Think Forward.

French Expedition of Larache 1765 , Tale of a Moroccan Victory

The Seven Years' war has just ended in 1763, considered to be the real 1st world war. It was a deadly and costly war that left all belligerents heavily in debt. For instance this was the main reason that lead to the American War of Independence. During this war, Moroccan pirates harassed French ships, not hesitating to attack merchant ships and lonely warships. The King of France Louis XV tried to buy peace from the Moroccan sultan Mohammed III but faced with failure in negotiations, he decided to launch a punitive expedition against the sultan. He charged the chef d'escadre du Chaffault with this expedition. Du Chaffault set sail in 1765 for the Moroccan coasts at the head of a squadron composed of 16 ships. Count De Grasse, another famous figure, was also in the party. During their journey, they surprised Moroccan pirates hiding at the mouth of the Loukkous river, they managed to destroy a brigantine and 2 other ships that the corsairs had captured the day before using a xebec. The latter managed to take refuge in Larache. The squadron arrived at Salé and began to bombard it. The Moroccans responded with heavy fire using 9 batteries, 4 in Salé-le-Vieux and 5 in Salé-le-Neuf(Rabat). The French had the technological edge, but the Moroccan steady fire prevented the french guns from being accurate. The French abandoned the idea of ​​entering the river alerted, by a nearby Swedish ship, that the Moors are in numbers and on the lookout. The King of Morocco, and his guard was also present in Rabat. Furthermore, the mouth of Bouregreg is narrow and presents an ambush risk. Du Chaffault then decides to find a Moroccan port that is easier to punish. They left for Mamora (Mehdia) but the bad weather and the presence of only one small ship in the river was not enough for the French. They decided afterwards to leave for Larache. During their misty journey, they came face to face with a Senau (img) of Swedish origin, previously captured by the privateers, which was on his way to resupply Salé with ammunition. After his capture Du chaffault sent it to Brest under good escort. In front of Larache, they saw La Sirene, a large French merchant ship taken by the Moors at Cadiz in 1764. The temptation to burn this prize was irresistible. Using a diversionary tactic, they tried to go straight to burn La Sirene but the swell prevented them from doing so. In the meantime, French ships' artillery was able to silence the batteries of Larache citadel. The citadel was built by the Portuguese in order to resist land attacks and not sea ones. Using their longboat, the French launched a 2nd and a 3rd expedition to burn Moroccan ships but with no success. They decided to launch a 4th attack, deeper this time. But the Moroccans had prepared a ruse. They left few ships near the port as baits. They deployed their skirmishers in well hidden positions on both sides of the shore. As the French longboats progressed, they were taken in enfilade by Moroccan fire. More than 4000 Moors surrounded the French and began to approach them. It was a massacre. Between 200 and 450 KIA on the French side. Many of those who tried to flee were drowned, very few managed to escape to their ships. The wounded one were finished with axes and their heads were cut off. The survivors were enslaved and sent to build Mogador(Essaouira). One of the survivors Bidé de Maurville would later write a book: "Relation de l'affaire de Larache". France will later pay a heavy price for the release of the captives. The French navy was humiliated a second time after the Seven Years' War.


The 2nd international conference on phenylketonuria (PKU) was held on November 17-19, 2023, in Marrakech. This event was co-organized by 4 associations: The Moroccan Association for Child and Mother’s Health (AMSEM), HMEMSA (Home of Moroccan Educators and Moroccan Students in America), SOS PKU MAROC, American Moroccan Competencies Network, and the support of the Alliance of Rare Diseases in Morocco (AMRM). INFORMATION AND AWARENESS FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS AS WELL AS PATIENTS AND FAMILIES This event aimed to promote the health of affected people with this disease through education, awareness, and support for research. PKU is a rare hereditary disease responsible, in the absence of diagnosis and early treatment, for psychomotor and mental retardation with serious consequences. The accumulation of an aminoacid (phenylalanine) becomes toxic and destroys the nerve cells in the brain. The only available treatment is a diet based on dietary products with low amounts of phenylalanine, which are, unfortunately, very expensive. Eminent specialists from Morocco, the United States, Canada, and Europe intervened during the first scientific day. The 2nd day “PKU family camp” was dedicated to families, patients, and medical professionals to exchange the right support for parents with PKU patients and the long-life management of these patients. The day will was also an opportunity for the clinician specialists to offer consultations to patients and psycho-educational support to their families. AN AFFLICTION WITH TOO OFTEN IRREVERSIBLE CONSEQUENCES PKU is caused by a disorder in the metabolism of phenylalanine, an aminoacid (protein fragment) present in food, and typically transformed into another aminoacid, tyrosine. The enzyme responsible for this aminoacid conversion is defective in PKU patients. The PKU babies gradually develop mental and psychomotor retardation with symptoms such as seizures, nausea and vomiting, skin rash, hyperactivity, aggression or self-harm, reduced head circumference (microcephaly), lighter skin, eyes and hair (a result of tyrosine deficiency). Children often have a “mousy” or musty odor due to a phenylalanine by product in their urine and sweat. THE DIET IS “AN ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE MISSION.” The child must follow a very strict low-protein diet, where meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, and starchy foods are eliminated until the age of 12, then, depending on the case, relaxed during adolescence. The precarious availability in Morocco and the high cost of specific dietary products (flour, special pasta, complementary solutions, etc.) often mean that children “literally starve” to respect these rules. A box of specific milk for children costs around 500 Dh and is rarely available in Morocco! In addition, a medication that stimulates the breakdown of phenylalanine and helps reduce the diet in some children exists but is also unavailable! In addition to the enormous constraints generated by the disease, families experience a “real struggle” between the high cost and unavailability of treatment! We must underline the significant assistance the association HEMSA in the US provided for shipping dietary products to SOS PKU in Morocco and their continuous advocacy efforts to have PKU recognized in Morocco. A LIFE-SAVING GESTURE BUT UNFORTUNATELY NOT SYSTEMATIZED IN MOROCCO : NEONATAL SCREENING Depending on the country, the disease affects between 1 in 20,000 and 1 in 4,000 newborns. Morocco most likely has a high prevalence due to the high consanguinity in the society, which increases the frequency of this genetic disease. Typically, this disease must be screened systematically in all newborns; the absence of this screening and the early regime results in several thousand children and adults with mental disabilities. This test, carried out using a few drops of blood taken on the 3rd day of life and placed on a blotting paper, would make it possible to avoid these complications. The test already exists in all European and certain Arab countries. CONSULTATION WITH PUBLIC AUTHORITIES Discussions are underway with the Ministry of Health and the various stakeholders for recognizing PKU as a long-term condition, launching a neonatal screening program, and marketing dietary products in Morocco. The event was an an excellent opportunity to sign partnership agreements between AMSEM and SOS PKU MAROC with the Alliance of Rare Diseases in Morocco. This exciting development will undoubtedly pave the way for fruitful collaboration between these organizations, improve and save lives, reduce PKU patients suffering, and provide substantial spill over benefits for maternal, child, and family health. Dr MOUSSAYER KHADIJA الدكتورة خديجة موسيار Chairwoman of Alliance Rare diseases Morocco RESUME EN FRANÇAIS Les 17 et 18 novembre 2023 s’est tenue à Marrakech la 2ème conférence internationale sur la phénylcétonurie (PCU), coorganisée par 4 entités : Association Marocaine pour la Santé de l’Enfant et de la Mère (AMSEM), HMEMSA (Home of Moroccan Educators and Moroccan Students in America), SOS PKU MAROC, American Moroccan Competencies Network et avec le soutien de l’Alliance des Maladies Rares au Maroc (AMRM). Cet évènement avait pour objectif de promouvoir la santé des personnes atteinte à travers l’éducation, la sensibilisation et le soutien à la recherche. La PCU est une maladie rare héréditaire responsable, en absence de diagnostic et de prise en charge précoce, d’un retard psychomoteur et mental aux conséquences graves, à la suite de la destruction des cellules nerveuses du cerveau par l’accumulation toxique d’un acide aminé (phénylalanine). Le seul traitement est un régime alimentaire se basant sur des produits diététiques faibles en phénylalanine, malheureusement très chers. D’éminents spécialistes du Maroc, des Etats Unis, du Canada et d’Europe sont intervenus lors d’une 1ère journée scientifique. La 2ème journée, le « PKU family camp », a été dédiée aux familles, patients et aussi au corps médical pour échanger et faire connaître les bonnes pratiques au quotidien, notamment pour une meilleure efficience du régime.

From 'Yikes!' to 'Yes, Please!': Snake Venom's Medical Magic

Think of snake venom as nature's spicy sauce – it's not just for biting! Each snake mixes its own special blend, some zapping nerves (neurotoxic) and others messing with blood (hemotoxic). But here's the fun twist: this scary snake juice is stirring up some medical magic. Got high blood pressure? Thank pit vipers for Captopril. Clotty blood? Tip your hat to the tiny pygmy rattlesnake for Eptifibatide. Who knew snake venom could go from 'Yikes!' to 'Yes, please!' in the world of medicine?

The Misadventures of a Helpful Bionic Arm

Once there was a man with a bionic arm that had a mind of its own. One day, while dining in a fancy restaurant, his bionic arm suddenly decided to help. It began pouring water, but missed the glass, showering a nearby cat instead. The cat, startled, leaped onto the chandelier. The man, embarrassed, tried to control his arm, but it enthusiastically started serving bread to everyone, including a bewildered dog outside. The chaos ended with a round of applause from the amused diners and a very proud bionic arm, convinced it was the best waiter ever.

The adventures of Billy (part 1)

Billy liked driving his car To see his friends who lived afar Billy's driving wasn't intricate He never forgot to indicate Except sometimes at roundabouts His indicator would mess about And so did Billy wonder Was it for worse or for better That he should think less But to endure the stress Of never knowing which Turn would make it glitch And so did billy wonder And so did billy wonder

The Ideal

As the biggest ape was at his desk, a small child approached him. He was tiny, much smaller than children his age with clear, sparkling eyes. -"What are you doing", said the child. -"I am writing a book", said the biggest ape. -"About what?" -"The ideal." The child paused a minute, thinking. -"Are you the ideal?" -"No." -"Have you seen it?" -"No." "Then how can you write about something you don't know?" The biggest paused and laughed. -"That is the nature of the ideal.", said the biggest ape. "It can always be perceived, but never seen. When you call upon it, it comes. Never fully, never for long. When you've been touched by it, it is your duty to keep some of it's sent about you." Turning towards the child he added. -"This is how you call the ideal: you think about it, you perceive it and you write about it. So others as well might be touched by it". -"I understand." Thus spake the child.

Four keys to create supervised learning model

Supervised learning is a strategy in machine learning that enables a model to learn from data without being explicitly programmed. In other words, in supervised learning, the model tries to find the relationship between the "input" X and the "output" Y. Therefore, the first key to creating a supervised learning model is the dataset. **Key 1 : Dataset** Having a labeled dataset is essential, including two important types of information: the target variable Y, which is what we want to predict, and the explanatory variable X, which are the factors that help us make predictions. Let's take an example: imagine we want our model to predict the weather (Y) based on factors like temperature, humidity, and wind speed (X). To do this, we gather a dataset with information from the past, where we already know both the weather outcomes (Y) and the corresponding factors (X). This dataset acts like a box of puzzle pieces. Each piece represents one of the factors, and finding the relationship between these pieces defines the weather. We can represent this relationship as a mathematical equation, like this: Y = F(X), where F represents our model. Therefore, the second key is the Model. **Key 2: Model** The fundamental model in supervised machine learning is a linear model expressed as y = ax + b. However, the real world often presents nonlinear problems. In such cases, we explore non-linear models, such as a polynomial of degree two like y = ax² + bx + c, or even of degree three, and beyond. It's crucial to understand that each model has parameters requiring adjustment during training. Consequently, the two remaining critical components are the cost function and the optimization algorithm. **Key 3 : Cost Function** In machine learning, a cost function, also called a loss or objective function, quantifies the gap between the target and predicted values, signifying the model's error. The aim is to minimize this error to craft the most effective model. **Key 4 : Optimizer** Optimizer forms the core of a machine learning model, representing the strategy to discover parameter values that minimize the cost function. It plays a crucial role in fine-tuning the model for optimal performance.

Part 5/5: PhD - The Eternal Optimist: Next Time Will Be Different (But Not Really)

PhD Students: Where Schedules are Fiction and Coffee is King! "Colorful Calendars, Doomed to Fail": PhD students craft rainbow schedules, thinking this time it'll stick. Spoiler: It doesn't. "Surprise! More Work": Just when they think they've got it sorted, in swoops an email with a 'fun' new task. So long, free time! "Becoming a Night Creature": Who needs sunlight? The real magic happens at 2 AM, fueled by the glow of a laptop screen. "Coffee: The New Water": PhD students don't just drink coffee; they breathe it. It's not a choice; it's survival. "Procrastination Olympics": Watch as they masterfully avoid work by reorganizing sock drawers. Followed by panic-induced hyper-productivity. "Time, What's That?": One minute it's Monday; next, it's deadline day. Time flies when you're... panicking. "Free Time? Sounds Fake": When they do get a break, they're too puzzled to enjoy it. Ends up napping with books as pillows. "Deadline Superhero Mode": Everything gets done in a last-minute frenzy. How? Magic (and maybe a bit of crying). "Post-Deadline Amnesia": Once it's over, they forget the chaos and swear to never repeat it. Narrator: "They will." "Next Time Will Be Different": The eternal PhD mantra. Hope springs eternal, but so does the chaos. Basically, PhD students are like superheroes who fight the villains of procrastination and deadlines with the power of caffeine and last-minute panic. "Running on coffee and a questionable understanding of time management!"