful to the conviction I expressed in my speech on the occasion of the 29ᵉ African Union Summit in 2017: “Africa's future lies with its youth” and only “a proactive policy geared towards youth will channel the energy for development”.’ This demonstrates the royal conviction that Africa's development can only be achieved within the framework of his vision of the continent, namely the need for understanding, respect, complementarity and win-win cooperation. Taking care of young people and opening up the necessary opportunities for them in this process is essential and unavoidable. Everyone knows the role that football plays in the development of young people, which is why His Majesty said later in his message: ‘...In my country, the Kingdom of Morocco, I have made a point of making football a lever for success and sustainable human development’. A way of inviting the countries of the continent to do the same. Today, we Moroccans are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the reign of His Majesty Mohammed VI, may God help him. But it should be noted that almost all the peoples of Africa are also celebrating with us, given the radiance of the royal personality on the continent and the fact that Morocco is seen as a definite ally for the development and well-being of its citizens. Our country is seen as an example and an ally, and we should all work to consolidate this special place, built up by the many visits and royal solicitude in different parts of Africa.

You Graduated and Don’t Know What to Focus On for a PhD Position?

I assume you’ve just earned your master’s degree. You might be feeling a bit lost. You’ve started applying for opportunities — Industry or Academia — but you’re still waiting for that interview opportunity. No one is answering your emails. I get it. You might be feeling frustrated, maybe even battling imposter syndrome. You’re thinking about enrolling in new courses to acquire enough skills to be ready for any opportunity, but you still feel very lost. Let me tell you exactly what I would do if I were in your place three years ago. Please read this article until the end. You will enjoy it, and I made it especially for you as a source of motivation, giving you exactly what you should focus on. Let’s assume first that you want to enroll in a good PhD program. Whenever I apply for an opportunity, I put myself in the interviewer’s shoes — in this case, your future supervisor. What does your future supervisor want from you? What’s your added value to their lab? Why should they recruit you? Your supervisor wants you to be the greatest version of yourself, wants to be proud of you, and wants your success to be their success as well. First, they want you to avoid distractions and focus on your PhD, producing great, interesting results, and discoveries that lead to high-quality publications. They want you to step out of your comfort zone, present at international conferences, bring added value to the lab, be a great representative, and never outshine them. Control your ego, be easygoing with the team — not a toxic presence — and remember, they don’t expect perfection, but they do expect you to do your best. I know you can be like that, but there are a few things you can do to make your application stand out. When writing emails to potential supervisors, have you read some of their most interesting, highly cited articles? Did you do some research beforehand and address specific points within your email? What did you accomplish during your master’s degree? Were you just an average student who passed exams, or did you do something exceptional that made you unique compared to most students? If yes, then mention it, talk about it, and sell it to your supervisor in your application. Show that you are unique. When writing an email, motivation letter, or research proposal, stop using templates or AI-generated content. Your supervisor is smarter than you think, and they will spot that because they’ve seen a ton of applications. They want originality; they want to know who you are and what you can do. Be original. You don’t have to make it perfect, just be yourself. I want you to create a unique application that will impress any professor who reads it. Make it stand out. Use your own creativity — you’ve graduated, which means your brain is still fresh, and you are smart. SHOW THEM THAT! Don’t apply for just one position — make different plans. You gotta be smart about it. Reach out to your previous professors, especially those whose work you found impressive, and gently ask them for a recommendation letter. Use your contacts, and take your time to make different plans, because this step is a big one toward your future goals. Be wise about it. This isn’t just about getting one position; it’s about setting up a foundation for your future. Different plans give you options, and options give you control over your path. Last but not least, if I were you, I would focus on reading a bunch of review papers in the field I’m interested in. Start doing the things your future supervisor would expect you to do in your first year: identify the scientific question that interests you, find your unique approach, and start working on answering it. It’s your mission to find the gap in your field and fill it. You can begin working on that right now, while also doing the things I mentioned above. I’m not going to dig into the details here because I’ve kept this article a bit general, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask them directly.

Is PhD for you or not?

Why is a PhD so tough? If I still get the chance to do a PhD, should I still consider doing it? I get plenty of questions asking me, “Why should I apply for a PhD? What are the benefits? Where, in what field, and with which supervisor should I consider doing it?” I will answer all these common questions in this article and give a few pieces of advice for graduate students and anyone hesitating to enroll in a PhD program. First things first, if you ask any PhD candidate or someone with a PhD about their experience, we all share the same answer: “PhD is tough.” But why? A PhD program is meant to shape you personally and professionally. It’s a minimum of three years where you discover your weaknesses, build a strong foundation of expertise, focus, and social dynamics, and it takes you out of your comfort zone. I’ll explain everything in detail with examples. The idea I had about a PhD when I recently graduated is completely different from what I am experiencing right now. Before, I thought a PhD program was all about publishing papers, and back then, for me, a paper could be done in less than four months. I mean, indeed, but that’s only for a mediocre paper with no impact, which could be published in a normal to predatory journal. Now I realize that publishing a high-quality article takes years of hard work, consistency, collaboration with a team of experts, making mistakes, conducting experiments, re-conducting experiments, taking critical advice from your supervisors, and implementing it effectively. Even then, you may or may not get the expected results. You may feel frustrated and get a bit depressed since you spent at least a year working on an approach that now seems no longer promising. That’s one side. The other side is psychology. What I mean by that is how you can feel really down, but regardless of your feelings, you discover your passion that can boost you and give you the purpose to balance your PhD and personal life. Then there is a critical aspect, which is your supervisor. You and your supervisor are two different people. Your supervisor has more experience than you, and as you’re conducting your PhD, doing the experiments, once you get critical feedback from your supervisor, you may take it personally and start thinking negatively about your experience, assuming he’s not helping you but just criticizing your work. That’s not true. What you actually learn about a PhD is that your supervisor’s success is yours as well, and vice versa. Since he has more experience than you in publishing high-quality articles, you should definitely forget about your ego, start communicating with him, and learn from him, because at the end of the day, you are still a student, and that’s what’s great about the PhD experience. Besides publishing, which is just a small part of your PhD program, you learn how to communicate your research area and results in a smooth way that anyone with a different background, or even a 5-year-old kid, could understand. You also learn how to sell your research, which means that you can definitely be a great candidate for the industry in the future, not just academia. Public speaking is another important skill you learn in a PhD since it is required to present your work at international conferences and congresses in front of highly valued speakers. You start to appreciate criticism and see it as a new way to improve yourself. If your primary goal is to improve yourself, be self-aware, and be better, then a PhD program is for you. If you are not, just forget about a PhD program because you will struggle, start comparing yourself with others, or may stop comparing yourself with others in a bad way that may lead you to become a narcissistic psychopath who thinks his PhD thesis is going to change the world and that everything he does is what matters, while what others do is completely irrelevant. At the end of the day, a PhD program is just a way to reach your higher goals, and if you see it as it’s supposed to be, then you’re going to have an enjoyable experience, full of learning, and enjoy science as it’s supposed to be. My Advice for Future PhD Candidates: - Your Supervisor: The first thing you should look for is your supervisor rather than the subject of your thesis. Your supervisor is the one you will be working with every single day for at least four years. He should be a good human being, skilled, and inspirational because their words can be a great motivation for you. Otherwise, if not, your experience is just going to get worse and worse, and you may quit. - Self-Improvement: Consider if you really want to improve your weaknesses and become a better version of yourself. Are you ready for high criticism of work that you spent years on? Would you accept that? If yes, then go for a PhD. - Academia: Academia is super toxic. Are you ready to engage in what might be a toxic environment and learn how to get the good side from it? If yes, then trust me, you will be perfectly shaped after your PhD, and you will be a great fit for both academia and industry. - Financial Goals: If your goal is to get money rather than improving yourself, just forget about academia because it will simply slow down that process of getting money as soon as possible. ---- To answer the first question, if I get the chance to start my PhD with the same conditions, the same supervisor, and the same thesis director, I would definitely follow the same path. Hell yeah, I love it!

Finding the Middle Ground

Comparing ourselves to others often leads to frustration and disappointment. Picture this: you're scrolling through social media, and you see an old friend from high school posing in front of their brand-new sports car, while you're still driving a car that predates the invention of the smartphone. You start to wonder where you went wrong. Did you choose the wrong career? Should you have invested in Bitcoin instead of student loans? These thoughts spiral until you're convinced that your only way out of this rut is to fake your own death and start a new life as a reclusive writer in a cabin somewhere deep in the woods. In reality, comparing yourself to others is like playing a game where the rules are rigged from the start. Everyone is on a different journey, with varying challenges, opportunities, and, let's be honest, different levels of Photoshop skills. We tend to compare our behind-the-scenes mess with someone else's highlight reel, forgetting that their life probably includes the same boring Tuesday afternoons and Netflix binges as ours. Yet, this habit of comparison can warp our sense of reality, making us feel perpetually "less than" others and chipping away at our self-esteem until we're left contemplating the logistics of that cabin in the woods. ---- But let's flip the script. What happens when we avoid comparison altogether? Imagine you decide that you're going to be your only measure of success. No one else matters. You wake up each morning, look in the mirror, and say, "I'm the best thing that's ever happened to humanity since sliced bread." At first, this mindset feels empowering. You walk around with the confidence of a motivational speaker who's just sold out a stadium. But soon, things take a turn. You start to dismiss others' achievements because, clearly, no one can hold a candle to your brilliance. You become that person who interrupts every conversation to talk about your latest accomplishment, even if the conversation is about someone's grandma's funeral. ---- This path leads to an inflated ego, where your sense of self-worth balloons like a cheap helium balloon at a child's birthday party—ready to burst at the slightest pinprick of criticism. Narcissism, at its core, is a personality trait characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a need for excessive admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. When we avoid any comparison, we risk sliding into this mindset, seeing ourselves as above others, and losing the ability to connect with those around us. This self-centered view can damage relationships, create isolation, and ultimately leave us empty, as we become more invested in maintaining an image than in nurturing genuine connections. Ego and narcissism aren’t just about an inflated self-image; they can also manifest as defensiveness and an inability to accept criticism. Imagine someone pointing out a flaw in your work. Instead of seeing it as an opportunity for growth, you might react like a celebrity whose latte order was just messed up—indignant and defensive. This behavior alienates others and stunts personal growth, as the ego becomes a barrier to learning and improvement. Balancing these extremes requires a conscious effort. Instead of using comparison as a yardstick to measure our worth, we can use it as a tool for motivation and inspiration. Picture yourself as a runner in a marathon. Instead of focusing on how far ahead the others are, you focus on your own pace, using the leading runners as guides to improve your speed. Along the way, you celebrate every milestone you reach, even if it's just passing the water station without tripping over your own feet. Practicing humility and staying open to feedback keeps that ego in check. Recognizing that everyone is a work in progress allows us to approach criticism not as a threat but as a chance to learn and grow. This mindset keeps you grounded and prevents that balloon from getting too full of hot air. Humility also fosters empathy, enabling us to connect with others more meaningfully, appreciating their successes without feeling threatened. Comparison is a natural part of being human, but it's essential to approach it with a sense of humor and perspective. Letting it dominate our thoughts leads to frustration, while avoiding it entirely risks fostering narcissism. Finding the middle ground allows for personal growth, rooted in a realistic understanding of ourselves, balanced with empathy and self-awareness. What do you think? Do you find yourself comparing your life to others, and if so, how does it affect you? How do you keep your ego in check while staying motivated to grow? What strategies do you use to find a healthy balance between self-reflection and self-confidence?

I love you, left untrue

Inertia constitutes existence and change. The dogged boy falls in love, left a sorrowful heart, so alone. Yesterday, he held his pillow to sleep. Today, in body and spirit, he's on his own, left with painful words to patch his soul. Could a dream be so determined to neglect the living smile? Passion and reality so meant to diffuse? The crime committed was self-inflicted, both body and spirit disposed to the Holy rhythm of Love. Don't forget me, the sorrowful boy digs his final words, yet only the silence is left to carry the empty dispositions. For each other, Three together, Two alone, One left. The end of an unwritten song. I love you, left untrue.

Snake Venom That Does Nothing to a Honey Badger, Kills a Human

The honey badger is one of nature's toughest creatures. Despite its small size, this fearless animal isn't afraid to take on some of the most dangerous predators, including venomous snakes. What’s truly fascinating is that the snake venom that can kill a human has little effect on a honey badger---- The honey badger, also called a ratel, lives in Africa, Southwest Asia, and parts of India. It’s known for its aggressive behavior, strong build, and thick, loose skin, which makes it hard for snake fangs to deliver a full dose of venom. This tough skin is one reason why honey badgers can survive snake bites that would be deadly to other animals. ---- But the honey badger's resistance to venom isn't just about its skin. Scientists have discovered that honey badgers have special adaptations at the molecular level. Snake venom typically attacks nerve cells by binding to specific receptors. However, the honey badger's receptors have evolved to be less affected by these toxins, allowing the badger to survive bites that would be fatal to humans. ---- Another interesting aspect is how honey badgers react when bitten. They might show signs of being affected by the venom, such as slowing down or swelling, but they often recover quickly. This suggests that their bodies have proteins or other molecules that neutralize the venom, helping them bounce back after an encounter with a deadly snake. FASCINATING, right?

A formal Definition of Stealing

One of the basic rules of economy is that value is created by exchanging (not by printing money). ---- ==Lets imagine a simple example:== Person A has lots of pens. For them a pen is only worth 1$, a sheet of paper, however is worth 4$. Person B has a lot of paper for them a sheet is only worth 1$, but a pen is a valuable item worth 4$. Person A wants a sheet and Person B wants a pen. They decide to exchange A gives a pen to B and, B gives a sheet of paper to A. At the end of the exchange, both have lost 1$ of value, but got 4$ in return, meaning that they have made 3$ of value each. A total of 6$ of value has been created by the exchange. ---- Now lets look at what happen during theft. When something is stolen, no exchange happenes between the parties, therefor no value has been created. In fact for society as a whole the yield is negative, as the thief had to spend energy (value) to get what he wanted. So although he enriched himself, he also made everybody poorer. We can consider this a definition of stealing: A transfer of goods that results in a negative creation of value. The same is true, to a lesser degree, when one of the parties cheats the other by providing an item that is less valuable than previously thought. Like a pen that does not write.

A threat we are not prepared to face

Read time: 4-5mins In 2021 as I was finishing my Bachelor's degree, I wrote this article after the overnight shutdown of the Facebook servers - After the global outage caused by Crowdstrike and Microsoft, I decided to share it again. Article below: Have you ever asked yourself what would happen if the internet shuts down ? On the 4th of October 2021, Facebook servers shut down causing the Whatsapp and Instagram Apps also to not work. So let’s ask ourselves a question : Were we prepared for that ? Well yes, people were still using platforms like Telegram, Signal and mail for texting, others were using Twitter and TikTok for scrolling etc… But if the internet suddenly stops working, what would happen to the financial markets such as real estate, stocks, cryptocurrencies ? Let us look for a way to be prepared for it. The carrington event: In 1859 mankind witnessed the Carrington event, named after the scientist Richard Carrington, this phenomenon is also known as a geomagnetic storm. On a calm afternoon of September, Carrington witnessed a sudden flash of increased brightness on the surface of the Sun that lasted for a few minutes while watching the observable Universe with his telescope. At that time we didn’t know what this light was but today we know that it is a solar flare. The same night a few hours later, we noticed green and blue lights travelling across the skies which are today known as the Aurora Borealis. At that time of course, people were very shocked and the solar flare caused the whole telegraph system to shut down but there was no internet or satelites so life moved on as if nothing happened. So what would happen if a Carrington event of that caliber strikes us today, specifically to financial markets ? We are for almost two years now, the victims of the COVID-19 pandemic and we were absolutely not prepared for it even if scientists kept warning us. For weeks we did not know what we were facing and globally, most of the businesses stopped working and are still recovering from it today. Now if a virus of 100 nanometers of diameter can cause us to stay at home for 1 year, what would be the impact of a solar storm ? Risks we face in front of a Solar Flare: Relax, we people do not risk anything violent or apocalyptic because the earth amosphere will shield us from x-rays, gamma rays and cosmic radiations but our society and our routine will be affected. How is that ? In former times, messages, money transfers or even news took days, sometimes months to get to destination, people would even do the delivery as a job. Today you can be in Tokyo and still facetime a friend who is in Europe or Brasil, you can send mails and get immediate answers, buy stocks from the NYSE even if you are in Africa etc… but all of this is not really wireless. In fact the 380 underwater cables that are spanning a lenght of over 1.2 million kms connect all the continents and are the reason we can do all we do today, alongside the 6542 satelites orbiting the planet at the moment. These cables are not really affected by geomagnetic currents but due to their lenght we had to install repeaters along certain gaps and those repeaters are susceptible to fail and if they do, an entire cable that connects two continents, instantly disconnects them. What if the power grid is down ? Let’s imagine the worst case scenario where our power grid gets knocked, that could cause a wolrdwide blackout, but not only because our satelites will also be disabled, which means we will not be able to buy stocks or crypto anymore but that is not our biggest concern since we won’t be able to place phone calls, we will not be able to know what is happening since google or the TV are not functionning anymore, we will also not be able to charge our electronic devices which means no more zoom meetings ; navigation systems would break which means no more airplanes and last but not least places that accept credit cards will not be able to take payments. Unfortunately it gets worse, our health would also be affected since all of the material in hospitals are electronic so hospitals won’t be able to work normally. This is without mentionning the unability to maintain the stock of food because how can you do that without refrigirating systems, also that means no more ice cream. To sum up, this would cause a global mess followed by a movement of panic. In that scenario, lots of markets would collapse but curiously markets like the real estate or the stock market would not because we would simply do it the old way, a piece of paper and a pen and you are good to go, it would be a lot slower, but it would survive. Most of us would also have to go back to the unfashionned way : barter. And since neither banks or financial instruments would be available, the people who have been saving a heavy load of cash or simply people that bought gold would be saved. What an irony, the most powerful tool we created is the internet, because there is no off switch that could turn off the whole thing, but here is the off switch right in front of our eyes sitting at a few million kilometers : a hot ball of glowing gasses at the heart of our solar system. Real estate in the 19th century : The probability of happening of a Carrington event According to the PNAS, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the US, the probability of a Carrington event happening is once every 150 years, and we are not sheltered from it. In 2012 there was an unusual and strong solar superstorm that luckily got dodged by 9 days. In fact when the storm passed, our planet was 9 days behind in the rotation cycle from the path of the storm. The famous boxer Mike Tyson once said « everyone has a strategy, until they get kicked in the mouth ». So let us not give up what we need most for what we want now and unlike the COVID-19 pandemic, be prepared. The potential that would cost us a Carrington event financially is not shy of 2 Trillion USD, which represents 2.5% of world’s GDP. Of course it will only be a matter of time before the competent authorities fix the problem, which could be a week or a month, and life in the 21st century will go back to its fullest. Aouani Khalil

Can You Become a Millionaire by Working on Venom? Yes!

The idea of becoming a millionaire might conjure images of tech startups, real estate investments, or Wall Street. But working with venom can be your ticket to wealth, thanks to its significant medical and commercial potential. ---- Venom, produced by creatures like snakes, spiders, and scorpions, is a complex mixture of proteins and peptides. These toxic cocktails hold incredible potential for medical applications, creating a profitable intersection of nature and science.---- Venom-derived drugs have made significant impacts in medicine. For instance: - Captopril, derived from the Brazilian pit viper's venom, generates over $1 billion annually in revenue. - Prialt, a painkiller from cone snail venom, can cost up to $20,000 per year per patient. ---- The pharmaceutical industry constantly seeks new compounds for effective treatments. Venom-derived substances are particularly appealing, leading to substantial investments in research and development. This can result in lucrative patents and partnerships.---- Venom production and farming are other profitable ventures. Companies like Amsaal Venom Farm LLC specialize in producing and distributing venom for research and antivenom production. High-quality venom can sell for up to $5,000 per gram, depending on the species and purity.---- Owning patents on venom-derived compounds is highly lucrative. Licensing these patents to pharmaceutical companies can yield substantial royalty payments. For example, licensing agreements typically offer 3–5% royalties on net sales. A successful drug generating $500 million annually could provide $15-$25 million in royalties.---- Imagine discovering a new venom-derived compound that becomes a best-selling drug. With an annual revenue of $1 billion and a 3% royalty, you could earn $30 million per year. Alternatively, running a venom farm producing 100 grams of high-quality venom per year could generate $500,000 annually, assuming a $5,000 per gram price.

The African Union and the "Ten Commandments" for improving women's education

The African Union and the "Ten Commandments" for improving women's education A piece of information has just caught my attention and aroused my astonishment, so obvious is it. It is a reminder of one of the known chronic deficits of the African continent, at the root of its socio-economic situation and its difficulties in leaving the zone of systemic precariousness of a large fringe of the population. On 4 and 5 July 2024, African Unity organised a gathering of great importance, which was given the name of Conference. The conference was devoted to debating the importance of education for girls and women. Of course, for the sake of fashion and to fit in with a modern narrative, we talked about strategy. The conference discussed a strategy for increased access to "inclusive, lifelong, quality and relevant learning in Africa". My astonishment stems from the fact that it was only in 2024 that African Unity finally took an interest in a recurring problem that has been present throughout the continent since the dawn of time. A problem that everyone believes to be one of the main causes of the continent's underdevelopment and the pervasive precariousness of its population. In fact, for a very long time now, the pan-African organisation, whether in its old form or in its new one, has been floundering in so-called political difficulties. It lives to the rhythm of petty conflicts and never-ending conciliations between petty warlords imbued with imported ideologies in which they themselves do not believe, but who cares? All it does is denounce or try to appease the perpetrators of massacres in the name of causes that are often in the interests of this or that interest, without ever succeeding in imposing or settling anything... Finally, in July 2024, the Commissioner dedicated to this mission within African Unity will give us his prophecy. In essence, he said: "As Member States, we must redouble our efforts to support girls' education by acting on knowledge and skills. Let's support girls' education at primary, secondary and even tertiary levels, so that our girls complete their studies successfully and become very responsible citizens, capable of making very sound decisions". Fantastic. All we have to do, Commissioner, is prepare our girls and women to make the right decisions... What decisions are we talking about, Commissioner: stopping the conflicts that are making more than one rich region tired, stopping the squandering of public money on far-fetched projects and misguided policies, creating work for young people by encouraging investment, primarily in the country itself, helping to improve governance for the benefit of all, improving health services and other public necessities? To do this, Commissioner, we need to go further and deeper and question the political systems in particular and the way in which power is seized in certain countries... Thank you, Commissioner, for reminding Africa of something it should have been doing a long time ago. You would just have added 'so much time wasted on infighting and idiotic debates instead of addressing the continent's real problems'. What's even more astonishing is that, in order to supposedly help overcome the endemic situation of women on the continent, we are still making recommendations... As the Conference was only consultative, the only outcome was obviously the publication of recommendations. There were ten of them. Even Moses has not been able to impose his recommendations for thousands of years, despite the divine words: "You shall not kill, you shall not steal, you shall not bear witness". Commissioner, wouldn't it have been wise to recall these Commandments of Moses as a preamble to the Conference's recommendations? Perhaps... In its 'Ten Commandments', for example, the Conference calls on the parties concerned, those who finance or can do so, to put a little more money into education budgets... The problem that the conference did not address, but did it have the courage to do so, is how to ensure that this money, which is supposed to be forthcoming, will be protected so that it is really spent on education for education's sake... and does not, as in many cases, end up in the pockets and distant accounts of those who are supposed to manage it for the good of Africans...

Three People Who Should Be in Your Professional Life

In your professional life, there are many people you can meet daily in your work environment. You should find three types of people among them. **The Exemplar: **This person represents a model you can follow to achieve your goals. He is a source of inspiration and creativity. Observing and learning from an Exemplar can significantly enhance your professional growth and development. **The Encourager:** This person represents a source of energy that pushes you out of your comfort zone and encourages you to thinkoutside the box, take risks, and explore new opportunities. **The Learner:** This person represents a source of pleasure and happiness. Sharing your knowledge with a Learner helps you to love yourself and what you do more. Their eagerness to learn can reignite your passion for your work and provide a sense of fulfillment.

How Nature's Deadliest Creatures Influence Medicines?

When we think about the most dangerous animals in the world, we often imagine deadly snakes, venomous spiders, or stinging scorpions. These creatures are feared for their powerful venoms, but what if I told you that their venoms could save lives? It may sound surprising, but many scientists are now using these dangerous venoms to create new medicines. Here are some of my thoughts on this fascinating topic. Spider venom might give you chills, but it is also giving hope to people who suffer from strokes. The Australian funnel-web spider (Atrax robustus) produces a venom that contains a peptide called Hi1a. This peptide has been found to protect brain cells from damage caused by a stroke. Researchers are studying Hi1a to create treatments that could save the lives of stroke victims and help them recover more quickly. Snakes are some of the most feared animals on the planet, but their venom is helping to treat serious illnesses. For example, the Brazilian pit viper (Bothrops jararaca) produces a venom that contains a molecule called bradykinin-potentiating peptide (BPP). This molecule has been used to develop a class of drugs known as ACE inhibitors, which are commonly prescribed to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. These drugs work by relaxing blood vessels and reducing blood pressure, turning a deadly venom into a lifesaving medication. Scorpion venom is another powerful substance that is being turned into medicine. Researchers have found that a protein in scorpion venom, chlorotoxin, can bind specifically to cancer cells without affecting healthy cells. This discovery has led to the development of a drug called Tumor Paint, which helps surgeons see cancer cells more clearly during surgery. The venom of the deathstalker scorpion (Leiurus quinquestriatus) is being harnessed to ensure that cancerous tissue is removed more precisely, reducing the risk of recurrence. The ocean is home to many venomous creatures, like cone snails and jellyfish. The venom of the cone snail (Conus magus) contains a compound called ziconotide, which has been developed into a drug for severe chronic pain. Ziconotide works by blocking calcium channels in nerve cells, preventing pain signals from reaching the brain. This non-opioid painkiller offers a powerful alternative to traditional pain medications and has been a significant breakthrough in pain management. Bees and wasps are often seen as pests, but their venoms are being used to help treat autoimmune diseases. Melittin, a peptide found in bee venom, has shown potential in treating conditions like multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Melittin can modulate the immune response and reduce inflammation. Scientists are working to isolate and modify melittin to enhance its therapeutic effects while minimizing side effects, offering new hope to patients with these challenging conditions. The Gila monster is a venomous lizard whose saliva contains a hormone called exendin-4. This hormone has been turned into a drug called exenatide, which helps people with type 2 diabetes manage their blood sugar levels. Exenatide mimics the action of a natural hormone that stimulates insulin release and inhibits glucagon production, effectively controlling blood glucose levels. It's amazing to think that a substance from a lizard's mouth can help millions of people control their diabetes. Centipedes might seem like creepy crawlies, but their venom is showing promise as a pain reliever. The venom of the Chinese red-headed centipede (Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans) contains a peptide called SsTx. SsTx can block pain signals by inhibiting sodium channels in nerve cells, offering a new approach to pain management. Researchers are synthesizing SsTx in the lab and conducting trials to evaluate its effectiveness and safety, potentially leading to new, non-addictive painkillers. It is truly fascinating how scientists can transform deadly venoms into life-saving medicines. Studying these natural toxins, researchers are finding new ways to treat some of the most challenging diseases and conditions. This innovation shows the incredible diversity of nature and emphasizes the importance of preserving these species and their habitats. The transformation from venom to cure is a remarkable testament to human ingenuity and the power of nature. Attached, please find our open-source scientific article explaining everything in detail.


I've never heard anybody ask the question, "how risk adjusted is civilization?" I suspect that many of us know the answer. Even if we refuse to admit it, civilization is not secure. We are in the most consequential period of modern human history. Not only are times changing faster than they ever have before, the avenues to our demise are most plentiful. I have a few theories about the universe, the first being that all things bring about their opposite over a sufficiently long time. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Thus, all things are paradoxes. The second being that all things are connected through mutual mechanics. All things are conscious (panpsychism), which is a controversial take, and my argument is that our conscious thinking clearly has an effect on the world, so consciousness must be a physical force. The third being that good and evil are fundamental forces. Good seeks to create life and evil destroys the vessel it occupies. Goodness is God and evil is Satan. All things are paradoxes, thus evil creates good and vice versa. Examples of evil include suicide and hedonism (like homosexuality and pedophilia, though there's a big difference between a homosexual who has children and a homosexual who chooses sexual satisfaction over preservation of life). My final theory is that the mechanics that govern consciousness and physics enforce the paradoxical nature of the universe. An epoch is a period of birth and death as all forces become balanced, continuing like a wave. All things are connected through magnetic and electric forces, it's just to complicated to understand in practice. If we are to then inspect civilization, we see a rise in evil. There is an epoch fairly frequently, about 80 years, or one human lifetime, that oscillates between evil and good. The last time it happened was WW1/WW2. We are right on point for another collapse of our values. There are plenty of signs, like the prevalence of homosexuality, which is evil in nature because it destroys the vessel it's in. Western society is on the brink of population collapse, suicide rates have risen sharply, especially among younger people, and faith in the principles of our society has never been weaker. Divorce is commonplace, dating is a nightmare, and quite simply, people see less value in life and each other. People on the street dress like mental patients and children go to school to learn that queer is good and they should distrust their parents. Free speech is under assault and Liberal Democracy is on the verge of collapse. How long can we go without blowing ourselves up in nuclear war? Or allow AI to destroy us? Or spread devastating bioweapons? Or even a large scale conventional war? Evil destroys the vessel it occupies. From these ends, I believe we're on the verge of the end of an epoch.

But what is happening before our eyes?

What is happening to the world? France is about to stand to attention under the rule of a man who has barely passed his baccalaureate, but who is nonetheless charming and appealing. An angel's face that has managed to conceal an entire history of adulated hatred, obvious racism, claimed segregationism and the overt fascism of the party it embodies. As if by magic, with the help of the bought-in media, the young bachelor managed in the twinkling of an eye to disguise an entire ideology and bamboozle the people of France, who would eventually realise that Vichy was no accident and that a very large proportion of the population at the time was not in the Resistance but rather in the Collaboration... France is moving to the right, but nothing is really likely to change, at least not immediately, because for that to happen you need full power, and that requires a RN President, a RN Prime Minister and a RN parliamentary majority. The RN are not stupid and will know how to wait... unless young Bardella is in a hurry and has his own agenda aimed at overtaking Mme Le Pen and putting her out of the running for the next presidential elections. Will he be in such a hurry to move quickly? Possibly, but unlikely. In any case, the attitude of the amateur President, a poker player, will have been the cornerstone in accelerating the success of the RN and is now the propellant of the expected rise to the presidency of Mme Le Pen, in a short time... Because with Bardella, Macron will no doubt be kept under "house arrest" at the Elysée Palace by his sweetheart, and no more. Far from it, in South Africa we were expecting the real change desired and wanted by the rainbow people, after decades of ill-fated 'dictatorship' by the ANC, which has made memory rent the sole basis of a policy that has led to disaster and the hopeless impoverishment of a large fringe of the population. This will not be the case. The ANC has just obtained 20 of the 32 ministerial posts in the new so-called government of national unity. The most important missions have not escaped it in this unprecedented government. Finance, Energy, Foreign Affairs, Police and Justice remain in ANC hands. The main opposition party, the Democratic Alliance, has only been given six portfolios in the new government: Agriculture, Environment, Home Affairs and Public Works - in other words, the breakthrough ministries. On the other side of the Atlantic, things are not looking good. The recent Biden-Trump debate revealed an America staggering to the rhythm of the crumbling president. America is going through a real disaster, a moment unprecedented in its history, a moment of confusion and political fatigue. A moment that makes you wonder whether it was possible for Americans to have sunk so low and for their major parties to have become so locked in a historically astonishing blindness. The world's leading power thus appears to be in a state of serious decrepitude, presenting the world with a spectacle of desolation and shipwreck. The American people have a choice between a colourful, neo-authoritarian old man and another old man who is crumbling and still president, but who won't give up... Isn't it embarrassing for the American people (50 million live viewers) to see their president's memory failing, a president who has lost the coherence of his words, lining up words in sentences that are as inaudible as they are confused. Isn't it embarrassing for them to see that, opposite them, their only choice is a colourful character whose run-ins with the law are not about to get any easier. Let's go back to Africa and see that the Mauritanians have chosen continuity with Ould El Ghazouani, whom they re-elected with nearly 56% of the vote... Will this time be the right time for stability in this Sahelian country, a colonial legacy with a population of barely 5 million, which has undergone more than one brutal change through successive coups d'état, a country where political crisis is an almost permanent feature of daily life; tribal and personal rivalries are bitter and unremitting. This is the way the world is going, a world that is certainly changing but not very reassuring... In any case, this is not the world that we dreamed of and that we are preparing to bequeath to future generations. But what is happening before our very eyes?But what is happening before our very eyes? That's the way the world works. Doubts here, worries there, but there's no doubt that tomorrow will be different - yesterday was already different from today...

The Formation of Freeze Behavior or Reaction That Leads to a Defeat in a Team Performance

Our cognitive framework is shaped by influences—what others perceive we can do becomes integrated into our understanding and beliefs. Similarly, as we engage in interactions, our behavior adapts—much like muscles strengthening through exercise. Our brain, too, grows more resilient when exposed to any high stressors. Interestingly, high-intensity experiences don’t necessarily lead to psychological issues like depression. Our brains constantly adapt, learning and growing stronger through challenges. High-intensity experiences don't necessarily lead to negativity, but rather help us adjust and improve. When we face challenges, it’s not merely a replay of the past; it’s an opportunity to add effort, focus, and performance. Success reinforces this process, enhancing our self-worth and fostering a sense of accomplishment. As someone who has played soccer and received coaching from my youth through adulthood, I’ve discovered that soccer offers a unique chance to challenge and enhance our abilities. The dynamic stressors—each teaching moment—contribute to improved performance. Adaptability is key. Occasionally, our minds become foggy, leaving us clueless. But patience becomes our ally, helping us regain mental strength and find solutions to new challenges. Challenging tough opponents who believe they can easily score against us shakes and activates our stressors. We encounter a blend of emotional illusions (overthinking or fear of failure), exaggerated intensity, and tactical complexity. Our coaches may emphasize the strength of rival opponents, presenting their past performance as an analyzation for our game preparation. However, even though we can see things, and read events, the opponents' invincibility lead us to a freeze reaction— a temporary mental shutdown that hinders performance—when we step onto the field and face those opponents who prove their capabilities by controlling the game. Freeze Behavior on the Field: Imagine this: You're a defender facing a team known for their aggressive attackers. The pressure mounts as they break through your midfield. Fear clouds your judgment, making it difficult to track their movements. This is freeze behavior in action. For midfielders, freeze behavior might manifest as hesitation during crucial passes. Doubting your abilities can lead to missed opportunities and disrupted team flow. Forwards facing a seemingly unbeatable goalkeeper might feel overwhelmed, stifling their creativity and attacking instincts. I vividly recall involving in few games I was under such experiences. An away game in Morocco against one of the top opponents. They controlled every aspect of the play, scoring three goals in the first half. We felt disoriented, confused, and overwhelmed—an experience akin to being near a grenade explosion. Our vision blurred even we can see, sounds muffled even we hear, and instincts kicked in as we desperately tried to protect ourselves. The interplay of perception, pressure, and performance shapes our reaction to freeze state. Recognizing these dynamics allows us to navigate challenges with resilience and adaptability. Yet, in our home game, we approached things differently. Acknowledging our weaknesses and understanding the opponent’s level, we played with caution and patience. The result? A hard-fought 1-0 victory. Our experience and preparation made all the difference. Freeze behavior occurs when the brain can’t handle the unexpected load, halting down to conserve energy. The brain system in this state thinks is saving lives by not doing anything even you could move, you could see, and you could hear. But anticipating challenges and drawing from prior experience a better picture allows us to face them patiently, wisely and with resilience. Remember, freeze reaction is a state that you can’t feel and recognize unless you trained to do so. Freeze mode can be overcome through awareness, preparation, and teamwork. Tools to recognize or manage freeze state Mindfulness Techniques: Players should stay present and focused during critical situations. Breathing exercises or visualization can help reduce detachment from what is going on. Positive Self-Talk: Players should understand the level of the opponent with positive affirmations to regain control of reading the surrounding better. Preparation and Repetition: Rehearse the same high-pressure scenarios in practice. Familiarity reduces the shock of intense moments during games. Team Support: Players no matter how good they are, they’re not alone among eleven but one of the eleven players. Teammates provide emotional support and can help break the freeze state if you understand the muffled sound and try to track the sounds to communicate better. Learn from Past Experiences: Reflect on successful moments when pressure was high. What worked? How can those trends or patterns be applied again? Take Control of Your Performance: Freeze state is a common challenge, but it's not unbeatable. By practicing these tools and building mental resilience, you can overcome this hurdle and reach your full potential on the field.

Artificial Illusion: The Hype of AI - Part 1

I personally see AI as a hype that will slow down with time. Nowadays, people include AI in their projects to seize opportunities. For example, if you have a failing business, just add the word AI and you might attract investments. If you're doing research, switch to AI or include a part of it, even if it's not necessary, and you may receive funding. AI is becoming a buzzword, and if you believe it's not, you might get frustrated. You might feel unworthy as a human and worry about being replaced by a robot that lacks emotions, creativity, and the incomparable qualities of the legendary creation: humans. As I mentioned in a previous opinion article, "Just use AI in your speech and you'll sound fancy." This trend has permeated many sectors. I’ve had conversations with CEOs of startups that claim to use AI for groundbreaking innovations :). When I asked them simple questions about the models they used, the reasoning behind their choices, and the specific applications, they would talk broadly about AI—just AI, yes AI, and that’s it. It's reminiscent of the old saying, "Fake it till you make it," but with a modern twist: "Artificial Illusion." As Mark Twain once said, "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." This seems particularly true in the world of AI hype. The enthusiasm for AI has led to a phenomenon where merely mentioning it can lend credibility and attract resources, even when the actual implementation is minimal or superficial. This trend not only dilutes the genuine potential of AI but also risks disillusioning stakeholders who may eventually see through the facade. True innovation requires substance, not just buzzwords. If Shakespeare were alive today, he might quip, "To AI, or not to AI, that is the question." The answer, of course, is that while AI has its place, it’s not the end-all and be-all. We should remember Albert Einstein's wise words: "Imagination is more important than knowledge." AI lacks the imagination and creativity that humans bring to the table. The real secret to success isn’t in the latest tech jargon, but in honest, hard work and genuine innovation. So next time someone dazzles you with their AI-powered business model, just remember: A little skepticism can go a long way. Or as George Bernard Shaw put it, "Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance."

A weak G7, weaker than ever...

Giorgia Meloni, the woman propelled to power by the Italian outer right-hand, received the G7 in an unprecedented situation. Of all those present, she is probably the only one to feel strong, while the others are almost all politically weakened or moribund. The situation in Great Britain is in the process of pushing Mr Rishi Sunak out of office, with Brexit just around the corner and the situation far from stabilising, especially economically. Its French neighbour is going through the same nightmare, having been forced to call a general election following the debacle of his majority in the European elections, to the benefit of Mr Jordan Bardella,with only the baccalaureate in hand, who no doubt dreams of attending the next G7 summit alongside Mr Macron. Cohabitation is not far off... Macron has played Russian roulette and risks receiving the only bullet in the barrel in the heart. Not far from there, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, unable to become a worthy successor to Angela Merkel who is back to normal life, is also in great difficulty and has been genuinely weakened since the last European elections. Among other things, he has come under fierce criticism from within his own coalition. The representatives from across the Atlantic at this summit are in no better shape. Mr Justin Trudeau, who is going through a difficult time both at home and politically, looking more attenuated than ever. Some Canadians are even saying that Canada has never been in such bad shape. His American neighbour is also exhausted and is not certain of staying in the White House, with Donald Trump bullying him and showing his fangs. So it was a G7 of people bathed in weakness that Ms Meloni received in a superb pink suit, as if to signal to her peers that she, the woman in the group, was the only one comfortable in her chair. Madame Meloni, who called Macron irresponsible few months ago, was there strutting her stuff and looking down on him. She'll probably be there, at another G7 with a triumphant president Mme Lepen...or who knows, President Bardella.... an Italian next to a italian...Bardella is Italian origin. So in this G7 of weakness, once decried, fascism finds itself powerfully rehabilitated and frequented... Mussolini and why not Hitler are so happy about it in the depths of their graves... Their offspring are doing a good job and today dominate the most powerful political and economic group, the G7, which is also becoming the group of shame in the eyes of those who still believe in the greatest lie of modern history: humanism and universal values... The question that arises is whether the real winner in this situation of Western uncertainty is none other than the Absent-Present Vladimir Putin... who has just won the elections by a landslide, and who awaits all these fine people on Ukrainian soil...

Why you should eat your weeds

I went outside for a walk today with a tupperware bin and looked for medicinal plants. I quickly found Indian paintbrush (also useful for making dye), wild daisy, woodland strawberry, and purple hyssop. According to traditional medicine: Indian paintbrush is applied topically as a poultice to alleviate rheumatism and arthritis. Leaves and flowers are made into a tea to regulate menstrual cycles, alleviate menstrual cramps, and address other reproductive health issues. It can also be applied as a poultice to provide localized relief. Tea of the leaves and flowers can also be used to treat indigestion, bloating, used as a digestive stimulant, used to treat coughs and bronchitis by clearing the respiratory tract, and can also be used as a hair treatment. Wild daisy has natural anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties that can be used to treat wounds. The tea is known to treat coughs, bronchitis, aid digestion, soothe skin conditions like eczema when applied topically, and provide mild pain relief. Woodland strawberry leaves can be made into a strong infusion and used as a mouthwash to treat gum disease and promote oral hygiene. Fresh leaves and juice can be applied to the skin to treat acne, eczema, and other skin conditions. Leaves applied to wounds are anti-septic. Purple hyssop is considered a general tonic to improve overall health. Tea made of dried leaves and flowers acts as an expectorant to clear mucus and ease breathing, promotes better sleep, reduces anxiety and stress, reduces inflammation, and promotes a healthy gastrointestinal tract. It can also be made into a tincture. An economist will tell you that the government inflation target, usually about 2%, is used to encourage people to spend money and increase the flow rate of capital. Now, after decades, the medicinal methods we knew for our environment have been forgotten in exchange for processed nature wrapped in cheap industrial byproducts (supplements), quite possibly because the economic policy is designed to wrap every bit of value in an industrial profit-driven process, despite nature providing a healthier and more fulfilling way of life. And our leaders have the gall to tell us that they need a deficit to address the climate crisis. Just yesterday, my grandpa was showing me his plan to burn down the beaver damn to lower the water level so I can collect the yellow lotus roots below the waterline. Roots and leaves of lotus can be made into a tea to treat fever, diarrhea, promote liver and spleen function, and improve reproductive function. While I was down by the damn, I noticed tinder conk (a fungus) growing a dead tree, which can be dried and ground into a powder to promote healing and stop bleeding for wounds, treat gastrointestinal issues, treat inflammation, urinary tract infections, coughs, bronchitis, and asthma. Behind my house there is a birch tree with chaga growing on it. Chaga boosts the immune system, reduces inflammation, acts as a nootropic, helps with conditions like gastritis, supports liver function, helps with symptoms of old age, and can be added to grease to treat psoriasis and eczema, or it can be bathed in for whole body support. It also makes a great base for a tea or soup. Birch leaves and sap can be used to treat skin conditions and is used in hair care. Tea, sap, and bark can be used to treat digestive conditions, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and edema. Birch leaves and bark can be used to treat fever, arthritis, rheumatism, infections, bronchitis, and cough. Everyone should learn the natural medicine around them. Disclaimer: this is not medical advice.

The Secret Cancer Cure + Commentary

Professor Rosalie David, at the Faculty of Life Sciences, said: “In industrialised societies, cancer is second only to cardiovascular disease as a cause of death. But in ancient times, it was extremely rare. There is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer. So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle.” We are poisoning ourselves and industrial society cannot keep going as it is. Autism as well, used to be effectively unheard of, but is now commonplace. Chronic illness has skyrocketed over the past 30 years. I don't find it unreasonable to suggest that the way humans live will be radically altered over the next 40 years and it will not come easy, politically or personally. It means we will bear the political consequences and must learn the skills necessary for a better existence within our environment.


You may remember that quaint old adage, ‘Keep Politics Out of Sport’. It had its heyday among apologists for the South African government at the time of the sporting boycott of the apartheid era. There has probably never been a dumber slogan. It would be like Castor without Pollux or Laurel without Hardy. Politics has as much relevance on the playing field as in Parliament, in the dressing room as in the boardroom. I don’t doubt that the boycott of sports-mad South Africa contributed substantially to the end of racial separation. And thanks to the collision of the European Athletics Championships in Rome and the Europe wide elections - save in that isolated outpost of the once Roman Empire, Great Britain & Northern Ireland – you cannot have failed to notice that a preponderance of countries represented here in the Stadio Olimpico feature, well, a lot athletes of colour. Even ignoring, for example, that Britain’s crumbling National Health Service would fall apart completely, were it not for immigrant labour, from surgeons to janitors, what better antidote than this parade of multi-racial excellence to those people and parties who are lurching to the right if not the far-right, driven by anti-immigration policies? Other nations in Europe have long been used to British and French teams fielding athletes whose parents, one or both, hail from colonial outposts. But, gradually other European countries’ immigrants or their offspring began to make their presence felt if not in all walks of life, then certainly on the sports field. Countries from Sweden in the north to Portugal and Italy in the south, to Ireland in the west and Romania in the east have joined in as is apparent in Rome; and that includes conservative Switzerland where women only secured the vote in 1971. I am reminded of a fascinating hour or so I spent with Lee Evans in Athens 40 years ago. Evans was the first man to run under 44 seconds (43.86sec) when he won the Olympic 400 metres in Mexico 1968. A Fulbright scholar and a vocal proponent of racial equality, Evans and his fellow US medallists Larry James and Ron Freeman wore Black Panther berets on the victory rostrum in Mexico, emulating with less clamour the black-gloved salute of their 200 metres colleagues Tommie Smith and John Carlos. Aussie silver medallist Peter Norman sported a badge of the Olympic Project for Human Rights in sympathy. Following his relegation to third by Norman, Carlos incidentally made a comment, maybe tongue-in-cheek, but which still resonates today, ‘I didn’t know a white guy could run that fast!’ When Norman died in 2006, Smith and Carlos repaid the compliment; they flew to Melbourne to be pall-bearers at his funeral. But, back to Evans: we had been invited to an Olympic symposium in Athens in the mid-1980s, he for his celebrity and subsequent teaching and coaching career in Africa, me since I had managed to con my way into a job on a newspaper which still had a vestige of prestige around the world. I don’t know how we got on the subject, and I was very wary of saying the wrong thing, but Evans had no such constraints. He lectured me on ‘hybrid vigour’ or cross-pollination, a term better known in botany, and something that racists would call miscegenation, ie inter-marriage and procreation. Evans had no qualms, citing several leading athletes of mixed race from that period four decades back, including Daley Thompson, a product of a Nigerian father and Scottish mother, who had recently won his second Olympic decathlon title. Evans claimed that humans are nothing special, and although he didn’t use the term, he argued that we, like animals and plants are simply part of the same eco-system, responding to the same dynamics; whence his championing of hybrid vigour. The evidence of his thesis is manifest in the continuing rise of rainbow nations on the track and field of endeavour called Athletics.

Data is Not the new Oil, Data is the new Diamonds (maybe)

Over the past decade I have heard this sentence more than I can count: "Data is the new oil". At the the time it sounded right, now I see it as misguided. That simple sentence started when people realized that big tech (mostly Facebook, Google) were collecting huge amounts of data on their users. Although it was before (in hindsight) AI blew up as the massive thing it is now, It had a profound effect on people's mind. The competitive advantages that companies who had data where able to achieve inspired a new industry and a new speciality in computer science: Big Data, and fostered the creation of many new technologies that have become essential to the modern internet. "Data is the new Oil", means two things: 1- Every drop is valuable 2- The more you have, the better. And it seemed true, but it was an artifact of a Big Tech use case. What Big Tech was doing at the time was selling ads with AI. To sell ads to people, you need to model their behaviour and psychology, to achieve that you need behavioural data, and that's what Google and Facebook had: Behavioural data. It is a prefect use case, were the data collected is very clean and tightly fits the application. In other words, the noise to signal ratio is low, and in this case, the more data you can collect the better. This early success however hid a major truth for years. For AI to work great the quality of the dataset highly matters. Unlike oil, when it comes to data, some drops are more valuable than others. In other words, data like a diamond needs to be carved and polished before it can be presented. Depending on the application, we need people able to understand the type of data, the meanings associated to it, the issues associated to collection and most importantly how to clean it, and normalized it. It is in my opinion that data curation is a major factors in what differentiates a great AI from an below average AI. Those who misunderstood this concept ended up significantly increasing their costs with complex Big Data infrastructures to drown themselves in heaps of data that they don't need and hinder the training of their models. When it comes to data hoarding and greed are not the way to go. We should keep in mind that data has no intrinsic value, the universe keeps generating infinite amounts of it. What we need is useful data.

The West Misunderstands Putin

Putin can't go to war with NATO (the West is right on that point), but he's not being given an option. Western forces are ramping up the support for Ukraine as progress stalls and Russian forces see significant gains. Putin's perspective is that he is already at war with NATO because he's fighting Western arms from Western funds. The West sees it as a question of Ukrainian sovereignty. Ukraine is independent, it should be able to defend itself, even against the threat of a nuclear weapon. Western leaders have blocked all communication channels for a ceasefire under the naive assumption that Ukraine can win back all the territory and everything will be merry. Putin now is threatening to launch a nuclear bomb in Ukraine. Putin thinks he's at war with NATO, a war he can only win with nuclear weapons. The Russian army vs NATO with sanctions would smoke Russia's forces 99 out of 100 days unless there are nuclear weapons. Nukes are the only defense Russia has against a major conflict with NATO. Remember, Putin went into the war telling his people that Ukraine was becoming too friendly to the West and needed to be stopped from joining NATO. He can't go back to his people and say we lost, Ukraine got all their territory back, and they're going to join NATO. It's a Western fantasy. He will drop a nuke first. He is pleading to the West to take his warnings seriously, but Western leaders think he's bluffing. He is being given no choice but to demonstrate that Russia is a force that needs to be respected. His only way to do that is to drop a nuke. The Russian people don't take kindly to being embarassed on an international stage. Neither did the Germans before WW2. It's why Russians care so much about winning at the Olympics, or having the best chess players. The Russian mentality is suicidal. They still love Stalin after he killed 20 million of his own people because Stalin made the Russian people seem formidable. The Russians will die before they look like cowards. That's why Putin's only choice is to win territory in Ukraine or drop a nuke. I think WW3 is about to begin. According to Russian newspapers, Putin does too.

South African elections: change or continuity?

It's a fact: the ANC lost badly in the 2024 elections, unlike all the previous ones in which it held sway without any notable rivalry. Memory rent and populism with a taste for fighting against all sorts of chimeras, promises that were never kept, were no longer enough to win over the masses and get them to vote for those who today are more likely to be held responsible for what many South Africans feel is a betrayal. The results today confirm the debacle of the party in power since Mandela. Ramaphosa's ANC is still the country's leading party, but it has been heavily punished, with just 40% of the vote. That's a dry loss of 17 points compared with the 2019 elections. The latter already heralded today's debacle. For the South Africans. The results of the 2019 elections were already a kind of alarm bell... But it was not enough for the expected wake-up call, for the realisation that something had to change. As a result, this year's South African legislative elections will go down in the country's political annals, with some interpreting the results as the expression of a fed-up with the political system imposed since 1994 by the ANC. The results obtained today would require a cohabitation, which is rather unprecedented, as the ANC has governed without sharing power since 1994. The question is, with whom will this coalition be formed? Many are inclined to think that it will be with Zuma; a multi-recidivist who has been convicted many times, he has managed to regain control and revive those nostalgic for the struggle, namely the ANC's armed wing... Umkhonto we Sizwe... known as MK. This ‘new party’ managed to glean 14.9% of the vote, putting it in third place. If it were to join the ANC, this would in fact give the same party, with these two factions, a comfortable majority of just over 55%, a score quite close to that of the ANC in 2019, which was some 57%. If this coalition is formed, South Africa will not have changed and the ANC will have five years in which to either reform the country and get it back on track, or to bog it down further in economic and social problems. The separatists in the Cape region who believe that the country cannot be saved would have more opportunity to make their voices heard. The ruling party's corruption scandals, most recently that of the former Speaker of the National Assembly, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, have certainly had an impact, but not to the extent of bringing about radical change. Jacob Zuma, who was president from 2009 to 2018 and was found guilty, is now back through the window with the support of the ANC's armed wing... This shows that part of society is not sensitive to scandal and votes on the basis of allegiance rather than morality when it comes to the exercise of power. Cyril Ramaphosa, the outgoing president, is fairly certain, according to his own words, of obtaining a majority, as he finds it hard to see all the opposition parties getting on the same side and denying the ANC a majority. In other words, nothing will change in practice. The question then is whether this new coalition situation will find the right answers to the question of endemic unemployment, for example? The turnout of around 60% of the 27 million people called to the polls is almost the lowest since the beginning of the rainbow country's current political experiment. This is another indication of the disenchantment between the 62 million inhabitants and their political model, which no longer reassures them about their future. The flight of capital to neighbouring countries is a strong indication of this disenchantment. The next few days are likely to bring their share of surprises, but will they be enough to really surprise? Here are the final results of these elections • ANC 40.18, • Democratic Alliance (DA) 21.82 • Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) 14.59 • Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) 9.49 • Inkhata Freedom Party (IFP) 3.86 • Patriotic Alliance (PA) 2.06 • Freedom Front (VF) 1.36 • ActionSA 1.18 • African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) 0.60 • United Democratic Movement (UDM) .049 You will have noticed that three of the 10 parties that obtained votes have the word freedom in their names and that three claims to be democrats... This says a lot about the expectations of the South African people and their dreams. In any case, these elections will have an impact on the history of the country and will have repercussions on the whole continent. South Africa is currently the second largest economy in Africa.


Flaming thoughts of sacred infractions, Delicate lines of a spider’s thread, Milk pale phantoms of familiar conformations, Vast libraries of words unsaid. Liquid night, foreign and odd, As color draining from the face of God. Where now is the bright gaze, and the smile burning? Warm sinews of fabled strength never returning?

The future of AI is Small and then Smaller.

We need smaller models, but don't expect big tech to develop them. Current state-of the-art architectures are very inefficient, the cost of training them is getting out of hand, more and more unaffordable for most people and institutions. This effectively is creating a 3 tiers society in AI: 1- Those who can afford model development and training (Big tech mostly). And make *foundation models* for everybody else 2- Those who can only afford the fine tuning of the *foundation models* 3- Those who can only use the fine tuned models through APIs. This is if far from an ideal situation for innovation and development because it effectively creates one producer tier (1) and 2 consumer tiers (2 and 3). It concentrates most of the research and development into tier 1, leaves a little for tier 2 and almost completely eliminates tier 3 from R&D in AI. Tier 3 is most of the countries and most of the people. This also explains why most of the AI startups we see all over the place are at best tier 2, this means that their *Intellectual Property* is low. The barrier to entry for competition is very low, as someone else can easily replicate their product. The situation for tier 3 AI startups is even worst. This is all due to two things: 1- It took almost 20 years for governments and people to realize that AI is coming. In fact they only did it after the fact. The prices for computer hardware (GPUs) where already through the roof and real talent already very rare. Most people still think they need *Data scientists*, in fact they need: AI Researchers, DevOps Engineers, Software Engineers, Machine Learning Engineers, Cloud Infrastructure Engineers, ... The list of specialties is long. The ecosystem is now complex and most countries do not have the right curriculums in place at their universities. 2- The current state-of-the-art models are **huge and extremely inefficient**, they require a lot of compute ressources and electricity. Point number 2 is the most important one. Because if we solve 2, the need for cloud, DevOps, etc... decreases significantly. Meaning we not only solve the problem of training and development cost, we also solve part of the talent acquisition problem. Therefore, it should be the absolute priority: __we need smaller, more efficient models__. But why are current models so inefficient. The answer is simple, the first solution that works is usually not efficient, it just works. We have seen the same things with steam machine and computers. Current transformer based models, for example need several layers of huge matrices that span the whole dictionary. That's a very naive approach, but it works. In a way we still have not surpassed the Deep Learning trope of 15 years ago: Just add more layers. Research in AI should not focus on large language models, it should be focusing on small language models that have results on par with the large ones. That is the only way to keep research and development in AI alive and thriving and open to most. The alternative is to keep using these huge models than only extremely wealthy organisation can make, leading to a concentration of knowledge and to too many tier 2 and tier 3 startups that will lead us to a disastrous pop of the AI investment bubble. However, don't count on Big Tech to develop and popularize these efficient models. They are unlikely to as having a monopoly on AI development is on their advantage as long as they can afford it. Universities, that's your job.

Impending Nuclear Apocalypse

An atomic blast releases three types of radiation: beta particles, neutron radiation, and gamma rays. After a few days the only radiation are neutron radiation and gamma rays from radioactive fallout. It's believed most people outside cities would survive the initial blasts. There will also be a nuclear winter, estimates show it could last from days to a decade, making it extremely difficult to grow food. Everything will be poisoned from fallout. I already have the basics: air filters, water filters, geiger counters, gold, guns, 6 months worth of canned foods, etc. Many would survive up to this point, but come out realizing they have no source of clean water, food, and are already on the brink of death. Most would later die from radiation poisoning, cancer, starvation, or conflict over resources. It's believed that after two years, almost everybody would die. Given the current war in Ukraine and it seemingly not having a resolution, nuclear war is more concerning every year. It is irresponsible to consider something potentially so devastating as irrelevant to our everyday concerns. The fact is that preparing a little can significantly increase your odds of survival and something everyone should do. As much as we don't like to think about it, it could actually happen. **WHERE ARE THE TARGETS?** In the case of a full-blown nuclear exchange, if you live in Europe, The Middle East, North America, Russia, China, Korea, or any countries in proximity, you are at high risk of being a direct nuclear target. The goal of a nuclear exchange isn't to kill as many people as possible in the blasts, but to make the aftermath as hellish as possible for the survivors. Primary targets will be military bases, major cities, and intermediary infrastructure. The aftermath will be absolute anarchy, as people are killed over shoes and canned beans. **WHO'S PREPARED?** There isn't a comprehensive list. Switzerland has fallout shelters to house her entire population. **ARMOR YOURSELF** Conflict over resources will be a major tension in a post-apocalyptic world. You want to protect yourself, not only from the potential of violence, but also radiation exposure. You want to be bulletproof. You want to be radiation resistant. Hydrogenated Boron Nitride Nanotubes (H-BNNTs) are 100x stronger than steel with best-in-class protection against neutron radiation. And unlike other ultra-high-strength materials, H-BNNTs are astonishingly easy to manufacture in bulk and spin into sheets. They're typically used to reinforce other materials and can be purchased in a powdered form for that purpose. What I'm going to do is buy a full body cooling garment as an underlayer and build an exolayer of radiation-resistant plates. It sounds kind of silly, but in a radioactive world you need to protect cover yourself or you will probably get sick and die. This can only be done with impractically heavy layers or by using cutting-edge materials. H-BNNTs are also hydrophobic so radioactive matter won't stick to you. They also self-heal. Another reason this is an absolute must: unless sufficiently protected, nuclear radiation can make you impotent. People will provoke you if you have things. Being resistant to small bullets with armored plates is invaluable. I'll also build a helmet I can screw air filters into. Consider the predicted mortality causes: radiation poisoning, cancer, starvation, or conflict over resources. An armored suit of such specification would effectively protect against radiation poisoning, cancer, and conflict over resources. It's remarkably valuable and there is no substitute. How to make BNNT according to Jun Hee Kim et al.: "Ball milling is a promising technique to synthesize BNNT at industrial scale with low cost. In principle, direct reaction between boron and nitrogen in ambient conditions can be stimulated by introducing defective or amorphous structure in boron starting powders. This transformation is easily done by applying sufficient amount of mechanical energy that is controlled by several parameters such as milling time, and intensity (round per minutes). Therefore, the quantity of BNNT can be immensely produced in a typical run. This process is dependent on the milling time that could be extended to hundreds of hours, and the subsequent annealing of treated boron powder has an essential role in the formation of BNNT." **BE SCARY AF** Suppose your starving and have no weapons. You see someone walking and eating an apple from the bushes. If they don't look armed, you might want to jump them and steal their food. If they're wearing a full bullet-resistant armor suit with a semiautomatic rifle strapped to their back, you might think twice. **SOURCES OF FOOD** What are the best sources of food during the nuclear winter? Your neighbors and pets, and not in the way you'd like to think. You might not be able to grow anything outside. Sourcing energy for a greenhouse will be exceptionally difficult. People will also try to kill you if you do have food. You can mill flour out of cambium, the inner layer of tree bark, to make bark bread. You can also grow mushrooms and nutritional yeast. Dinner a la oyster mushrooms, nutritional yeast, bark bread, and bat meat. Not bad given the circumstances. Other than that, you're pretty much hopeless. There is no easy answer to the problem of finding food. Clean water can be sourced from a well or collected from the condensate of boiling water. **WHERE SHOULD YOU HIDE?** When you learn that nuclear war has been initiated, you should consider the amount of time you have, and go to your basement or another underground dwelling before the blast. It's important to stay underground for a 2-3 weeks, then you can come up and assess the circumstances. Make sure you have a geiger counter to assess your exposure to radiation. **WHO'S IN CHARGE??** The government would collapse. Some places would remain untouched by direct nuclear bombing. Countries in Africa, South America, Australia, South East Asia, Oceania, and of course Antarctica, may remain safe. Getting there would be a top priority. Aid packages may also arrive, but probably not. Every country would be suffering it's own ecological crisis as a result of radioactive material carried by weather. There is also the possibility of haven cities that were not destroyed by blasts through shear luck. READ THE ROAD. Gangs will block the roads to take your things, but if you can't survive by yourself, it would be wise to try to find a haven city. **NUCLEAR FANTASY** Some places could be hit REALLY hard. In America, England, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, and other major targets, it would be a mistake to assume that society will ever be remotely similar. Some people hold out hope for gov aid. It won't be coming. The government will collapse. As Einstein said, WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones

Sport as a sustainable development tool?

Anyone operating in the public sphere is doubly challenged when it comes to sustainable development and social responsibility. Those active in sport are also. It has to be said that the issue of sustainable development is very confused in people's minds. In some countries, the need is for development pure and simple, so that people can live decently, in dignity, with their needs properly met, while benefiting from the wealth of their countries. However, there is a lot of confusion in the messages conveyed by almost all the politicians and various influencers who have taken over the issue without the slightest competence in the field, with a predominance of ideology in their communication, which makes it difficult to understand a subject that is so important. For example, to say that the planet is in danger is just ridiculous. It's humans who are threatened with extinction and a whole host of problems that are likely to arise before they do, if nothing is done to reverse the trend. So isn't it legitimate to openly ask whether carbon offsetting as a solution is a way of keeping the poor poor and the rich comfortable? When I was working in my capacity as a direct manager in sport, the issue of sustainable development was much more concerned with its social rather than its environmental dimension, but it just so happens that sport and athletics in particular, in certain regions of the continent, have made it possible to solve an enormous number of problems by improving the standard of living of individuals. Each time, this improvement has had a positive impact on the immediate environment of the people concerned and sometimes on an even wider circle around that person, at the level of an entire village through the creation of schools, health facilities, means of production and water points. I'm one of those who are convinced that the return and enhancement of customary systems and ancestral traditions - the result of a cultural accumulation over time and history - is extremely important, not in a vision of nostalgia or ‘folklore’, but rather as a source of solutions to current problems. People all over the world have always set up ingenious systems to solve their problems of water supply, conservation and sharing, for example. Pour en revenir aux valeurs actuelles, le sport, sans doute aucun, est un vecteur d'éducation des jeunes filles et des femmes, une école du vivre ensemble, de paix et de diplomatie. Il est du reste le moyen le plus efficace pour la cohésion et l’inclusion sociale, même quand il s’agit de populations carcérales. Dans les années 80 j’avais initié l’activité sportive en faveur des handicapés dans mon pays, ce qui a abouti peu de temps après à la création d’une Fédération Royale Marocaine dédiée. Aujourd’hui au Maroc, la quasi-totalité des catégories de personnes à besoins spécifiques bénéficient d’encadrements sportifs dans des centaines associations and numerous specialist centres. Morocco's achievements in this field are often cited as an example. As a result of this conviction, I am still involved in two major associations dedicated to physical activity and sport for girls and women: the Association Nationale Femme et Activité Physique (National Association for Women and Physical Activity), set up in the early 1980s by Mrs Fatima El Faquir, and the Association Femmes Réalisations et Valeurs (Women's Achievements and Values Association), set up by Mrs Nezha Bidouane. Both of these organisations provide tens of thousands of women with regular, sustained exercise. I also take part quite regularly in activities initiated in prisons, etc. In order for sport to play its role of sustainable and social development properly, there are many things that need to be improved in the training of supervisors. First of all, we need to give priority to academic training in specialised institutions and faculties. Physical activity and sport are highly complex fields. The international federations have done a very poor job of sticking their noses into training. They should focus on qualifications and leave training to the university system. We mustn't forget that sport itself is threatened by climate and environmental risks, but also by a host of abuses that it can undergo or engender. Global warming, for example, is forcing sportsmen and women to adjust their training times, while the lack of water means that certain sports facilities cannot be installed in certain areas (swimming pools, tennis courts, golf courses, etc.). The atmospheric and noise pollution caused by certain sports, the violation of human rights that tarnishes the credibility of certain major sporting events, and the psychological or physical violence inflicted on sportswomen are all threats that weigh heavily and compromise the noble mission of sport. Another major risk here is exploitation, whether financial or physical. I'm thinking here of all those young sportsmen and women who are exploited, lured into a bright future by the promise of good things, in various so-called training centres that obey no demonological rules or ethical codes. I'm also thinking of sexual exploitation, paedophilia, harassment and the sexual exploitation of young girls. There is also the heresy of all these highly polluting activities that call themselves sports... whether directly through the use of powerful engines, rubber, plastic and other harmful components. La violence est également présente au quotidien dans le sport notamment quand les enjeux sont très importants et quand s’y ajoute une dimension exagérée de fanatisme. Racism is also increasingly expressed without embarrassment in the stands by a public increasingly free of moral or legal constraints, with disconcerting impunity. So of course there are actions being taken through what is commonly known today as Safeguarding. Many international federations, including World Athletics, have embarked on this path. Let's wait and see the results of such strategies, but the fact remains that these issues cannot be resolved by simple rules and sanctions. The creation by the United Nations of the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace was certainly conceived with this in mind. The day was proposed by an African, the Moroccan Kamal Lahlou