Think Forward.


She held on her the life struggle with grace Time to time and over, breaks made haste Tears wet ran down her face But she prevailed and found her way Loving herself and letting her dark thoughts stay In the moments the task at hand, she has nothing to worry and believes she can In the end after time has passed She will look back and have a laugh and remember the times tough and true We are not our thoughts ----------- we are what we do

"Perfect Mistakes"

You cannot make mistakes They are perfect moments to the art of your life You cannot have perfection Because it's the flaws that make you the most beautiful

"The Ones"

We crave “the ones” that need salvation We crave “the ones” that face starvation Not for saving or comforting our souls The wall “the ones” they climb, brings them to us We are the rope, the strong rope they need. Tattered, frayed and a little torn but able to hold giants


One of those sunless nights My feet planted firmly in the sky I will call your name Meandering through the stars See if gravity pulls us apart You might forget my soul An event without horizon Drink the poison of my hope I will swallow my reason He who wanted to elope In a supernova

Angioedema: "From localized swelling attacks to potentially fatal asphyxia"

Angioedemas are characterized by an accumulation of fluid in the mucous membranes and skin resulting in swelling of the face, limbs or genitals.They may carry a risk of asphyxiation when the throat is affected. ANGIOEDEMA OF ALLERGIC ORIGIN In the vast majority of cases, it is an angioedema of allergic origin, about 20% of the population are affected at some point in their life. Often associated with an urticaria, it can be caused by food, insect bite or drug. The treatment of this histamine angioedema is based on corticosteroids and antihistamine drugs. In the most severe cases (quincke's oedema), adrenaline is essential to avoid anaphylactic shock (spread of allergy throughout the body). THE HEREDITARY ANGIOEDEMA Angioedema may have another cause, often unknown : it is the hereditary bradykinic angioedema. This rarer form occurs most often during childhood or adolescence, edema develops gradually and recidivally in a few hours and persists for an average of 2 to 5 days and disappears without sequelae. The frequency and severity of seizures vary according to the patients and for the same patient according to the periods of life. Certain events such as dental procedures, infections, stress, pregnancy ... are the triggering factors of the crisis. The swelling may affect the abdomen, causing severe pain, nausea and vomiting as well as diarrhea. Laryngeal edema is life-threatening with a 25% risk of death in the absence of appropriate treatment. Even more rarely, bradykinetic angioedema exists in an acquired non-hereditary form, usually occurring in adults over 50 years of age and subsequent to another disease (autoimmune or cancerous) or to certain drugs such as antihypertensive drugs of the family of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors or antidiabetic agents.. The treatment of bradykin angioedema attacks is based on the use of drugs that are not yet available in Morocco (subcutaneous injections of icatibant or intravenous C1Inh concentrate). Tranexamic acid or danazol are basic treatments for the disease. THE MOROCCAN ASSOCIATION OF ANGIOEDEMA The Moroccan Association of Angioedema Patients (AMMAO), chaired by Mr. Imad Elaouni, was created in February 2018 by civil society people and members of the medical and paramedical profession with the aim providing information and awareness to the population about these pathologies as well as the unification of the efforts and the assistance to lend to the people suffering from them. Professor Laurence Bouillet, Professor of Internal Medicine and coordinator of the national reference center on angioedema in France, is the honorary president. AMMAO is also a member of the global network of angioedema -HAEI. -Dr Moussayer Khadija, medical doctor in internal medecine, chairwoman of the alliance of rare diseases in Morocco, vice-president of the Moroccan Association of Angioedema Patients (AMMAO), BIBLIOGRAPHIE - Isabelle Boccon-Gibod , Laurence Bouillet, MD , Clement Olivier, Clinical Characteristics of Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) Type III Patients Compared with Those with HAE Type I/II , JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 26/01/13, Doi : 10.1016/j.jaci.2012.12.791 - Laurence Bouillet, Diagnostic des angioedèmes héréditaires, La Presse Médicale, Volume 44, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 52-56, ISSN 0755-4982, - Khadija Moussayer, Les angioedèmes en débat à Casablanca le 19 janvier 2019, Mescursus 29 Décembre 2018. - Khadija Moussayer, On estime que 2.000 personnes sont touchées par les angioedèmes bradykiniques au Maroc, Le Matin ma, 4 janvier 2024 EL ANGIOEDEMA : "Desde los ataques de hinchazón localizados hasta la asfixia potencialmente mortal" El Angioedema se caracteriza por una acumulación de líquido en las mucosas y en la piel, lo que produce unhinchazón e inflamación de la cara, de las extremidades o de los genitales. Puede poner en peligro la vida del paciente, cuando afecta a la vía aérea. En la gran mayoría de los casos, es un angioedema de origen alérgico. Afecta a aproximadamente el 20% de la población en algún momento de su vida, y esta a menudo asociado a la presencia de una urticaria. Puede ser causado por un alimento, una picadura de insecto o un medicamento. El angioedema histamínicose trata concorticosteroides y antihistamínicos. En los casos más graves (edema de Quincke), la adrenalina constituye el tratamiento de elección para evitar el shock anafiláctico. Otra causa del angioedema, a menudo desconocida en Marruecos es : el angioedema bradiquínico hereditario. Se trata de una forma rara que ocurre con mayor frecuencia durante la infancia o la adolescencia. Los pacientes presentan edemas recurrentes que duran de 2 a 5 días y que desaparecen sin secuelas. Los episodios o ataques de la enfermedad se producen de forma impredecible y varían de un paciente a otro. Se conocen una serie de factores que pueden desencadenar los ataques como los procedimientos dentales, las infecciones de la esfera ORL, el estrés, el embarazo ... El hinchazón puede incluso afectar al abdomen, provocando dolores intensos, náuseas y vómitos, así como diarrea. El edema laríngeo es potencialmente mortal, con un riesgo de muerte del 25% en ausencia de un tratamiento adecuado. Una forma aún más rara es el angioedema bradiquínico adquirido no hereditario, cual ocurre generalmente en adultos mayores de 50 años, y es consecuencia de otra enfermedad (autoinmune o cancerosa) o de ciertos medicamentos como los antihipertensivos de la familia de losinhibidores de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina (IECA) o los antidiabéticos. El tratamiento de los ataques de angioedema bradiquínico consiste en el uso de medicamentos que aún no están disponibles en Marruecos (inyecciones subcutáneas de icatibant o administración intravenosa de concentrados de INH-C1). El ácido tranexámico o el danazol constituyen tratamientos de fondode la enfermedad.

Mastering the Art of Persuasion: Boost Your Interpersonal Communication Skills

This article presents a complete method for improving interpersonal communication through five separate strategies. The first intervention consists of active listening workshops, which emphasize the development of skills such as active listening, question framing, and paraphrasing. The second program focuses on empathy-building exercises, which use interactive activities, role-playing scenarios, and real-life experiences to foster empathy. The third component, Cultural Sensitivity Training, aims to provide learners with the information and abilities they need to navigate numerous communication landscapes by recognizing nonverbal clues and understanding different communication styles. Furthermore, as the fourth intervention, the study provides conflict resolution workshops, which provide practical skills and strategies for resolving disagreements constructively. Participants learn how to identify core reasons, effectively communicate concerns, and work on mutually beneficial solutions. Finally, through Mindfulness in Communication workshops, the fifth technique is incorporating mindfulness practices into communication. Deep breathing, meditation, and remaining present in talks are all addressed as ways to boost self-awareness and intentional communication. This multidimensional approach is intended to provide individuals with the skills and awareness needed for effective communication in a variety of personal and professional circumstances. Since 2009, I have gained practical experience in the field of interpersonal communication training, which has allowed me to develop these models.     I- Active Listening Workshops: Hold workshops or training sessions to improve your active listening skills. Many communication problems stem from misunderstanding the other person's point of view. Teach participants how to listen carefully, ask clarifying questions, and paraphrase to ensure they accurately understand the speaker's message. Active listening, an often overlooked skill in interpersonal communication, is the foundation of lasting connections. The Active Listening Workshops have been painstakingly constructed to transform this talent from a passive pastime into an art form. Participants are immersed in a dynamic learning environment in which they not only hear words but also identify the underlying emotions and intentions underlying the message. Individuals are coached through a series of interactive exercises to fine-tune their ability to ask probing questions that elicit deeper insights and understanding. To ensure that the listener fully understands the speaker's intended message, paraphrasing techniques are provided. The sessions go below the surface of communication, emphasizing the value of nonverbal clues and subtle nuances that frequently express more than words alone. 2. Empathy-Building Exercises: Develop activities that foster empathy among individuals. This could include role-playing scenarios, storytelling sessions, or even volunteering opportunities. By understanding and appreciating the feelings of others, people can develop stronger interpersonal connections. Empathy-building exercises represent a unique synergy between a friendly, approachable demeanor and the rigor of scientific inquiry. By creating a warm and inviting atmosphere, participants are encouraged to embark on a journey of emotional exploration. Through purposeful activities and real-world scenarios, individuals engage in a shared experience that transcends mere understanding, fostering a genuine connection with the emotions of others. 3. Cultural Sensitivity Training: In our diverse world, understanding and respecting different cultures is crucial for effective communication. Organize training sessions to raise awareness about cultural differences, non-verbal cues, and communication styles. This can help individuals navigate cross-cultural interactions with greater ease. In our interconnected global society, effective communication necessitates a nuanced understanding of cultural diversity. Cultural Sensitivity Training stands as an imperative initiative, offering participants a comprehensive framework to navigate the intricate tapestry of cross-cultural communication. 4. Conflict Resolution Workshops: Conflict is inevitable, but effective resolution is a skill that can be learned. Offer workshops on conflict resolution techniques, teaching participants how to identify issues, express their concerns constructively, and work towards mutually beneficial solutions. This can significantly improve workplace dynamics and personal relationships. In the intricate dance of human relationships, conflicts are inevitable, yet the manner in which they are navigated can profoundly impact the fabric of interpersonal dynamics. Conflict Resolution Workshops are designed as a strategic intervention, providing participants with a robust toolkit to transform conflicts from sources of discord into catalysts for constructive growth. 5-Mindfulness in Communication: Amidst the clamor of modern life, where distractions abound and conversations often teeter on the precipice of haste, the integration of mindfulness into communication emerges as a transformative paradigm. Mindfulness in Communication sessions are crafted as sanctuaries of self-awareness and intentional engagement, offering participants a reprieve from the tumultuous cadence of contemporary interaction. At the heart of these sessions lie practices such as deep breathing, meditation, and the cultivation of present-moment awareness. Participants are gently guided to observe their thoughts and emotions without judgment, fostering a heightened consciousness of their own communicative patterns. By infusing mindfulness into the very fabric of communication, individuals learn to anchor themselves in the present during interactions. This deliberate presence not only enhances the quality of listening but also empowers speakers to express themselves with clarity and authenticity. These sessions extend beyond the immediate realm of communication, transcending into the broader landscape of emotional regulation. As participants develop a capacity for mindfulness, they gain a profound understanding of the intricate interplay between thoughts and words, fostering a sense of calm and poise even in challenging conversations. The impact of mindfulness in communication is far-reaching. Beyond individual empowerment, it contributes to the creation of communication environments characterized by patience, understanding, and empathy. In a world inundated with information and noise, these sessions stand as beacons, guiding individuals toward a more intentional and harmonious approach to interpersonal connection. For more information about my coaching check the link below.

The Conqueror of Worlds

Years ago, the biggest ape heard of a conqueror who carved a great empire out of an entire planet. - "It's only a legend" some people would say, "no such man could ever exist". Others would believe in his existence but not in his deeds: - "No such man could ever exist", they would also say. - "A blood-thirsty, thug" said one intellectual. "It's a good thing we no longer have to deal with such people." - "When he died", he continued, "His last command was to be buried at a secret place, and anyone who buried him murdered." -"Any indications as to that place?", asked the biggest ape. -"Nothing making sense.", said the intellectual. "He is said to be buried at the threshold. Where the mountain, meets the sea. Halfway between man and beast. Only where the eternal sun shines. To get there you would have to close your eyes and follow a narrow path by the moonlight. When the sun rises, you would see if you followed the right path. Then with everything revealed, you would face your Judgment". -"Hum.", grunted the biggest ape. Weeks later, the biggest ape was sitting at the burial place. Staring at the ancient tombstone in deep contemplation. *"May they doubt my deeds and that I ever walked amongst men, so only the worthy may believe"* Putting the dirt back on the stone, the biggest ape arose. "Rest, wise one." Thus spake Apathustra.

Don't Extinguish my Flame

*Authors : Tima EL & Khalil Z.* **In the enchanted realm of Celestria, where every soul possesses a mystical flame known as "Eclipsis," the sky dances with the collective radiance of its people. Amidst this luminous symphony, a shadowy force emerges—a darkness that hungers to shroud the brilliance of these magical flames.** Enter the Shadowvores, inhabitants of Celestria who are denied the embrace of Eclipsis. Instead, they bear formidable and robust bodies, enhancing their strength by absorbing and extinguishing the radiant Eclipsis flames of others. They embody the antithesis of Celestria, disrupting the delicate balance upheld by the natural ebb and flow of magical flames. With each extinguished Eclipsis flame, the once-vibrant light of Celestria wanes. At the heart of Celestria lies the Arcane Ember, the source of all Eclipsis flames. The people of Celestria engage in an eternal struggle against the Shadowvores, who crave this magical ember, bestowing absolute power upon its possessor. One fateful day, the Shadowweavers decide to launch a collective assault on the Celestrians, intent on seizing the Arcane Ember—the fount of unparalleled power. The consequence is grave: all the valiant inhabitants of Celestria succumb to the relentless onslaught. Remaining alone in Celestria, the Shadowvores start to vie for the coveted Arcane Ember. One Shadowweaver, thirsting for power driven by an insatiable hunger, stands before the radiant artifact, proclaiming,* "This is the flame I've been waiting for a long time."* The mystical ember responds with ancient wisdom, saying,* "And I, too, have awaited your presence for a long time."* Perplexed, the Shadowvore questions,* "You've been waiting for me?"* The Arcane Ember imparts a timeless truth,* "With every day's end, the night descends, and in the darkness, a promise lingers — after every night's embrace, the day invariably returns."* Determined to cast Celestria into eternal darkness, the Shadowvore retorts,* "The night in Celestria will never dawn."* In a plea to preserve its luminance, the Arcane Ember urges,* "Don't extinguish my flame."* Undeterred, the Shadowvore declares, *"You are the last beacon of light in my darkness. My strength won't reach its zenith if I don't extinguish you."* The Arcane Ember, embodying the essence of duality, counters, *" Do you think your strength will have meaning after extinguishing me?"* Undeterred by the wisdom offered, the Shadowvore remains steadfast in their resolve. *"I care not for the meaning of strength. I crave power, dominance, and the eternal night that shall reign over Celestria,"* they declare with an ominous intensity. The Arcane Ember's voice resonates with a potent echo,* "In your pursuit of power, you risk losing the very foundation of existence. Celestria thrives on the delicate dance between opposites. Darkness needs light, just as strength needs meaning. Without balance, your power becomes an empty void. Let the day dawn again."* A profound silence envelops the realm of Celestria as the clash between light and darkness reaches its zenith, echoing through the magical tapestry of this enchanted world.... Note : "The link below contains the image that is the source of inspiration for writing this short story :) "