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6th African Crosscountry Championships, Hammamet Tunisia 25th Feb 2024

Part 2 Team and mixed relay results Bip Name Nat. Time Points 10 km men 1. Kenya 15 1. 37 VINCENT KIBET Langat KEN 00:28:31,28 1 2. 36 NAIBEI KIPLIMO Mayabei KEN 00:28:40,27 2 5. 41 VINCENT Kimaiyo KEN 00:29:04,10 5 7. 40 BRIAN KIPTOO Bushendich KEN 00:29:14,23 7 2. Ethiopia 27 3. 13 GEMECHU DIDA Diriba ETH 00:28:57,23 3 6. 15 ADISU NEGASH Wake ETH 00:29:12,34 6 8. 12 DINKALEM AYELE Adane ETH 00:29:15,07 8 10. 16 ENYEW NIGAT Tamen ETH 00:29:30,25 10 3. Uganda 46 4. 116 CHEBET Abel UGA 00:29:01,81 4 11. 121 KIPROTICH Levi UGA 00:29:33,88 11 12. 118 MUTAI Ezekiel UGA 00:29:47,20 12 19. 119 CHEPTOEK Elijah UGA 00:30:40,12 19 4. Morocco 73 14. 79 TORISS Hassan MAR 00:30:03,19 14 18. 77 AKKAOUI Mustapha MAR 00:30:32,35 18 20. 78 OUTADHA Hicham MAR 00:30:46,54 20 21. 76 OUTALHA Mohcine MAR 00:30:47,42 21 5. Algeria 85 16. 4 BENKERDAGH Youcef ALG 00:30:10,08 16 22. 2 EL HANNACHI Nabil ALG 00:30:54,00 22 23. 6 BOUCHICHA Hichem ALG 00:31:01,00 23 24. 5 ADOUCHE Youcef ALG 00:31:03,39 24 6. Tunisia 111 15. 101 JHINAOUI Mohamed Amine TUN 00:30:09,64 15 31. 105 ASSADI Makrem TUN 00:32:46,16 31 32. 103 SLIMENI Oussama TUN 00:33:20,45 32 33. 104 SOUISSI Nassim TUN 00:34:05,97 33 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 10km wemen 1. Kenya 13 1. 45 CHEPNGENO Cintia KEN 00:32:31,04 1 2. 48 NYAMBURA Virginia KEN 00:32:33,45 2 4. 49 MONGARE Gladys Kwamboka KEN 00:33:10,18 4 6. 50 CHEBET Caren KEN 00:33:39,84 6 2. Ethiopia 28 3. 19 AZIMERAW Asires Degitu ETH 00:33:03,95 3 5. 20 DESSIE Genaneh Anchinalu ETH 00:33:25,87 5 9. 21 SEWAGEGN Gelaw Yalga ETH 00:34:06,21 9 11. 128 AZALE Fantaye Belayneh ETH 00:35:08,01 11 3. Morocco 60 13. 84 BOUAGGAD Hanane MAR 00:35:41,14 13 14. 82 QALLOUJ Hanane MAR 00:35:58,78 14 16. 86 KAHHAZ Kaoutar MAR 00:36:28,76 16 17. 87 AAFIR Fatima MAR 00:36:37,80 17 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 8km U20 Male 1. Kenya 10 1. 61 KIPNGETICH Gideon KEN 00:23:16,34 1 2. 65 RUTO Joash Kiprotich KEN 00:23:17,31 2 3. 60 KIPROTICH Titus KEN 00:23:18,02 3 4. 63 MAYWA Simon KEN 00:23:21,96 4 2. Ethiopia 29 5. 35 HAGOS EYOBE Gared ETH 00:23:24,85 5 7. 33 ABDISA FAYISA Gutama ETH 00:23:35,98 7 8. 32 SEMACHW SEWNET Worku ETH 00:23:46,85 8 9. 30 SEYOUM BEHARU Regasa ETH 00:24:03,43 9 3. Morocco 57 12. 93 ERRADOUANI Oussama MAR 00:24:24,53 12 14. 95 AAOURDOU Ilyas MAR 00:24:30,05 14 15. 97 EL MOBARAKY Mohamed MAR 00:25:18,51 15 16. 96 AACHOUR Abdelwahed MAR 00:25:29,73 16 4. Libye 95 22. 122 BEN SALAH Muad LBA 00:29:42,87 22 23. 123 ABOURAS Asil Amer Mabrouk LBA 00:29:55,78 23 24. 124 HIBU Abdoussalam LBA 00:31:12,70 24 26. 129 MOHAMED RADDOU Mustapha LBA 00:32:42,61 26 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 6km U20 girls 1. Ethiopia 10 1. 24 DIRIBA ROBE Dida ETH 00:20:59,33 1 2. 26 ADEMAS YENENESH Shimket ETH 00:21:00,18 2 3. 28 DAGNAW TINEBEB Asres ETH 00:21:00,56 3 4. 27 YADETI MEKEDES Alemeshete ETH 00:21:02,16 4 2. Kenya 32 6. 56 CHEPKOECH Judy KEN 00:21:03,68 6 7. 54 JEPNGETICH Marion KEN 00:21:05,03 7 9. 57 WAMBUI Lucy Nduta KEN 00:21:09,09 9 10. 58 CHEPKEMOI Sharon KEN 00:21:11,62 10 3. Morocco 58 13. 90 IBN ABDEL MATEY Housna MAR 00:22:04,35 13 14. 92 EL BOUZI Saida MAR 00:22:23,40 14 15. 88 BALI Khadouj MAR 00:22:23,98 15 16. 91 IBN ABDEL MATEY Hassana MAR 00:22:28,69 16 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mixed relay Rang Nom Prénom Nat. Temps Relais Mixte 1. EDWIN KIPRONO , NSIZA WINFRED Mutai Victor, Miriam Cherip Kenya 00:23:29,13 2. URGESA TEDDESE LEMI, SHANQO BURGUDA ADUNA Embye Adehena Kasaye, Danbobi Dahdi Dube Éthiopie 00:23:46,41 3. RIZQY HAFID, IKRAM OUAZIZ Tindoufl Mohamed, Farkoussi Kawtar Maroc 00:23:49,57 4. RIADH CHENINI, RIHAB DHARI Abdessalem Ayouni, Marwa Bouzayani Tunisie 00:24:55,05

XR Voice (Moroccan Dialectal)

XR Voice is an initiative aimed at bridging the gap between scientific research and professional expertise. Recognizing that the advancement of scientific inquiry begins with elevating awareness within the professional realm, XR Voice seeks to gather insights from experts across various fields. By listening to the voices of professionals and their perspectives, this platform aims to explore how scientific research can enhance and refine diverse domains of expertise. Through this collaboration, XR Voice endeavors to catalyze a symbiotic relationship where cutting-edge research not only informs but actively elevates the standards and practices within the professional world. By attentively considering the perspectives of professionals, this platform endeavors to explore how scientific research can enrich and refine various domains of expertise. Through collaborative engagement, XR Voice seeks to cultivate a symbiotic relationship wherein cutting-edge research not only informs but actively elevates the standards and practices within professional contexts. This mission is underpinned by the fundamental belief that all development begins with a deepened awareness and appreciation of scientific inquiry. Furthermore, this concept encourages experts to utilize Moroccan dialectal Arabic whenever feasible, fostering inclusivity and cultural resonance within the discourse. “No country has ever prospered without first building its capacity to anticipate, trigger and absorb economic and social change through scientific research.” Dr. El Mostafa Bourhim

Life is in the blood.

Dark was the night. **Cold was the ground, and wet.** One stormy night, the biggest ape took refuge from the lashes of the rain beneath a magnificent oak tree. *"Magnificent"* thought the biggest ape as he gazed the upon the branches stretching far and wide. The night was cold, some cold drops still found their way to his back. But right here, sitting on the biggest root, the biggest ape was at peace. All he had to do is wait. Two men appeared from each side of the road. One from the east, the other form the west. "Can I join?", said the main from the east. "May I sit?", said the man from the west. *Yes*, nodded the biggest ape. The men sat. The man from the east opened a small wooden box revealing exquisitely made little figurines. He bowed down an started to pray. The other man took a book out of his bag. A red book with a shining blue sword on the cover. And started to read. When the first man had finished, the second one said: "I see you are religious man." - "I am, I see you do not believe in the gods." Answered he, pointing at the book. - "I do not. I believe in the power of reason. Man has no need for supersistitions." - "Reason is limited. How can you speak thus, have you never made a mistake in your life." - "Have your gods answered all your prayers." Both men remained silent as they looked at each other. - "What say you, ape?" Said the man from the east. Looking at the figurines in the man's box, he answered, his deep voice echoing the rumbles of the skies: *"They have eyes, yet they do not see. They have hands, yet they do not make. They have mouths yet do not speak."* Then turning towards the others man's book, he paused. *"Your sword has two edges, yet it does not cut."* *"Life is the blood"*, said the biggest as he was making his leave. *Life is in the blood.* Thus spake Apathustra.

A new version with minor updates.

Hello everyone! Last week we released a new version of Bluwr. The website looks almost the same, but we have: - Simplified the login page by removing the photo (it caused some display errors on some phone) - Made the **Follow buttons** clearer, to make it easier to know if you are following someone - Fixed an error that caused the number of Bluws to not appear in the analytics table - Fixed some typos on the french website Everyday we strive to make Bluwr better. Thank you for being here! The Bluwr Team

The Impact of Big Five Personality Traits on Augmented Reality Acceptance Behavior: An Investigation in the Tourism Field

Along with the rapid development of the Internet and mobile devices, the integration of augmented reality (AR) in the tourism sector has become very popular. Utilizing the Big five model (BFM) as the theoretical framework, the study examines the role of personality in influencing the behavioral intention (BI) to use mobile augmented reality in the tourism sector (MART). The study further investigates the role of personal innovativeness (PIV) in determining tourists’ behavioral intentions to use MART. Quantitative research was carried out to test the conceptual model. This paper strengthened the analysis by implementing PLS-SEM method using data collected from 374 participants. The study results demonstrated that openness to experience (OPN) is a strong predictor of MART use. In addition, agreeableness (AGR), conscientiousness (CONs), extraversion (EX), neuroticism (NR), and personal innovativeness (PIV) have all significant and positive impacts on behavioral intention (BI) to use MART. The present research purpose was to investigate the BFM variables with regards to MART use. The research also examined the contribution of PIV in explaining the BI to use MART. By employing PLS-SEM to tackle the primary study question. The current work makes a significant advance in MART use research. Empirically, the findings achieved are consistent with the BFM. Based on the outcomes of this research, all relationships have been assessed as being statistically relevant. Moreover, PIV positively influences the use of MART. The BI to use MART was positively impacted by AGR (H1: β = 0.128), CON (H2: β = 0.108), EX (H3: β = 0.124), NR (H4: β = 0.322), and OPN (H5: β = 0.169). This implies that users are expected to exhibit a strong BI to use MART when they are agreeable, conscious, extroverted, neurotic, and open to experiences. Additionally, the outcomes of the present paper also significantly upheld the association between PIV and the BI to use MART. Path analysis was found to be significant and positive (H6: β = 0.156); the result states that innovative tourists will intend to use MART. The important limitations are a higher risk of overlooking ‘real’ correlations and sensitivity to the scaling of the descriptor variables.

Reshaping Sport with Extended Reality in an Era of Metaverse: Insights from XR the Moroccan Association Experts

Extended reality (XR) is becoming a growing technology used by athletes, trainers, and other sports professionals. Despite the rapid growth of XR, its application in sports remains largely unexplored. This study is designed to identify and prioritize factors affecting the implementation of XR in Moroccan sports science institutes. To achieve this, the study employs the A’WOT methodology, a hybrid multi-criteria decision method combining the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) technique with the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Through expert group discussions, the study identifies and categorizes the factors affecting XR implementation into SWOT groups. Subsequently, the AHP methodology is employed to determine the relative importance of each factor by conducting interviews with a panel of sports and XR experts. The study’s findings, obtained through the A’WOT methodology, establish a ranking of the fundamental factors for successful XR implementation in Moroccan sports science institutes. The findings suggested that a strategic approach for implementing XR technology in Morocco needs to be driven principally by a combined approach based on the SWOT opportunities and strengths groups. The present study investigates the benefits, challenges and opportunities of XR technology in Moroccan sports science institutes based on the SWOT-AHP framework. The strengths and opportunities ratings based on XR The Moroccan Association perspectives are positively inter-preferred for XR technology. Thus, based on this research, the framework provided can be interpreted as a roadmap for supporting the development of the strategic implementation of XR technology in Moroccan sport science institutes, while providing more credible information for decision-makers in the overall process. An in-depth analysis of the findings enables us to conclude that the strategic implementation of XR technology in Moroccan sports science institutes has to be driven principally by the opportunities factors that could assist in overcoming the identified main weaknesses and threats, along with maximizing the strengths. Following these guidelines, decision-makers are expected to initiate a range of activities in order to establish the right external environment in which opportunities can be fully exploited to tackle the principal weaknesses and threats revealed by the analysis. This research provides strong evidence for XR deployment in the sense that it reflects the views of XR The Moroccan Association practitioners and researchers on XR technology.

Awaiting You

Royal Gambit is an annual event organized by the Cogitaria realm to select its new king. The game involves a chess match between two participants: the candidate and the reigning king. The coveted prize is a tiger mask crown, symbolizing royal authority. The victor ascends to the throne as the new king, while the defeated succumbs to their demise. For over decades, the throne of Cogitaria has remained unchallenged, as fear of the perilous stakes in the Royal Gambit game dissuades potential contenders. Each year, the reigning king eagerly awaits a challenger, yet no brave soul steps forward to partake in the high-stakes game, leaving the kingdom in a prolonged state of suspense. However, amidst this prolonged era of unchallenged rule, an exception emerged during one of the annual Cogitaria festivals dedicated to selecting the new king through the Royal Gambit. A stranger, passing through the realm, caught wind of the festivities that had lingered for more than a week, awaiting a candidate brave enough to face the reigning monarch. Intrigued by the mysterious allure of the event, the stranger decided to step into the fray. As the chessboard opened after decades of dormancy, each piece took its rightful place, setting the stage for the Royal Gambit to commence. The chess pieces clicked and clacked, echoing the strategic dance that would ultimately decide the kingdom's destiny. With a masterful stroke, the stranger executed a climactic checkmate, the chess pieces freezing in place as the kingdom held its breath. Victory was claimed, and the once-elusive tiger mask crown now adorned the head of the triumphant stranger. *“Every narrative in life has its genesis and conclusion. Time is the only constant, and no one is immortal within their kingdom. The realm awaits the stranger's next move, recognizing that even in victory, the cycle of change and challenge remains an inevitable force.”* Inspired by this image :

The Death of Liberalism: Nature and the Steppe

Liberalism has failed. The liberal paradigm, which began during the Enlightenment, is collapsing. We are at the end of a great civilizational cycle. Another dark age is upon us. But out of this dark age will emerge afresh the doctrine of nature, and new barbarians to revitalize the West and direct it towards a new destiny. The fundamental failure of liberalism is that it does not address the problem of nature, and it moreover conceals it with the idea of natural rights, when no such thing exists. Failing to recognize the fundamental laws of nature and concealing them with idealistic human laws of convention is one of the most fatal errors a civilization can make, and may in fact be why all civilizations fall. The Greeks devoted much of their philosophy to the relationship between Physis, nature, and Nomos, law. Yet the idea of nature, the discovery of nature, is quite rare throughout human history. In Selective Breeding and the Birth of Philosophy, Costin Alamariu argues that the idea of nature emerges out of a “refinement, abstraction, or radicalization of the aristocratic way of life and of the principle that underlies aristocratic life and the aristocratic worldview.” He writes, “When the idea of nature merged, it did so in opposition to convention or ‘custom.’ Cows graze, wolves hunt by nature; but different tribes of people deal differently with the dead—cremation, burial, etc.—by custom or convention. It is a notion distinctly similar to our ‘nature versus nurture’ or ‘nature versus culture’ or ‘nature versus social construct.’ The question of what was ‘by nature’ or ‘by convention’ animated much of Greek intellectual life, and had important political meaning, for example, with the aristocratic party generally favoring the side of nature and the democratic party generally favoring the side of convention. In the first chapter I try to explain how a rudimentary idea of nature could have emerged out of the ‘primitive’ or ‘prehistoric’ mind, out of the mind as ruled exclusively by ancestral convention or custom.” He later continues, “The answer is that it could not. The moment us discovery of nature—which is the precondition of both philosophy and science—is the preserve of one very unusual people, the ancient Greeks, and, long thereafter, those parts of Europe where Hellenistic civilization was promoted, first by Rome, and later in a considerably modified form in Christianity and various Christian states that had inherited some of the roman institutions.” The idea of nature emerged in the late stages of Athenian aristocracy, as a response to the aristocracies many critics; as a solidification and abstraction of the aristocratic worldview. But we then must ask the origins of the aristocratic worldview. As we have talked about at length on this channel, the first aristocracies were formed out of nomadic, pastoralist peoples conquering sedentary farmer populations and imposing their hierarchies and worldview upon them. This means that the aristocratic worldview, and the first seeds of the idea of nature, was born among pastoralists peoples. The sedentary, tribal life of the farmer is ruled by convention and custom, and he is therefore unable to separate what behaviors he has inherited through custom or religion and which through biology and nature. However, a nomadic people would have been able to observe a great many peoples and their differing way of life, allowing them to see the behaviors which remain consistent across the species and formulate a rudimentary idea of ‘human nature.’ Further, the harsh conditions of the nomadic way of life, which relied on the breeding of strong herds, and later, the domestication and breeding of horses, would have made ideas of heredity and breeding, of nature and biology, especially important. Darwin’s natural selection would have been self-evident: only the strong—the fittest specimens—survive the harsh life on the steppe. And sexual selection would have been just as evident: if the fittest specimens are bred, they will improve the quality of the herd over time and even lead to behavior alterations, like the domestication of horses.